So what was the best scene in Game of Thrones?

So what was the best scene in Game of Thrones?

For me it is the battle of Goldroad

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hold the door

Blackwater. Stannis landing on the beach.

>remembering that this shit happened

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It would have been better without Tyrion speaking like an idiot.

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Jamie knighting Brienne.

Based scene, even if its a retarded metaphor

Tyrion finding Jaime and Cersei and Brienne writting his story down was pretty good

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The sequence where the Sept is blown up is pretty kino from Pycelles murder to the candle burning down to the wildfire. The music is great

these with kaosh ish a laddah

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Theon can’t stop pretending.

Battle of bastards. The actual battle scene where it was absolute fucking chaos and Jon nearly drowned.

>everyone picking scenes with le epique cgi battles and dragons
as expected from Yea Forums, you'd find better opinions on leddit

True. The drogon gliding desu. It was sick. That episode saved the whole season desu

Its a toss up between the war stories scene and the scene between bobbyb and cersei talking about their marriage.
We learn everything we need to know about the characters just in those short scenes.

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they were cool nigger. Deal with it

come in here

When the hound btfo bootleg solid snake infront of Ariya when she was cheering against him


Tyrion on trial for murdering Joff

Anytime Stannis was on screen

sansa's rape

for it was unironically this. jon snow realizing exactly what they're up against

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Jesus christ what the actual fuck happened to Stannis that made him burn her alive? I still don't get it.

The entirety of The Great Ranging

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D&D simply hated the character and couldn't stomach the fact he was liked amongst fans.

An obvious choice.

oh boy

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Hardhome is such a great battle because it actually has purpose to it outside spectacle. Its 20 minutes of the WW just bowling over the living followed up the the NK showing how futile it is to challenge him. It really makes the WW threat look completely unstoppable.

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fuck everything post season 4



It's called a dragon you inbreed.

This scene, while well-executed, was the ultimate proof that D&D had no idea what the fuck they were doing and realized they needed to move on from the Faith Militant plot at the last second. Cersei just blows up the family that's keeping her in power along with the fucking Pope and nobody does shit. Then Tommen kills himself for no reason other than to simplify the plot and she even gets to be Queen despite having no claim to the throne.

You think at least the Martells and Tyrells teaming up with Dany means she's going to get her shit pushed in straight away, but Euron magically solves that problem so we can have two seasons of "WE CAN'T STORM THE CITY IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT EVERYONE DYING/OH NO OUR DECISION TO WAIT HAS COST US MORE OF OUR FORCES AND MADE CERSEI STRONGER" instead, which the second-to-last episode proved to have been a laughable waste of time.

>Arya going into an autistic rage and having to be restrained by Gendry

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I like how incredibly self assured all three men are, just talking shop, even if some of them have a distaste for the others.


>realizing exactly what they're up against

A faggot who gonna die stabbed with a toothpick by a teenage girl?

This. Yea Forums is disappointing and dominated by manchildren.

The best scene is either Tywin Lannister's introduction speech about his family values or Catelyn Stark talking about trying to love her husband's bastard.

I saw your mistake.

>bootleg solid snake
Immortal guy?

When Dragon tits is sitting there pouting because everyone is beating off Jon about fighting on the back of a dragon and you see that fucker Varys in the dark corner with his goofy fucking grin.


"I demand a trial by combat"-scene.

Numbers don't lie

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I agree that that was the beginning of D&D's horrendous narrative assfuckery but it's not a bad plot point per se. We couldn't have imagined by that time that it would turn out to be bad. Maybe all of the stuff you mentioned would be real: other houses would revolt etc. It's only bad in hindsight.

All the best scenes contain Arya, prove me wrong
>Syrio Forel vs Kingsguard
>Tywin at Harrenhall
>Sandor vs Beric
>Arya leaves for Bravos
>Assassination of Meryn Trant.
>The Bloody Hand play
>Stark reunion
>Aftermath of the destruction of Kings Landing

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nah the night king standing on the shore 15 feet away as if Jon was 200 meters away ruined it.

Red Wedding, Joffrey's death, The Sept blowing up, Hardhome

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Congratulations. I typed "his husband" instead of "her husband". English is not my native tongue, so sometimes I make mistakes like that.

Anyone have that vocaroo some user made basically impersonating little finger with 300 confirmed kills to Sansa?

