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No shit faggot
ragie bookie
Pagecucks SEETHING
>implying these parts wont be rewritten since theyre ruined in peoples minds
yes but the stock bookfag response now is that Dany will get setup to burn KL down and jon will wrongly murder her
Jon killing Dany isn't an issue. Dany's turn to being evil isn't an issue. It's that the buildup in the show was terrible because the writers cut large elements and characters and rushed it. In the books, it won't be an issue.
I mean we've known that the basics of the ending would be the same and we've known it for years. The difference is in the context and details. Yes Daenerys dies, but maybe in the books she's raped to death by her dragon. Maybe Bran wargs into the entire world and forces them all to crown him king or something. Maybe Jaime is the one that kills Cersei
It's all in the execution
It's all in the delivery
The devil's in the details
It's probably Dany burning King's Landing. They already set it up with her JUSTing herself to claim the throne when Griff the fake Targaryen is doing it easy peasy lime 'n squeezy.
I feel like this will indeed still happen in the books. It's a compelling idea. We watch the story of these two characters. Jon is meant to be the troubled hero type and Dany is meant to be a sympathetic villain. They come together and fall in love and then the hero has to face the villain. If season 7 and 8 were longer and had more time to flesh out their love story, or even maybe a season 9, this really could have paid off, but it didn't so much. I think GRRM is ambitious to attempt to this, I can't think of a story that's done this, and I hope he does a good job with it.
>I can't think of a story that's done this
Onions wars with Kylo and Rey
The scenes will have no weight when everone knows theyre going to happen.
the jew duo rushed this shit to get that star wars money
Linda from Westeros.org says she is almost certain its referring to Jon killing Dany and probably for her burning KL down. So ultimately looks like the big endpoints of the show will be the same in the books
not true.
Also saying people who read any book before their live action adaptation will not feel any emotion.
What is Catharsis?
>2 moments are simply characters killing someone they cared about
>1 moment introduces cool timeloop stuff that is never visited again
What the hell?
people actually fall for this shit tier bait lol
I don’t see how Stannis will sacrifice his daughter
That would take major changes to his moral compass
it's a fake screenshot you fucking troglodyte, he even left the filename
Wow. Plotfags are retarded.
But then you are a GoTtard so I don't know what I was expecting really.
Obviously it's his ending, just not the way he would have told it. None of the details seem right, everything is so jarringly bad and poorly told, it's embarrassing
It wasn't even portrayed in a Dance of Dragons.
Linda is such waifu material.
I wanna impregnate her while Elio watches.
I still don't really understand the hodor time travel shit. why did it even matter, he's just an oaf who helps bran escape, but it could have just been normal hodor. I could maybe understand if it set up some logic on future crazy stuff bran did, but that meant fuckall. and night king grabbing bran etc.what was that.
Oh fuckit who cares anymore
>and night king grabbing bran etc.what was that.
So the Nights King would "always know exactly where I am."
stannis is not sacrificing shireen. shireen may get burned by mel, but it's not going to be on his orders.
>Stannis burning his daughter
>planned by GRRM
Yeah sure thing there bucko. Come back once you actually read the fucking books.
i'm not really sure if dany will burn KL in the books. she might go full mad queen, but KL might just get destroyed accidentally. the big theory is she will attack KL with her dragons and accidentally set off all the wildfire.
We all told you this was the logical outcome for weeks already, someone post that picture of the laberynth done poorly referencing the GoT seasons. I thin all of this would have gone better if they gave the first half of S8 an entire season and then make a full 9th season with the second half of S8, that would had give the correct pacing for people to not complain about shit.
So Bran doesn't become king in the books? I think that would be another "holy shit" moment if GRRM had given it to them. D&D are brainlets if their reaction to Jon killing Dany was "holy shit", it's been one of the biggest fan theories for ages due to the Lightbringer prophecy.
It's not just the ending. It's how you get there.
This is the only truly relevant post in every past, present and future discussion.
Who /YoungGriff/ here?
He'll be the one to kill Dany with Blackfyre through the heart.
>still pretending we're going to see any more books
Fags, get some objectivity.
But the Daenerys death will be probably sacrifice to kill the White Walkers, nissa nissa and lightbringer stuff. But D&D fucked up the white walkers storyline, and they forced Daenerys to full into genocide to *force* honorable Jon Snow to kill her, otherwise no one would buy that Jon will kill Daenerys.
>Stannis burns Shireen
Can't happen in the books, because they're 300 miles apart.
>origin of Hodor
I refuse to believe it. After that episode the fucking show runners talked about how they now have to remove Bran's ability to time travel because it ruined the story. Why would GRRM tell them to introduce time travel without telling them what it led to?
I'm near certain that the shocking things GRRM told them were just fun ideas he was mulling over, not real twists he wanted to include.
she wont go mad queen, GRRM is all about shades of gray, and they made Daenerys bland EEEEVILL character with no positive traits.
The ending isn't bad on it's own. It's ok. It's just how you get there that matters.
"WTF" moment, everyone expected that it will happen after episode 5. Fucking hacks. It will be "WTF" moment in books, because it will be sacrifice probably to make lightbringer
The ending was fine. I don't see how it could have ended in any other way.
0% true.
storytelling >>>>>>>>>> muh twists and muh subverted expectations
Its actually pretty terrible and creatively bankrupt.
