Harley Quinn Smith: Gee thanks dad for supporting the elimination of ones offspring, but not me tough! #blessed
Is Kevin Smiths daughter retarded?
based retard OP
kys faggot
a thread was aborted for this
Oh no, another Game of thrones thread is dead! JANNIES!!!
>not me tough!
The people in your life most likely wish you had been aborted. THOUGH you wouldn't understand that of course.
>Is Kevin Smiths daughter retarded?
>giving a shit about spelling on a mongol underwater basket weaving forum
How can someone be this pathetic...
just post the webms of her ass doing yoga
Hmm, DNA he says? I wonder when did hers begin to exist... Maybe in the womb perhaps?
This is the gayest post I’ve read in like a month. Congrats
They have a sweet relationship. He made a crummy horror movie with Johnny Depp just for her and her friend to star in. Wish my dad loved me that much, or at all really.
oh snap
Are /pol/niggers unironically pro life? You realize no abortions means more minorities, right?
Have you heard about black on black crime? They will always murder eachother, may aswell save all the white babies we can.
How to take all nuance out of a complicated issue and brag at the same time, true to form.
One of his most annoying traits is pretending to be self deprecating while actually being a relentless narcissist.
I doubt Kevin Smith had any abortions, the man cries over everything, I don't think he could handle it
black on black crime isn't enough to cull the herd. the white body count will also rise as niggers attack outside their race. We've crunched the numbers, this is how it must be.
It's amusing how you feminist libfags hate nigs and jews now because every other meme you've tried to push has failed
Spot on dude... And to think when I was younger I looked up to him. A nerd comic book guy making a cult movie from a non existing budget and stuff.... But now he has become a great value Seth Rogan.
yeah well i wish i'd been aborted too
Pearl clutching nigger kike, be less of a faggot.
based and blackpilled
We should make murder legal too right? Because so many blacks die of murder it's clear only niggerlovers want murder illegal.
She looks a lot like Mewes, though.
Baby killing kike, be less of a feminist faggot
she could be cute if she got a nose job
I am none of those things, pearl clutching nigger kike. Fag up the thread more with your bullshit.
Life starts after its born. It isn't murder to abort a fetus.
Also none of you actually give a shit about "life". Stop pretending you're the morally right one here.
not at all. Niggers disproportionately murder and are killed by johnny law or removed from the population into control centers. Works out for everyone.
Nah, this ain't it chief...
>Also none of you actually give a shit about "life". Stop pretending you're the morally right one here.
this but unironically
so fucking tired of going from
>hurr leftists aren't people haha kill leftists
>hurr niggers aren't people they should be exterminated lmao
>muh life is sacred
in a span of a few days jfc
all fucking boomers must fucking hang
reddit cringe dilate sneed have sex
Who hurt you sweaty? top oof
serious question here, is it actually for women to have control over their own body? Men are physically stronger and can always over power them. The only leverage a women has is to either be armed with a weapon (that man created) or to be protected by the state (surrogate man).
Women literally have no autonomy.
I wish Yea Forums blocked anybody older than 35 from posting. Only because we've gotten an influx of people from Facebook who run racist boomer Facebook accounts and use this place as a soapbox. Literally everypost is so fucking fake. They post some bait image and samefag the replies.for an hour to fake an outrage and then they post a big annoying post talking about how x is bad.
They all.sound the same. I want them to fuck off. Saying racist jokes on Yea Forums was just a jome, it shouldn't have brought over genuine racists.
>none of you actually give a shit about "life".
I do that's why I stayed with my girlfriend to raise our son after finding out she cheated. I don't know if he's mine biologically but he's mine.
Men were made by women, so really all inventions of men were made by women.
spotted the newfag
True but it's when they start to treat abortions nonchalantly that I start to wonder. When the average women starts having abortions like some fucking hobby, it's a bit concerning. There has to be something wrong if women are having abortions left and right, because at the end of the day they're still killing the potential of real life. I believe these whores and sluts need to make sure what ever rotten dick is fucking them is wearing rubber and that the woman herself has contraceptive. Of course all this does is expedite their whorish behavior. I suppose banning abortions makes these whores feel the real consequences of their actions.
