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/ourgirl/ confirmed
this. redditors on suicide watch
did she get redpilled in the process ?
>Emilia, is that Mein Kampf you're reading?
>get caught watching your every day clips
>"i-t's for my part"
based emilia
I do the same thing every week, but for fun
>yfw you realize Hitler was right but you can't say it in public
She was the good guy all along
Yeah. I'm sure she did
>user, after we take King Landings i task you to take back to Essos and reclaim LEBENSRAUM for our new REICH
Bros, what did she mean by this?
Is she dare i say it,Our Nazi?
>using the Hitler scapegoat to validate your dislike for something
fucking hell man, i feel sorry for Emilia also I LOVE LOVE LOVE her.
For over five years she's a modern icon who grown women dress up as as if they're little girls in Elsa costumes, then almost literally overnight she's having to practice being Hitler
Found my new desktop
Danytrannys SEETHING
>decide to watch evil Hitler speeches to prepare for evil Dany
>get redpilled
Emilia's definitely /ourgal/ now, but she'll never be able to admit it.
What did she mean by this?
That would be my excuse as well.
It doesn't show.
These are fragile people
They're losing their minds in the comments. Hurry up and Post this
post yfw daenerys is LITERALLY HITLER
Why would a dragon girl raised in a mansion with no parents and no need to garner political support be Able or even consider giving a Wagnerian influenced performance speech to an army after a battle?
Not Only that, she didn’t really give a Hitler like speech with the exception of the Nuremberg imagery that those hacks D&D brought up. The metaphor falls even more flat because it was Germany who suffered fire bombing at the hands if Churchill. Perhaps Churchill would have been appropriate to study.
But the idea of Danyris holding a military rally is absurd.
For example Alexander and Napoleon would have military reviews before and after battle, but he didn’t address the soldiers with a speech. If he did it was brief.
Really the Nazi imagery with the bad guys is becoming cheesy and D&D and JJ should be embarrassed
Because Hitler is the only dictator that ever existed ever and every fictional dictator must be literally Hitler
She should have watched Hillary speeches.
And here I thought it was impossible for me to love her anymore than I already did
Churchill and Daenerys share one thing
Both did nothing wrong when they firebombed children
>ywn get head pats from nephew for sacking the city
Kek. I hope one day then United states gets invaded so I can watch YouTube videos of leftist turning in rebels for having guns, arguing they should talk to the invaders with words not violence
What other dictators got to power by democratic way and was liked by majority of his countrymen?
God that's a cute psycho smile.
>I'm not Hitler user, the only thing in common is that neither of us did nothing wrong. You believe me, right? Right, user?
>when you get accidentally redpilled on the JQ while watching hitler speeches to amplify your acting
>we're putting together a team
She wanted to be charismatic though
Hitler's parents were cousins. Both Dany and Adolf are incest babies.
>when you research Hitler to prepare for the character you are playing and you realize that your character did nothing wrong
>these fucking kike producers
Somebody put Hitler"s voice over her speach
I started the show by liking her, then I despised her character, after the final season I like her more than ever and I realize that she was the best all along. Why was Dany so based, why is Emilia Clarke so based.
No she didn't.
>You know, Jon, with great power comes great responsibility. Aegon the Conquerer called it "Valyrian's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Dany looks seriously at the camera.
>"The Andals, the Rhoynar, the Wildlings...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then I shall burn them all. The Day of Fire is near, Jon. We'll have every man, women or child in this city dead or raped to death by my minions, and may God have me killed by the hand of my own nephew if I'm wrong. God bless House Targaryen."
The burning of King's Landing never happened. It's all a hoax perpetrated by filthy Starks, who happen to control Westeros now. What a coincidence!
dabid's cruelty is truly legendary
they redpill dany only to snatch her moment of triumph away
fucking kikes
Someone tell Emilia this ginger is not Hitler
One of us
One of us
she didn't sound anything like hitler tho
>For example Alexander and Napoleon would have military reviews before and after battle, but he didn’t address the soldiers with a speech. If he did it was brief
her whole "speech" was like 2-3 minutes
Oh my god, she has the same hobby as me.
>She watched Hitler speeches to prepare
>STOP WITH YOUR CLICKBAIT, she only watched dictator's speeches including Hitler's in preparation, she didn't look up to Hitler
What the fuck is this shit?
what's he reading?
If you think dany is like Hitler than you have no clue what Htler's views were
>t. Sholmo Shekelberg
>muh WW2
its called denial
they know she's redpilled now
but they can't reconcile someone they've idolized for the past 8 years suddenly turning into a nazi incel out of the blue
Will she watch Osama speeches next?
