Can I get a BASED, bros?
Can I get a BASED, bros?
why can't another leader be referenced for once? there are tons of greeks and romans people can use
I wonder how many she watched.
I wonder how many more dubs this thread will have.
Is she /our gal/?
hitler is just too based
Yeah because we totally have footage of the Greeks and Romans
>why can't another leader be referenced for once?
Listen to a speech from Stalin and one from Hitler, then you'll know.
>watching videos of ancient Greek and Roman speeches
She didn't get enough time to really shine.
she's just like me!
> He doesn't know
Hitler is the (((Hollywood))) boogeyman.
Living inside their head for 75 years.
Hitler pales in comparison to the CHAD Mussolini though
His oratory style is worth to study tbqh.
because she said hitler
Because Hitler was a great orator. He could fire up an audience so well, everyone in attendance wanted to conquer the world.
Because just reading speeches isn't good enough to get a 'feel' for how to give one. Hitler as a speaker was fucking top tier.
I thought this stuff was based on American "liberation"?
Wtf, I love Dany now
nope, that's just some fan theory parroted by the washington post
Okay, this is epic.
Mussolini was better.
Because he was the best orator in history
It fits, though. America kills literally all the civilians, ruins the area, and then says "liberated!"
>favorite word is 'xenophobic'
>watched hitler videos
Is Emilia /pol/ now?
literally and unequivocally BASED and /ourgirl/
why is she dressed like a whore in public?
because retarded
based and have a redpilled while im at it
get back to your opinion column
enough with the digits
Danny confirmed based
>Hitler pales in comparison to the CHAD Mussolini though
Mussolini's government was ultra incompetent.
So user I had to practice for this speech and I kept listening to these Hitler speeches haha but you ever noticed they are quite captivating? I mean the things he said about the jews and the globalists I mean it wasn't all stupid was it? user do you want to watch Goebbels with me next?
>control + F "based"
>only 7 results
Yea Forums, I dreamed I was old
You're not allowed to commend Hitler on anything. It went off the rails at the end, of course, but he was a great orator and dragged Germany out of the depths of deep economic depression.
If you're talking about white imperialism, literally any area that's undergone it is better off than it was before.
My girl...
I's a part of the mediterranean culture, you wouldn't undestand
just realised - why do DnD force them to wear evil black pointy sharp outfits whenever they become evil?
she wore bright coloured beautiful dresses when she was good.
For the imperialists, yes.
she's just like me !
Emcels rise up!
The dark outfit is the Targaryen colours. She should've worn that all along.
Yes. But we realized too late.
If your going to reference a specific orator why not reference the best?
Oh so sorry you have to suffer under the oppression of a house that doesn't blow over in a storm or a railway to help move supplies around, the only catch is you have to fix it yourself but you're too goddamn stupid to remember from one day to the next what needs doing to keep it from falling to shit
For literally any mudhut backwards civilization they propped up too. Are you that ignorant to history?
I watched multiple videos and read books, and Hitler's charisma is the best among them. Mussolini comes off as a goof.
>I's a part of the mediterranean culture, you wouldn't undestand
Rome wasn't incompetent.
No. He comes off silly with his body movement, and his voice doesn't engage with his speech. Even if you don't understand German you can feel Hitler's speeches from his tone and emotions.
Close enough.
WTF I love the Mad Queen now
Source on the darkie in pic.
I love that change in her mood when she realizes Jon Snow isn't joining in on her celebration.
Because Hitler did nothing wrong, except lose
mussolini was a retard and a buffoon
Hitler turned weimar uganda tier cuckmany into GerMANy
Hitler conquered Europe, North Africa and Caucasus.
Hitler made two world enemy powers unite to defeat him
Hitler had an ideology so strong it will live far beyond italian oligarch fascism
>One video had Hitler railing against the jews in the press. I went back to rereading the season finale script when it hit me. Weiss. Benihof. My god Hitler was right.
digits in this thread are wild right now
Kek listens
>Greeks and Romans
>Watched videos of
No one is saying Greeks and Romans and whoever else didn't have brilliant Orators, but reading their speeches does not give the some feeling as seeing the speeches happen, and Hitler was one of the greatest orators ever recorded on film
>except lose
Yeah but that's by far the most important thing to not get wrong.
What America does is the antithesis of Imperialism. Normally the empire conquers an area and then improves it in return for using it's resources and people to gain greater wealth and power for it's own people. America on the other hand comes in, ruins an area, and doesn't even get any benefit from it.
well she dune goofed because she wasn't giving of hitler vibes at all,Ich spreche Deutsch.
Because Hitler had a really strong voice during his speeches that moved a fuck load of people. He was that fucking good.
But listen to any audio where he talks with his normal voice and he actually sounds like a beta lmao
>Watched videos of dictators, INCLUDING HITLER
They really wanna cancel the woman they championed for many years because her character turned out the way she was supposed to?
>But listen to any audio where he talks with his normal voice and he actually sounds like a beta lmao
There's only one audio recording of him speaking informally, and in it he sounds alpha as fuck.
>watched hitler speeches to prepare for her role where she talks about liberating the good people of the planet from the evil tyrants
Woah now thats based and dare I say redpilled.