It's the constant baiting (and people taking the bait or samefagging replies) which gets me. So fucking tired of all these
>durr kinos for this feel
>durr what did he mean by this
cheapass /pol/ bait.
also yeah all those fucking boomer racists are tiresome as hell, it's like they're somehow next-level butthuhrt about something. I remember when Yea Forums memed about black man vs nigger.
trying too hard, boomer
Just fuck her up the ass
>they go to an extreme
>that's bad
>what should I do?
>I know, I'll just tend to the other extreme, that'll show 'em!
this is literally not happening and you're a delusional retard
damn she THICC
"Shout your abortion" is a real thing, look it up. People used to think okay, abortion is bad, but sometimes necessairy. Today, abortion is the hip new cool thing, have pride in it! Use it as contraception, ain't nothing wrong with that.
>your average against pro-choice
Literally a cuck
Crybaby tranny from reseterra spends all day on Yea Forums complaining about muh boomers... Like pottery.
>hurr ad hominem!!
Nice one, faggot.
>when you were against abortion at first but then think about the types of people who get them
it's funny because I don't even know what that is but you do. you couldn't be more obvious a newfag. calling me tranny was the dead giveaway, only the boomerest of boomers go for the tranny meme.
Fucking retard that was a pro-life post. Christ you idiots are fucking stupid as hell
delete /pol/ already
She has the genes
also the jeans
I wonder if it would make the average abortion lover angry if you say you're pro choice but only for blacks.
Holy fuck...
damn he really was orson welles tier fat. he looks much skinnier in OPs pic. Maybe if he hadn't gone full fatass he wouldn't of had a heart attack
Girls with weird/big noses are kind of my thing so I'm gonna call you gay, k?
>retard Kevin Smith spawns a daughter
Why WOULDN'T she be retarded?
Are you kidding? White women would lose their shit. They're the one who fucking love abortions.
Who are you calling a fatass?
is he like fucking neglecting that they where only hanging out there to pick up chicks because if they go to an abortion clinic, they must like to fuck? talk about double standards and all those normie likes by useless tools
embarrassing 2016 r/The_donald faggot, seriously get the fuck out retard.
yeah well obv now he's lost weight
but now he's gone too far, in the OP he looks good, here he looks skinny and that makes him less endearing
>dat flabby neck
trying way, way too hard m8. give it up.
>look mom, I poast it again!
Fucking KYS discord tranny
Jesus Christ, pick up a thesaurus you fucking dumb faggot. That fat piece of shit was never ever even close to the meaning of endearing.
Hope he's left-handed so he doesn't jerk off with his daughter's arm.
>disrespecting the boomer
boomer is healing
>what if i had been aborted
what if your parents had decided to wear a condom faggot? what if they had delayed having sex by a second? what if your dad shot his load into your whore mother's ass instead?
you wouldn't be here you fucking retarted cunt
/pol/tards are the smelly kid in class that's always dirty and eats his own boogers because it gets a reaction out of everyone else. They're literally just edgy retard.
who hurt you?
>morally right one here.
well who is then you fucking fag? stop trying to twist morals. on one hand you don't want us to kill animals, then you want to abort your own fucking babies? how fucking dumb do you have to be, just don't fucking fuck like a goddamn hedonist egomaniac cunt that needs to stroke his little ego so often because it doesn't amount to anything useful at all besides filling the black hole of your desire.
Smith isn't consistent. Literally shits on LoTR but unironically loves the prequels.
Not even going to mention him retconning his weed smoking right around when his dad died and daughter got old enough to know what a blunt is. Him and Flannigan used to joke that he'd trade him bowls for comics.
That said I can listen to him talk Hollywood all day long. Mega comfy.
You have to go back.
big brain post right here
Nah, that's Yea Forums. /pol/ is the literal inbred redneck missing three teeth who is unironically racist and thinks he's somehow of a superior race but can barely put two sentences together.
That's the funny thing. The biblical precedence for life is the breath. Not breathing on its own = not alive.
Majority of bible thumpers have no fucking clue what they believe.
>Blowing a load somewhere is the same as conception
Chop off your dick right now you absolute fucking mongoloid before you poison the gene pool further with you retardation
>come to Yea Forums for over 10 years
>literal oldfag Yea Forumstard
>get told to "go back" by some boomer who found out about /pol/ through the 2016 election
Summer is real.
>It's just cells dude
Fuck off shill, life begins in the nutsack
Nobody cares, fuck off with your blogposting