Director's cut or original?

I just learned that Apocalypse Now Redux seems to be somewhat controversial. I like the Director's cut. What about you, faggots. Try and talk about movies for once

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Redux is superior. The French plantation scene is great

I heard complaints going in, ended up downloading the Redux and it was fine. Maybe their attention span was too short, the pacing felt fine.

The French plantation scenes ruin the pace of the film for me. They destroy the "deep jungle" immersion feel

Redux is objectively superior
If you hate the french plantation scene it's because you're a fat american that can't handle the truth that you created the Viet Kong to fight the french.


>w-what do you mean there were other white men living in the jungle before Kurtz!? It was supposed to be an untouched jungle!

it is pretty "innajungly" though. i liked it.

I like both.

at least their movie boards talk about fucking movies, this board only talks about women and feet

I liked the inclusion of the scene where they blackmailed the Playboy playmates into sex for chopper fuel

they blackmailed them? how?

Watch the theatrical and then watch the redux.


and why are you so obsessed over reddit

no it wasnt. it was weird and literally didnt have any reason to be there

it added some interesting historical context, but that's about it

The only version I've seen is the Redux and it's literally the best movie I've ever seen. I liked it because the longer runtime made it feel like a realistic descent into the darkness and horrors of the jungles instead of just racing directly to Kurtz. I just like how mysterious he's made out to be -- you never see him until the last 30 minutes; the journey down the river and seeing the effect he's had on the area is a creepy, fascinating experience.

But then again I've never seen the DC, so perhaps the movie still feels like that even with the omission of some scenes. It just comes down to preference of longer narratives.

Redux. A bunch of Frenchies butthurt at the dinner table oblivious that their days are numbered pretty low unless they run. Why does this sound familiar?

Redux is better just for adding more exposition to Kurtz through more reports read by Willard. The French scene, while a bit too long, was good BECAUSE it broke the pacing. It's an island of normality amidst Hell. It's a nice contrast

>historical context is bad
>a bunch of white men in the midst of a jungle hated by everything are not insane and do not link with the river of madness theme
Imagine being a pleb and proud

>the French guys were normal
>they were offering contrast with the hell of the rest of the jungle
Wait a minute, when people complain about "breaking the pace" is becaus ethey think the French guys were not insane!? What the fuck is that!?

Prefer the original. The redux ads a bunch of irrelevant shit.

They were deluded, not insane. But when I say normality I don't mean the Frenchies themselves. I mean the house, the servants, the tiny bit of civilization amidst the savagery outside

They were staying in thek midst of a jungle trying to keep being civilized and French while everything else surrounding them wanted them dead. They were as insane as Kurtz. Admirable, yes, but in a Don Quixote way

Should I read the book? Some people say it's really bad and not even close to the movie in terms of quality

Of course not!

Never read Hamlet or The Violent Bear It Away as weĺl

I had to watch it twice to appreciate it, I like the French and extra Kurtz scenes and understand their place but think that they could have been shortened.
I wonder about the 5 hour or something workprint version.

>muh madness theme
imagine missing so much the point of the movie

Ummmm not giving women anything they want for free is blackmail sweety, k thx.

I agree with this, pop some acid and dig in for the redux, then read all of Heart of Darkness cover to back, then check back in with me for the next assignment

The redux is crazy important to making Kurtz a great character

Mmm ... Thesaterical cut means it being a version for its commercial opposing to a director’s cut is what it says it being faithful to its material. Your compliance on “Redux” being a bit controversial is somehow true cuz I heard there no restriction on this issue due to the intention of releasing this version of copy. Sooo go figure, pick one that you like most, & have fun with it.

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Apocalypse now is the ultimate acid movie. You can do a lot of weed and meditation if you don’t have acid.

You are a retard and have no understanding of pacing or tension.
Yes I feel better about myself.

Either way, Apocalypse Now is one of the greatest films of all time.