What is the movie with the greatest TWIST ever? Where you shit your pants over the movie twist being so fucking crazy??

What is the movie with the greatest TWIST ever? Where you shit your pants over the movie twist being so fucking crazy??

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The oldboy twist is pretty funny

Went into it blind, highly underrated.

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>Went into it blind
how did you see it then


Empire Strikes Back

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to me dark city.

The only correct answer is the Sixth Sense. It’s the twist to end all twists

probably the original Planet of the Apes
close 2nd was the 6th Sense

Funny Games had an unexpected ending. Also, The Vanishing

Citizen Cane, still classic

This, but maybe it was because I watched it in the mid-80s for the first time, and I was just a kid then. I also had never been thrown a curve ball like that before.

I'll admit Shamaaylhmayhalyhlahyan tries to throw the audience off the trail, but you can assume what the twist is before it's revealed. If you were watching it intently, you'll start to notice something doesn't feel quite right.


Homicidal (1961)

This HAS to have a new word made up for how stupid this "unexpected" shit is. Just because something is unexpected doesn't make it good.

I blame D&D for causing a spawn of hatred on the logic-less unexpected bullshit, too.

were talking twists, not tricks. twists you have to earn via good writing. M night has never written anything good in his life

Well, here is another unexpected one. I didn't think it was bad.

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if you watch 6th sense intently you'll also notice its an absolute shit show. the guy hasnt realized that no one can see or speak to him in months. theres even a scene where he thinks hes on a date with his wife lol its fucking ridiculous

damn her 5head has always been a 5head

i always thought predestination was a sick ass twist

i went in blind and loved it


The only time I managed to not get spoiled about a movie before watching it was Fight Club
I watched it a year or two ago, I don't know how I made it that long without knowing

For me it's BR49, when the twist is that there is no twist and K really just was retarded. Threw me way of.
Also, checked.

Game of Thrones, because people think episode 6 was the final episode lol.

They don't know that there is an episode 7 which is marketed as a "documentary" but is actually the real finale.

We have been inside Brans dreams for the last few episodes.

The Usual Suspects ending

What do you mean by "best twist?" One where the clues are all laid out in front of you, but the reveal is still surprising to most people? So something like Psycho or The Sixth Sense?
One where the twist comes out of nowhere, then the movie goes back and shows you how everything you saw can be reinterpreted, now knowing the twist? So something like Wild Things or Sleepaway Camp?
Or one where the twist is just an unexpected, shocking ending that isn't really built up other than basic plot tension like The Departed or Onions Green?
My personal favorites would probably be The Sting, or The Usual Suspects.

>Onions Green
Fucking filters. IT'S DAMN MOVIE TITLE!!

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By pointing the dog to the screen.

The Crying Game

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That poster is so great, too bad the movie didn't loo s good

Went to theatre on opening day to see ‘Usual Suspects’ with little kniwledge of what the film was about. I just thought the poster looked good.
If you keep watching the film over you see links in the plot.

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>Onions Green

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she used to be so cute :3
also, checked

The Perfect Getaway

nice fucking quads, Ellen
>What is the movie with the greatest TWIST ever?
The ending of The Mist

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>No "Se7en"

Come on lads

I was 14 and rented it from the video store with no knowledge other than people had said it was good. The ending blew me away that first watch.

It's an unexpected ending, but is there really a "twist?" What would that be? That Brad Pitt is wrath? We're never led to believe otherwise. That his wife's head is in the box? Again - no misdirection, where's the twist? That Spacey is envy and Pitt shoots him? I suppose that'a bit of a twist, but it follows perfectly from the events that just happened.
I think Seven is an incredible thriller, but a pretty weak twist, honestly.

When have these conspiracies ever been true? Can't think of a single instance. Oh that wasn't the REAL ending, trust me! As if HBO wouldn't milk that shit for subs

Amen to that, I'm glad it's not a very popular movie so I went into it blind also, I didn't even know there was a twist going into it. It has a real classic twist too, one that makes you go, "Ohhhh."
I recommend it to everyone into sci-fi horror. Sorry if you'll be expecting a twist, though.

My favorite twist is Superman 2, when he plays the trick on Zod and the Legion of Doom and takes their powers away instead of taking his own away, i loved that scene for 30 years

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>these fucking digits




That's a decent, if brief, twist. To me, the proper twist set-up is thus:
>story leans toward and suggests to the viewer that A is going on
>A seems perfectly rational and logical throughout
>story then reveals that actually B (or perhaps even the complete opposite of A) is going on
>B is just as if not more logical and rational than A
You have to be thinking A is happening, only to realize it's actually B. That's why I don't think Seven works because we're never given the A to contrast with the B reveal. We're never given reason to think Spacey ISN'T going to be killed by Pitt, completing his sins. WE just don't have the foreshadowing of these events, so they are surprising.
Contrast this with Fight Club, where we are repeatedly - both visually and narratively - made to think Pitt and Norton are different people. So when we find out they are the same person - and indeed we can go back and see tiny flashes indicating this - it makes the surprise an actual twist.

A shocking ending isn't a twist. I don't think that one counts.

Jacob's Ladder

Twist: He actually died in Vietnam on the battlefield

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The twist is fucking amazing and you can not change my mind

If Hitchcock were alive to see the first Saw movie, he would have said it was the greatest movie of all time.