One of the few god-tier things to come out of the last seasons.

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yeah I think he meant Beric Dandarrion

I agree that it was a great scene. Too bad there was zero consequences after Cersei blew it up.

These are the best death scenes, no doubt, but I would like to ask what are your favorite scenes which do not contain death.

Agreed. S6 was the godtier post s4 season. For moments like these.


The Hound and Arya were great together. My favourite scene is the preamble to the duel between Brienne of Tard and The Hound:

The first audience's meeting of Tywin Lannister when Jaime goes into his tent and skinning the meat giving his grand family speech is pretty epic. "I need you to become the man you were meant to be".

The dialogue was 10/10 then.

Though I suppose that may not qualify as it involves the death of an animal. But then again, animals don't have rights, do they.

When the hound told arya about how he was burned by the mountain
>You think you're on your own?

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Jon Snow's lineage revealed.

The music as it transitions from lyanna with ned and the baby to jon snow's face in the present is hauntingly powerful.

Part of why I really enjoyed S6

Patrician taste

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and then they jumped the shark in Season 7 and 8, because the new showrunners couldn't emulate that level of kino anymore.



Loved Jaime even when he was supposed to be a giant prick. This scene is one of my favourite of the whole series

Jamie and Brienne in the bath

the hound just chopping wood, trying to live like a normal person

That's a great one! I think it counts since the animal is already dead and it's not the main focus of the scene.


Yeah as soon as S7 Ep 1 started with the wall door rising showing Bran had teleported there from last season I was like wtf this shit is going downhill isn't.

I knew it at that moment they stopped giving all fucks and wanted to go from point a to b fast so they could end it.

Not to mention, anyone else feel the cinematography got worse or at least the lighting? The last two seasons were dark as fuck with contrast and looked glossy as shit.

>bag of fish
>sigil of the tullycucks
>before the red wedding tywin was fishing

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Literally every scene with Lord Tywin Lannister Hand of the King Warden of the West in it. Indeed, the man makes taking a shit look glorious especially if his ill made spiteful son full of low cunning doesn’t murder him while he is at it

Shit taste

That scene was decent fuck off.

So? Why did you answer such a stupid thing? Why did you even take that bait?

Tyrion's speech at his trial

Red Wedding, hands down, single greatest televised moment of the past... ever?

Honorbale mentions include: Purple Wedding, Jaime and Brienne in the bath, Dany winning the Unsullied, Cersei's Walk of Shame, Chaos is a Ladder, and anything involving Charles Dance, the man is a force of a nature.

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yeah I'm pretty sure they didn't bother with proper elaborate lighting and only used digital color grading. Also only the worst directors remained.

Same way you just did.

Shame Arya wasn't with them amirite

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jamie was the hero we deserved.
but seriously wtf
jamie should of stabbed cersei and made lightbringer cut the nk's head off

boom ending fixed

The later seasons looked cheap for this reason, like they shot it in RED and were like "we'll do it in post".


normies don't care about that, you just drop one or two tracking shot and they think it's the greatest shit ever.


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I don't care if this makes me a normie but i think it's the peak of the show. Arya finally arriving at the wedding to reunite with her family after being separated for such a long time only to see her brother decapitated and humiliated is so gut punching. And Cat screaming to save Robb's life, it's all so well done.

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Sorry user, but the way NK resurrects people was always cringe. It felt like something a toddler would write.

You're not alone, fellow user.
Theon was a great-written character given the most kino actor. This scene made me feel so much sympathy for someone I was supposed to hate.
>the way his voice quivers when he's screaming at the horn-blower
>the way his eyes begin to glaze and redden
>"but I've gone too far to pretend to be anything else."

To think Alfie Allen got passed up for an Emmy...

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it was missing Cat going apeshit after having killed Frey's wife and start tearing her eyes out like in the books.

don't do this

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Geez, user. Calm down and think about how retarded the whole episode actually was.

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I wanted Jaime to be fucking azor ahai.

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for me it's the Kingslayer when he confronts Ned on the street about Tyrions imprisonment and how he says "The Wolves are howling..... such a small pack though" and when he challenges Ned for a duel and how he takes out his sword, absolute kino When Ned goes full on mad geezer

Battle of the Bastards jon fighting on a pile of dead bodies


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How can anyone choose anything other than the Battle at the Wall? The only bad thing about it was Olly, and no cheering Stannis' name.

you can say what you like about ned but he had massive brass balls.

for me it's this

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t. woman

that's a whole episode, not a scene.