Remember, you're only seeing history as written by the traitorous Starks
stalin killed more people than hitler.
mao killed more people than hitler. (a LOT more)
why does hitler get all the hate?
Why is literally everything compared to Hitler?
>getting outscored this much
lmao Hitler btfo
id totally live in danyreich
The methods are more important that the stats.
Someone post the one where some guy turn Hitler into a system of measurement
WW2 is the only piece of history American normies know about
because he went after the (((chosen people))) and as we all know a single (((tribesman))) is worth ten thousand gentiles
so actually hitler killed approx 6 gorillion juden not 6 million when calculated from jew to subhuman goy numbers
>black man dead last again
cmon bruh.......
Emilia is a Bong
Every gopd guy sacrificing himself gets compared to Jesus and heroes get compared to Superman and Goku in the regular. Hitler is just the most famous military leader.
with all the backlash on twitter over her death doesn’t that mean the average GoT viewer should support hitler?
Because norm macdonald's horrible comedy is supposedly great even though he still talks about ww2, such fresh new material.
I mean, she didn't sound like Hitler at all.
>you will never spend an evening cuddling with emilia clarke watching hitler speeches
>Leopold II of Belgium
I don't know where you got that from but its false
for me it's kinda personal, i hate them both, both ruined my country beyond repair but hitler literally burned the capital of my country to the ground dany-style in '44, my family died there too
Producers of the show and main audience are Americans
The feel is too real
That's what we tried to say for days on that board!
Say something kind to Emilia-chan, Yea Forums
*sigh* they ruined her entire character this season
Die wacht am Trident
I wanna give her a kiss
desu mao did everyone a favor taking out that many chinks, he knew how shitty they are
literally real life king's landing
was mao the ultimate incel?
like incel blanco or something?
Thanks for supporting the White Race, and thanks for standing up against the women and african americans that tries to ruin or movies and video games
That's utterly stupid, if she wanted some inspiration she should have watched a female dictator speech but they don't exist as such. female dictators are the wife of the dictator, they're generally more eveil than their husband but operate in the daerk like a coward, they work hard on their public image and don't make heinous speeches in public. Now she could have taken inspiration from female populist politicians, they exist.
Turning her into Hitler is extremely lazy and uninspired.
/our girl/ did nothing wrong
d-do you want me to give you rubies Emilia?
>The most famous man in history does not have records of his ancestry
Are you this retarded? You can look it up yourself triggered /pol/ dipshit.
because "they" control the media and they tell you what to think
They used to laugh about it, these Lannisters. They thought it was a joke. They're not laughing anymore.
is that the same (((records))) that say that his grandfather was a kike?
if the answer is yes, commit suicide
Best female dictator
I never knew I wanter her to femdom me dressed in an SS uniform until now.
>did everyone a favor taking out that many chinks, he knew how shitty they are
mao IS the reason why modern chinks are so shitty in the 1st place user.....
culture, history, societal morals, religion, all greatly damaged in the "great leap forward". Books were burned, artifacts were smashed, buildings were razed. Basically all the good people starved to death or were sent to die in labour camps. The soul of a People was ripped out.
are you retarded?
Oh my
>virtually all the victims were their own citizens or subjects
But go ahead and tell me how YOUR big government has never been tried and would turn out great, you piece of shit bootlicker.
The records don't say he's jewish. But there's a chance he was yes.
yeah commit suicide delusional leftist slime
the real chart
>I have no proof yet choose to believe so
trump, musolini. later had god tier speechese.
fucking sucks that now every time i tell any of my american friends that I liked Dany they'll go "OMG LE NAZI DRUMPF BLOBLOBLOB"
I want to hug Emila and tell her everything will be okay.
>only 17 million died in the holocaust
spotted the anti semitic incel
Are you this dense?
>17 Million
Confirmed. /ourgirl/
mussolini didn't just get elected. After the first time he got in the parliament he changed the electoral law in a way that would favour his coalition immensely, plus he had his political rival kidnapped and killed, and then openly admitted during a parliament hearing nad went like "yeah get on with it I'm a dictator now"
I'd like to see the study where they calculate that the King of Belgium managed to kill more people than in present day Belgium in the 19th century Congo jungle
extremely based
remember the 6 billion goy
>hitler's mum is a hon
allied forces, russians, poles, slavs, gypises, homosexuals get the idea
hitler didnt just kill jews
in fact, he killed around 10 million Russians and only 6 million Jews. Jews werent even the highest death count, they just made the most noise.
you bigoted antisemite dare question the sanctity of the 33 million dead in the holocaust? your insensitive comments are basically killing those 50 million innocent jews all over again; maybe you should stop defending the brutal violent dictator who killed 100 million jews to sate his incel-like hatred
It's absolute bogus
Can the media go one day without talking about Nazis or Hitler? It was tiresome a decade ago and now it's just predictable at this point.
