The best CGI villain of all time
The best CGI villain of all time
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retarded thread
Not even close
Until they brought in a immature version of himself from 2014
Literal jobber, what a waste
>Kicks everyone's ass and completes his plan in Infinity War
>Doesn't fight back in Endgame because he doesn't give a shit about his life since there's nothing anyone can do to revert what he's done
How is that jobbing
God, what happened?
Pretty great.
What the fuck was he meant to be? I still can't believe this was the final boss of this MCU crap.
Over-dependence on CGI forces it to thin out instead of going to the right places. Happened to the Hobbit too, LotR had some amazing CGI for it's time and it's still way better compared to most modern movies
>I still can't believe shit has shit in it
>The Infinity Stones nearly killed me, you can probably tell from the slightly scabby skin that covers about a third of my face.
Tick tock
Anyone have that Infinity War webm of Thanos being semi-transparent in one scene?
Like he was walking and you could faintly see the characters behind him through his body.
Even muh biggest movie ever still looks like a shitty PS2 game when it's coming out of Disney
some random alien king? even the fucking scorpion king from mummy returns was more interesting
Eye horns with black eyes really makes the character. He really does look like some kind of prune man.
He is a quitter.
They did revert what he has done.
How did you get this hi-rez pic of thanos from endgame?
Is Disney finally letting everyone see this thanos in their new posters?
That's the point of the movie
he's way more scary when he's not in cgi mode so no
Also the better FBI agent in X-Files.
Him and Scully should have been the team from the beginning.
It's an official screengrab. "Copyright 2019 Marvel" is in the corner.
I never understood how the dwarves lived in the mines if there was a giant monster that attacks anything that moves in there. Don't know why it didn't attacks the orcs either
it's an alien (oversized human with purple skin)
>an overpopulated world
>he did what he had to do
>reeeeeeeeee leftist screeching
When the Balrog was discovered the mines were abandoned dumbass. It took generations of mining for them to find it crazy deep in the earth
>overpopulation is real
It's funny because you stupid cunts hated tentacle face when he was first revealed.
They got forced out of the mines because they awakened it. This is mentioned in the movie.
So the big bad of the Marvel universe is a big purple alien? Why aren't there more like him? Surely they must've invented space travel before his planet was fucked. How are there no other superheroes from other planets? Why do they all come from Earth? Is there really nobody that has invented a suit of armor on another planet? Was Howard Stark's sperm so spectacular that he is the only one that is capable of doing that? Why didn't Captain Marvel ever encountered Thanos when he was going around killing half of every planet like when he did to Gamora?
>I replied to everyone!
>I never understood how the dwarves lived in the mines if there was a giant monster that attacks anything that moves in there.
Firstly it’s because the mines were rich with treasure. Secondly They only happened to find out there was a fucking Balrog late into the experiment when they accidentally dug it up from hibernation, and it’s theorized that the goblins/irks seem to worship Durin’s Bane as a god of some kind, or don’t directly fuck with it. The one question that is legitimate is how come Gimli never realized that Moria was essentially abandoned for well over a decade despite allegedly being on amazing terms with Balin.
My lotr knowledge isn't super fresh in my mind but iirc: the balrogs are ancient demigods on the same level as the wizards that took part in the pre-lotr wars on the side of melkor. After those wars many died(?) and the rest went to slumber deep in the earth.
The dwarves dug 'too deep' and found one, woke it up and it fucked up their shit.
I imagine the balrog doesn't fight the orcs because they're both servants of melkor.
When not in full cgi mode, he still can stab you with cgi, so still counts
Its not mentioned in the films and you cant really see other people in the Titan flashback but in canon Thanos had a birth-defect that made him purple and ugly but also gave him superhuman strength
you don't know me cunt
He looked better for some reason in Guardians.
>How are there no other superheroes from other planets?
there literally are though, just look at Thor
>The next time Moria fell was when Balin, Oin, and Ori had established a colony in Moria, but the colony was then killed by Orcs. The remnants of the colony were found by the Fellowship of the Ring during their passage through the Misty Mountains.
How come the Balrog didn't attack them again?
that's right you little dumb shit, yes, good boy
He saw himself get his head cut off and his enemies found a way to undo all the shit he did. He just went scorched earth.
Absolutely wrong you worthless piece of shit. Pirates 2 is the best Disney action movie ever made.
12 years old and still looks great
>The one question that is legitimate is how come Gimli never realized that Moria was essentially abandoned for well over a decade despite allegedly being on amazing terms with Balin.
This is a good question, a theory I take is that he wasnt telling the truth and was more dwarfish boasting that he has royal blood/friendships and just expected everything to be cool when he showed up on an important mission.
Either that or Gimli did not spend enough time around other dwarf populations leading up to fellowship
These are some really stupid questions that could be easily answered by just watching the movies or reading the comics.
For fucks sake, half the "superheroes" fighting Thanos are literally from other planets, so your questions don't even make sense.
Orcs and Balrog pretty much all happened at once
Yes but so many of them are from Earth. Guardians, Thor, Asgardians and Captain Marvel are the only ones from other worlds and even then the Asgardians are just cannon fodder.
i think balrogs are wizards who turned evil in the first age and theres something about the god people who sent the wizards to middle earth (forgot their name) turning them into balrogs, something like there was only 4 to ever exist and gandalf killed the last one.
Nothing has come close
based paedophile
>that awful looking sack of a shirt in the second image
l o l
No Balrogs were just evil creatures that followed Melkor and the Istari (Wizards) we're sent to aid the men in the Third Age when Sauron (Melkor's right hand) was rising in power again. The Balrog that chased the Fellowship was one that slept in the mines after Melkor was defeated because it had no purpose with it's leader gone
You literally just posted the exact same thing from the marvel subreddit...
why the fuck is he so weak in the movie?