Laugh at this retarded fucking mongoloid
It's not fake retard
fucking much
GRRMs entire gambit has been SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS
but we literally know all the important twists now
which means his books are are fucking pointless
its just thousands of pages of him not getting to the point
his career is dead
and so is his song of ice and unexpected subvertions
wait, why do I always see this meme image posted by stannis fags if it's GRRM's idea for him to kill shireen?
Are you fucking retarded? It's not what happened, it's how it happened.
Rey isn't a hero and Kylo certainly isn't sympathetic.
the end isnt bad on its own, at least danny's, it was just super rushed
It confuses me how the show was full of filler, yet also rushed.
Most of what happened would have been fine enough if the execution hadn't been as sloppy and rushed as possible.
do you people ever shut the fuck up about star wars?
This, the Mad Queen arc is a good idea but you can't do it in two episodes lol
> "Hold de door!" is canon
Heh heh. Nothing personal, Bookfags
>it's how it happened
"How it happened" has been shit for 4 seasons now, pretty sure it's the "what happened" that triggered the great femcel seethe of 2019
they most certainly have not done this, both those characters are alive
Booksfags actually not BTFO. Bookfags proven right, GRRM vindicated. Of course Dany goes mad. Of course Shireen is burnt at the stake. Of course Hodor has been reprogrammed into the worlds most sentient doorstop. The real criticism of any of these moments arises in the way D&D built up to them in their show, that is, not at all, they just happen out of convenience.
Yeah it's been absolute shit but the drop in quality is so noticeable now that even the normies are realizing it. I think even normies could accept it if it was executed better.
There are probably hundreds of superior alternative proposals by fans on how to hit those same notes without making some of the dumbest narrative choices in tv history to get to those notes.
Arya kills NK in a more mundane, physically possible way.
Dany's dark turn is properly characterized as she realizes over multiple episodes her advisors screwed her.
Bran isn't shown as a completely dull character stumbling into power but more like the evil version of Galadriel,
>And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night!
Well GoT certainly left a lot of people with a bad aftertaste of TLJ.
>Night King snoke'd without any explanation beyond "He's bad and wants to extinguish the light"
>Dany turns on a dime, not when her friend is beheaded, not when her second dragon in a row is killed, no, when John doesn't giver her the D and everyone surrenders.
>Arya kills NK in a more mundane, physically possible way.
NK hasn't even made an appearance in the books yet, only as a legend not at all compatible with the series' NK. Substitute that for Great Other or whoever will be revealed as the puppetmaster behind the White Walkers.
This, the early chapters of the first book make it really obvious Bran will be King
In his and Tyrion’s chapters and they mention Mance Rayder in the first few pages, Jon was always going to be King Beyond the Wall and turn away from his birthright.
Sure, but it happened in some kind of tree-network meta dream reality that is independent of time but still causally influencing it. feels weak to just amount to a homing beacon
NK doesn't exist in the books and if he does he'll most likely be Jon
I'd literally take the "Bran is night king" fake leaks over what we got.
Anybody who reads GoT for anything but 'whodunit' and 'what would I have done' reasons (both entirely plotfag reasons) are complete morons. Can you imagine reading for anything else and being so incompetent that GoT makes it into your stack?
I'm pretty sure he's going to get vored by Drogon.
Fucking this.
Some people might be mad that it isnt a happy ending but most people who watched for all 8 seasons wasn't expecting a happy ending anyway. People are mad cause it was executed like shit.
Varys and Illyrio "fat fuck" Mopatis probably will but we'll still get a royal wedding at KL before she burns it down.
>he didn't know Jon was Azor Ahai
Showfags so dumb.
How the fuck is that a "bittersweet" ending? Seriously, tell me how.
Jon loves her and is forced by circumstance to take her life to save everyone in the realm from her madness. Like Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa. Turns out the legend contained a garin of truth and it wasn't about any flaming swords.
He'll probably defeat Cersei, but there's no way he makes it out of the story alive. Daenerys wants the throne, and with her three dragons, she'll kill him. This will make the people hate her and cause her descent into the mad queen.
because if it happens, it won't be on Stannis orders.
Or, if it is on Stannis' orders, it won't be this rushed with him and Selyse swapping mindsets between episodes on where they stand on burning daughters.
To be fair, Stannis only allied with Melisandre for political purposes in the book. In the show he is genuinely a believer.
Daenerys wont be "MUH EVIL" in the books also. ASOIAF is not about GOOD vs EVIL, its everything but that. She may burn King's Landing accidently, but thats it.
hodor is 100% going to happen. It's not just something that they'd come up with on their own, and hodor is kind of a weird character from the start.
Dany will at least lose one dragon to Euron who will likely use it to blow up the wall.
She wasn't necessarily evil in the show either, just mad.
A lot of filler wasn't relevant to the plot or character arcs. Just dumb jokes and fan-service.
Or she could become mad. She's so inbreed that the odds are statistically against her for not turning mad.
>but there's no way he makes it out of the story alive.
Why? Cause he wasn't on the show? That's a lame meme excuse from show watchers. If he doesn't kill her then no one will cause Jon sure as hell won't given his state.
I wonder with whom will bookEuron side with. He talks about raising krakens, sphinxes, and dragons. Does he need the help of anyone to destroy the world?
i'm going to fucking laugh at you fucking retards when the books come out and stannis burns his daughter.
