>fantasy set in a different universe
>characters have Christian morals
>fantasy set in a different universe
>characters have Christian morals
>Christian morals
There's no morals exclusive to Christianity.
>Christian morals
>you have to be christian to condemn burning and raping of tens of thousands of women and children
There's no moral outside Christianity especially among atheists.
Why else would you?
Yes. Just look at the godless world today.
imagine being brainwashed by kikes this much.
you don't have to take the bible literally, it's a story. but pretending that that it isn't the root of all modern morality is ridiculous
Yeah look how tolerant, merciful and honorable pagans were from 10,000BC to 500AD
The biggest humanitarian act of that era was enslaving a city and dragging them elsewhere instead of burning them with it
>everyone speaks a language you can recognize
>apparently human
>physics roughly makes sense
Immersion ruined desu
The author put in things they wish. Similar to how they all speak English and such.
Reddit please go
it is though, plato and aristotle didn't preach morality or honor, they developed advanced practical philosophical concepts and that was the end of it
I suppose Hippocrates kind of established the concept of medical ethics, but that's it
>Latin alphabet
This unironically broke my immersion
it's literally impossible for modern westernoids to understand that all morality in the west and east comes from religion, even among atheists.
moral doesn't exist outside of your brain. nature has no moral. you kill or getting killed. that's the only universal moral.
most chemical bonds we make don't exist outside of nature either, what's your point?
did you forgot about that witch hunting part when you talk about christianity? torture and murder is approved by the church. their holy book didn't changed since then, so why would their moral changed?
Read about Platonism. You shall have your answer.
I can't tell if you guys are being serious in implying that people can only be good if they are religious, if you actually believe that you are literally NPC level brainlet
>protestants """hunting"" witches in 1600 Northern Germany and Colonial America
kek, shut up fedora
Christianity didn't really invent any of the morals it endorses is what he's saying. Like there were pre-Christian societies which had rules against murder and so on. If you really want to pick flaws focus on the battle tactics and stuff like that
Morals exist independent of religion.
>christian morals
>first thousand years
>get myself killed and martyred for skydaddy
>next thousand years
>kill people who don't believe in my skydaddy
fucking lol at christians thinking they are ever benevolent
god (the guy who created nature itself) doesn't have moral
Isn't one of the gods in GOT close to the judeo christian God? Who the fuck did that old priest Cersei blow up worship?
>only be good if they are religious
Yeah look how moral, charitable and chaste atheists are
Yes actually the absence of morality is the corner stone of atheist philosophy but you're just a fedora and not a real intellectual so you wouldn't know that
It's obviously based on medieval Western Europe. The Christian morals are part of that.
But yeah it doesn't really explain how Christian morals could exist while their religion lacks anything similar to the Christian Revelation.
>redditor calling others NPC
redpilled but not fully
atheists follow morals as well, it's just their morals are meme morals fed by their rotten culture. many of the new stuff like social justice spheres can be classified as a religion because they all try to enforce their own morals down to everyone's throats. morality is more than just traditional christian values, culture today values more unique things fit to the present
Witch hunts were almost entirely a Renaissance and Enlightenment Era Protestant thing.
Protestants are practically Muslims.
>There's no morals exclusive to Christianity.
Thou shalt not kill faggot.
Only the starks have christian values.
Most of the houses in GoT have the 'might is right' attitude.
so the church didn't supported witch hunting to gain more power?
Literally in both Judaism and Islam
Faith of the Seven is Catholicism but Jon believes in another religion
extremely based and redpilled
>what is cherry picking
Guess if you had critical thinking skills you wouldn't believe in a supernatural space pedo
That one sign literally says the guy is a jew. Are you illiterate?
Their culture clearly has values of medieval chivalry, which are Christian as fuck.
Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Faggot.
Based. Atheist BTFO
>fantasy set in a different universe
>people still eat and wear clothes
wow, who ever thought
Do you think it's an accident that the Faith of the Seven has certain characteristics reminiscent of Christianity?
Is this what they taught you at fedora Sunday school?
Jews created new atheism
Well, Jon was raised under the Old culture tho
t. hasn't read literally any moral philosophy
Explains why (((D&D))) blew it up
They don't. The 'Lord of Light' demands you burn your own kids. He's Lucifer. All the characters are devil worshippers. Which explains a good deal.
Protestants have nothing to do with the Church
Other than the fact they left it, in some cases for no reason, in other cases for just
For example, one of the greatest astronomer of all time, Johannes Kepler, had to defend his mother against accusations of Witchcraft by the Protestant Lutherans in Leonberg. One of the only famous witchcraft cases not taking place in rural area, and nothing do with the Catholic Church.
Ugly and cringepilled
It's a "atheists enter the thread raging about how they can still be moral in a completely nihilistic world" thread.
