What wood you do if you had his powers?
What wood you do if you had his powers?
look for some dope wheelchairs
watch a lot of rape
watching multiple rape scenes from all across the world
never waste money on theater tickets
Watch everyone having sex in history. Why do you think he's so low energy, he masturbates too much.
Fuck you I already had to hide over 40 of those shitty threads go to your general and piss off.
just answer the question you nonce
warg into meryn traunt and live his life
>have access to every sex act ever known to man
>cant fap due to spinal injury
fate worse than death
I would sneed
have sex. i would have sex with women
>What wood you do if you had his powers?
Not become a king for starters.
>fuck all that shitty writing!
What's the point of being king when you have powers like that in the first place? People become 'kings' because they'll never transcend beyond the human element to begin with. It's the only way they compensate for their limitations.
...but if you had powers like Bran, or any power at all, you grow beyond that limitation and become something else entirely.
This is why Bran become king is fucking stupid. Fuck GoT, and it's shit writers.
he can only see the past,right?
Bran's powers come from the children of the forest. It's not Bran, his consciousness is mixed with some evil old spirit which has just schemed its way onto the throne of Westeros.
I'll learn how to spell.
>not warging into Chad
>What wood
His name is Branch
Warg into a hot chick and get dothrakied
this is how trannies are made
Girls locker room
I'm sure all the bookfags are all over the subtle details of the lore, but the average-joe tv viewer hoping for a theatrical quality to the shows he watches could explain that better IN THE SHOW.
>take psychedelic drugs
>fuck up the space time continuum during my trip
>watch some rape
The two fags dropped the ball but starting from Tyrion putting his candidacy forward and Bran saying "why do you think I came all this way", it was clear something was afoot. It was in the show, we just weren't beaten over the head with it.
>watches everyone have sex
Jerk it to Sansa rape 5 times a day but not before I actually warn Jon that danaerys is evil and warn the show stannis about invading winterfell and kings landing
Entreet for peace.
>we just weren't beaten over the head with it.
it didn't need to be beaten over our heads with it.
just a clue as to Bran's true intentions. If he was possessed by evil spirits, or even a clue or foreshadowing that he even wanted to be king.
Go back to season one when he was still beautiful
What do you want him to do, break the fourth wall and wink at the camera?
What you call "just a clue" is being beaten over the head with it. GoT is not subtle because they know the audience are retards.
warg some carpenter into building a sweet halfpipe so I could do sick wheelchair stunts all day
shid & fard & maybe cum
>observe tons of people that had sex recently
>find a guy with a cuck fetish
>warg into the cuck
>bull's face when
Go back to season one and watch every bath Bran ever took
>What you call "just a clue" is being beaten over the head with it.
There's a healthy middle here you refuse to see.
A subtle hint that Bran might not be on the up and up, would've been enough to conclude his machinations were nefarious. And it would explain why this left-field heel turn happened, and left the audience with a true kino moment instead of a cheap shot.
>able to anticipate any and all threats to the realm
How would Stannis seize his birthright now?
20 good men
you just want to be spoonfed everything
Sit in a chair and do nothing.
solve every historical mistery. ever.
>what language did the Indus Valley civilization speak
>was bukharin guilty
>what killed the Mayas
>what was the Glass thing that was presented to Titus
>Why do you think I came...?
Enter the mind of a random person once a day and complete fuck their life up. Commit crimes, rape, etc.
Wood as in weirwood ya incel.
spoonfed what?....there was no food or spoon to begin with, that's the complain everyone has.
I could write a better scene or outcome than dumping Bran on the throne for whatever reason they had.
>Pulls name out of a hat.
The new ruler would've been, that whore with the pox that was fucking Bronn before Qyburn interrupted him.
>What? Why? How?
Doesn't matter, you want to be spoonfed the whole thing? trolololol. you fuckin' pleb loser, here's your fucking spoon...
How about this: despite being a whore, she was also a civil servant tending to the homeless problem on the streets of King's Landing. She was a respected alderman elected to handle this problem. But since Daenery burned the whole fucking city down, killing off all the civic leaders who was ahead of her, she became the next in line for leadership. And because she sucked Tyrion's cock like a champ, Tyrion (after failing at being Daenery's hand and wants to go back to boozing and whoring) suggested to the council would be better off to make her the queen.
ISN'T THAT FUCKING KINO!!!!!!!!!?...and here's the best part, none of this will be explained in the show, it'll come straight out of left field because that is how awesome D&D are. Left for the audience to figure out, because that is how highly artistic and intellectual the ending will be.
Out of nowhere, the whore with the pox will be Queen.......
way better than a cripple kid that did fuck all throughout the whole show.