Why is mental illness so common in the television and film industry?
Why is mental illness so common in the television and film industry?
Who is this tramp?
probably all the mkultra/monarch rape
I blame capitalism
same reason it's so common in politics, corporate/finance world, and human institutions everywhere
Pressure from industry, peers, media and public.
Lack of privacy.
Innate instability/insecurity leading them to pursue "celebrity" for mass validation.
Why is mental illness so common on/tv/
literally who is this
probably because only mentally ill people want to be actors
Women were a mistake
unlimited access to drugs, lots of money, lots of false validation from people looking to take advantage of you
you gotta give it to him though, he sure can dance
She plays Catwoman on Gotham
>massive attention whoring is common outside the entertainment industry
>entire industry revolving around attention whoring, kikes, and pretense
>wonder why they're all fucked
You'd know if you weren't a NEET.
Mentally ill people and whorish, characterless, godless work all go hand-in-hand in a crazy spiral. With regards to actors in particular, their whole schtick is lying and pretending, all of which make for a ton of mental instability.
have you ever heard of politicians?
It amazes me that a single person can be such a great dancer and such a terrible choreographer
>fat & flat
Why is it so common on Yea Forums?
They need the attention to get supporters you dumb retarded fuck.
>Why is mental illness so common on/tv/
rejections by society, bullying, terrible family background, childhood and teenage traumas.
though some are just goddamn homos or sociopath here to insult weak people.
who wants to watch normies try to be creative
Whats so bad about this? Sure the haricut looks dumb but is it that big of a deal? The dance is pretty solid.
Unless of course this is some stealth tranny in which case throw it off the balcony headfirst
She was abused by her alcoholic mother. She said her mother used to pullher hair a lot and she cut it off to feel better.
most of Yea Forums is normie, only rejects are the tranny discord honesetly
you're so fucking stupid you probably didn't realize you just literally proved my point
Bitch from "Gotham"
Why do they always end up looking, and behaving the same?
This chick looks like the dumbass dude I went to highschool with that tried to weld the welding tank full of gas in metalshop wtf
I don't think you got mine nor your own original point but it's okay, there's really no point arguing with dumbfucks like you.
>most of Yea Forums is normie
>hurrr roasties
>hurrr BLACKED
>hurrr cunny
>hurrr (((((hollywood)))))
>hurrr /pol/
>hurrr "insert show" is shit
>hurrr r*ddit
>attention whoring is literally the bread and butter of the entertainment industry
>thinking this is common in other industries
I knew you shits would accuse me of being the NEET. Show me politicians, business people, and medical personnel doing the attention whoring on the level of Hollywood celebs. Pro tip: you can't.
(You) shits need to leave the house and get a job. Not me.
incels BTFO
Donald Drumpf
Why do these webms piss me off so much
The saddest part is that you just know that she fucks like a dead fish despite her whole facade working to give you the impression that she is in fact, liberated. White women really are pitiful.
is she a 60 year old woman?
>19 yo
>already a babushka
I gonna go with that user's theory that she was molested for her young roles and getting fat and chopping her hair off made her feel less of a target of pedos
most of that is spammed by reddit "asian masculinity" incels and discord trannies
What happened to Tito Ortiz bros
kind of reminds me of danny aiello
Trump, AOC, Dr Phil.
Besides, your logic is highly flawed and points exactly to you being a NEET.
>If I don't see it on my TV it doesn't exist
Kys, brainlet.
She's nineteen.
go back there
>blaming reddit, discord, and Asians
You are the mentally defunct type.
Because rich privileged young women are highly unlikeable
Can someone explain dancing to me? It looks retarded
It is a good question, why do they piss you off so much? Are you coping on something else? Maybe your lack of achievements in your life?
Which type are you?
t. discord tranny
Being able to act very well, nay - actually WANTING to act very well and LIKING acting so much is a sign of instability. These people literally love throwing pretend tantrums on camera and stuff like that. Normal people would feel embarrassed or idiotic pretend-crying for some shitty drama.
Also, the people who make it in Hollywood are those who hire publicists to splatter their lives across the magazines. That too is a negative trait. Can you imagine paying someone lots of money so that they can pull some strings to get a magazine to cover which new shoes you just bought? It's so vain.
