This is gonna be our Mary Jane for the next 10 to 15 years, we will have to live with that

This is gonna be our Mary Jane for the next 10 to 15 years, we will have to live with that

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Based. How will pasty mayos ever recover

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Imagine if a white person did this. Unironically imagine this shit

She needs to audition for my gf role

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she cute

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And that's unironically a good thing

did what?

>Cute brown girl steals roles for basic white bitches and stars in the movies where her love interest is always a white boy
>Yea Forums is somehow mad about this

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>Implying that shitskin isn't desperate to be white

>be a mutt
>have identity crisis
>can't relate to any race in particular
>meekly pretend you're black while aspiring to be white

>implying they won't reboot Spiderman again three or four years from now

I really don't mind. She looks pretty nice after all. They just had to make her look ugly for some odd reasons.

I hope MuttJ dies and we finally get best girl Felicia

Only in Sonycucks dreams, in reality we will have Old Man Peter movie in 30 years which Tom Holland will win Oscar for

Yeah right, this shit is rebooted every few years, chances are MJ will be a tranny next time.


If you care about a race of some shitty cape character in a soulless Marvel flick #597894630, the jews already rented a room in your head and they aint paying

She is gonna ditch her glasses, overalls and ponytail and wear a dress in Far From Home making Peter realise she was hot all along as song Kiss Me written by Sixpence None The Richer in 1998 plays into the background

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How do we fix this?

They're going to kill her off in this movie so it's fine.

By breeding her every year to make her too busy for having movie career

I was really drunk when I watched Spiderman
Who's that girl again..?

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A qt

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She's the last of the Harvested.

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She is Disney's bitch, she doesn't need him

What so she fucked him for the fun of it?

Ongurry should've been Peter's love interest.

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Sounds good to me

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>MJ is supposed to be a supermodel.
>Raimi casted an uggo goblina because she had been in a Tom Cruise vampire movie when she was a kid.
>Now MJ will be played by a supermodel-tier brown girl.

I don't see the issue, aside from muh racism.

Krinsten Dunst is unironically better looking than the mutt

>tfw next MJ will speak 100% in Spanish and you'll need to read English subs at American theaters

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She's really cute

Disney didn’t pay her enough
This is unironically based though I hope it’s true

Those long chocolate legs look very lickable


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poor baby


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She's hot. Not a hideous monster like Kirsten Dunst

Yea Forums will start liking her when her nude scenes in Euphoria drop

Go to reddit

Screencapped this

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missing link face?

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What ever happened with this guy? Surely a Harvard accredited rapper must be topping the charts by now, right?

I fucking hate Kirsten Dunst but she is unironically better looking than Zendaya, you absolute faggot

>photoshopped to hell

Mary Jane? More like Moesha Janequanitawanda

She looks okay there, caked in 20 lbs of makeup. She looks like fucking garbage in Spider-Man, and in random photos of her daily life.


White roasties are trash.

colored girls are nasty little minxes. they get slick and juicy just thinking about dick. you whip on out like whipping their ancestors, and they will jump on it like a chicken on a glob of snot.

But user, all girls wear make-up, black girls also use it less, because skin imperfections are harder to see on darker skin

do you eat shit for every meal? because it takes some truly shit tastes to say something like that.

Nigger sneaking in with a wetback sounding last name. She’s trash and capshitters should die.

Thats not even MJ.

>caring about capeshit

We could pretend to be lesbians and get her character to turn gay.

Zendaya in a nutshell

She’s already used goods, it’s how she stayed relevant

Like Valkyrie wasn’t Valkyrie but they confirmed she was all along in Endgame? Changing the name Mary to Michelle didn’t fool anyone, she’s Peter’s love interest too, and you still can’t accept she’s MJ?

She's such a fucking hoe

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>Watching spoderman movies

Honestly if she’d just play “MJ” and not this bullshit some awkward feminist nerd girl it wouldn’t even matter. It’s the bullshit that pours out of characters mouth that is the problem.

>brown skin
>brown eyes
>brown hair
>wide flat nose

Wow such diversity, so much that 90% of the planet share the exact same "diverse" features

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even in her "best" pictures she looks awful and generic

you could literally replace her with any of her jungle kin and nobody would notice


Good one. Not only is she not cute, her body is average, at best.

do american really does this?

Why us Yea Forums like this, where are the Whited shops, sure shes not the best looking colored girl but shes has good features or maybe like Dr. Lecter said we covet what we see everyday

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Nah, at the current rate, Spider Man will be rebooted in 2 years.

>regularly auditions for roles written for white women
This has been standard practice for years. It means nothing. Producers only do it for the sake of appearances.

When is shitskin is cast, the role is usually handed to them. That is why you see the same shitskins always getting work.

Yeah, the spiderman franchise probably only has a couple movies left after far from home. So, maybe 4-5 more years. They'll shart out green goblin, doc oc, and a version of the sinister six, then they'll be no where left for this franchise to go.

Look, we already had to deal with your shit taste in MJ for a decade. If you're going to bitch, know that plenty didn't like this ugly slag during the 2000s. Now, excuse me while I delete this image from my hdd.

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God help us. First the smelly cooking, and they breed like rabbits.

I will never understand the fascination Yea Forums has with this flatchested, El ogro tier mutt

I wouldn't even be mad if they had made her dye her hair red

she cute

Not that guy, but yeah she isn't really MJ. Looks aside her personality is nothing like MJ. She is definitely MJ's replacement, but might as well be an original character.


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that cutie patootie is the best waifu we have had in Spider-Man so far including emelem frog and dunce dunst

Are you retarded? Imagine white person admitted they regularly audition for the black/brown roles.

You aight, white boi

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Goblina refers to Mexican-Whites or otherwise white/non-white mixes you fucking baboon

you'll never marry a white girl pajeet, stop worshipping them


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I legitimately can not tell which one is the mother and which is the father

Do Americans really do this?

Mutt grills are cute as fuck

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She turned out alright for how ugly her parents are

that's not uncommon