Where are the reviews for Aladdin? Where's the hype? It's opening in 2 days

Where are the reviews for Aladdin? Where's the hype? It's opening in 2 days.

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zoomers arent interested for some reason

Guy Richie needs to onock off this Disney shit and make THE REAL ROCKNROLLA

>where's the hype

That time passed long ago when Disney convinced its shareholders that a live action Aladdin was gonna make bank. They sparkle is their eyes as Disney feed them horseshit lies was the only hype this movie ever had.

If I wanted to watch a Bollywood movie, I would have watched a Bollywood movie. but I don't

At least Bollywood flicks can be fun.

the main actor looks like shit and the whole film looks unironically soulless

It's a disservice to compare this to Bollywood IMO. Bollywood at least has a fuckton of energy. Compare Will Smith singing Prince Ali to this


I've seen the toys on clearance at Walmart already.



Good. Let this Disney garbage bomb and be forgotten.

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>Disney's "Live Action" project crashing and burning
Thank goodness.

Will Smith is terrible casting for Genie and Jasmine doesn't have her sexy outfit.

I just dont understand how Guy Richie made this movie.


i'm so sick of this orange and blue bullshit


I don't understand how he made King Arthur either, but at least you could see some of what he made there. This has literally nothing.

Carlton Banks's actor would have been a better casting for the Genie than Will Smith. These people are absolutely tone deaf if they think the gebie is supposed to be a "cool" guy.

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I honestly had no idea it was out in 2 days, I thought it was months away. Is there not much marketing for it?

The overload of TV spots on the Disney YT Channel is putting the Avengers promo to shame.
Somehow they succeeded in showing 30x the same clips but in a different order.
That shit is cringe incarnate.

You can tell Disney and it's media slaves are prepping for this to bomb. Not a single story in the front page of Google about how it's box office is projected.

zoomers never watched aladdin

It's been 8 years since the last 2D animated Disney movie

10 if you count high profile

I'm saw busstops ads here in Paris. The worst was at my pizza place.
Usually you see the cringiest shit on his front (theme parks, shitty brands, and movies barely above direct to video stuff) , because nobody of importance wants to waste money on a poster ad at a remote surburbs pizza place. Yet Disney shilled the bucks for this one.

this. put the pink ranger in jasmine's traditional outfit and this movie would make bank

Disney isn't advertising it and isn't paying anyone to review it

Will Smith is terrible casting in everything he has been for the last 15 years
Should have been Django instead

The rocknrolla will not return.

Saving that ad money to buy their own tickets.
I wonder how many more times they can prime the pump with that strategy.

>tax write-off: the movie
Gee, I wonder why it didn't get any advertising.

is there any proof they actually do this?

It's Disney, they don't need """Yea Forums""" hype to sell movies. This will be one of the top 10 grossing films of all time.

Yeah, just like Dumbo and Mary Poppins, right shill?

because they've watched the other live action shit and realized it's fucking awful

>It's opening in 2 days
Wait, what? It's coming out in a few days? I thought the movie comes out next week not this week. Also;
What hype? This movie look so soulless.

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