Tyrion's trial in season 4
Jaime and Brienne in the bath
And almost every scene with Stannis and Tywin

I personally love the way the show handled it. After seeing her oldest child die Cat screams for all the injustice that has done to her and slits the throat of the Frey's wife as some hopeless attempt at revenge. After that she completely despairs and gives in to her death.

Good shit




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Doesn't matter if it makes you stiff with a pike through your head serving as Joffrey's toy.

There so many great scenes in Season 1-4 it's really hard to just pick one

Jaime and Brienne in the hot tub
Tyrion sending Janos Slynt to the wall
Robb and Cat finding out Ned died in season 1
Theon taking winterfell
Oberyn declaring he will be Tyrion's champion

All certified kino

Patrician taste

Not at all, just a man who is appreciative of George R.R. Martin complexities, which manchildren don't usually see.

Honestly it was, it was done beautifully, and even though i already read the books i still enjoyed it tremendously.

This is a scene that made you say "kino"?

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with his dick

Stannis storming the beach of blackwater bay of course, but hardhome was a close second

pretty heavy-handed symbolism, but yeah, it's great

FUCK the king.

>muh feelings'n stuff
oh, i see them all, they're just not as interesting

That whole dead silence was kinda kino, not gonna lie.

Stannis making Davos his hand on the boat before Blackwater. So good.

That's not even what the iron price means... like holy fuck how can you like this scene when it's wrong.

We will not speak of this, Robert

Hence why you're not an adult yet.

Dany stealing the Unsullied
>The ships exploding

This scene is kino as fuck

It should have been the 3 horn signals at the Fist but they fucked it up. It was kino in the book.

IMO the best scene in the history of the show is the battle of the bastards. Or CHAOSH ISH A LADDAH

I still love the way the one guy yells
RUN when the third horn blows

that's what a woman would think

One of my favorite scenes. Theon is the best character arc in the entire TV series. At least there is one thing that wasn't completely butchered.

Definitive proof Yea Forums bent the knee for the rightful king Stannis Baratheon

based scene, so much tension. Was this in the books?

Jorah seeing the whore dressed as Dany with an assless dress then sobbing into his drink, very underrated scene


Tyrion’s trial scene is the only one standing out to me. Enjoyed watching him call out literally everybody.

I was always partial to the scene when Tyrion finds out Robb has been killed and Tywin dismisses Joffrey because he keeps insisting on serving his head to Sansa at her wedding.

>You just sent the most powerful man in Westeros to bed without his supper.

I also liked the scenes between Arya in Tywin when she's his cupbearer at Harrenhal.

Tywin naming Tyrion the Hand

Ned telling Cersei to flee

Viserys visiting Ned in the dungeon

Literally any scene with Ned

the rape

Search your hearts, you know it to be true

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The first scene of tywin being hand of the king and appointing tyrion as master of coin. Everyone choosing their seats at the table was the only good, original thing d&d wrote.


fuck em til they're dead

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Best scene was Roose having dinner with Jaime and Brienne at Harranhall. As with most 'best scenes' in the show, dialogue was almost verbatim from the book. Second was the small council meeting with Tyrion finding out about Robb's death. Great dialogue and acting from everyone.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way back.

Pic-related was pure tease-and-denial kino.
Also Myranda was best girl

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Close, the best scene was Bran telling his sister that he watched her get raped and that it was beautiful


What you mean

Hardhome where Jon barely defeated the white walker. The feel of desperation even after the other weapon he picked up broke to try and defend against the WW with long claw was intense.

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The Mountain vs Oberyn, specifically when Oberyn gets his head smashed. Very impactful and heartbreaking.

hardhome was outstanding

the scene where they shut the gates with wights approaching and people were knocking on the gates to be let in and they get killed by wights and the knocking stops

pure stunning kino

hardhome was one of the first pleb fan service episodes
>muh battle
>muh good versus evil
>no surprises, good guys win

if you enjoyed hardhome then you are a retard.


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Damn how come Stannis get all this legendary numbers...

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Unironically the best scene from the final episode. Maybe even the whole season.

viper vs mountain takes a big fat dump on the arya leaving for bravos ending signalling the demise of the show

For me personally it was this moment. Because at that point the Hound really became a character worth talking about and it made me realize how GoT worked. And the way it left an impression on me was this: all characters can die, none are truly just expendable. I never thought he'd live to season 8.

