WOOP! WOOP! Grab some Faygo and let's talk about some juggakino!
WOOP! WOOP! Grab some Faygo and let's talk about some juggakino!
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I wanna fuck a slutty clown
wtf why did she tape the hair back on her head? Also, I'd fuck her.
watch her other video where she slaps her tummy and shows before pictures when she was skinny
>I used to be really thin...like really, really thin. now I'm fat and I don't really know what to do about that.
a welcome breath of cancerous autistic air to be honest. this place has been feeling so reddit lately
I dare you not to enjoy this track
>clown rap
bunch of posers. wizards are the real o.g.'s
based insane juggalette, what the fuck is she even talking about
>Nerd Core
It was a simpler time.
Wtf is wrong with the whitey?
it's all about family son, something you wouldn't understand.
I've met several black juggalos. They are some of the strangest people on this planet.
Never seen an attractive juggalo, why do they all look like shit
tfw we live in a society
I don't think you've seen enough of them. But yes, they are way below average, on average.
most are fat and trashy but there are some cute ones
What the fuck is going on there?
Are those kids? How the fuck is that legal?
nice fat clown
im down with clownworld, i just cant respect icp theyre just too gaytrash
You've never heard of scared straight? They take juvenile delinquents and give them a tour of prisons to try to scare them into changing their bad behavior. Very entertaining.
leave zoomer nigger
so did they ever learn how magnets really worked?
this always gets me
how do I get a qt juggalette gf without being a juggalo?
for me it's Jackiee6969
god, kinda chub white bitches like that one with the towel make my dick solid
i actually own this album
jesus christ
Me on the left.
I started listening to ICP at 12. Still dig their old stuff and some of the new, but I hated the Family Era which we still might be in I'm not sure. Any other semi-retired juggalos here?
By the way watch this if you wanna hear some funny shit about their days with WWE and WCW
Why are these retards so obsessed with this one shitty band?
Jesus fucking Christ.
You did this to prisoners of war and you'd be put on trial for war crimes.
The sooner the US is nuked by Russia the better.
Why are they all fat slags?
Listen to their old shit and see for yourself. That's what everyone got hooked on. It's impossible for you to understand post 2000s where they're just memed into oblivion. Before Milenko they weren't even called juggalos we didn't have a name. We just really liked the music and it was just a really crazy thing to be into. And the concerts are an experience, like nothing else I've ever been to. Never went to the gathering though never had the money
TV is such fucking garbage. This is horrible. And then fucking Buzzfeed and huffingpaint post go on about muh mysterious youtube Nazis because pewdiepie said nigger and isnt an sjw.
get a grip lol
its not like those teens are in any danger. it's basically a court-ordered field trip. compared to months at juvvie its not a bad deal
Leave it to jews to advertise and profit off of the suffering of troubled children. Fucking kikes man.
What's up with these teenage puritans lately
jeckly bros was my fav.
hated hells pitt and everything after
yuropoor here, is faygo kino drink?
loser anthem
They are being abused and abuse has life long consequences whether you are in actual physical danger of being killed/maimed or not.
Why are you allowed to do this to kids but not adults? If you honestly think this is OK you are fucking sick.
Lads, I might go to the Gathering this year to see a friend play, even though I'm not a juggalo and haven't seriously listened to ICP since high school.
Talk me out of it.
sounds like 90% of nu-metal
also, checked
I dont give a shit whats on tv, it just pisses me off that horrible stuff like that is on tv and buzzfeed hack journalists are silent about it and instead write hitpieces about pewdiepie or some little girl on youtube being morally unacceptable.
>You did this to prisoners of war and you'd be put on trial for war crimes.
No you definitely would not, doofus.
eat a bullet
Go and fuck some juggahoes
they look like they fuck niggers
wtf is up with all these juggalo threads recently?
Juggalos are definitely niggers, despite their white skin and european heritage.
Just remember there vote counts as much as yours.
>"A protected person may not have anything done "of such a character as to cause physical suffering or extermination... the physical suffering or extermination of protected persons in their hands. This prohibition applies to murder, torture, corporal punishments, mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment. While popular debate remains on what constitutes a legal definition of torture, the ban on corporal punishment simplifies the matter; even the most mundane physical abuse is thereby forbidden by Article 32, as a precaution against alternate definitions of torture."
>"eat a bullet"
I'm sure you would if you ever did this to adults during wartime.
Stop trying to denigrate people for your own edification.
i took a break and explored other music and shit but i'm back and remember all the words to songs I haven't heard in years
>These people are the "attractive juggalos"
>Why are they all fat slags?
They're from the American midwest. Obesity is near total there. Even by America's own round standards, they're the fatties.
I went to this a few years ago and as a shy normie got three decent looking girls to fuck me. If you're a permavirgin consider it. Just act like the music isn't terrible. I think I might go again next year because I want to fuck a midget.
Is that a herpe on her lip?
My fiancee is under 4'10 so legally a midget and I assure you that you won't regret it. Best sex of my life and her body looks like a lingerie model got hit with a shrink ray. Everything is so tight and perky and she's a decent human too because people treated her like shit because she's a womanlet. I'm 6'3 and people look at me like I'm a kid diddler when we hold hands and kiss at the mall. Shit's great.