Cool. Why is it bad to be "immoral"? You can't answer that.
Yeah but there's no explanation for it. They seem to enjoy all the fruits of Christianity, but there's no tree. No talk of Revelation, no explanation for how the Faith of the Seven stopped being sacrificial paganism and became pseudo-Christianity.
shut up jew
Wow, so much for christian morality.
Melisandre is a Cathar.
Wrong. There is no 'do unto others' in Islam. There is 'lie and steal and wear the enemy down, which is the rest of the planet, then rape their women.' Try reading the user's manual sometime. I have.
american detected
and they are also humans, what kind of fantasy world is this?
Of course someone that based can only be Amercian.
Americans > Rest of the Wold. Suck it down commie.
says the literal american
westeros is based on europe, i thinc
You can say a lot about GoT, the last few seasons in particular, but the characters do have a wide and varying range of morals. So you go first and explain how all of them have Christian morals nevertheless.
You can't either. "Because God said so" is not an answer.
>European imitating American fedoralords
Didn't God ask Abraham to kill his son too? All monotheisitc religions have fucked up shit
What's this supposed to say? Spanish Inquisitions toll was only 3-5 thousand over decades, not very damning. Over a dozen years, I'm sure I'd find 5 thousand faggots and criminals to execute too, including those practicing usury or occultic practices
How many Nigerians are Muslim? All the ones I've met have been hardcore Christian.
It literally is.
If being horrified by a mass murder is "Christian morals" then I guess you can tip your fedora straight to Hell.
The conflict is based on the War of the Roses in England, so its based on England.
Why kek? She's literally based on a character who was a Cathar.
It was just a prank, bro. He told Abe it was a prank and that the camera was right there before he went through with it.
>stoning adulterers
>whipping or cutting hands for theft
>death penalty for apostates
All those things were perfectly fine according to Chistianity before it got cucked by the "enlightenment".
>over decades
You mean centuries
"Because I feel like it" is also not an answer.
I thought it was a joke, who's she historically based on? I don't know any cathar female mystics
>medieval chivalry is uniquely christian
ancient china and japan would liek a word with you
>ancient romans and greeks had no morals
3-5 k executed from 1400-1800, maybe if they went harder they could've kept their empire
No it fucking isn't. The War of the Roses is the main inspiration for the Starks, but 90% of the rest is ripped straight from a series of historical novels set in 14th century France, with storylines going into England and Italy.
They had morals which would be alien to modern people.
Ancient Greeks and Romans practiced slavery. I thought you cucks thought slavers deserved to be crucified in the streets? kek
>What's this supposed to say?
>lol here's a picture of supposed atheists doing bad things that means that atheism is bad and all atheists are immoral
What did he mean by this?
now go to Yea Forums and reee at the webms of chinese people torturing dogs for fun
Which superior Roman morality includes fucking your sister, executing your mother, 5 wars of succession a year, and boy fucking?
Because it breaks the social contract which can be disadvantageous to the individual if discovered thereby reducing their likelihood to survive and breed.
It all comes down to the maths of survival both the individual and the collective are considered and being immoral is overall (in most cases) disadvantageous because the immoral can justifiably suffer immortal acts themselves at the hands of the collective as a punitive measure, these immoral acts are deeded moral in the name of keeping the collective by in large moral.
They were literal pedos, dude.
Beatrice d'Hirson, who in real life as far as we know was just a lady-in-waiting to Mahaut of Burgundy, but who in The Accursed Kings (which much of ASoIaF is based on) is a seductive witch who believes in a Cathar heresy about the world being a battlefield between the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness, and helps Philip the Long aka Stannis become king by poisoning his relatives.
Chivalry != Bushido. There is nothing worse in Christianity than suicide, yet in Japan it was expected.
It literally is an answer. Do you know what the word "arbitrary" means? It comes from "arbiter." God makes the rules because He is the ultimate arbiter.
I thought it seemed a lot like the en.wikipedia.org
Tbh I'd prefer retarded roman pagan squabbling over whatever GoT was about
>Child bearing hips.
>our kids would be part of the Zionist Conspiracy
Me gusta
*Valyrian alphabet
>fucking your sister, executing your mother, 5 wars of succession a year
All considered amoral by contemporaries. Read a fucking book, nigga.
Samurai could kill and rape anyone for looking at them funny, very chivalrous, much morality
Go get eaten by a lion for entertainment kthx
Christians were always allowed to have non-Christian slaves. And in the Americas they didn't even follow that rule.