He will likely burn her as a refernce to that old Greek myth of a father sacrificing her son over a stag.
Her burning down KL wasn't really an issue.
That's how quickly people with extreme power and no oversight can snap.
This show is the closest thing to a true redpill most people will ever get - learn to accept it.
go back
Bullshit. If this is the end Martin intended, then why didn't we learn Bran's tax policy?
>that it isnt a happy ending
How is it not a happy ending though. Everyone good and on the Stark's side got the best ending they could possibly get, and Starks now rule all the lands of Westeros and all the lords unanimously agree to it.
That meme was never the point of his question. What he question is the whole medieval philosophy of the rightful and true king = land prospers.
Eh, with better setup it'd be fine, even if "spoiled".
I just don't see how he can compare to Daenerys power level desu. She has three dragons, the unsullied, and (possibly) the Dothraki later on.
I don't think she'd be so open to marrying him either.
Alternatively she could just imprison him and use him as her sex slave. That would be really cool haha
Do I need to explain to you that everyone knows that, and the tax policy meme is making fun of his getting lost in details instead of focusing on the essence of the storytelling matter?
Nah I doubt its that. If lots of people have already presumed that Jaime would be the one kill Cersei since he's closest to her, then a lot of people would see Jon being the one to kill Dany when its getting clear she's gone mad since he'll be the only one who would be able to get close to her to do it.
I think it's either Arya killing the Night King or Bran becoming king.
Stannis burns his kid in the books?
Dany has under 8k unsullied left and that will be even less after battles in mereen. 5-7k unsullied are nothing compared to 10k golden company that includes 2k cavarly and heavy knights and 1k professional archers. Dragons are Dan's trump card her army otherwise is pisspoor. Als remember Dorne is swearing fealthy already to faegon wow sneakpeaks + some minor stormland houses.
Just say "eaten" you brain-damaged deviant.
The Unsullied are a meme compared to the GC and he might have the Dornish army later on too + Stormlords.
She'll marry him which will make her descend into madness much more interesting.
>hold the door
>holy shit moment
as in holy shit this is fucking silly and terrible?
Dany will burn kl cope danyfag
If he allies with Euron, he will have dragons, krakens, sphinxes, and the Others at his side.
He couldn't even if he wanted to, since he left her at the wall before attacking Winterfell.
In the books dany is obssessed about the prophicies she saw in house of undying and they drive every decision she makes. They call her mother of dragons daughter of death. She is 100% shooting up kings landing.
that is the point of his question though, he wanted his stance on taxes and orcs among other things. we see through the story that aragorn is intelligent and capable along with being liked by everyone. we also have the authors statement that he was in fact a good king so you can simple assume his stance on taxes and orcs worked out. fat fuck grrrm doesnt like that and wants to see his w-2. people make fun of it because of how clueless (its not a fucking story about taxes) and tryhard of a statement it was. in conclusion, we see that aragorn is a good king because hes a capable person, not because hes the rightful king. if you want to get technical he became king at the wishes of the citizens after he saves everyones life and because faramir relinquished his authority to him because of how obviously awesome he is. btw we also see what happens when rightful but bad rulers are in charge (denethor and
theoden) so it comes off as a completely nonsensical complaint to make.
This was one of the good twists
Why did D&D cut out Ser Gerold Dayne, the most dangerous man in Dorne?
You can really tell thats where the series started to go down hill.
>ASoIaF is not about GOOD vs EVIL
funny how you say that, but the way the encroaching zombie army eventually overshadows all the petty politics and squabbles over the throne and forces people to band together for survival, thus showing that the true struggle in the story is between life and death, not between houses (before season 8 fucks it up anyways hahahahahaha) betrays the fact that, despite all his attempts to ground himself in mindnumbingly unimportant realism and gritty details with no higher purpose, Grrm has accidentally written a fairy tale with just as much symbolism and resonance to the classic stories as LotR, and only by taking a big fat steaming shit on their own heads could the show writers dodge the inevitable themology in their own work.
Not yet. But it may be a reference to the Greek myth where a hero accidentally kills a sacred deer and the gods demand human sacrifice of his daughter as compensassion for the sacrilege.
I hope fatman reveals it was a Sphinx that fucked up Balerion when he flew to Doomed Valyria with that Targ girl that couldn't control him.
But nothing in OP is in there. But hey, you made me look. So gratz i guess.
Fucking yeah, it was a totally dull and fucking boring Disney animated movie ending. Complete happy ending cliche. Why would you say it isn't?
"Uh well the villain dies!"
Shit, that never happens in Disney movies! How innovative!
The only difference is that Daenerys went from a gray, ruthless and cruel but still somewhat morally complicated character to a Pure Evil one dimensional cartoon villain in the space of an episode. Or fine, "fucking batshit crazy!" but it doesn't really matter, does it? Whether you see Scar, Ursula, Jafar as just plain evil or "just" psychopaths makes no difference either.
They just took all the complexity and moral dilemma out of the final episode and made it straightforward good vs. evil with the good guys winning. As soon as Dany was totally evil, that ending was fucking obvious. The Tragic Lovers bullshit was a boring cliche, too, like a 2-year-old's version of Anakin and Padme. The scene where the good guy looks like he'll help the bad guy then stabs him fucking always happens like that. It was generic Disney happy ending garbage but without the emotional engagement or interest of an actual Disney movie.
lol succ on this compensation zeus
*unzips dick*
>Of course Shireen is burnt at the stake.