Women are supposed to be short, retard
Let me guess, yuroslime that doesn't know how really short under 4'10 is or filthy chink that lives in a country of midgets?
I wonder what a bunch of /r9k/ forever alones would do if suddenly put in that environment for a weekend.
Swallow a shotgun brainlet juggalo zoomer.
but /pol/ told me the midwest is based and redpilled, surely you are mistaken
Probably fuck it up somehow because they're dumb as shit and refuse to sleep with women that aren't supermodels even though they are ugly troglodytes themselves. There is no hope for reddit9k incel subhumans. No hope, just the rope.
lmao she's starting to look like the parkland goblin
or a midge
me on the left
this fucker drinking pepsi instead of faygo
where to find a qt sex freak juggalette?
looks like it's the 20th anniversary. Good luck user
I'm going. I'm gonna rawdog so many trashy sluts that they'll have to name the disease I get on my dick after me.
There are girls there that are far more attractive than they should be holding signs saying they'll fuck for weed or pizza or if it gets really bad bottled water. We're talking girls who definitely got molested. It's great, you're gonna love it.
no way
Gathering looks fun
I watched a documentary about it and he's not kidding. Plus it's the big anniversary one so it's gonna be filled with dirty sluts. I might go, will they welcome a moderate Chad among them you guys think? I'm disgusting on the inside and will fuck anything over a 5/10.
if it weren't for the halter tops I would have wagered there was only one female in that pic
Lord Jesus, millenials are an ugly lot
1. Has a pretty face.and terrible tits
2. Would be qt if she dressed normal
3. Already has old women gots
4. Trainwreck
>2. Would be qt if she dressed normal
>completely naked
what did he mean by this?
Lol nice sore
>Juggalo General
wtf is this shit?
there are juggalos on some tv shows therefore it is legit
my cousin was a jugallo in the late 2000s. First pair of tits I ever saw were from some stripper jugallete who flashed me and my friends at a house party.
Yes, Rock n' Rye is the best flavor of all.
All of these women look like they would definitely give you a venereal disease. Both the curable and non-curable kind.
It's clownworld era, so we now have a band of our times.
would all 4
I've had chlamydia three times and have some form of HPV definitely. I'm not locked in there with them, they're locked in there with me.
rent free nigger
I have a fetish for trashy american women from landlocked states who compensate average looks with sluttiness, what's wrong with me
30 fucking GoT and Marvel threads and this is what you choose to complain about?
think about all the drunk sluts you could fuck and crazy shit you could see.
have sex
Imagine the smell
Get a job
$200 is a lot to pay for herpes
>$200 is a lot to pay for herpes
how much would you pay?
how do I get a qt juggalo gf?
cook meth
>tfw never had this much fun in my life
is it real or will i really get my ass kicked if i go? what if i spend all that money and end up staying in my tent playing vidya
It's hard to say. If you are a shitty person, you can have a shitty time anywhere. I've been to many Gatherings, and from an anthropological standpoint, it's fucking pure comedy white trash gold.
you can literally slap a girl's ass and most likely do a lot more for $1. As long as you don't go full on rapist you should be fine. The hardest part would be pretending to like the music.
these gatherings are just a mass collection of white trash. as long as you know how to handle yourself among white trash (basically niggers with a very slight code of honor system) you'll be left alone and probably get laid once or twice
juggalos are usually either fat as fuck or scrawny drug addicts
sounds like you put too much importance on whats online. Go outside user really.
fucking based
>Help a little girl get home
See, definitely molested and willing to fuck for goods. /r9k/ has no excuse. Incels don't exist, just lazy stupid volcels. She would fuck anyone for a hundred bucks. Go to the Gathering and get laid, she's not horrible looking either, better than what 98% of /r9k/ deserves at least.
>It's hard to say. If you are a shitty person, you can have a shitty time anywhere.
this is actually great advice
It says help a lette get home.
Imagine how many bastard white trash kids have been created at these things. Shit's insane. And people wonder why I'm pro abortion. Enjoy paying out of your check for 18+ years for little Klownzy Faygo McNiggerberg just because you didn't want some slut sucking him out of her uterus before he became a blight on humanity. None of these people's offspring will be splitting the atom anytime soon.
Same difference. She's selling ass and was definitely molested as a kid. No reason to not take her up on her offer.
You are welcome.
Im not american, can anyone explain what this jugallo shit is? Looks like some trashy degenerate culture that could only exist in the US.
Please describe the ethnicity of this name. I'll wait.
>Im not american
nobody gives a shit about you
Here is an instructional video:
Mostly they are fans of a rap duo who have gone from being a regular fan, and it's more like a sub-culture. There is clown paint, rap music, nasty sluts, and generally low self-esteem. They are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, especially during a concert or gathering.
Juggalos are faggots. I can tell I hate this stinky fucker just from looking at him. DUDE WEED AND RAP AND GANG SIGNS
Wtf a skinny juggalo?