>atheists kil 100+ million in a few decades
>atheists manage to outkill mother nature over centuries
Atheists are pretty good at one thing at least, killing atheists
Imagine being such a brainlet you actually believe divine command theory is a coherent ethical system, let alone a compelling one. Has literally anyone in this thread read any moral philosophy or are you all just simpletons, fishing for (Yous), or both?
hot, sounds like a modern rendition of ancient greek and assyrian tales like Semiramis and Medea, the wife of Jason
What's your point?
No, it doesn't. There are situations in which it would be beneficial to a person or the whole to do something "immoral" in one instance.
It is perfectly rational to kill a person with no family and who is hated if it benefits a lot of other people. However, it's "immoral" to do so.
Read Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Because I've already read the only book on morality anyone needs to read.
So they were never against slavery, just against enslaving their own.
dubs of truth
Tip for the newfriend, on Yea Forums, we say nigger, not the nigger slang 'nigga'
genuinely just trying to help you, don't insult me for it, I WILL go read a book
>brings up moral philosophy
>denies the relation with religion and social morality
based pseud
>So they were never against slavery, just against enslaving their own.
So you mean exactly like Ancient Greeks and Romans? I'm not sure if you're trying to construct a counter-argument or if you're just trying to inform me of things I already know.
Yes. Have you? Have you even read Saint Augustine, or Thomas Aquinas?
>if you cum on the floor instead of in your brother's wife's vagina, God will kill you.
>the dragons name is drogon
Seems like an improvement, also given how Christians ended the global practice of slavery
Also, the Church announced an edict banning communism, where's the atheists taking a stand against communism?
blessed and salvationpilled
based and christpilled
Based. Too bad you missed FP, but Athiests on suicide watch.
Also not exclusive to or originating from Christianity. It's in the Code of Hammurabi ffs. Try again.
Unironically true. Not joking. Absolutely serious.
Morals without Christianity are completely arbitrary on the person deciding to follow them.
fedora's can never compete
eh, the broad strokes are the same.
The concept of "good" comes mostly from religion wether you are aware of it or not.
That's why different civilisations have different notions of what is good.
>there are people who are unironically not Christians in 2019
This has to be some kind of meta bait
tranny's hate religion for some weird reason
It blows my mind sometimes that there are still sincerely religious people.
The only thing that blows your mind is my scimitar crushing your infidel skull
You can save the larping - I already dislike Islam.
if christianity is the root of all morality does that mean that rape is cool, because there is no commandment against it? does it mean slavery is cool, because the bible teaches you how to care for them? does it mean it's okay to drown the entire planet in rainwater because they're just mean dummy doodoo heads?
i swear, you christians are the stupidest fucking retards ever...the mental gymnastics you guys pull to explain the retardery of the bible (ITS JUST A STORY BRO) is literally leftist-tier. and you all lack any sort of self awareness. i really miss the days of 2012 where you guys were a minority on this site and everyone mocked you, because posts like yours are just so fucking astoundingly stupid it actually hurts my brain to believe you legitimately believe that deep inside your heart.
>christians are the stupidest fucking retards ever
I'd give that honour to Scientologists, but you raise some good points.
>rape is cool, because there is no commandment against it? does it mean slavery is cool, because the bible teaches you how to care for them? does it mean it's okay to drown the entire planet in rainwater because they're just mean dummy doodoo heads?
Are you fucking retarded? We're talking about Christianity not Judaism you kike shill.
> if christianity is the root of all morality
Never said that idiot. Western morality.
Read a bible sperg.
God bless you.
>this autistic fedoralord chimping out
In Christianity all sexual actions outside of marriage are prohibited, which means 99.9% of all rape is forbidden by default. Any kind of spousal abuse is forbidden because husbands are commanded to love and uplift their wives. Don't be a pedantic fuckhead.
Nah, Christianity is based and you're a reddit tranny faggot
>It is perfectly rational to kill a person with no family and who is hated if it benefits a lot of other people. However, it's "immoral" to do so.
Why? I don't think you have a very firm grasp of the material if you can't.
I suggest you read An Honest Thief by the same.
>Christianity is bad because look at all this Jewish shit that has nothing to do with Christ
It blows my mind that people think systems of belief that have existed for over 1000 years will disappear in less than a century because some faggot realized that genetic mutations occur in living organisms. What a surprise, the origin of life is more complicated than "lel everything was made in six days." I guess you never really thought about it since there was nobody around to measure time.
>the mental gymnastics
Considering your entire first paragraph is a series of logic fallacies I don't think you have the right to call out anyone on mental gymnastics.
Taoism is all about balance.
By these standards even shit like Naruto is christian. Did Christians invent honor, honesty and protection of the weak, or is it simply something mentally and physically healthy humans do naturally?
a few addons that aren't really incompatible.
The slave stuff is in the old testament.
if you need "christianity" as a ploy to make you not murder people etc then you are a fucking spud.
