What did she mean by this?
Her favorite X word is Xenophobia too, is she /ourgirl/
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Best girl
>that spoiler
Let me post it
is she /ourgirl/?
I want to beat muslims with her
You know it
post that one emilia webm. you know the one.
Can you love someone TOO much?
>when you research Hitler to prepare for the character you are playing and you realize that your character did nothing wrong
>Jon, we've found a final solution to the Lannister question!
They fucking cheered, fucking heretics
looks like they didn't know how to react. because they're dumb.
Yeah i have a crush on Emilia Clarke now. Thanks faggots, time to suffer againfor a girl i will never see irl
Truly, /oruqueen/
You're welcome
>Cheering the death of /ourgirl/
Burn them all
ahahahaha golden
>Yea Forums roots for Dany while Burlington turned on Dany
Truly we have come a full circle.
I guess our ____________ got _________
Kinslaying, queenslaying BASTARD
What a bunch of fucking zombies, wtf
Apparently, yes
Friends, Redditors, shitposter, lend me your (you)s;
I come to bury Daenerys, not to praise her.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft unadapted from the books;
So let it be with Daenerys. The talented Dabid
Hath told you Daenerys was a tyrant:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Daenerys answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Dabid and the rest–
For Dabid are talented writers;
So are they all, all talented writers–
Come I to speak in Daenerys’s final /got/ general.
She was my waifu, pure and cute to me:
But Dabid says she was a tyrant;
And Dabid are talented writers.
She hath freed many slaves at Slaver's Bay
Whose chains she did break without payment:
Did this in Daenerys seem a tyrant?
When that the poor have cried, Daenerys hath wept:
Tyranny should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Dabid says she was a tyrant;
And Dabid are talented writers.
You all did see that in Winterfell
She was instrumental in the defeat of the Army of the Dead,
For which she asked no recompense: was this tyranny?
Yet Dabid says she was a tyrant;
And, sure, they are.
I speak not to disprove what Dabid wrote,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love her once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to mourn for her?
O reason! thou art fled in favour of subverted expectations,
And characters have lost their development!
Bear with GRRM;
My hopes is in the books there with Daenerys,
And I must wait until they are released to me.
In english, doc
She was in the right though. And King's Landing was too morally decadent to ever be saved, it's like how Aegon burned Harenhall.
>Yea Forums realises she was, is, and will always be /ourgirl/ AFTER they raped her character in the shitshow that was season 8
Better late than never
But they made her actually turbobased in S8. Was the first time i was actually cheering for her.
No, i'm not from /pol/
Nah I realized she was best girl back in S7
That whole video is insanely cute. It's the cutest she's ever looked. The video is called something like "emilia clarke asks where are my spanx"
She wanted to go through the whole world eradicating slavery in all its forms with fire and blood. How is this tyranny?
saved, put the one Emilia says she stands with Dany too
Who here has loved her since the sack of Astapor
Here you go user.
This is just a bonus since I fucking love the black dress/blonde hair/red lipstick combo she has going on here
Danny was 100% right to burn down kings landing just like ra's al ghul was right to try destroy Gotham. Kings landing was full of moral decay and needed to be cleansed by fire to purge the degeneracy away.
top kek
she's larping as literally hitler
You all do realize that if she didn't go on the social media and said she's against what her character represent and that she is disappointed of the ending her career would be over right?
Where is my vocaroo?
A is for anal
B is for blowjob
C is for cumshot
The burning was good, but the motivations behind it were not. So i rate mad bomber Daeneys based, but blupilled
Absolutely based
for those who haven't already seen this
Fuck me in the ass and call me Brittany, fuck. I just want to marry her
>titty keeps almost falling out
That looks like a really upper class escort ad -- and that's a good thing!
Good lord
Imagine if Emilia was your aunt.
She's the kind of woman I want to marry...
Es bleiben im Raum: Snow, Lannister, Stark und Mormont!
yeah haha would be so funny lmao
Are you and the people determined, if the Queen orders it, to work ten, twelve, and, if necessary, fourteen and sixteen hours a day and to give your utmost for victory? I ask you: Do you want total war? Do you want it, if necessary, more total and more radical than we can even imagine it today?
>mourning the death of YAAAS QWEEEN SLAY
>cheering the death of LITERALLY HITLER
>NPC.exe has shut down
>As long as I have a face, Emilia will always have a place to sit.
Ok, which one of you fags was it?