In 1876, 16-year-old Klara was hired as a household servant by her relative Alois Hitler, three years after his first marriage to Anna Glasl-Hörer. Although Alois' biological father is unknown, after his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, married Johann Georg Hiedler, Alois was officially designated as Hiedler's son. Klara's mother was Hiedler's niece Johanna Hiedler, who married Johann Baptist Pölzl, making Klara and Alois first cousins once removed.
I've got magic beans to sell you goy.
There's a chance they will work,
he was literally framed because the idea of a king owning a slice of a continent as private property rather than state colony that kike financiers can mortgage and exploit for themselves is basically the shoah before the shoah
>literal 'delete this' tweet
Isn't it depressing that in this day and age people are so brainwashed they just think 6 million jews and that's it.
muh dicc
Friendship ended with Taylor Swift, now Emilia Clarke is /ourgirl/!
imagine the roasties and s.o.yboys naming their daughters Daenerys/ Khaleesi only for her to be likened to literally Hitler
all the girls and women looking up to her as some sort of female force of vengeance ready to burn all her enemies and be QUEEN--now reduced to a fictional shadow of a real life MAN
God please
Yup. I'm thinking she's based.
>video not available in my country
Fucking EU fucks.
UGH...what could have been.
holy based
Fuck Dany Fuck Hitler and FUCK racism
you have to click the link and watch it on youtube.
>You absolutely can understand what Hitler's fucking saying
You know, the ability to have your message transcend language, space and time seems fairly heroic.
It's not available in my country
Likely blocked because it deals with Belgian crap.
In WW2 documentaries the BBC used to play clown music over any footage of Hitler speeches/rallies to prevent the audience coming under his influence.
WTF I love GOT now
how many roasties have a tattoo of her, you think?
>If I can believe every single word I'm saying, the audience won't need to be looking at the subtitles too much"
fucking based
remember when someone photoshopped Hillary onto Daenerys during the 2016 election
they really thought she would be the saviour
Well she obviously wan't paying much attention while doing her research.
Her eyebrows also distracted me during this scene.
Really? Source?
>used to play clown music over any footage of Hitler
Funny how history rhymes in weird ways, honk honk and clownworld and all that jazz.
the world on the brink of war and these people caring about lgbt issues
They're counting everything including civilian casualties of the eastern front
Which is asinine really.
The honk honk meme is incredibly powerful, I've seen it used by people who wouldn't consider themselves /pol/acks at all to complain about degenerate and fucked up problems.
This. I've never come across a blocked video before. So it begins.
Probably something about Stalin
They killed 12 million civilians in concentration camps in Europe. Civilian casualties in the Russia campaign would have been enormous.
>was mao the ultimate incel?
"I never bathed. I washed myself with the insides of many women." - Mao
Quite the opposite
It's not possible to listen to his speeches or read Mein Kampf without realizing he was right. It's why his speeches are outright censored while we're constantly flooded with lies and misinformation about what he actually said
12 million? You mean the 15 million, right goy? I can't believe you don't remember the 20 million.
>oy vey it’s a triple shoah!!
Because Hitler was actually a good guy
Based and redpilled
Just go to liveleak and look for the suicide vids.
I'm saying IF you believe the 6 million oy vey figure, they killed more than 6 million goys on top of that.
All these years I was wrong. I'm sorry.
She truly was my queen all along.
There were only 12-15 million people in the Congo in the 50s, there's no fucking way he killed that many even over 40 years
I did not start this war, but I will finish it.
>Daenerys is literally Hitler
>Has an army of brainwashed slaves without balls that follow her every command
>Uses them to start unnecessary wars and liberations of people that don't want it
>Causes more harm than good and has to be killed in the end
What did they meant by this?
I realized I'm a Danyfag the moment she died. It hurts, bros. Why does it have to hurt so much?
>Uses them to start unnecessary wars and liberations of people that don't want it
Sounds like Murica
fukken based!
So you're saying that this show was a subtle preconditioning to the American people to get them to turn against our Imperial government that is currently fucking up the entire world with their bullshit?
Sounds preddy based desu
Stalin is boring and forgettable and Mao is just goofy. Hitler makes his enemies butthurt to this day.