My grandma and aunt are devout christians and two of the happiest people I know. They're pretty, cook and clean (great cooks btw). My aunt has two sons and both of the oldest are my age and married. Not to mention one of my best friends growing up is a pastor, married his high school sweetheart, and owns a home. All atheism got me was more bitterness, and the only reason I turned to it was out of contempt for the world.
It looks Christian if you just look at the surface.
Naruto is mostly Boudhist morality.
the bibles the first religion to explicitly condemn rape as a violation of human dignity, not property aggression
This, Based.
In which passage(s) can I find that?
I have. Why do you think divine command theory has literally zero place in serious contemporary discussion of ethics?
>Makes retarded claim
>No proofs
Why am I not surprised.
>Tells me to read the Bible
>N-n-no! All that bad stuff is just the half of the Bible that I can't defend, and will blame on the joos!
Ah yes, how could I forget about this trite, predictable Christian response? Sure bud, let me open up my NEW testament really quick.
>Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
Whoa seems like hes down with all that kike shit man.
>Hebrews 10:28 ""Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses."
WTF god killed everyone that worshipped the kike portion of the bible? haha crazy man
>Acts 3:23 "And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people."
haha woah dude based and redpilled xD
If I ever become supreme dictator of this Earth, I am going to round you all up and feed you to lions and nail the rest of you to crosses like the good old days. Fucking faggots
terribly based
unbelievably redpilled
Deuteronomy 22:25-27
“But if in the field the man finds the girl who is engaged, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lies with her shall die. But you shall do nothing to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, so is this case."
Robbing a bank is also rational because that's where the money is, doesnt make it morally permissible.
>why don't the kikes who are trying to rek Western civilisation and morality follow Christianity
fedorakek absolutely BTFO
Christianity doesn't precede human societies and obviously there were and are non Christian societies with their own set of moral principles.
GoT shows why you shouldn't let women do anything
Christianity is the source of all moral corruption
guaranteed replies
This. And morality is evil.
I wonder when feminists will realize that the "patriarchy" is just statism. Probably never.
literally breaking the rule in this post. kek great job. see you in hell nerd
Not the proofs needed, your claim was ">the bibles the first religion to explicitly condemn rape" You've yet to prove this.
>there are no Buddhist morals
>there are no traditional pre-Christian European motives
>stone age tribes didn't abide by rules
Absolutely retarded. Not killing and stealing have been the cornerstone of every civilization since civilization started. The Ten Commandments didn't invent them. Do you know how long human history goes back before Christianity? Do you really think all those empires thousands of years before Jesus was born had no morality? How would they be able to build and live in a society?
There exists no earlier equivalent to give, case and point fedoralord
Utter retardation. What is humanism?
>self-proclaimed Christians actually following the precepts of Christ
Top kek, go get yourself another Big Mac and diet coke and make sure you're home in time for Hannity
probably because it's the best religion
So you're saying you have no proofs to support your claim? Sad, and here I was hoping you could actually back up the bullshit you spout.
I don't have an identity crisis so I don't need to wittingly buy into bad arguments.
Not that guy, but now the burden of proof is on you to provide an example from before 700 BC.
>Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
He doesn't say that at all. He fulfills only what he considers to be the spirit of Judaism, but which only is one interpretation of it. He also implies, and Paul explicitly states, that all the Jewish law can be done away with except for what is reaffirmed by Jesus.
>Hebrews 10:28 ""Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses."
Read the whole passage you stupid fuck. He's talking in the past tense because that's a reference to Jewish law, which is no longer valid. He goes on to say that rejecting Christ is far worse than rejecting the law of Moses ever was for Jews.
Third quote isn't even relevant in any way.
>If I ever become supreme dictator of this Earth, I am going to round you all up and feed you to lions and nail the rest of you to crosses like the good old days. Fucking faggots
This right here is your brain without Christian morality. Good thing that all of modern science and civilisation is also a product of Christianity, so without it you're just a useless nigger, no matter how angry, bitter and hateful you are.
>Muh Christians
Is there anything more cringe?
All films from different countries, be it Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist etc are hard to differentiate when it comes to their moral basis. Never seen some exotic foreign film and thought "these are totally outlandish morals".
The rules of the social justice sphere are followed more out of fear than any real sense of morality, it's the reasons why you have female SJW's defending Islam.
Women are terrified of being excluded from the group because they still have that primal fear of being denied protection and that meant death for a lone woman. Men still fear becoming pariahs but they had a much better chance of surviving on their own and are greater risk takers so are more likely to challenge group think to defend themselves or for potential gain.
Culture today is people without any real identity, with people trying to fill a void. It's why you have so many teens going through an LGBT phase, one of the few identities that is heavily promoted allowed to them.
You don't believe it's immoral to kill someone even if it benefits a bunch of people and only harms the person you're killing?