He's already injured from Thor's stab wound and using the stones at the end of Infinity War plus he uses the Stones again which neary kills him
He's the 2nd best CGI character after Gollum.
It's not even that he's amazingly well-rendered, but more about the way a human actor's facial expressions and body language are translated and magnified into those of a semi-human alien. When he's on screen he has an immense physical presence and conveys a strong feeling of threat.
Davy Jones VFX are better, but as a character he's not as effective. He's kind of just repulsive.
And most of the "superheroes" on Earth are just regular guys with some good training and equipment who stand no chance against a threatening adversary on their own. In the Guardians movies we see dozens of "superheroes" from other planets in passing, like pic related, they just aren't the focus. A ten year old understands this.
Not old busted up thanos. Younger Thanos at the end of the movie
t-1000 wasnt cgi outside of maybe 3 scenes
Even the scenes you think are full cgi were done with practical tricks
He was pretty strong. He 1v3ed Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. He jobbed to Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch. At least SW's part was more serious and she's been built up as a strong character while CM's part was played for laughs and she's a Deus Ex Machina that was introduced right before the end of the saga so I sort of understand what you're saying
The one who had zero infinity stones and still defeated Thor, Iron Man and Cap at the same time? You thought he was WEAK?
In the books the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain (i.e. Gimli's home) hadn't heard from Balin's colony for years.
Balrogs were maiar, minor gods on the same level as Gandalf
anyone know a good ultraHD torrent for infinity war?
>in a movie about pirates
endgame thanos > IW thanos
IW thanos was the definition of a forced sympathetic villain
Infinity war is a much better movie though overall
How about you just buy the film you fucking mongoloid
Those were GOBLINS you need
I can't even conceive how based this post is
When he get clapped by captain marvel (who is weaker than hulk and thor in the comics) and needs help from the power stone then yea he, he's weak.
You don’t know what a jobber is
me on the left
Is this a shit darkseid?
Why the fuck did they change his scars so drastically from one movie to the other when they were made at the same goddamn time?
Change what scars? The endgame picture is after he snapped a second time
He used the gauntlet to destroy the stones between movies.
>People praise that grape
His CGI isn't that much better than Steppenwolf. He looks like a fucking videogame character.
I see and I wonder when did everything go so wrong. The motherfucker is from a 2004 movie and his CGI is perfect.
Why not just skip the killing people?
It's been a while since I watched, but I thought Megabyte was the main villain of the show.
>even though they raped and murdered innocent people they stole from the greedy east india company so it's ok
>Is this a shit darkseid?
He's a faggot cosplaying as Darkseid. That explains his gay color.
>crime goes down
>wait, where did all the brownies go?
This version of NotDarkseid is way better. They should have stick to it. The final version looks just like a fat human with a skin condition.
>even though they raped
>Implying rape is bad
I would happily rape someone if it was legal.
>as soon as I laid eyes on you I knew you were my negro.jpg
How was it forced in IW?
A lot of those types of scenes were practical effects. Yea, the movement of the fluid was CGI, but pic related is probably a prop and makeup.
She punched him a couple times. He ate them no problem and threw her away like an annoying fly. Then she came back and out muscle him. Mind you tho she was using her flight and propulsion combined with her strength to push him back to his knee. And he was literally using on arm. I dont think you know what "clapped" means retard
Awful thread, lemme just school you niggas one time
Thread should have ended here.
>flight and propulsion combined with her strength to push him back to his knee\
>he has her on the ground
she starts to push him back and you can see him struggle with it
>gets him on his knees
>head butts her
>nothing happens
>P-Power stone!!! H-help meee
Cope harder nigger
Not one single mention of Best villain ever, i swear you lot are fucking retards
>powers in the MCU are consistent
this nigga was intense as fuck
Yes retard learn to read. He uses one arm to push. She uses her strength combined with her flight propulsion. And she pushes him to his knee. Its merely a pushing struggle. This isnt called getting clapped. Dumbass
they are and so are you
It felt forced
Thats not answer fool
Made zero sense how he manhandled Durotan but ight.
he was based af what you talking about fåm?
unbelievably good cgi to this very day
they both look great stop dicking around, only laughable thing is that Davy Jones is 50 years old age tech and still holds up
Zbrush happened
Stop trying so hard, leddit
Imagine if this movie was only with the orcs lads
Actually how
Pic related as both a positive reaction to your choice, and as a contender to it.
that would be interesting my problem was more to do that the humans felt like a tv show, they should have had amour like game of thrones, not fucking plastic looking shit, it made it feel fake
god this movie was awful
the human shit would have been fine if they didn't use real actors and did the whole thing CG like everyone always wanted them to do
Fel fuel
Thread saved
companies realized there are so many retards that still pay for garbage they dont actually have to put effort into anything
look at fucking black panther's cgi; there's no excuse for it to be shit
>video games
Have sex
Whenever I think about how CGI came a long way in only a few years, I think of how good Davy Jones looks. The Kraken’s tentacles also looked real. Then I realize nothing has ever looked that good since
same thing in lotr
Believe it or not I worked for a guy that was asked to make a lot of props for the warcraft movie. He specialized in making recreations of historical armor and we made a few suits of simple plastic armor that was just intended to be background props.
We sent them samples of what we were making and they said that what we made wasn't what they were going for and looked too different from the rest of the film's aesthetic. I kinda suspected that, knowing the suits were for the warcraft movie that they'd be too 'realistic' for it but I was low enough on the totem pole at the time that I didn't want to speak up about it.
Based Daniel Wu