Give people like that a life of luxury afforded by massive wages and the degeneracy that such luxury allows them, and you get your typical actor.
We all like to be centre of attention sometimes, but actors want the spotlight much, much more. Again, vanity.
he is probably the angry asian incel that spams nigger porn 24/7
She's a dancer, Gotham ended, she put on some weight, cut her hair, and is doing some kind of free spirited late teens shit since she has money, time, and probably wants to get back into dance and art. Only the anti-art incels of Yea Forums would think, "whoa what a brain damaged psycho." Get back to me when she's headbutting a windshield to pieces or throwing furniture off a balcony. This isn't even mentally ill behavior for a normal person, much less someone with the narcissism required to act, money, and access to high quality drugs.
the absolutely unequivocal STATE of wh*te women
>well adjusted people seem so foreign to you that you assume they're dysfunctional
>you're projecting
Pick two.
What values/virtues does this kind of action exemplify? I know zoomers and women like it, i just don't even know how to describe the aesthetic. It's like a mixture of apathy, celebration, and wanton sexuality.
it's a job about acting like you're not in the real world
the only demographic that enjoys blacked porn is white males tho
i swear 60% of this board is Asians, i remember thread half of anons couldn't comprehend that some people drink milk daily, they outted themselves as asians/niggers because most of them cant digest it
Same reason boring, robot brained autismos are so prevalent on Yea Forums and in STEM fields.
it's not really the hair, she got fat and so all her attractiveness (the only thing that made her famous) is gone, she might as well be a literal who now
she is like that chick from married with children, where is she now? what was her name? the hair and "hey, hey you, look at me, hey, listen, I just want to say I don't care what you think, haha h8ers BTFO" stuff is just her dazed after hitting a wall, clutching at straws to fix it (the solution is obvious and easy, especially if its your job, but deluding yourself is easier and that's easy to do nowadays for a woman)
she crashed into the wall at supersonic speed
>she is like that chick from married with children, where is she now? what was her name?
She’s arguably far better known as the voice of Leela from Futurama and Sons of Anarchy than she is Peg Bundy.
Struth. Here's the average 20 year old Nip.
She was obviously fondled at some point in her youth and the shaving of the hair, the personality changes, etc are all attempts at burying her old self to try and forget about it.
She's on the path to hardcore drugs and suicide attempts unless she gets some major help.
This, the text in the OP webm says it all, this is textbook depersonalization and trauma coping.
She was always an ugly cunt though.
STEM is full of normalfags aside from math, CS and EE
she's fuck-ugly even with hair, the space between her eyes is so big we could colonize it when the earth is a husk
In some way, this is kind of sad.
This is a desperate attempt to take back control of her life.
She feels the need to broadcast she's happy, which means she's probably not.
I wouldn't be surprised if she spins out of control.
Damn channing Tatum looks like THAT?
Look at the size of that noggin
The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe.
Have sex
She looks like a 40 year old single mother of 6
"I'm living my best life"
"I hope you are, too."
She's hoping the best for us. Why is she an enemy again?
i want to pin her down and listen to scream as my semen fills her womb
remember? so nice in early seasons of gotham
fixed mate
Yea Forums incels are the fun police.
What the fuck, i understand the weight gain, but how did her head get bigger?
she looks like smart hulk
Easy there. She's of Croatian descent. For some reason they have many such ugly phenotypes.
Pretty much this
Because """"mothers""""" pass these children around to Hollywood executives to land roles to pay for lifestyle.
Wasn’t it just announced that the girl that wanted Marty to fuck her in the ass on True Detective is taking over as Selina?
attention seeking
Because nowadays mental illness is glorified as desirable and quirky
jesus, bitch hit the wall fast
Genuinely spat my drink out in a fit of laughter, thank you
i hope she gets other roles but i fear she will not
How do you get fat when you ALWAYS seem to be dancing?
That what happen to mackaulin caulkin and he was never the same , basically divorce is family and took one of is brother with him but the damage was already done to them.
she's a sweatie,
she's not sweating
Seething christcuck
t. spic that wanks to blacked
She looks like if you turn a really old person young with faceapp...