Heh, I knew you were going to respond to this and I almost included it in my original post, but I was hoping you could come up with something better. This is why I hardly ever argue with Christians anymore because you are all NPC's designed to spout the EXACT same fucking arguments every time.
That last sentence was just to trigger you and I succeeded pretty well. Get fucked
Nobody is saying you can only be good if you are religious. People are saying our current morality is based in christianity, which is true (And many other thing as well).
You don't need to be a calvinist to be a capitalist, but the former gave birth to the later.
I didn't make the claim, I merely asked him to verify his. Therefore there is no burden of proof on me. Try again.
It does if you don't follow God. Because without God, morals are whatever you want them to be at any given moment.
>x doesn't exist
>please provide proof
this seems rather circular, but given how anxious you are, you know you're wrong anyway
You atheists are probably used to that though
Not a single thing that condemns rape as a violation of human dignity, Greeks are also empty so let's try Roman law and theology
>In Roman law, raptus (or raptio) meant primarily kidnapping or abduction;[6] sexual violation was a secondary issue. The "abduction" of an unmarried girl from her father's household in some circumstances was a matter of the couple eloping without her father's permission to marry
based, dubs, redpilled, the works. this is a terrific post.
Yes, Christianity is the path of Logos, the path for Truth.
>And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. - John 8:32
forgot my link, either way, I stand correct in that no other work of religion condemns rape as a violation of human dignity
>Heh, I knew you were going to rek me using that exact argument. You thought you were going to surprise me, didn't you? Little did you know getting publicly humiliated by you was my master plan all along. Nothing personnel kid.
OK then
Definitely not true. Religion hasn't been around as long as "being nice" has.
Communist subversion of christian values.
Man, Sumerian kings were assholes
Couldn't be any other way.
>Thinking all that kikery has anything to do with Christ.
Nice try deflecting faggot. As of now you are claiming that an example from 700 BC is not the earliest example. That means YOU have to prove it's not the earliest example. Now provide evidence or fuck off with your fallacious sophistry.
So you're saying you still have no proof to support your claim?
Humans invented morals before we invented religion
I'mDo you even know "Sola fide" and , and way worse and evil "liberation theology"?
>christian morals
Too much onions in your diet, fedoracuck
>As of now you are claiming that an example from 700 BC is not the earliest example.
I never made such a claim, sorry. I just asked for verification that was in fact the first which you cannot provide. Try again.
Citation needed
There were morals before Christianity, but Christianity really started the conversation on what morals are and led to the Renaissance and the intellectual development of Europe. And i'm an atheist.
>Lose argument
>revert immediately to ad hom
Not surprising either.
actually the lord of light is a messianic religion and is based on gnosticism. GRRM stated this in an interview. all of the ASOIAF religions contain elements from real world religions, but they are separate and not directly based on anything in the real world because it's a fantasy. The faith of the seven has the most obvious connection to catholicism (one god in a trinity).
>get bfto
>hur NO
I'm starting to believe you're just pretending to be atheist to make them look bad
How about this: what is moral, and how do you know? can't wait to hear your justification
>There's no moral outside Christianity
There's no moral outside the church
>get btfo by Christchads the entire thread
>have to troll instead
The absolute state of fedoracucks
how many fucking times did he say SHE IS MUH KWEEN this season?
literally zero real lines
enlightenment was the best thing that happened to europe since the roman empire and christcucks are absolutely SEETHING over it ever since
Friend you got btfo, not even minutely, it was bad
>saying that when lots of boy molesters are from the church and the vatican even helps to cover it up
christians are hypocrites
>atheist philosophy
There is no one atheist philosophy, since it turns out that the lack of authoritarian doctrine means people can come to their own conclusions. This is a good thing.
Still waiting on proofs to support your claim. No amount of waffling will save you. I mean would it be so hard to retract your original statement qualify it because you couldn't back up your claims and accept you misspoke?
It is merely christianity without christ, brainlet.
It has everything to do with christianity you completely disingenuous moron.
>I won you lost!
>still no proofs
Hmm, really made me think.
Because Westeros is populated by three different people/races. The pagan's are the northerners, the faith of the seven is the Andals and the Rhoynar adopted the faith of the seven but originally worshiped nature gods.
Is that what you really think? You didn't humilate or rekt me for shit. Just the same tired argument I've heard for years. It's stupid to act like context matters when the Bible is full of intolerant, hateful shit that requires no conext to see it's intolerant and hateful....like killing Egyptians firstborn children because they didn't put the blood of a lamb on their door (Exodus 12:29)
>But it's the old testament bro
Okay well they did that in Hebrews 11:28 too.