I'd rather imagine her my wife and mother of my children
only if I get one whiff of your farts, my lady
based and emiliapilled
replace it with any totalitarian nation and ideology throughout history and it still works, the meme is about Hitler because she researched Hitler speeches
Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with Americans? Why are they so much like zombies?
she is also hoping for more disney work so she has to show she can tow the company line
A smile that can melt ice...
there was literally no motivation, D&D kinda forgot give Daenerys motivation and character development this season.
>mfw my history and download folder is full of Emilia Clarke
I think I finally understand the NPC meme
i want to lick her eyebrows
You probably all see this already but:
post some emilia for my phone background
euros are far worse. And don't even get me started on central americans or chinks...
May god have mercy on my soul.
Her on screen death was more satisfying than Cersei's. I was overjoyed to see her go.
Ehhh I'd fuck her. Would be nice if she put a couple pounds on too, she's the type that has it go straight to her tits. Top notch fat distribution genetics.
>The Lannisters send their regards
Racist bitch i dont know how anyone can still like her
do you think about Emilia,when you're having sex?
>Would be nice if she put a couple pounds on too
You guys now all realize you are Jorah Mormonts.
They really didn't, though. Look at their faces. The uncertainty. The glancing around trying to read the room on the fly. Even the noise they made was basically ambiguous too. Not quite a cheer but not quite a cry of anguish either, so that way they can claim one or the other later on. I'd actually feel so horribly bad for this subsection of the millennial generation, if I didn't already fucking hate them so much. They are wholly and utterly owned by a "big brother" style mentality. It's doubly pathetic because they fucking did it to themselves.
You stay off Emilia Pierce
i've trying to find a hooker that looks like Emilia, but on the shithole i live isn't possible
>yas queen slay feminist power fantasy was /ourgirl/ all along
I don't know how to feel about this. Is this what tsundere means?
Aye, lad.
I hope this is bait
seth mcfarlane banged her
someone post the Emilia text of when she was on the hospital
Can you dump this on the next /ecg/ thread?
teddy bear :(
Please don't, it makes me sad
Cute, how to Emelia gf?
>156cm tall
>"When they woke me, I was screaming in pain," she recalled. "The procedure had failed. I had a massive bleed and the doctors made it plain that my chances of surviving were precarious if they didn't operate again. This time they needed to access my brain in the old-fashioned way -- through my skull. And the operation had to happen immediately."
>The recovery lasted a month and it was much harder than the first. Clarke said she suffered from panic attacks, felt like a shell of herself, and tried to block the memories of the dark time.
>>One night, after I’d passed that crucial mark, a nurse woke me and, as part of a series of cognitive exercises, she said, “What’s your name?” My full name is Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke. But now I couldn’t remember it. Instead, nonsense words tumbled out of my mouth and I went into a blind panic. I’d never experienced fear like that—a sense of doom closing in. I could see my life ahead, and it wasn’t worth living. I am an actor; I need to remember my lines. Now I couldn’t recall my name.
>I was suffering from a condition called aphasia, a consequence of the trauma my brain had suffered. Even as I was muttering nonsense, my mum did me the great kindness of ignoring it and trying to convince me that I was perfectly lucid. But I knew I was faltering. In my worst moments, I wanted to pull the buttplug. I asked the medical staff to let me die. My job—my entire dream of what my life would be—centered on language, on communication. Without that, I was lost.
>On the set, I didn’t miss a beat, but I struggled. Season 2 would be my worst. I didn’t know what Daenerys was doing. If I am truly being honest, every minute of every day I thought I was going to die.
>so nervous being nude she's shaking like a leaf
I didn't watch game of thrones,can I get a quick run down of the last episode?
>daenerys asks jon to be her king, so they could conquer the world together with dragons, giant wolves and big armies
>jon kills her because a imp in the death block ordered him to and fucks off to the coldest place in the planet live like a savage
>autist cripple becomes king
Any doctrine of totalitarianism works, she looked at Hitler speeches because he's arguably the best orator on recorded film. Stalin ain't got shit on the ubermensch Hitler speech
this fascist despot is terrifying I hope she is caught before she kills anyone
I'll think about it. My upload speed is fucking terrible lol.
I know some of us are here to meme, but I honestly think she's precious, charming and positive. She may be a bit awkward sometime, but I really prefer that over overly-serious, bitchy actresses.
If anything I surely love that woman. I always did, and I regret it took me so long to appreciate Daenerys. Right before she got killed!
upload please, i want it!
>In my worst moments, I wanted to pull the buttplug.