This won't happen, OP is fake.
I love the lore, and how GRRM demonstrates that history is a thousand little things happen in a certain way that leads to one big thing happening, and all the history books will report only that one thing.
Stannis is Agamemnon to Shireen Iphigenia
Stannisfags are in denial just like danifags
>People are mad cause it was executed like shit.
Actually, it's hand in hand. People are mad because it was poorly done, but also mad because it's not what they wanted and/or Dany being evil hurts their delicate sensibilities. The former is a direct result of the latter.
maybe she does actually loses everything in the battle against the dead and gets mad at King's landing for not helping in the fight. Also, she has nothing left to lose but one or two surviving dragon, she goes all out as the last true targaryen
Oh no, when the books come out. Oh no, this random user will laugh at me when we are both dead and buried.
History tells us that D&D take the key plot points GRRM laid out and twists them to the point of no longer making any sense. I think the clearest example of this is when they replaced Jeyne Poole with Sansa in the Winterfell/Bolton storyline. They turned what was a good storyline in the books into a retarded shitfest in the show, while still following the general outline of what happens in the books.
Following that logic, I think it's very likely that both of these events will happen in the book, but the details will be significantly changed. Instead of Stannis burning Shireen (which both doesn't fit his character and isn't even possible in the books), maybe Melisandre will burn Shireen on her own after hearing the false report that Stannis has died. Bran's time travel shenanigans could also play a much larger role in the books, maybe even with him manipulating events to ascend to the throne (assuming that plot point is taken directly from GRRM's plans).
You could be right though, but we'll just have to wait and see, unless GRRM dies before finishing the books.
>Stannis is Agamemnon to Shireen Iphigenia
>Stannisfags are in denial just like danifags
It doesn't make any sense. Stannis is snowed in at the crofter village with his army, east of Winterfell. Shireen, Selyse and Melisandre are at the wall. For Stannis to burn Shireen either someone would have to take her through the snows all the way to Winterfell or Stannis would have to lose the battle, survive, and make it back to the wall. It doesn't add up.
What ending did you fags expect? If you've read any of GRRM's other books, you should expect most if not all of this.
It probably will.
The execution was the problem and I want to say G.R.R.M. will execute it better. But if I'm honest, first of all, I don't think he'll ever actually finish even one of the books. If he does which could happen if he gets his shit together, it probably won't be very good either. Re reading the books they're actual pretty shit in a lot of parts especially the more recent ones, and now he has less of a reason to give a shit about writing them well. They will probably have all the same points and suck in a different way.
Hope springs eternal though, I guess.
Mostly it's going to feel like both G.R.R.M. and D&D stopped caring halfway through the story looking back.
>I'm near certain that the shocking things GRRM told them were just fun ideas he was mulling over, not real twists he wanted to include
Bookfags in deep denial
>Stannis would have to lose the battle, survive, and make it back to the wall
Well, that could happen and Stannis in his desperation then burns her but everyone abandons him. It would suck, but it makes more sense than 20 good men.
>Stannis is Agamemnon to Shireen Iphigenia
That would make sense if it was set up better, presented better and had a better result than "make mild snowing go away". Stannis in the books told his fanatics to shut the fuck up when they wanted to sacrifice people while marching through an actual blizzard. Meanwhile Agamemnon killed his daughter to secure safe passage to Troy in a world where gods actually exist, and he ended up winning the war. Stannis just killed his daughter for nothing then was written out of the show, probably cause D&D disliked the actor for some contrived reason. Maybe it'll make more sense in the books.
imagine reading books outside of school lmao you guys are fags
>Bookfags in deep denial
The Fatman barely plans anything.
I hear this a lot, but I liked AFFC and ADWD a lot. The world building and exposition are really enjoyable. Plus Victarion is the most entertaining character of all.
Yes, but he'll actually beat Bolton because Gurrm is less of a hack than D&D, and then he'll sacrifice to cast some desperation spell to save the kingdom.
I sincerely doubt we'll get a 1:1 analogue to the Night King in the books. The Others will have a leader, but he won't be a retarded droid control unit whose death rattle kills the entirety of the Other's forces and stops Winter from coming.
I genuinely don't think it's that many people, actually. Some? Sure, but not enough fans even liked or gave a shit about Dany, Jon, or Bran to explain the either 50/50 or even mostly negative reactions from everywhere, normies and fans alike.
People forget the fan backlash that started seasons ago, ebb and flowed, and actually really kicked up this time after episode 3 especially among bigger fans. The main reason was that the White Walker and Night King shit was horribly anticlimactic and the characters were retarded in episode 3.
Stannis probably pleads for Melisandre to magic up his victory against Ramsey and she burns Shireen without his full knowledge.
Is there any point in writing the final books now?
>Well, that could happen and Stannis in his desperation then burns her but everyone abandons him. It would suck, but it makes more sense than 20 good men.
That wouldn't make sense. If he lost the battle he'd go back to Castle Black or Eastwatch, winter there and wait for the man he sent to Braavos to come back with mercenaries funded by the Iron Bank.
GRRM has a few books where someone sacrafices their child because of prophecy, only for it to backfire. I wouldn't be surprised, but once again, it's the execution.