America is not imperialist. It doesn't enjoy the benefits of imperialism and it doesn't confer the benefits of imperial rule on the places it attacks.
It's not that its likely he actually was Jewish (but yeah there's a chance), it's that the evidence he'd be able to provide for his own blood status might have been weak enough that he'd struggle with Nazi racial purity laws.
Looks like that actress from Barry
The weirdest part of Mein Kampf is the great hatred for the French
at one point the french should think ''maybe its us and not them''
France was the Germany of Europe before Germany.
Because France humiliated Germany all the time in history, especially in WW1
WW2 was the only real german vectory ever. Even after the french revolution, prussian soldiers got their ass kicked by revolutionary parisians.
This. There was a great clip from his speech "A Last Appeal to Reason" that has been effectively scrubbed from the internet. Some countries allow you to watch it on youtube, but you have to google for it as youtube search wont come up with it: "Why They Hate Us Adolf Hitler". Beware it will redpill you beyond belief and you will realize you were lied to.
what about the 1871 war?
I just want to take her away from all the death and destruction, the pressure of ruling, and have a farm in the North where we can raise our silver haired children in peace.
MJ was more cooler about being inspired by a dictator
Why didn’t you protect her smile, Yea Forums?
The french brought liberalism to europe and destroyed the HRE
Of course he hated the french
Wait, people unironicly say "delete this"? I thought it was just a Yea Forums meme.
Remember the 6 gorillion goyim
Figures only Nazis and leftists love her, they are ideological and moral equivalents.
>Yea Forums meme
>muh horseshoe
Here's your true horseshoe theory faggot
BRUH we truly are living in a society right now and not enough of us have the balls to rise up shit man
BASED and ADOLFpilled.
Truly /ourgirl/, can't wait for her next project.
Yay! We did it, /pol/!
You know, I unironically thought that speech was one of her better performances of the show.
Guess I know why now.
you need to upgrade.
The fucking cope in those replies
Yes, she stands by Dany
>same moethods
>different goals
Not hard to understand but the /pol/tards smoothbrain isn't the capable of it after all.
The Franco Prussian war was such a humiliating defeat for the French they had to rage quit and declare a new republic.
Hitler wasnt elected.
I always knew my girl was BASED
>mother of LGBT
Even tho shes gone on record against gay marriage lmao
Someone's being bossy.
>So you're weren't watching them before GoT, r-right?
Not until it was too late did we realize how based Dany truly was
>This level of cope to try and deny the fact Emilia is redpilled now
Fucking hilarious
So we can all finally agree that everyone in this board would follow Dany and become King by her side instead of killing her, right
That's the worst part...
dany is a petulant child. Cersei is tru hero of the white race and guardian of our future
>X is for Xenophobic
I'm in love with her
Be a smartie, come and join the Dany party!
I would take her for a walk to see what she has done tho, to calm the murder impulses down a bit
You'd have to be a manlet, a fag, and a halfbreed mutt to reject her
she is on the hentai train too!
I don't get it. How is a Elective Monarchy considered breaking the wheel?
I guess it's a slight improvement with the illusion of choice but it's still the same lot of nobles only now they get to choose which asshole gets all the power not to mention that they usually end up choosing the same family meaning that effectively, an elective monarchy eventually becomes a de facto dynasty.
Demoracy? How many Elective Monarchies became a Constitutional Monarchy with one man, one vote without a revolution from below against the people in charge?
She was retarded. She kept going on about breaking the wheel but she was no different. Just slaves under a different name. Like that scene where Missandei was saying to Jon that if she wanted to leave Dany would let her no questions ask. We all know that's bullshit. She would sperg out and have her imprisoned.
Stalin cleaned up his reputation and with modern Russian education is made out to be the Russian Napoleon. A tough leader but needed.
Same thing happened in China with Mao. They are still making him out to be worthy of veneration despite his mistakes.
This makes perfect sense! Girls who had to deal with hard stuff in life have a more realistic view of the world and tend to be always right wing.
>when you realize you don't need ovens because you got dragons
>wait something real is a meme
w-what do you think memes are, my summer child?
Because Stalin and Mao won the war. And the winner will always demonize the enemy.
Hopefully yes.
>Stalin cleaned up his reputation
>soviet holding a type56
Is that Keanu Reeves?
>Hitler was so based you guys omg I loooove him!
I too prefer onions for every meal
>fucking photo-
IT'S REAL! This season keeps delivering even after death.
Berlin, Paris and London all look already like they would've been better off if the Germans had won.
>Stalin cleaned up his reputation and with modern Russian education is made out to be the Russian Napoleon.
