Ummm.. how is this okay in 2019?
Ummm.. how is this okay in 2019?
actually a oligarchy theocracy wasteland lol
>meanwhile in current year
>tfw California will never be able to secede no matter how much cringy bugmen beg for it
They shouldve banned Arthur for its animation quality years ago.
can I get a yee yee
I guess conserivishits wouldn't want to have to explain to their pregnant twelve year old daughters carrying their rapists' babies that two cartoon characters are getting married.
I mean the anal sex scene was pretty extreme for a children's cartoon.
Banned it or decided not to air it so it wouldn't receive backlash from the extremely conservative state?
Alabama is quickly becoming the most based state, might move there
Don't pretend you don't already live there, Cletus.
>muh freedumbz
What about the freedom of children from homosexual propaganda?
>America is ruled by old white christian males
If it were such cartoons would never be made, LGBT is an imposition from the top down by the elites upon the masses
>watch our gay rat cartoon or we'll boycott your entire state
Alabama is awesome. Faggots can die of AIDS.
Except that the twelve year old would have shot the rapist before he got her pregnant. See, your fantasy world isn't so great now is it you bigot?
if gay people didn't act like such freaks people wouldn't do shit like this
>boycott your entire state
Literally what does this even mean?
It isn't.
If only we could all live in a place where we could be free to have our children be fed propaganda from state television
>gay rat wedding
What did pbs mean by this?
The state of the USA where it's all good to bomb schools with drones, but bad to have gay rabbit
They're sand nigger schools, who cares?
Alabama is probably the most backwards, inbred place on earth.
What's with all the butthurt redditors in the thread? Sorry a few children missed out on your homo propaganda
Being american is great.
>this thread again
Have you not gotten tired of posting the same bait for 2 weeks?
Parents should turn off the tv, state has no place interfering.
no i reckon that's just about any country in the middle east or africa.
>they made the anteater teacher a faggot
>they felt the need to specify that in childrens show
>they felt the need to show a homo wedding in a kids show
DOTR cant come soon enough
I mean, that orgy scene between all the male characters was a bit exaggerated
Have gay sex
It's pretty fucking based. Nice to know there's still some lawmakers that will refuse to bend over for a bunch of fags that want to indoctrinate children that mental illness is normal.
Based alabama.
>LGBT is an imposition from the top down by the elites upon the masses
How old are you?
I can practically hear the boomer and zoomer in these threads
Oh yeah, wouldn't want people in ALABAMA knowing that mental illness is normal.
I am staunchly against censorship even if it's shit I disagree with or hate. I wish others were like that too, especially when it's shit I like being censored.
Based Yellowhammer State.
>tfw a contributing factor to the Great Federal Gov't Ignore-a-Thon which devolves into Civil War 2: Civil Wars will be a fucking gay rat principal on PBS Arthur
Get me off this fucking ride
Fags just keep pressing their luck. THE BUCK STOPS HERE
Not an argument.
damn what a boring alt history
Not an argument.
Arthur did gay couples like 10 years ago why are /pol/children screaming about it now?
Also why is a state that doesn't tell teenagers to use contraception crying about abortion?
[X] roasties
[X] faggots
Niggers, you're next.
Teenagers should not be having sex until they're lawfully wedded and prepared to raise a family.
He’s below 14 or above 35, lmao
based, fuck degenerates
Everything makes sense when you realize that since 2013, we've been trapped in an elaborate AltHist wank designed to end the American Empire in the most ridiculous, improbable, and border-gore-tastic way possible.
>Teenagers should not be having sex until they're lawfully wedded and prepared to raise a family.
Free to go to another state to watch your homo propoganda.
Why do Amerilards think one of the states with the worst quality of life is based other than PWNING TEH LIBTARDS EBIN STYLE