Pokemon and Sonic got their movie but what about Yugioh? When are we a card games kino?
Pokemon and Sonic got their movie but what about Yugioh? When are we a card games kino?
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Yusei > Yugi > Jaden > The Green haired > the other
prove me wrong, YOU CANT
hopefully never.
there's no way they will make a decent adaptation
Jaden is the worst. His development was convoluted as fuck and more an asspull than actual development. His deck is unplayable shit.
Yusei > Yugi > Yuma > Jaden
It could be an original story
If they did, I’d rather them make the part before the card games took over into a movie. That shit was fun.
A death amusement park, people being lit on fire, going insane, school gangs, it was awesome, and more well written than a lot of stuff that came after. And a lot more variety of games and riddles.
Black Kaiba?
Who cares
Kaiba should be Asian
So should L.
L was european in the manga/anime.
then what's the point of adapting the property
agreed. Some of the early manga would make for some solid little episodic thrillers. Death T could be a full movie though.
Always wondered where the series would have gone if it didn't give in to the card game and instead kept the episodic horror game of death type story.
best battle song coming through
>synchro shit theme
Cringe youtu.be
Forget Yugi. Give Kaiba his own movie.
Yusei is so based. Silly children card games on motorcycle somehow became kino and arguably better than the original
He's part asian. But this is obviously ignoring what i'm referring to.
The original wasn't that good desu. Kaiba was based but most of the duels were just bullshit and the pacing was terrible.
So what would a live-action adaptation do about Yugi's hair?
Cursed image
Kaiba >>>> Judai >>>> The rest
>I play the shampoo Head & Shoulders
>This shampoo completely destroys dandruff and restores your brittle hair
He really went all in for that ad...
Rated R, YGO Zero adaptation when?
Please tell me that's a robot.
It'd have gone to cancellation because nobody cared about it until Kaiba and the card game
The first 60 episodes are absolute kino, and the last 25 or so are mostly solid with some bullshit mixed in. The middle part drags it down so much, especially the pre WRPG stuff and the Half of Crash Town that isn't based
Pokemon worked because even though the actual plot of the show wouldn't work in movie form, ie pokemon battles, it still inhabits a world worth being in without it.
I don't think anyone could believe in a world where grown adults and high schoolers care so much about a card game.
MAYBE if you make it about the ancient Egyptian stuff it might work though
>where grown adults and high schoolers care so much about a card game
We got like 3 theatrical releases.
I read it in his voice.
Who will play Kaiba in the live action version of this scene? youtu.be
yugi>jaden>the rest whose names I do not know
I get that you want live action but that would be pretty stupid. On the other hand Pyramid of Light is in my opinion kino because of the childhood nostalgia
>tfw no Kaiba mommy gf
Alexis from GX is Kaiba with tits
She was way too nice. Not that I'm complaining!
i want to fuck yuya.
Kaiba is my favorite anime autist
Is there any actor who could emulate yu gi oh crazy face?
unironically they should make a serious gambling movie about yugioh or magic
They technically already did and live action one, just wouldn’t work with all the crazy shit
The masked hero deck work sometimes and the evil heroes just got support
Masked hero deck was pretty damn good but that wasn't the deck of anime Jaden.
Cast him in the inevitable biopic.
>tfw they reboot James Bond with the new actor
>tfw they remake casino royal
>tfw Bond plays Yu Gi Oh against Chiffre
That’s the thing they backpedal from the initial concept that’s why the show feels like it tried to have more than one Kaiba
Yeah, manga had a so much better Deck I don’t understand why they didn’t go with it, the depression and then change of deck was so much better in the manga, no magic or alien bullshit just healing and rebuilt yourself
>that was a fine turn, Mr. Bond but you are going nowhere with all those outdated cards. I summon Utopia The Lightning.
If 10 years ago you told me meme garbage like that card would be meta I'd piss myself from the laughter. Fucking japs.
>going nowhere with all those outdated cards
Implying Bond won't "heart of the cards" his way out
Can you negate a XYZ monster effect?
no but like real adults too. not just man children
>heart of the cards? Stop living in the 90s, Mr. Bond. I draw with my "Shinning Draw" and activated my "Clear Mind". I Synchro summon my divine dragon!
disgusting, at least card like that back in the day were unsummonable like Vennominaga
>back then
>I want to play the gods like in the anime! I want OP cards with anime effects reeeeee
>these cards are too OP! I miss the old dayyyyyysssss
Nice strawman, cuck faggot. Enjoy Konami's dick up your ass.
Jew Die
I read it in Syrus voice
The theme of my wife
Its called Animal World
>Yusei rejected that
Was he gay?
>go dark law
wow so exciting
He got to smash at the end
Hoy can give him any personality you want in the anime or make more busted cards, like fusing him with Yubel and shit for those kind of episodes
Play Miracle Fusion, Acid and Mask Charge and shit
i hate jaden im just salty about dark law
my friend plays him and it craps on ojamas
>Yugi dies a virgin.
>Jaden fucked a tranny
>Yusei was asexual
It just took them like 25 years to make a main character who actually get the girl.
best character, kino deck, best aesthetic. how is he so cool bros?
And then the next one reveal at the end his main girl was his mom
>kino deck
>msts your toon world
>Jaden fucked a tranny
in the japanese version yubel is a half man half woman and is romantically into jaden
at what point in that show did it become some fucked up bullshit?
I thought it was just some happy little thing at school
Gx season 4 is actually kino
Season 3 is good but season 4 is maximum cringe.
Did you forget how he commited a genocide on season 3 and then cried the whole season 4, because he even remembers the scream of agony of the people he dusted in duels, the guy is suffering guilt and ptsd the whole last season
that's when it becomes good though
I watched Yugioh: Pyramid of Light in theaters when I was 7 it was pretty kino.