That third quote I mentioned that you just conveniently decide to ignore because 'it's not relevant.' So destroying everyone that doesn't subscribe to your religion is okay, if you understand context? What about Jesus encouraging his followers to mutilate themselves because its better to be maimed then to sin? Guess I'm missing the context there? What about in 2 Thessalonians 2 11 where he says that he's going to make people believe lies, just so they can go to hell? Am I missing the context there too? Am I missing the context when God drowns the entire earth because they were just too 'wicked' for him? Oh, but I guess, that was just a metaphor for something else, not something to be taken literally huh?
What about the parts in the Bible that repeatedly teach women that they are nothing more than to be subservient to their husbands, in all matters? Am I missing the context? When God says the wife is 'the weaker vessel' am i missing the context? For women to act as though their husbands are Christ himself? When womens head must be shaved if they dont cover it in Church? Missing the historical context there too?
Fuck off retard. Go back to your dumbass Church and hear the message so you feel better about your shit pathetic life, you fag. You act like my sentence was so bad, when it is literally nothing compared to what is in your Holy Book, and God did way worse things to humanity than some Christians being fed to lions, you fucking dense fuck.
>th-that's not REAL communism!
cringe. what is the one true church then?
>talk to nobody
>feel smug
gosh it's just like praying all over agian :^) holy fuck
You mean /pol/ deus vult larpers feeding each other (You)s
More teachers rape than priests. statistically and numerically. But ultimately it's wrong, and has nothing to do with Christianity other than that they feel like they can punish people on their own without outside interference. Which is also wrong.
>its an "atheists pretend they have an objective moral foundation" episode
lmaooooo you brainlets literally have """morals""" based on your feels lmaoooooooooo
This website is not worthy of this post.
>fantasy set in a different universe
>characters are evolved from primates to look exactly human
>characters speak a language that is discernible to the audience
What the actual fuck? I want to see a realistic alternate universe where the story visually describes an inscrutable conflict between amoeba like blob creatures wherein in each episode we watch said blobs pulse and jiggle in what we can only assume is some form of dialogue for hours on end with no explanation.
Seething fedoracuck ahahahaha
they get laughed out of /pol/ so they come to other boards looking for support. they're mostly just incompetent baby boomers and morons who cannot into image board
>Heh, little did you know getting publicly humiliated by you was my master plan all along. Nothing personnel kid.
OK then
Christcucks literally started the enlightenment. A true Renaissance man was also religious, and the church was one of the biggest customers of legendary painters like Rafael, Leonardo da vinci etc. They are connected even if it led to Europe becoming more atheist ultimately.
>so incapable of thinking for themselves they have to refer to a book written 2000 years ago by some dirty fucking arabs to understand killing and stealing is bad
Were crusades sinful?
Actually, after converting, reading a few books and joining the community I stopped going to /pol/ because those retards are basically contrarian fedoras.
If anyone's interested in how intellectual Christians really are, here's a serious philosophical proof for God. Read it, understand it and hopefully, convert.
No because god willed them to happen.
>mfw it's true
>he hasnt read the groundwork for the metaphysics of morals
>A true Renaissance man was also religious
Now tell me all about the "true" scotsmen, and the "real" communists.
I'm sure everyone was truly and devoutly religious in a period where speaking out against the religion got you beheaded or burned alive. I'm sure all the humanist philosophers that totally did not get executed in various stages of their lives actually agreed with the church they just said silly things sometimes and got killed. Those same revered painters produced works of quality that were more akin to the prechristian era during the renaissance, which was literally the REBIRTH of european culture and art. The Dark Ages were, in fact, a shitty age dominated by church-based oppression regardless of whatever retarded crusader memes you see on facebook.
what about these digits?
While I do know that the basis for morals is set in biology and that for the most part, you dont "need" Christianity to be moral, I can't help but see that most atheists are pieces of shit. And don't get me started on followers of the Talmud or the Quran.
No. Most of them were morally justified like the first three and the Iberian crusades. Some of them were questionable like the latter numbered crusades. And a few went badly because of immoral Venetians. However, even if justified, Pope calling into battle should't happen unless the situation is extreme, something latter Crusading wars forgot.
No, only morals that exist are those provided by judaism
>thomas aquinas
The same man accused of heresy? user that man is clearly against Yahweh's path. He was only sainted decades after his death, clearly by heretics that took control of the church.
>intellectual Christians really are
let me guess, you think the watchmaker argument was also compelling?
>this chain cannot be infinitely long
why not?
>infinitely long paintbrush will not paint by itself
because it's just an object, it's not conscious. False equivalence.
Nothing of this "proof" actually proves god, all it "proves" is cause and effect which everyone already knows. It's like saying "God is real because 2+2 must equal 4." It's baseless.