His speech about world being built by killers was kino too, it's not that he became worth talking about, he clearly was someone who had things to say.

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>I’ll try rolling! That’s a good trick!

If dragons were going to die then one should have absolutely been killed by Jamie on horseback.
It would have been fantastic and harked back to tales of old

I think it would've been funnier if it was because of Bronn using scorpio and inflicting wound (similar to Khal Drogo), but everyone in the battlefield interpreted it as Jaime killing the dragon and giving him all the credit, even though he was aiming for Dany.

"Eat shit dwarf!". I'm so glad George wrote that episode himself. It's amazing.

>pic related is my fave

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Arya was kino but the incels really hate her
also Dany birthing the dragons was kino af a great ending for the show

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that lance charge was pure kino.


Every scene with Tywin Lannister

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Why did he leave kings guard, what was the context here? Was it after this that he started roaming with arya?


its either this or for me

no contest

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Tywin is definitely on of the best characters on the show, almost as good as STANNIS. Everyone hates him, but every action he took was for the good of his family.

just stab them lol.

Stannis is not a good character hes fucking boring

>W-why don't we let everyone decide?

Bobby b really suffered from oneitis

", he's fucking boring."

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Don't know about you guys but coster waldau always seemed to put everything he had into the role of JL

This :3

Reminder Stan is is not dead dnd will take his throne back from usurper bran

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Tywin scolding Jamie, Tywins horse shitting in KL. Tyrion Janos, Barristan leaving like a boss. God I miss Ned

it was fucking bullshit
reminded me of that retarded scene in TLJ, you know the one

I'd say this scene is my personal favorite. It's one of Jaime's turning points in his character development, (even though that was all thrown out the window in the last two episodes) and I never thought I'd feel so much sympathy for a bodyguard who murdered his king, fucks his sister, and threw a kid out a window.

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You definitively watch capeshit

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(You) are right.

I've got a real love-hate relationship with that scene. Probably the best fight in the show but Brienne and Pod suddenly appearing there makes no sense.

when that old high garden chick looks out her carriage and sees the sand sneks doing their epic battle in dorne

Based. I recommend everyone on Earth watches this garbage series and drops it the second Stannis dies.

good choice
that brienne beats the hound 1v1 is retarded though

>the second Stannis dies
nah, it's the second they had him burn his daughter for no good reason. That's when the show turned to shit.

post feet whore

hound and arya having a drink. nothing in the series comes close to mccann acting in these 10 minutes.

Davos was just so good throughout. He was a great part of S6-8, even if he didn't do much.

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The Hound was an incel, his knees get weak whenever he's near women.

>So what was the best scene in Game of Thrones?
>For me it is the battle of Goldroad
Council scene.
This deleted scene

Season 6 was the best season after 4. Without question.
got stopped being able to have fights like this where the choreography captured reflected the characters. fit medieval fantasy setting well. meanwhile the tower of joy was just terrible and generic

Was literally about to post this exact link.

why THE fuck was this deleted

This scene was never in the books and one of the best parts of season 1. D&D stopped giving a shit or just didn't understand the latter characters

Not a soap opera scene made for women

The meme edit of ygritte getting sniped to look like a Call of duty kill cam

The one where Dany rapes me

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The books imply she would’ve been raped mercilessly so she tried to disfigure herself

About the same, only he refused to come with them to Harrenhal because he deserted.

These were always fun

Never thought it'd live up to the hype but it absolutely did. I was alright with Roose saying "The Lannisters send their regards" instead of Jaime. Normies would never have forgiven him

god all that dany in africa shit was so fucking pointless and worthless. im so glad this show is over, what a waste

Just send a faceless man with like a year of training and they can kill

always loved this scene

Sorry oh great one with such perfect taste who can decide what subjective moments in media are good or not

based Beric
also it’s great how obviously littlefinger was playing ned

Found the Virgin^


>people complaining about r3ddit in a got thread

Fuck r3ddit tho

>Found the Virgin^

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I nearly cried.

Swing and a miss.
Try again?


Varys talking to Ned in his cell was always outstanding to me.

how could I know, I haven't seen TLJ

better choice than anything post-S2

>Swing and a miss.
>Try again?

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My vote is this. Jamie became my favorite character because of this scene.

