Why is she so sexy bros?
Why is she so sexy bros?
It's not
she -literally- has nothing oing for her good god
Great body with an average britbong slag head
scantily clad mong.
>Great body
you can't be serious, she looks like me when I was 8 and became fat after a throat infection.
If you wouldn't want to fuck this you're a low test faggot. Simple as.
She needs to get rid of stupid bangs, dress better and grow her hair long to look more feminine then she'll be aight
Well you must be a skelly right now then
you are disgusting
>disliking bangs
>this is a 10 in bongland
>bangs on a women
instant whore status
Throat "infection"
based and bangspilled
Literally everyone who has a hardon for bangs is a pedo.
She’s a fine looking woman but sadly she’s also an idiot libtard. She could easily fix the latter by lurking /pol/ for a while, but she won’t, which makes me a bit sad.
>She’s a fine looking woman
Explains why you're retarded. Poors should be gassed.
Said the homophile.
AKA she's a woman.
how does a throat infection make you fat? wouldn't you eat less?
>Oy, wanna go for a game o' shags?
I want to see an x ray of her skull
it can fuck up your thyroid
when fat people say "muh genetics" it is problem their thyroids that are fucked
I really want her to show up in my area one day so I can ask her out and pretend she isn't a "famous actor"
No im good.
Is she the earliest documented peak of any female celebrity? Must of been what 14?
imagine the smell
/pol/ is the wealthiest board by far
Yea Forums and Yea Forums the poorest
I'd call her an ugly duckling, didn't want to fuck her until recently.
you're just into ayylmaos
What happens when she says “FAKKIT OWLROITE” and you actually do score a date with her?
And that's a good thing.
Nice shopp, but yes, I like ASR, Anya Taylor-joy and Emma Stone too.
I wouldn’t let a girl that short drive an automobile though.
Eat food and smoke some weed
for your fap folder
Head like fucking orange