>this something is what everyone calls god
at the very least it implies the big bang event was "god" but it does nothing to prove morality, religion, doctrine, christ, muhammad, the bible, anything religious.
this, and christians are forever torn between pretending the torah is irrelevant or pretending the torah is the basis that proves the divinity of their chosen rabbi prophet
Jews do not believe in G-d.
wtf, I love German people now
Guess the character
>"haha what dude??? ur just a godless heathen, and satan has truly corrupted ur path. god bless u. i will pray for u. im smart btw."
>I never made such a claim
When you denied his evidence you absolutely did make that claim whether verbal or not. You don't seem to understand how this whole formal logic thing works. YOU now have to prove there was an example from before the time when Deuteronomy was published. Otherwise his proof is infallible.
Based and redpilled
>at the very least it implies the big bang event was "god"
You literally don't understand the proof. He's arguing about a causal power working right now, not something that just happened.
Absolutely fucking based AND redpilled. Atheist fags BTFO
/r/atheists are fuming. Based thread
Imagine being an atheist baneposter and not getting the full picture.
Renaissance tier paintings didn't exist before Christ
>muh dark age was caused by Christianity
Is there a more retarded opinion held by atheists? Muh dark age started when pagan barbarians destroyed the knowledge carefully preserved by christian Rome. Yes, truly, it's Christians who are responsible for this event
All the religions are unique in GoT but he draws inspiration from real religions of all kinds.
>Is there a more retarded opinion held by atheists?
That science is abstract truth instead of a procedure for recording and verifying information.
Unironic big yikes
As much as people say atheists believe in nothing and nothing matters, I think those believers claiming it, actually believe in nothing. Because if you take away a god commanding them, presumably they don't have any values they would uphold, just a life based in fear or doing what someone above them says.
i agree. i think most of the people today are depressed because each and every group has their own morals and everything is scattered so people easily get confused and feel lost in life. there is no true main morality so people choose to be either pussies like atheists or follow some garbage vague ideas fed by media culture which is run by outrage and provocation, nothing more. hell, even the gender is being fluid nowdays, people dont know what the fuck to do with their lives anymore and they easily get lost in the other side of things until they finally kill themselves. mass depression is the symptom of all of this.
>implying Christ cucks were anymore charitable
Because putting Jerusalem to sword to find the gold supposedly swallows by its inhabitants or enslaving natives to dog for gold is better
Compassion exists independent of religion.
>Christians are cucks because they're soi
>Christians are ebil because they slaughtered people
lmao chose one you faglord
Compassion is not morality.
There are no metaphysics of morals without God.
You can't accept God existing, but you can accept some metaphysical morals existing? Laughable.
Well it looks like Catholics carry on a time honored tradition then
We learn moral behavior following what Jesus taught. Simple answer. How do you know what's moral? Lol
Nice reductionist sophistry cuckboi.
God gave Christians a moral foundation. The fuck do atheists base their morals off of besides their feelings and opinion LMAO?
Jews did that one
*blocks your path*
Atheists are seething pretty hard ITT.
>The fuck do atheists base their morals off of besides their feelings and opinion LMAO?
The Law, which is deeply depressing. Bugmen gonna bug.
>following Judaism lite
Christ is the way my fren
>implying Pagans are evil when they slaughter
>implying Christ cucks aren’t when they do it
So this is the hypocritical Jewish roots of the Christ cuck religion.
absolutely fucking based
Atheism is the result of degeneracy.
Oh? And where do you get your morals from?
Believe in Good. Not God.
>In 1987 two pastors, Peter Leithart and George Grant, published a book The Catechism of the New Age: A Response to Dungeons and Dragons. Joseph P. Laycock wrote that their book condemned role-playing as allowing too much freedom, which the authors regard as a gateway to critical thinking which in turn may result in heretical thought.
Reminder that this is a religion that felt threatened by a game of make believe
>mfw atheists are getting absolutely demolished in this thread.
Your arguments are literally pathetic and you sound like uneducated idiots who think they are smart.
The brutal black pill for you is that modern morality, ethics and empathy is all founded in Christianity.
Stay fucking mad fedoras
All religions have extremist nutters who want to ban completely harmless entertainment. Look at those extremist muslims who don't even allow music.
>The fuck do atheists base their morals off of besides their feelings and opinion LMAO
They base them on the zeitgeist morals that are a simple remnant of Christian morals.
Based. Fedoras btfo
Brainlets need not reply
nice god you got there
>imagine thinking this
>imagine larping as a christian on an anonymous korean gardening forum
>imagine thinking you're counter culture
>imagine thinking christianity and islam aren't botched interpretations of judaism
>implying Christians don't laugh at DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, SATANS GAME like everybody else
>I'm so conceited I believe my religion owns morality
It is possible to be a good person and not subscribe to organized religion you twat.