Bobby Hill's got moves.
if any female is reding this dont fall for the short hair meme its horrible
*brap* *brap* *braaap*
stop posting this ugly cunt
No I mean if she was out dancing with her friends, she would do the same thing and her friends would like it and also do it. I'm wondering what that style of dance exemplifies. Ballet for example is graceful, mature, structured, etc. You can describe it with values and virtues. How do you describe the zoomer dance style?
>she is like that chick from married with children
Nice boomer references grandpa...
Constant caloric surplus, most likely a high sugar diet. The amount of calories she's burning through her dancing would be nowhere near enough for her to hit a maintenance, et alone a deficit. She needs to cut back on the sweets, and get the sweats going. Preferably with added resistance training on top of the cardio that she's already doing, she can afford a nutritionist and personal trainer to sort her out. She just needs to up her discipline
Lick her asshole.
I love Hollywood's new obsession of making repulsive looking freaks famous
your fridge has arrived
>She's of Croatian descent
Do you niggers realize that pedowood isn't the only cinema in the world? Slit your wrists spic
she looks kinda like the dude that played dartagnan and batman lmao
Bluepilled faggot
So this is what being part of a DC property does to you.
Whatchya doin rabbi?
Too much carb and sugar. Definitely too much drugs. Pharma can make people blow up like burgers on payday.
I figure she'll either be doing that in the next 4 years or blow through all her money.
yep, she's croatian alright
>free of my history
>is 19
Nukes were a mistake
Wars are a must in order to prevent degeneracy such as this
Imagine being a person that is so egotistical and narcissistic that they go into a career solely for the glorification of their own image. You have to be mentally ill in the first place. Rarely will you find an actor that's simply in it for the love of the art.
No, no you fag. Twerking IS a dance. It's not a description of dance.
>Ballet is graceful
>Modern dance is evocative
>Hip hop is energetic
>OP zoomer dancing is... ?
Honestly that's not really that good of an ass.
Short hair on women is an instant red flag/deal breaker
attention seeking
this sounds better
Or you could have sex.
>blow up like burgers on payday.
Joke trial. Explain this punchline.
Just more and more evidence that pedophilia/hebephilia is the only true path.
Prove me wrong.
She was once cute and had some form of hope. Now she's literally washed up at age what 18? Fucking christ
such a fit dancy cutey!
I don't think that's accurate. There's a sense of numbness, apathy - a lack of emotional range. Attention seeking also isn't enough. It grabs the attention of whom, and for what reasons? What values and virtues does the dance signal that MAKES it attention grabbing for the zoomer demographic? Some slut could dress up as a ballerina and do ballet on tick tock and that would be attention seeking, but that dance wouldn't have the same appeal as the zoomer dances ITT
She looks like just about every girl after their first year of college desu. She can slim down again.
why do women dance like this if not to get attention?
>Thinks being washed up only relies on looks
Girls past the age of 16
Not even once
She's growing into her "prime".
She had a very high level of fitness because of the dancing she did as a kid. Once she stopped doing it professionally she went above her abnormally low body fat %.
have sex
For an actress? Yes, primarily.
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
Are you talking about Hedonism, user?
Her being cute and fat now isn't the only reason why she's washed up. She's a literal mental case and I doubt even a producer will want to fuck her in this day and age.
Even that broad was quite fuckable and cute when she was a loli.
>believes in holohoax
>calls others bluepilled
Potentially, that could be it. Maybe that really is all that's there. Incessant, shallow feel goodness. Outright rejection of structure and energy.
it's confrontationally narcisistic i guess. some kind of i'm here i'm queer/haters gonna hate mix
he's a big guy
she didn't catch so good
It's an entire industry built around "LOOK AT MEEEEEEE!!!!!" They were never healthy.
This guy looks almost exactly like my slow cousin Leonard. Why is he wearing short shorts?
Is he one of those transfender people?
PFAS + Jews
it looks JUST like mac demarco
just did
She was a lead in Gotham all the way up to the series finale so hopefully she’s at least got an accountant to help her invest it.