It's worse than that, because it betrays Martin's need to deconstruct themes and concepts. It's all he does. It's all he can do.
Instead of starting with a building block and moving up, he starts with a finished product and then runs through a list of "what ifs" or "what abouts" until the finished product is destroyed. He's the kind of guy who would look at a happy marriage and then think "this won't be happy when mega chad comes over and his wife cheats on him and his children aren't his and a divorce happens and she dies in a car accident which leaves a curse on his descendants."
Ramsay is constantly set up as being a tard outside of torturing people. He doesn't have any skill as a warrior or commander. Why would Stannis need any help to defeat him?
What are the key differences between the books and the show? I hear they started diverging hard after season 5.
Even the thots and their soi-slaves are cheering on Jon.
>character who goes off the deep end gets killed by the person they care the most who has already been established as a good guy who will sacrifice what he wants for duty
Either the reviewers or DnD are morons if they think that's anything really "holy shit".
>I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty... If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark... Sacrifice... is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice.
I believe that stannis will win the battle of ice, but the wall will come down and then he will sacrifice shireen to save the realm. He almost killed his nephew if wasn't for davos and this time davos won't be there to stop him. He is the king who cared after all, right?
loads of characters dont show up in the show or are much better in the books
>What are the key differences between the books and the show? I hear they started diverging hard after season 5.
There is no book material after season 4.
My main issue was a lot of shit felt like filler plots, stalling for time and kind of treading water. Later, interviews with G.R.R.M. kind of confirmed that's exactly what they were. He felt the time skip he needed was cheap, so he stalled for time.
>The suspense always ratches up a notch when you know that any character can die at any time
>All the main characters except Ned have plot armor and haven't died yet despite logic saying they should, with one of them surviving death to turn into a warg (or just being resurrected)
Fatman, please
>Dany was always meant to be a villain
>would've died in the second book or something
George is fucking terrible
Fucking absolutely. Hell, they even had Jon and Ygritte on opposite sides and she dies in his arms even if he didn't personally kill her. I can't imagine thinking this is supposed to feel novel or surprising. It felt like a shitty less interesting retread.
no shit, there was foreshadowing everywhere that dany was going to go mad and it would be a bitter sweet ending
the whole thing buildup was ridiculous like stannis' defeat
I'm sure GRMM meant stannis to lose but the way DnD did it just make it look silly
>There is no book material after season 4.
yes there is, the books end with jon getting stabbed, arya in the house of the black and white and danny riding her dragon for the 1st time
It can't possibly be Jon killing Dany because it's really trite.
Shireen being sacrificed, while hated on /tg/, was at least surprising and impactful.
No need to explain Hodor.
Jon backstabbing Dany is really dull in comparison. Wow someone backstabbing another for the greater good instead of selfish reasons? When the book began with a major character being executed for being a good person? Wow what a fucking twist...
It would be much more surprising if Dany made a deal with the Night King, resurrected her dead dragons and became the Night Queen and then proceeded to actually win (with the Azor Ahai being fulfilled by NK getting assassinated thus freeing NQ Dany from his control, but she's still undead and in control of undead wights and dragons)
I could see how you feel that way, but I think it's less "filler/stalling for time" and more set up for things to come. The problem is that there's so much to set up, and we've yet to get much payoff. It might seem like a better idea to timeskip to the more interesting stuff, but this comes with its own set of problems and likely would have been incredibly messy and unfulfilling. GRRM has talked about how he tried the timeskip idea in earlier drafts of AFfC and found that he was constantly relying on flashbacks to explain what the hell was going on. Feast/Dance are certainly weaker entries in the series, but I think that it will be easier to appreciate them if and when the series finally comes to its conclusion.
Why censor it now that the show has come out?
Pov characters you stupid showfag. That's something different than "main characters" which only show plebs think a story should have.
There is no night king in the books, start actually reading the books if you want to discuss them...
Illiterate showwatcher here, can you elaborate on how the books make it obvious Bran will be King?
Be less retarded.
I read the books you retarded niggercuck faggot, that's why I said "main characters". He uses some side characters as expendables for shock value or to further the plot sometimes. Do you think Sanso and Arya and Tyrion and Bran are in any danger of dying? Do you think the characters he actually needs for the plot to progress are in any danger of dying? Do you think DAENERYS is actually in any risk of dying before she gets to Westeros, even after she pissed off literally everyone in Essos? Get fucking real, nigger.
>There is no night king in the books
make you wonder though he's been brought up a few times so maybe Jon comes back as a wight & marries Danny shadowing the story or fills in for the NK show character
I haven't read the books since the last one released (literally found out about this series right when GRRMs fat fuck went on a perpetual vacation), give me a fucking break.
ALSO, let's not fucking forget, that the fat retarded fuck has admitted that he painted himself into a corner by killing the wrong characters. Do you think he's gonna keep doing it?
Correction. There's the legend of the Night King. He may still be introduced later on. However, it is likely that a lot of the shit that showNight King does will be made by Euron instead.
I honestly would've preferred an ending where Dany did go a little crazy let's say because Jon died or something during the attack on King's Landing. Tyrion quits, gets executed and she takes the throne without that liberate plan thing for the rest of the world and we're left unsure if she'll be a good or bad ruler. A Targaryen alone in the world, on the throne with no one else in the room and her usual confident demeanor cracks and you can see she's crying and broken on the inside.