Basically this. It sounds like a joke, but that's what it is...
>Yea Forums hated her
>iffy acting, weight gain
>it was all the aneurysm
>gets healthy, kino madqueen acting, slender qt
>Yea Forums gave her shit while she was on her deathbed, crying, clutching a stuffed bear
>spend 10 irl years cheering someone
>after 1 wrong move now they pity her enemies and cheer her death
Poor fucking Jon...he suffered so fucking much. He had a hard life
I edited that part in as a little joke to lighten the otherwise depressing read.
>some of us are here to meme
I legit wanna marry her dude
I used to have erotic dreams about Emilia Clarke a couple of years ago, it went away but now that she's Hitler they're coming back.
Adolph's speeches have literally brought a tear to my eye. Fuck this timeline.
pretty sure the first based thing she did was let them kill her brother
once she got her dragons you'd have to be a /pol/tard imbecile not to like her
Why weren't you there for her when she needed you, Yea Forums?
>that first video
I didn't know!
Dabid kind of forgot Jon wasn't a complete BASTID
Imagine getting a brain bleed that only old people get in your twenties lmao what a genetic dead end pajeet.
>that only old people get
Who was the first one user?
I don't condone what he did, but come on you can agree he was basically buttfucked, mentally tortured, deceived, tricked, etc through the whole series...and in the end he killed the woman he loved over "duty" for what? to the be abanddoned by his family? Xanxa and Bran didn't move a finger for him, fucking evil cunts.
>In the years since my second surgery I have healed beyond my most unreasonable hopes. I am now at a hundred per cent.
Yeah, I'm thinking she's back
>charming and positive
Imogen Poots
>I grow more powerful everyday
She's clearly very strong. I can't imagine what it must've been like to go through everything she did and still come out of it smiling.
I want to win her a giant stuffed teddy bear at a carnival
>white power sign
ok that's... based
Thread's theme
realizes she isn´t charismatic enough to get people to follow her unless they´re slaves
has a huge enemy force to make an example of right in front of her
Emilia is very smoll
Aneurisms and strokes are for 80 year olds and the obese, and she's had two in the best years of her life, she won't make it to 50
>ywn have a red-pilled Emilia mommy tuck you in at night
rare emilia, nice
>Aneurisms and strokes are for 80 year olds and the obese
Oh fuck me, I'm spamming blue chekamarks with this. Perfect triggering material
>Not both
Are you even a secret Targaryen
Cute or cringe?
these feels...
Did she watch TGSNT
good one
Imagine being raised by Daisyfu-Emilia lesbian couple mommies
>ywn fondle her boobs as you drift off to sleep
>lesbian couple
Emilia isn't a degenerate
> Marry her
> She dies at 45
> you are now rich, at your peak and can have a younger one
I don't see the issue.
She's gone...I really loved her for only 2 episodes, and she is gone. No more episodes, no sequel, nothing...
fuck off
>Not opening your stomach at her passing
I never knew she was so based.
>the sudden interruption
Daisyfu a CUTE, post your best Daisyfus in response to my post
>Not giving all her money to brain disease research and only keeping enough to hire a professional kaishakunin to assist with your seppuku following her to the afterlife
Fuck off JJ, no-one wants to see your new film and you're ruining a perfectly good /ecg/
>not following her to the night lands
Please someone do this. Here's the reference
I prefer this one:
Time to sleep, it's late - or early.
I'm glad we got some kind of /ecg/ once again. It's comfy
>Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke
Shouldn't Jon Snow be there amoung them?
the fuck was his problem
>watching one of the greatest orators of all time to prepare for her speech in a made up language
>believes in killing tyrants with dragons
Pretty straightforward, user
The only thing she did wrong was placing trust in manlets
>watched hitler
ha, I fucking knew I saw that shit somewhere already
Her eyes are so intense in that scene. The stare. She almost begs for love...
Just watched the film and holy fuck the MC is a retard. He fucking killed himself instead of staying with Emilia because his thot ex-bride cucked him with his best friend Emilia is cute as FUCK tho as always
Emilia is one of those actresses/actors that can make me watch a movie just because they're in it.
>Charles Dance
the fucking Tywin Lannister was in this movie
>tfw downloading this right now because of all the emiliaposting
Is it actually a decent film in it's own right?
What about Solo?
It's a good film, made me feel very sad and lonely
Solo is the best nuStar Wars film in my opinion
She was one of the redeeming factors for solo in my mind before I realized I loved her with all my heart, so worth watching if nothing else than Emilia posting reasons
I can easily imagine her schlicking under her bedsheet, moaning softly, in the morning...