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
idris elba
Both wrong
Original Series Duelist power rankings
1. Yugi
2. Kaiba
3. Joey
4. Marik
5. Bakura
6. Pegasus
7. Bandit Keith
8. Mako
9. Weevil
10. Rex
9001. Mai
9002. Tristan
Toons were a nice bait and switch for a mysterious character. But I personally think Bakura's occult theme was the coolest deck theme
missing a few. mai is mid-tier, also that atlantis nigga should be up there
also yami duels himself a few times and should pribably be 2. kaiba and joey are both kinda closer than ranking them that way implies too.
season three with the whole digital world bullshit like if I wanted to watch digimon i would go watch digimon
>4. Marik
Marik is one of the biggest losers of the franchise. He didn't actually win a single duel.
>Not Jack
fucking this
Pegasus and Bakura should be higher than that faggot
>ignores Mako Tsunami
Naw brah, naw.
IIRC didnt Marik beat both Bakura and Mai?
literally number 8
>not Kaito
Odion was a better duelist than Joey
Mai outplayed Marik. She only lost for bullshit that didn't even make sense. Bakura lost for pure bad writing. He went from patient and calm duelist to a retarded hot head and "good" Marik somehow didn't know about Ra optional powers.
literaly deus ex machina: the card
What's the best intro song, bros?
That was the one dub opening that was actually decent all things considered. This is still opening though.
I used to think it was cringe, then I realized it was based youtu.be
That opening was so good holy shit
Nope. That’s “Chopman,” a deranged serial killer Kaiba purposefully acquired to fucking murder Yugi and co. He likes chainsaws. Kaiba’s on a monitor to taunt/watch.
To make matters worse, Joichi (Joey) is holding a child. And is chained up to said madman.
Early Yu-Gi-Oh! has some kind of Jojo influence inside it.
I fucking loved first gen Yugioh but I fail to see how it could work as a live action adaptation. One of the biggest complaints I’ve seen lobbed at anime, is how allot of the gay Shonen shit is just people talking about what their next move is gonna be. But Yugioh is not only a Shonen but it’s a Shonen about a card game with rules and shit. Even if you through that out the window you’d have people wondering what the fuck is going on half the time because everyone would be pulling shit outa their ass for plot armor saves. I wish it could fucking work but I just can’t see it.
How did they manga turn into children's card games?
it's jonouchi.
>Shonen about a card game with rules and shit
>people wondering what the fuck is going on half the time
That is why the characters explain they rules and the effects
Takahashi couldn’t keep thinking of new games every week. While the early manga is fun I think the switch to card game focus was for the better. Battle City was the peak of the manga.
Jaden is literally a main character Joey
Dude Marik lowkey fucking sucked without a god card
Based and Kaiba pilled.
What does Pot of Greed, do?
Nothing because it's banned
Yuma is far more a Joey than Jaden. Jaden was good from the beginning.
should i get into the card game?
I downloaded Legacy of the Duelist on steam
I learned from there, but ... jesus christ
Those tuner xzy things plus Pendulum cards are a pain in the ass to understand
5D has kino moments in a lot of shit.
The first anime of yugioh is decent but it drags a lot with the filler and some questionable changes.
In my opinion is
Original manga>5D>DM>GX=Zexal (Zexal gets really good in the second half)>>>>>>>>>Arc-V
>implying the first half of Zexal wasn't good
Only the first 10 episodes were bad.
It's convoluted as fuck now but it's a lot of fun. Especially if you find someone to duel with.
>That is why the characters explain they rules and the effects
This really only works in anime format though. So much of the plot would dissolve into it works because it just does. I don’t think that kind of story telling is compelling in a live adaptation. But then again sports movies about being an underdog work and those don’t always explain the depth of the sport so maybe it could.
Just download duel links on steam.
Its fun and easy to learn, less strategic and less complicated than magic
only OG Yu-Gi-Oh, who cares about the others. GX is ok I guess but still shit compared to Yami
What is hard to understand about XYZ summon? It's the contact fusion of the Neos-spacians but using monsters of the same level.
I started by playing decks with forbidden cards
mostly FTK / OTK / Exodia / Yatagarasu
But I hate that fucking Burning Abyss deck Dante and Virgil cards are pain in the ass
>play against Burning Abyss nigger
>summon Dark Law
>he rage quit
None of them are good compared to other manga and anime.
*drops a turtle on your dragon*
Heh, nothing personnel, kid ;)
How do you go from this - to this.
>Reading in 2019
Nirvana is just a fancy win-more beatstick.
that shit left me deaf lol I used to blast that shit 24/7
what the fuck dude
don't open that shit, it would take you back to the front page
Pendulum is the only difficult one to understand.
>Synchro = do the levels add up and one says "Tuner" on it?
>Xyz = do I have two monsters with the same Level?
>Link = can I do basic addition?
Even Pendulum is essentially "is this number between these two numbers?"
How do I skip the reading part of these cards?
Fuck me his fights got so boring
>I use pot of greed
>I summon bubble man
>I use fusion
>I use extremely specific neos fusion that has never been seen to wreck your side of the field
>I then use extremely specific neos booster to boost my all powerful neos fusion's attack to 9000000000
It fucked up the speed of the game tho also, Link monsters a shameless cashgrab. When the Synchros, Xyz and even the pendulum respectively came out, you didn't need to get the new cards at first to keep playing.
Yeah, you wouldn't be the best, you could still play some fun games against the people that had those new cards (as long they weren't using meta obvs)
You can't do that shit with the Link Monsters. You need them, you literally can't play without them. Konami is basically fucking you in the anus. I'ts not even subtle.