I’m a juggalo but like a normal dude. I hate trash juggalos. I’ve been stopped on the street and rapped to several times for wearing an ICP shirt. I like the music and style but don’t rap to me.
Midgets have stubbier legs
based architect
Thank you for this blog post, my juggalo homie.
Holy shit, I know that girl
savor the odor
UNIRONICALLY what did they mean by this
One of them Scottish German Jews.
I fucking hate juggalos and white trash with a passion but I envy them
Fuckin magnets, how do they work?
So become one. It's not like it's hard to do. You don't have to pass a test or something.
this but unironically
Our excuse is that we want a wife we can create a functional family with, not some burn out whore that's good for nothing.
how do you fake being a juggalo to fuck a bunch of slutty juggalettes?
acquire brain damage and smelly clothes
Also weed. It goes a long way.
I think juggalos are worse than niggers
surely juggalos do more than just weed? they seem more tweaked out than just high on grass
Oh yes. They will take anything. But weed is a minimum. They were really into Jeffries, when that was a thing.
Mankini is a true bro. I talked to him about Risk, the boardgame.
Which is just like you said, an excuse. You can still have that and fuck a couple whores in the meantime. You're cowards, and you always have an excuse. The kikes of virginity.
This thread makes me feel white shame
Stop feeling pride or shame for the accomplishments or actions of others, and you will be a lot better off.
>implying all juggalos are white
my gf looks like that. started off super skinny in high school, then fat in college, then lost enough weight to be sorta chub like the pic. It's been a wild ride.
ill take number two to go please
it comes with free stds
White people throwing corporate approved gang signs. Muricans can monetise anything.
>monetise anything
>except an image board
4ching generates insane amounts of money, just not necessarily for moot or hiroshimoot.
For who?
For ISP providers, for Warner Brothers who sell V for vendetta masks, for the GOP, etc etc
Are you actually a legit retard?
wrong data analysts,marketers, and hiroshimoot make money off here;hiro sold us to be watched
Pepper Kester was a QT
Name one (1) marketer who receives money from this site. I get that the shilling here _might_ drive some kind of sales somewhere (Capeshit ticket sales, for example), but it is rather non-quantifiable.
Mostly this board drives people to pirate or stream things they have no intention of ever paying for.
Not even close to your level. You are claiming that Yea Forums wasn't the driving force and home of anonymous, and that Warner Bros didn't make enormous profits selling V masks? Feel free to demonstrate with examples how this is wrong. That is just one simple example of money that Yea Forums generates, seeing as you weren't smart enough to think of any examples yourself.
>name one
brazzers, but other porn companies is an ez example. i mean full on fucking ads on r9k.
>Warner Brothers copyright masks
>Warner Brothers
So how does Yea Forums profit from this, again?
I get that Warner Brothers may be fanning the flames of the zeitgeist, but I can't imagine they are cutting checks to anyone but their shills.
Again, Brazzers/Blacked/instathotdujuor/psychopathicrecords are using this platform to promote, and rightfully so. But how does Yea Forums actually pay them money?
Reading comprehension is pretty great. Original post stated that the site generates huge amounts of money, just not necessarily for the site owner. I've typed it twice now, so that you can take it on board seeing as you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.
>how does Yea Forums pay them money
other way around the companies pay Yea Forums to look at our habits to accumulate data on interests to market to us on here, and make a profit off us. it's not a parasitic relationship;they're both dependent on one another. only reason Yea Forums is still around, and will remain. it's the largest honeypot known.
Dont really like the uppity fags itt whining about scared straight, incels, and warner brothers
Juggalos are subhumans who should be nuked at one of those gatherings.
The original post was a flippant remark about "monetizing anything," which this site does quite dubiously.
and only this guy:
Offered an actual explanation.
Fuck off Warner Brother Incel shill.
Colorado is midwest and the least obese state. Stay seething, fatass coastcuck.
Nice Trips, but Colorado is a Mountain state. You, Wyoming, Utah, and Montana are your own region.
We still consider ourselves midwest when it comes to defending the midwest situations. When we're knocking the midwest we're not midwest. It's like Jews and being white. It's cool.
Will there be more juggalo threads in the future? This thread's been better than anything here in the past week.
>midwest situations
What on earth?
Situations where defending the midwest takes priority. Like giving them a better look by adding Colorado to lower obesity rates. Did you think I meant stuff happens in the midwest? Because it doesn't, and it's nice.
Ah I see. Why are there so many juggalos in Colorado?
I haven't seen any since the early 00s. I'm not so sure there *are* many. I know some still survive in small towns in mid Florida, and whatever state Gothic King Cobra is from.
>There are Juggalos worldwide, so what’s happening in the US affects us all. It’s frustrating, because there's only so much we can do to help over here in the UK. Either way, I support my fellow homies in the States.
Juggalos are a worldwide family
Remember Tila Tequila? Remember when she tried to rap and got pelted with rocks and shit by juggalos?
what's the best flavor?
It’s candy apple
pineapple orange seems like it would be good
live in the early 2ks. best fucks in the world though.
juggalos are still around