The Iron Quints are mine by right.

He would have hated being king, and may have given up his throne just to go north and live with the freefolk, but yeah, that ending was retarded.

The scene with Tywin lecturing Joffrey while he sits on the Iron Throne. Masterfully done scene, and one of the few times Joffrey showed any semblance of the foresight needed for leading

Theon returning to Pike and fondling his sister.
Because I find the scene on screen much better than it was in the book.

All of this guy's scenes were great.

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why doesnt he have head armor?

If drumpf were in got he would be Tywin Lannister

That's just because all this guys scenes are great. Period.


then it should have been his choice to go to the nights watch or his self sentence.
As it was it was retarded


The Light of the Seven scene

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The great ranging was great in spite of D&D. The fist of the first men is supposed to be a stone circle/paleolithic ringfort on a hill like this rather than... nothing with snow on top. I appreciate that they shot on location and spent that budget, but honestly it was a bit wasted. I remember being confused by them referring to the fist of the first men as if it were some sort of construction that was highly defensible, when they showed it as an inescapable cliff in the event they were surrounded.

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>The way up was steep and stony, the summit crowned by a chest-high wall of tumbled rocks. They had to circle some distance west before they found a gap large enough to admit the horses. "This is good ground, Thoren," the Old Bear proclaimed when at last they attained the top. "We could scarce hope for better. We'll make our camp here to await Halfhand." The Lord Commander swung down off his saddle, dislodging the raven from his shoulder. Complaining loudly, the bird took to the air.

>The views atop the hill were bracing, yet it was the ringwall that drew Jon's eye, the weathered grey stones with their white patches of lichen, their beards of green moss. It was said that the Fist had been a ringfort of the First Men in the Dawn Age. "An old place, and strong," Thoren Smallwood said.
>"Old," Mormont's raven screamed as it flapped in noisy circles about their heads. "Old, old, old."

The infantry stuff in the battle of the bastards

Good taste

for me it's the cinematography

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Theon is pure kino

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I have a theory, it might be bad, but it was pretty awesome sounding and seems to hold water....

When those people try to look intelligent, it's always hilarious

He literally just got fed up with Joffrey's shit. Maybe he thought ransoming Sansa to Starks would win him more favors than unstoppable slaughter of Stannis's forces. He wanted to ransom her but didn't want to kidnap her or force her, so he just left until he met Arya with Brotherhood without Banners. That was his next good shot at ransoming a Stark girl.


I feel like the most iconic good scene I can think of over the entire show span was Brienne and Jaime in the bath together.

Honestly though, my favorite scene now might be Tyrion saying goodbye to Jaime and thanking him for everything.

Jaime was the fucking best character.
It's such a shame Tyrion became nothing but a meme character to sell t-shirts.

What was the metaphor? I don't remember this scene

I still remember the feeling of dread filling me when that third horn sounded the first time I watched. The early seasons could do that to me.

hound chicken fight

they cant be serious right
its a good shot, but also extremely beginner
literally looks disney-villian tier

Best scene? Ned's beheading of course. Altered the course of GoT and normie+fantasy relations forever.

Most kino? Absolutely Jaime charging Dany+Drogon.

Jon resurrection and R+L=J being true

Scene so good it made me forget D&D for a sec

>Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

I always loved that line.

Literally one of the most kino scemes

he's skinning a deer, house Baratheon's symbol.

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cia really did die like a retard huh
fucking hell

it's not even a good shot, it's cgi

this has nothing to do with cinematography, it's a static shot with a blurry CGI creature in the background. The only person this concerns is the VFX supervisor and the pajeets who worked on the dragon.

the mountain and the viper. at the time i was very invested in Tyrion's story and the scene itself was kino.

: )

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dude Gendery didn't grow in a Great House and probably can't read, it's still dumb af but Gendry is even dumber

Someone has to composite the shot, assblaster.

Khal drogo breaking Dany in
Red wedding
Hound vs Brienne
Joffrey choking
Euron vs Sneks

He still could be in the books since Azor Ahai was completely abandoned in the show. The Valyrian words for gold and hand are both one letter off from lord and light respectively.

how could i forget

The only character to survive to season 8 and not get ruined along the way.