Solo is honestly a chore
Is Emilia Clarke actually based?
Me too unfortunately, and I'm trying very hard not to masturbate myself. Life's tough.
>J-Jon *eyes twitching* it was...just a one-time incident haha I-I-I mean they were our enemies Jon surely you understand it was necessary ahahaha *frantically grabs his arm* you still love Jon, right? *looks at Jon with eyes widely opened* hahahaha of course you do hahahaha silly me you would never betray me right ahahaha hahaha hahahaha
She masturbates on Voice From The Stone see
Another movie to download...Jesus, I'm turning into some kind of Emilia nerd or something
Is it a good shlick scene? Compared to say, the Black Swan one
i think so, yes
but she is charismatic as fuck, watch the speech etc... And they anted to follow her, same with Dothrakis.
Anybody else think the episode as a WHOLE was embarrassing but that a lot of it was shot surprisingly well, cringe moments like the wings not withstanding?
Damn, you really make me want to see it.
It's on xvideos/pornhub
I love how she takes a fat shit and clogs the toilet in this video. (no, I'm not kidding.)
imagine the smell
They were loyal to her due to circumstance. She was never gonna win a popularity contest against someone like John. That´s what that entire godawful dinner scene was about. Varys tried to poison her before she did anything questionable out of sheer distrust.
i just saw the scene on xvideos. It's no the way i expected to be
also, look at this guy heh
i bet he posts on these threads
>I love how she takes a fat shit and clogs the toilet in this video. (no, I'm not kidding.)
He might be in this very thread, user.
>doesn't even smell her fingers afterwards
Immersion ruined
oh shit, she have a timebomb in her head
Stalin was a stuttering faggot who had people executed if they laughed at him when he did speeches.
Did you not watch the video?
So much work to do. So, so much.
>Drogon flew away with the body
She'll be back for the sequel miniseries in ten years.
We're here for her now.
This fucking show. Remember when her infertility was a serious problem and a reason she shouldn't be queen but Bran's cock not working was a reason he'd be an even better king?
Dany deserved better.
weren't they wearing dragon merch a few weeks ago, wtf
No loyalty in any of them. /got/ stays loyal to Stannis years after his death and even Dany is only an acceptable alternative because she never directly opposed him. Fucking Burlington plebs dropped Dany like it's intro to mathematics
I dropped Stannis for Dany for the final two episodes.
Fight me.
i liked solo was a decent movie
Stannis is dead, you can bend the knee to both without conflict. Besides, in the last two episodes she avenged Stannis by burning his enemies.
holy shit how do i marry her, wake me up inside
>holy shit how do i marry her
you can't. it hurts
>you can't
lucid dreaming is the only option
>lucid dreaming
I don't want to evoque any demon unless i could make a pact with him
what do i gotta give up to have a sniff of those pits
i always wanted to wide dany. she ruined women for me
fucking npcs, I can't believe /pol/ was right again
>she ruined women for me
holy shit same
Holy shit you are the real NPCs
You just now realized that meme posters are npcs?
>Holy shit you are the real NPCs
by swinging her around?
I want to marry Emilia and impregnate her with white babies many times!
By watching them impregnate her and raising their children.
She's smaller than a baseball bat, so sure. She might be into it
Do you think shes good in the sack? You think she has odors down there?
The ram has touched the wall, no further
Just because you like the tyrant doesn't mean it's not tyranny.
Villain was awful.
Watch it for setpiece to setpiece jumping and slice of life adventures
is there any character more evil than Bran?
Their programming was updated last week to tell them dany == bad
>u wanna be lord bran
>noh im 3 eyed raven
>u wanna have kids bran meera is ovulating right now
>noh im 3 eyed raven
>wanna be king bran
>just according to keikaku
Who else has a better story than Bran the Betrayer?
>Feed Americans Hitler bad and set up lolocaust museums in every city in America
>need a character to be evil and have audience turn on them
>Show Hitler imagery
Too easy lads
every problem within the story starts with this shit.
iterally all the worse things that happened in the last two seasons are on him, the night king, the wall, the dragons, jorah and theon, hodor, varys, jaime and cersei, the people of kingslanding, dany and jon.
All so the cripple would sit on the throne.
the night king and jaime were fucking heroes for trying to rid the world of his presence
good for her. It shouldn't be off limits.
>Portland cheers for Hitler
One day.
I wonder if she watched this video bros