Would've been more realistic too
He's already been introduced.
As a legend, not as a proper character.
as a character
So he gave them like three minor plot points? Who gives a fuck about the burning of Shireen or Hodor's origin?
Also, post-death Jon will become Lord Stoneheart, steal Dany's dragons and fuck the Others with them.
Well there is no real clear main character in the books and it's pretty easy when you know what is gonna happen to say those are the main characters. If you're to low iq to realize this this discussion is useless anyway, you faggot cum guzzler.
How are GRRM's other books?
Genuinely fascinating insight into the writing process of this pop series.
You mean join the others with them
she definitely won't. D&D wanted to have action episode and thats how they burned budget.
That city was always begging to be burned to the ground. You can't have firebreathing dragons and a city with millions in a story and not let the dragon lose.
Most of the ones I've read are pretty good.
>dany decided out of the blue to be naughty after everyone surrendered
good to see you were paying attention
The user is right. She basically burns King's Landing and innocent people for virtually no reason... for what? Because Cersei killed Me Sandy? She didn't even target Cersei or try to burn the Red Keep. Her actions didn't make any sense. Are we supposed to believe that a fucking translator was that important to Dany? More important than her dragons (she was still willing to negotiate after Rhaegal was killed). But again, she didn't even target Cersei in the burning of King's Landing, so her character doesn't make any sense.
This. Part of the point of her variant of madness is that there's no obvious cause or trigger for why she massacred King's Landing, she just had enough.
Then Bran's the worst choice for a king. He may be near omniscient, but he's so detached from human concerns that he wouldn't care about half the shit that gets brought to his table. So long as the realm as a whole is safe he couldn't care less.
Crazy people don't need to make sense.
They do. Even the Mad King Aerys had a reason to burn King's Landing. Dany does it because the plot requires it and nothing else.
I think it's because the bells of King's landing during her father's fall were her first memory. But I don't think it was ever mentioned in the show.
The holy shit moment is Born being name master of coin.
she realizes she isn't loved in westeros and therefore can't rule with love and has to rule with fear. yes it was poorly done and too sudden but you'd have to been retarded to not see her reasoning
She was born on Dragonstone after Aerys was already dead not on KL.
No shit this is the ending GRRM wanted. I doubt it was the execution he wanted though
>if i know where a book is going i lose all interest in writing it
I fucking hate him so much bros
If there is proper setup, I don’t mind most of the shit that happens.
Ok. 1, that goes against her entirely established character. One of the main aspects is that she doesn't want the throne only because she thinks its her by right, but because she truly believes she has the common people's interest. That was her whole arc in Essos and her dream of liberating the people of Westeros. Second, she is already feared. She had 2 dragons, the Unsullied and the Dothraki. Burning King's Landing to the ground does nothing except make people eager to kill her. And why would the people of Westeros love her when she just got there? Third, whether the people of Westeros loved her or not is also irrelevant. Peasants will rarely go against their masters unless they are pushed to the brink. Dany had to win the throne with force, regardless.
If Dany told me to join her in that moment, I'd tell her I'd be her Dicking Slave forever, on the condition that she ordered her Dragon to burn the Unsullied and Dothraki to cinders, and then replaced her armies with BLONDE & BLUE EYED Andals & First Men.
I'd be fine with that.
She has been shooting up schools the whole fucking time its just nobody noticed because
>bad men bad
>burn bad men
I'm guessing that Melissandre burns Shireen to bring back the prince that as promised and instead of bringing back Stannis she brings back Jon. It seems the most obvious
Much more common than you think among writers. They either artistically plan for everything in advance or they make up stuff as they go "discovering the story". Normally, it's something in between.
The zombies in the books will probably be defeated through diplomacy. Coaster kept the peace through a steady stream of babies. If they can get another source of babies, they may not attack.
Book Euron is going to lure the Redwyne fleet into deep water, blow up one of his own ships filled with blood, and lure kraken to the surface to devour them.
Poorly executed plot points don't mean that the books will be shit if they have the same plot points. The red wedding was spoiled by my faggy friend in high school when I was reading the books. I still was in shock by the execution and writing of it and the before and after of "rob is killed at his wedding lmao"
Fuck you Alec if you're reading this you massive smelly fag.
>This show is the closest thing to a true redpill
Look in the spoiler section of the page.
Holy shit you are actually mentally retarded
i didn't say it was good i said thats her reasoning, all of ep4 and the first half of 5 all point to this. its shit but the whole season has been massively more shit than any other
this, didn't care for her before ep5 by psycho Danny makes me diamonds
Arya killing the NK was entirely D&D's decision.
Learn to read nigger.
We are only missing ONE spoiler from the books.
Meaning Arya killing the night king was fanfiction, euron killing Jaime was fanfiction, cersei's death was fanfiction, bran is king was fanfiction.
It was all an illusion.
Stannis is marching on the Boltons and Shireen is at Castle Black. He will not burn his daughter.
There's no way Bran will be king in the book.
Unless he wins and burns her some other time. Just because it happened one way in the show doesn't mean that's how it will happen in the books. There are a lot of characters who didn't even make it into the show, their very existence changes how things go
maybe Gods forgive me he fails and returns to Castle Black
>Unless he wins and burns her some other time.