Fun side-note: the reason Trotsky lost to Stalin was that the Russian communists we're terrified of "Bonapartism": that one of their number would go full Napoleon, betray the revolution, and become one-man emperor. They we're so worried it was gonna be Trotsky, because he was the best, that they hamstrung him, which allowed Stalin, "a filing cabinet in the shape of a man", to do the exact same thing by slow creep.
I think it a fun historical irony that the Russian system now teaches that Stalin was the exact thing he spent the 20s denying.
>Hitler was so based you guys omg I loooove him!
hitler? read a fucking book retards
>Emilia makes a startling realization that all her bosses have been Jewish
>Recognizes some truth Hitlers words, she explores even deeper
>stumbling upon pol, she learns everyone outside the pol containment board are blind and bluepilled
Ourgirl will never browse /TV bros
Even Europe hates the French
>t. European
>saving pics of shirtless men
U mirin kid?
At long last and now forevermore, Dany belongs to us.
We hate hitler though.
No we don't.
BULLSHIT. I saw Alexander. He gave amazing speeches.
where's this connection supposed to come from? stalingrad? london? Hitler as far as I know isn't associated with leveling cities
zee digits
Yes my good Goy, tell them the evil of the man who slayed 6 million good people. Never let them forget the 10 million Jewish people who were felled wrongly. The 26 million good men, women and children who he ruthlessly slaughtered. The 50 million heroes who were slaughtered like sheep. The 6 gorillion chosen people who were executed by the worst evil in history Goy, never let them forget
It flows well in english
Hahah that's incredible.
But Hitler got his ass kicked.
So mother of dragons == hitler
Bran in wheel chair ==FDR ??
Ayra off exploring the west Columbus ?
Daenerys died when she started to be cool.
Got a clean version of that flag?
wtf I don't wanna be a good goy! I love hitler nao!
Yea Forums wants the good girl, but needs the bad poosi
Why are sound .webms not allowed on Yea Forums?
begone jidf kikes
god it's so rich
the more you think about it the more layers you find
memes influence real life, son. yes, this is the end.
>muh joos
So many vistas.
Ironic that the JIDF loves collateral damage of dead children more than Daenerys.
Isn't that enough to get arrested in Bongland?
Yeah you’re right it’s inaccurate it actually was 18 million if I’m correct
Because he was an officer in WW1 and France shat all over Germany during WW1, also France was the Germany of Europe pre-WW1 except they ended up winning
They fucked the Austrians over a hundredfold too
>all that cope in the twitter comments
Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The Unsullied marches with calm, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Lannisters and usurpers
March in spirit within our ranks.
Clear the streets for the Unsullied,
Clear the streets for the Dothraki!
Millions are looking upon the three-headed dragon full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
Already Daenerys' banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now
Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The Unsullied march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Lannisters and usurpers
March in spirit within our ranks
She knows.
Id rather get Zykloned than starve to death
>yfw Hitler has redpilled Emilia Clarke on the Jewish question.
Dany did nothing wrong. I’m up to S08E04 and honestly they just killed her dragon.
The idea that this asshole city is tolerating Cersei is bullshit. 3 people in front of her have died prematurely. At this point, it’s laughable the public in general doesn’t think she poisoned Joffrey and killed her other son. Plus, she blew up a monument and killed dozens of people.
Plus they already established she was unpopular with the mob when she did her penance walk.
It’s too bad they didn’t swap the order of the villains in the final season. The Night King would have been much better as an endgame. I guess they didn’t want people saying it was just Lord of the Rings with puss.
I mean who doesn't hate the French though
As the man himself said in his final statement:
"After six years of war which, despite all setbacks, will one day go down in history as the most glorious and heroic manifestation of the struggle for the existence of a nation"
>Fucking Führer Clarke after the late evening briefing with the war council on the Jewish question, her hair in Germanic braids
>She calls me by a pet name instead of my title as I ejaculate inside her
Blood of my blood.
The French are responsible for so much bullshit in history its insane. Hell the Nazi's wouldn't have even rose to power if the French had not been so insistent on neutering Germany after the end of the First World War. Fuck the French.
I'm a canadian french, and wut, They got fucked as far as i know in any early NA affairs
Fucking genius.
The French destroyed Europe.
But isn't she 1/8 poo
/pol/ is the hidden hand of humanity.
Even Simon Wiesenthal famed "nazi hunter" said the numbers were a lie to garner support from non Jews.
>she's too autistic to realise you shouldn't say this to a left wing rag
>when the memes become real
So is this one of the greatest turnarounds in Yea Forums history?
The Indians love Hitler more than the Nips.