ITT: characters that did literally nothing wrong
ITT: characters that did literally nothing wrong
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Gods she was so fucking hot this season.
>ride or die
>batshit unless its you
Would wife
>Cersei sends Mandon to kill Tyrion during Blackwater
>attempts to have him executed by blaming him for Joffrey's death
>kills a ton of beloved lords and ladies and innocent commonfolk by burning the Sept
>refuses to end the conflict peacefully despite being severely outmatched by Dany's invading force
>betrays the WW defense effort and tries to take advantage of the situation even after seeing the wight which cost Dany a dragon
>sends Bronn to kill Tyrion and Jaime
>refuses to end the conflict peacefully AGAIN and kills Missandei after already having killed another dragon
>refuses to surrender the city hoping to use innocents as a meat shield even when all hope was lost
>Tyrion sends Jaime to escape with Cersei after she refuses to be helped
>"just give her another chance Dany please"
>Dany burns one insubordinate degenerate city to make an example after giving so many chances in order to not be seen as weak
>jails Tyrion for bad counsel after bad counsel and treason upon treason
>"wtf Jon this is not okay she has to die it's the only way"
FUCK Tyrion and FUCK Lannister people
Jon is a faggot
>Be with me. Build the new world with me, this is our reason. It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name, and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty. We do it together, we break the wheel together.
Who in the fuck wouldn't fuck her right there on the throne?
I am mad. I am beyond mad.
A grinning, autistic gestalt intelligence cripple has hijacked the throne, after doing absolutely nothing all season, and cared nothing about the untold lives he allowed to die in order to get power. His bitch sister did an ugly, naked power grab, and the other sister prances around grinning smugly. The bastard-prince took the fall and got fucked. Fat Ser Piggy somehow survives and fails his way into being grand maestor, the retarded imp gets to walk unscathed. The Unsullied fuck off to nowhere and the Dothraki just vanish?
I constantly think about them all burning, dying horribly, screaming. Their eyes turning to liquid and oozing down their charred faces. Brains boiling in their skull cases. I want them all to die. Daenerys did nothing wrong.
She's so pale, it's beautiful
She did plenty wrong like trusting a manlet
>ride or die
Zoomers are retarded. Explains why you would even consider marriage.
>batshit unless its you
The mad yandere archetype is definitely my favourite. I don't know why, but I love it.
In a fantasy universe I'd definitely love to rule over a world with that kind of waifu. The "nothing matters but us" kind, you know?
Millenials are worst than Zoomers
You don't know how to write like a white person. Your opinion isn't valid.
u mad, roastie?
Patrician taste, friend
Atleast i'm not a millennial, lmao
She is love:
>being part of the worst generation is better than being white
I auto win because you're legitimately retarded.
Millennials literally ruined the world brainlet.
Thank you
>i didn't pay attention in school, so i don't understand history
As I said, you don't know how to write like a white person, so your opinion isn't valid.
I told you to cut that faggot shit out yesterday, queerbait.
What the fuck are you talking about?
whatever you write won't change that most of commies, soiboys, sjws and lefties are millenials
You know exactly what I'm talking about, effeminate.
>pretend to be alt-right
>all behavior is identical to a teenage nigger
You're not fooling anyone, toddler.
No, that was the Greatest Generation. The Boomers continued their work and the Millennials are just a symptom, born after their world had already died.
He's not going to listen. He's just regurgitating memes like the infant he is. He's not capable of rational thought at his age.
atleast my gen are not cucks lmao
>brb gotta go open some fortnite loot boxes :^)
Your generation is by far the most effeminate and out of touch with reality.
you seem a little triggered man, do you forget to drink your soi milk or something?
>he has a meme folder dedicated to letting everyone know how masculine he is from the safety of anonymity on an chinese cartoon site
Not a cowardly femme thing to do at all. Also, you should know that since you didn't greetext that, you called yourself a soi millennial. Nice job, brainless. Your generation really can't get anything right.
>pretending you're not he soiboi when you perceive your entire reality through the lens of emotion
Why are you having such a hard time writing like a white man?
Seething assblasted millennial
>y-you made a typo!!!!
In the end women and black characters blown out with an autistic virgin on the throne-who wrote this /pol/?
Weebs and their Yandare fantasies
she was out of character burning literally every civilian on the streets of kings landing
i could understand accidentally killing the people inside the red keep as collateral but every single person in the fucking city, really?
and shes not even sorry about it or anything, makes no fucking sense.
>she was out of character burning literally every civilian on the streets of kings landing
Out of character, sure. If you wanted to validate the action, it's actually easy. The people of King's Landing were worthless. They were set dressing. While the wildlings came and fought and died alongside the assorted masses, the people of King's Landing did nothing. They spared themselves the human cost of facing the encroaching holocaust, and so there is an argument that Daenerys's actions could be seen as retroactively applying the cost on them. They took no part in their own defense and so they deserve the culling representative of their fullest defeat.
This is an insane justification, by the way. Not a sane or logical justification.