We know that Mannis won't burn her to stop the Boltons, because either he wins and doesn't need to, or loses, dies and can't. If he burns her in an attempt to hold back the Others, that would be tragic, but frankly at least semi-understandable by comparison to the show given the horrific and all-consuming nature of the threat.
Most people wanted Daeny's character to have been treated with more consistency and given her a ending that felt deserved. In two episodes, Daeny fights to save mankind and kills an entire city full of innocent people. Not even Cersei gave two shits about the Night King.
A lot of major characters are also doing the same "kill the opposing enemy and the people betraying me", the only difference is that they use their swords personally instead of a dragon.
>Dany was originally going to kill Drogo in revenge for Visery's death
Things sure have changed. Now, imagine how often this happens to Martin currently when he's got 80 gorillion POV characters and far less of an idea about where things will go.
Dany's been saying for many seasons that she's going to take back what's hers through fire and blood. Feminists and soiboi's just wanted her to get the throne and have all 7 kingdoms ruled by women.
I would have preferred to see Dany on the show go out at least semi-heroically, as it fits the overall situation they worked themselves into much better, but a proper arc with Dany as the final antagonist could have been amazing.
We didn't get a proper arc.
Taking back what's owed to you in fire and blood doesn't necessarily equate to killing thousands of innocent people and she took special care to separate innocents from those perpetrating death and violence throughout the series. Not to mention the stupidity of Jon and Tyrion surrounding these events most of which seem also uncharacteristic, Daeny's decision to torch the inhabitants of KL after the bells tolled was poorly executed; all of it. Though the sfx were amazing.
>I don’t see how Stannis will sacrifice his daughter
Who says Stannis will do it? But also, i'm pretty sure that if stannis does it it will be after her disease comes back.
>Why would GRRM tell them to introduce time travel without telling them what it led to?
because he doesn't fucking know either. Why do you think it's taken him 8+ years to write the 6th book? He knows how it ends but can't figure out how to get there, which is the same problem D&D had. GRRM told them the basic bullet point ending (White Walkers are defeated before the climax, Jon kills Dany, Bran becomes king, Arya goes west, Jon goes North, etc) but didn't tell them how to get to those plot points because he didn't know himself. The only differene is instead of spending 8+ years figuring out what to do after Season 4, they powered through it and hoped for the best. George can sit around and take as long as he likes to finish the books but if you're making a TV show you don't have that luxury.
D&D are shit writers and I'm not trying to defend them in any way, but I don't think anyone else who was put in their shoes would've been able to come up with a satisfying way to reach those plot points while also writing/producing an entire season each year. Especially because they didn't have the books to adapt any more.
ARYA WANTED TO FUCK JON ahahah Martin you sick fuck
Tyrion was going to fall in love with Arya>> holy shit
More the fact they inserted J&D meeting/in Love S07 destroying the pacing of Dany's arch into madness. Well, not really I guess bc it could've worked, D&D just fucked it up making Jon her "yes my queen" cuckboy (Ygritte who, lol)
Ppl didn't like that it was the culmination of Dany's quest for the Throne (she basically says she'll do anything and destroy everything to win the Throne in S01 bc it's her Dragon birthright), they wanted a good "trigger" instead to explain.
Given the ending was rushed af, would've been much better Dany goes "mad" from a good trigger (Dragon #2 dies, her Forces are getting BTFO by Euron & Golden Company, then Drogon goes beastmode and Dany says fuck it because she's about to lose).
Wonder how Mad Dany could've been done if Cercie/KL Battle was 1st, NK Battle was last & the ending was Jon killing her. Dunno but NK Battle HAD to be last and these mfs needed to dedicate most S07 to NK/WW backstory & battle
>hold door was a holy shit moment
HBO asked grrm to give them epics moments and since GRRM didnt have any he just made shit up or threw out trash ideas that he probably won't use
im gonna laugh at you for reading them
>Oh no no posting
By some jew nigger cunt who doesn't understand why the books will be better regardless. Literally kill yourself.
Stannis could die in the battle against the Boltons and instead Melisandre may burn Shireen in an attempt to resurrect him.
Hmm it could still happen, they haven't reunited with each other yet in the books.
this and only this
a whole season is missing after episode 5
dab and rebbid just wanted to fuck off to shit some of their retardation on söywars aswell
>Implying he'll ever finish them
And if so, yea, they probably will fix everything. The ending of the show is only bad because D&D rushed it. It's a decent end if characters had time to develop into their roles.
I think you mean e4
Young Griff is great
It's canon in the book
Dany x jon is d&d fanfiction
Arya x jon is canon
Yeah, D&D literally destroyed GoT's rewatchability in how they handled the NK & WWs.
What's worst is how they completely pissed away S05-S07 on shit OC plotlines that went nowhere when they could've given Euron a good backstory and used most of S07 to give the fucking NK & WWs a backstory with Bran doing something ffs, for this and in the final battle.
If they were abandoning Martin's materiel S05 on all they had to do was focus on Dany coming to Westeros, NK/WW (with Bran), Euron, Cersie taking power and getting the Golden Co, and Jon trying to unite the living vs dead (and Arya's FM arch resolved quicker I guess)
D&D summed up are FUCKING HORRIBLE at overall plot lines but sure can shoot scenes of emotional impact to trick the audience with decent enough dialogue behind it to hide how fucking shit and nonsensical and worthless the plots really are (went full bore S08 hiding substance with flash and emotional ploys)
the point wasn't the ending it was how we got there
I-I'm sure GRRM will make it better, he's writing 3000 pages for each one of his last two books!!