Gendry has an actual claim to the throne.

there's also a cut scene of Tywin fishing before the Red Wedding. how would Tywin poetically dismantle the Tyrells? Trim his garden?

okay and? On set the only persons this concerns are the VFX supervisor, and the director and production designer to a lesser degree. Nothing to do with cinematography is all I'm saying.

Arya killing the Night King may have been a prophecy...

We know the Faceless Men serve the God of Death, the Many Faced God. And that the Red Priestesses serve the Lord of Light, a facet of the Many Faced God. Braavos side of the sea.

Most of Westeros converted to the worship of the Seven, their version of the Many Faced God. A large chunk of the North remained loyal to the old gods the gods of the First Men. The First Men fought the Children, who eventually created the Night King and white walkers. After thousands of years, the WW were all that was left, with just a few Children of the Forest, and the Three Eyed Raven.

What if, and this is a big IF...
Arya was trained specifically for the purpose of assassinating the NK? What if this was all a move to kill off some of the last bits of magic of the Old Gods by the God of Death? Arya sent at the perfect time, urged by the Red Woman to attack the NK at the only point he had been vulnerable? The weirwoods were almost all gone south of the Wall. Power move, all the WW and Night King dead. Many Faced God making a move to destroy the Old Gods, leaving Bran the only one left.

Bran, being the Three Eyed Raven, highly public figure now, is VERY exposed to a FM attack, if the Many Faced God wants to take him out, and remove the last bit of influence the Old Gods have.

Yes, I know the White Walkers and NK were trying to kill him too. Imagine if they had. All of Westeros would have fallen against their forces. And they would have turned their interests to Essos, with an army of millions.

Maybe it was all a plan by the Many Faced God to take out a rival, the Old Gods.

the only claim to the throne one has is the right of conquest. When you have a strong royal family then that right of conquest becomes succession right. Which is why an heirless king is the worst situation possible, because it leave the throne open to conquest.

not really. His only claim to being legitimized comes from Dany, therefore he can't claim the throne based on his Baratheon heritage. His great-great grandmother or whatever is a Targ but that's a pretty fucking weak claim.

>Syrio Forel vs Kingsguard
Why couldn't he pick up a real, damn sword? There were swords lying all over the floor from the guards he'd knocked out.

>pic related

To this day one of my favorite execution scenes.


This shit really sold the white walkers as the world-ending threat they were. It made defeating them look impossible. S8 ruined it.

>Light of the Seven sequence

Just well done. Stupid plot-wise but honestly it was memorable.

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because GoT is anime

you don't see him die, maybe he picked up a sword and kept fighting for a while?

For me, it's this

I think he is still alive. While dicking with Meryn Trant, one of the guards recovered enough to KO him, and he changed his face to Jaqen.

Yeah but the chicken lines wasn't in it. It's one of the few scenes that's better in the show tbqh.

Theon & Maester Luwin

Theon Greyjoy "You may be right. But I've gone too far to pretend to be anything else."

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Tyrion used to be a great, intense character, when did he turn into the shit exactly?

No, that's what a grown man would think of you, boy. It's what Robert Baratheon would think of Joffrey or young Theon.


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when they ran out of book material of course. all of his best lines are ripped straight from the book or written for the show by George RR. Martin like his speech in the Blackwater.


>gets pump and dumped
>whitewashes Chad's history

Biggest alpha widow in the show?

She touched the ink before shutting the book.

Season 5 and onwards.

Hardhome was dogshit, other than the final 2 minutes

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>Tormund, did you know that 13 percent

Friendly reminder all the thundercunts are REEEEEing about this because it shows Brienne thinking about Jaime rather than her own accomplishments.

people made fun of it but i think tyrions speach about the beetles was kino. you could tell martin had seen something like that in real life and it bothered him

Damn, this hurts. Now I'm thinking of an alternate timeline where he was able to make a break for Castle Black and join the Watch. He'd still have to contend with Jon, but it'd be good drama and he'd get to keep his dingus.

One of my favorites was Mountain v Viper.
I've watched that scene like 10 times.

I learned how to die a long time ago

I think that was show only but I could be wrong.

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Gives me chills everytime I watch it

Was Cersei including the autistic beetle smasher when she called Jaime the stupidest Lannister?

Also, I think that scene could have been inspired by Gloucester's lines from King Lear, after having his eyes gouged out by the Duke of Cornwall and being thrown out into the elements: "As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods: They kill us for their sport." It's fitting enough since the scene would fit right into Game of Thrones.