>Those same revered painters produced works of quality that were more akin to the prechristian era during the renaissance, which was literally the REBIRTH of european culture and art
You're wrong, but also right. They did start the Renaissance era when they found ancient statues but those were statues, and nowhere near the same quality as David for example. The evolution of art was to make it more realistic, they studied anatomy, perspective and often did make paintings about Greece and Roman myths. But i already stated it was connected to the church, and it was. The burnings and torture didn't happen on such a scale, in fact most day to day life was just as boring as our lives are. You're just getting the summary of centuries of history which makes it look way more tumultuous and brutal than it was. In fact, Christianity really made life more peaceful all over Europe.
As for medieval art, it never stopped, they produced many art in those times, but it wasn't realistic at all, it was flat, more cautionary than focused on creating beauty, and they simply lacked the tools they invented later. Like paint. And most importantly, the fact we don't have many medieval art is that most of it is lost through time, considering it was created centuries before the Renaissance.
The creators of D&D were devout Christians
>It is possible to be a good person and not subscribe to organized religion you twat
This is the ultimate brainlet statement.
What you consider a good person is defined and based on Christianity. This is the whole point.
Based brainlet.
Why is it that the most retarded of threads are always the ones that get the most bumps? I can feel my intelligence drain from reading this dumb shit.
You don’t deserve to live in Western Civilisation. You’re sinking the collective IQ.
>a good person
There is nothing more arbitrary and meaningless than the idea of a "good person." To what standard is "good" measured with exactly? What is the quality scale of a "person?" You're as bad as the people that have kept me away from church for 14 years.
You forgot to add that the biggest patron of arts in the Rennaissance was the Church itself.
>fantasy set in a different universe
>characters speak English
I said that in my original post, but you word it way more eloquently, yes. English isn't my primary language.
Leave it out user. His idea of good is throroughly based from Christianity. But he is too much dogmatic to accept it.
The fact you think this comes from Christianity.
I think you forgot half of your statement.
No, Christianity started that people started thinking about what is "good" and what is "evil". At least in Europe. And centuries later some user starts thinking about morality.
you don't understand what I'm saying. The proof is only that a first event happened, not that a power is working right now
Hope you know that's a parody pic created by reddit
>b-but the black science man said otherwise
Every Christian I know is a diet poor hillbilly with about three teeth that have feces obsessions
If christianity did not spread to Europe they would not have been created in the first place. It seems like any positives to be said about christianity are actually just positives about europeans and Romans, not christ. Also prechristian art (such as Greek and Roman statutes) were far more beautiful than anything created during the height of christianity's power. Note that the renaissance was the result of the decline of christianity. Wars and plagues weakened the people's faith in the monarchist systems and the catholic church, anyone with a basic education of medieval history would agree.
>christianity caused the dark ages
No, the fall of Rome caused them. Christianity made them worse.
>knowledge carefully preserved by christian Rome
Do retards actually believe this? Christians burned countless tomes because they were not christian and the only reason we really know all that much about ancient Greek philosophy is because some christians wrote fanfiction about it being christian and other world powers (such as early Muslims) likewise preserved it.
You mean judaism.
Move out of Virginia
Both Tolkien and Wolfe, two greatest science fiction and fantasy writers in history were devout Catholics.
>I can't tell if you guys are being serious in implying that people can only be good if they are religious, if you actually believe that you are literally NPC level brainlet
You can be moral despite not being religious because your whole civilization's morality is based on that morality. From your laws, to ideas of charity and welfare, ideas and ideals of justice, etc.
Every higher value that your society and parents probably value stems from it as well.
It's funny that atheists got BTFO so hard that they are resorting to name calling and strawmen like
Platonism, and the allegory of the cave found in The Republic, were metaphors about the death of Socrates. An enlightened man who asked too many questions. Some christian scholars discovered and (sometimes) translated the texts and attached a christian meaning to them.
When the man leaves the cave and sees the sun, it was meant to showcase knowledge. He sees the truth and is at first blinded but gets used to it, so when he returns to enlighten his fellow inmates he can't see their world anymore. They kill him because they are afraid. That's the metaphor.
Christians then write fanfiction about how the man leaving the cave finds "God" instead of knowledge, and when he returns the the cave and is killed it represents christ's death. That doesn't make much sense, but christian scholars didn't have anyone to criticize them for it... plus it makes them seem smart if ancient philosophers agreed with them.
The real tragedy is that the death of Socrates is far more tragic than the death of rabbi yeshua.
Tolkien's work was full of pagan themes and if he wrote it during the heyday of the catholic church they would have burned him alive with all the gnostics and other "heretics" that tried to have christianity make sense or be beautiful. The catholic church itself is wraught with the ghosts of european religion, such as saints (polytheism) or the holy days of easter and christmas (solstice celebrations).