Hear me out
What if GRRM fed them wrong information? What if he took literally the entire world on a ruse cruise? What if the books are already finished and have been for years?
why make jon to be a targ then if he doesnt take the throne
make brann an all seeing hand
there i fixed this shit
Yea Forums here, stop fucking spoiling this. Keep it on Yea Forums and don't bring it over to my board.
Agreed, but I take issue with
>She may burn King's Landing accidently
That's retarded. Book Dany will probably just go full conqueror and burn KL to defeat whoever holds it. It will be a shade of grey, rather than burning 500k civilians after the city surrendered.
They fucked around for three seasons of a show that's always been a slow burn to then completely ruin the series because they rushed the ending.
Rushing it meant horrible execution and they really fucked the entire show.
Many great things were pulled off in S08 but it ringed hallow. Ffs, 8.3 was nearly a fucking masterpiece, one first watch it seemed the pulled it off. Second look it was horrible. Nm, NK battle end in one ep but....all the reasons discussed ad nausium.
8.3 with a couple tweaks is a masterpiece.
>NO 20 cut aways w/ characters surrounded/doomed u fuckin retards!
>Bran plays a HUGE role in defeating NK
>Jon 1v1s NK + >Characters< Fight WW Generals w/ Jon
>More Characters Die
>NK Kills Arya & Bran
>LoL actually did something great with Melisandre & Beric - They sacrifice themselves so Jon, Dany, & Co can retreat South bc BTFO (having 2nd Battle/Final Showdown w/ NK in 8.4 or 8.5)
A ton of shit could've been done to make GoT S08 Great but they blew it
>maybe the Game of Thrones was the friends we made along the way
>He'll be the one to kill Dany with Blackfyre through the heart.
I'm pretty sure Dany will kill him and go mad against him. Dragons will fly.
Nah He wanted Aegon Targaryn to kill Danerys
however someone else is using that name in the books
It's a double edged sword to do that kind of thing.
On one hand, it can get people to be more excited and looking forward to the books to see things end up differently. On the other hand though, it will really make him look like a scumbag for intentionally making the show steer in that direction.
For example, lets say its him that told them that Cersei and Jaime get together by the time the last season was being made, when in the books Jaime gets with Brienne and Cersei gets killed by him or something else. That means all the buildup and development they were going for in the show for their characters got dumped because they had to listen to his instructions.
Stannis is hundreds of miles away from his daughter at the end if the last book
hey beter
Yeah buy the books now if you know what happens. Don't give me that journey bullshit. Fatso literally told everyone the ending of his books he hasn't even published yet. Good move idiot.
Don't worry lads, the fat fuck is rewriting both books to appease the masses.
>Stannis sacrificing his daughter Shireen
Stannisfags BTFO.
>was nearly a fucking masterpiece, one first watch it seemed the pulled it off.
Night King in the books was a former Lord commander of the nights watch
>Tyrion wants to fuck Arya and Arya wants to fuck Jon.
>Sansa actually betrays the Starks, marries Joffrey and gives him a son.
>Joffrey kills Robb in battle.
>Catelyn hides with Mance Rayder and gets killed by the Others.
>Daenerys kills Khal Drogo to avenge Viserys' death.
>Tyrion ragequits his family when Joffrey frames him for murder.
What a ride.
>couple tweaks
>changes the whole fuckin plot
In the moment with the visuals and soundtrack especially, yes.
The absolute shit of it all didn't arise until a second thought afterwards (besides the BS 20 cut aways & Arya out of nowhere killing NK & shit "blue eyes" - M & fucking Beric's scene. Must I go into more details why it was utter shit? Just saying that with a few tweaks it would've been great and same goes for all of S08. Even with the fags rushing it, a few small changes and it would've been pulled off. Yes, even despite shitting up S05-S07, they could've still pulled it off and that's been proven by thousands of online nobody critics giving their thoughts as I am.
>What if the books are already finished and have been for years?
He debunked your retarded reddit conspiracy theory twice already. Keep coping faggot.
No in the books it’ll be shit too
Joffrey actor was the best in the entire series. Dinklige's Tyrion was going to go down as one of the best ever until they fucking ruined his character.
>what if Jamie and Cersie have always fucked in front of their lil bro, making Tyrion jerking his imp cock in the corner...
>Keep coping faggot.
how? more dicks in my ass? are you offering? if so how big?
Any idiot can add trivia without sources
The death of Shireen is sort of foreshadowed in the books, but seems to have something to do with Dragons, or Dragonstone, and the hints we've gotten more seem to indicate Melisande and Selyse had more to do with it, and it basically had no chance of happening at the time it did, and for the reasons it did.
There's so much shit cut from the show that I believe D&D couldn't have GRRM's ending make sense so they just rushed to the ending and called it quits
Too many to count but the worst two are how badly they fucked up Stannis and Doran Martell.
TONS of shows have this problem. It's because they start a show with a good premise but no ending in mind. You have to make filler because you don't know when you'll end, but when you do get cancelled, you only have a season to wrap everything up.
But they weren't cancelled though, HBO even offered them more episodes and seasons.
feels like im the only one who remembers the golden company + cersie + euron vs jon and dany leaks from fucking YEARS ago
like seriously am I going crazy?