What’s her alignment?
What’s her alignment?
Looks about 90 degrees
Chaotic Evil done right.
So did SJWs end up hating or loving her in the end?
Chaotic cute
the posture on the monkey is fucking atrocious
chaotic neutral
Lawful evil
Chaotic Retard
He's hunched over trying to cope with tfw no gf
she cant be any evil alignment - because evil people cant fall in love.
Chaotic Cute
Evil isn't what you are, it is what you do, user.
Chaotic good, unironically. She got the conclusion all CG characters have if they don't get executed by municipal authorities for murdering the 'corrupt' sheriff for no reason first.
Neutral evil
Seasons 1-7: Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Good if you're sympathetic
Season 8: Lawful Evil
Chaotic good. The destruction of KL was for the greater good.
no no, thats the "chaotic" part. chaotic evil would be the night king.
Night King was neutral evil. The only CE in the show is Euron because he is retarded.
Chaotic Neutral
he's true neutral you turbonigger
360 no scope.
Chaotic good.
ya perhaps, dany isnt any evil alignment cus evil alignment doesnt love.
dany was chaotic neutral.
Evil Good
no he wasnt
Women can't fall in love with manlets either user, it's a fantasy show
Did you miss the part where he fucking smirked?
It was always Chaotic Good.
I will not be reading replies to this post.
Chaotic good.
You are gay.
*gasp* truuuuuuu
Post the baby version pls
Definitely chaotic neutral, so is Arya
Jon Snow is lawful good, maybe neutral good, Sansa is Lawful neutral, Bran who the fuck knows
>Evil isn't what you are, it is what you do, user.
Not when discussing alignments. Alignment dictates method and intent. It's up to the Dungeon Master's discretion when a character's alignment should shift because of the consequences of their actions.
While Danaerys did a bad thing she is still driven by her own set of principles and wouldn't just go around mercilessly butchering people for pleasure. Her primary guiding principle is abolitionism which slots her firmly in the "Chaotic" category and her actions are rather dubious but only in specific circumstances which precludes her from being designated as Evil.
In tabletop systems Evil is something that someone is inherently. It's why Paladins can detect it and why 90% of anyone with an Evil alignment is a villain or antagonist. Roleplaying Evil requires you to do Evil things when given the opportunity, not in specific circumstances.
Lawful Evil.
i didn't watch the show
The network exec fears the Lawful Good.
Alignment doesn't work on insane people.
Bran is probably neutral neutral or neutral Evil.
For one side, he doesnt give a fuck about nothing. But he allowed really bad shit to happen knowing that the end was him being king...
fucking based character.
chaotic neutral bros and sisters win this one
Don't waste your time, it's not worth anything. Stay in the comfy of the books, you'll be better off for it.
>Mad Queen Dany will never bob on your dick
based OF poster
>Bran who the fuck knows
Closest thing to a Druid in the series so True Neutral
>led a band of outlaws
He's Neutral Good for sure.
she prefere wolfie style
DROGON MELTED THE THRONE... because he didnt want anyone else to sit on his mother's reading chair while he takes her on vacation.
So you're saying she's Chaotic Neutral. What a terrible DM you are.
Chaotic Evil implies something much worse than Danaerys.
Not really.
If she was chaotic evil she'd use her resources to help people so she could yank it away at the time when it mattered most so she could masturbate to their reactions.
Outlaws to pillagers tearing up the Riverlands. Makes him chaotic, not evil.
Unironically Chaotic Good.
>Chaotic neutral characters may be unpredictable, but their behavior is not totally random - they are not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. However, they do act on momentary whims, and are known to be unreliable. Such characters have been known to cheerfully and for no apparent purpose gamble away everything they have on the roll of a single die. They are almost totally unreliable. In fact, the only reliable thing about them is that they cannot be relied upon!
>Chaotic neutral characters like to indulge in everything. This is the insurgent, the con-man, gambler, and high roller; the uncommitted freebooter seeking nothing more than self-gratification. This type of character will at least consider doing anything if they can find enjoyment or amusement. Life has meaning, but theirs has the greatest meaning. According to chaotic neutrals, laws and rules infringe on personal freedom and were meant to be broken.
my initial thoughts was that she's chaotic good
wow. all the girls
Chaotic goods would under no circumstances indiscriminately murder hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children and then attempt to justify that action when confronted.
This. I understand why some people would disagree with me over the Neutral designation but she is definitely not Good.
chaotic neutral.
ramsey was chaotic evil.
cersei is lawful evil.
Book Euron is Chaotic Evil show Euron is also a Chaotic Neutral.
chaotic good would not butcher a whole town of civies. would say more of a chaotic netrual
>no no, thats the "chaotic" part. chaotic evil would be the night king.
The Night King's alignment can't be ascertained because he wasn't characterized well enough. Even then, Chaotic Evil means a specific thing. It means violently opposed to decency and order. Insane. Pre-zombie Gregor would be a good candidate for Chaotic Evil. He's a monstrous goon kept in line purely because being in line grants him a pass for his appetites. But even that's arguably Neutral Evil.
She's still a CG. She just had a mental breakdown. Her intentions are still CG.
That noted, if we're going by the books, the Others are Lawful Evil.
wgy are they so ghey
based and cuckpilled
How is she chaotic?
She's a textbook lawful neutral. She does whatever necessary to establish her order.
Chaotic Good before The Bells, Chaotic Neutral after
Chaotic Neutrals can perform good actions on a whim so long as it benefits them in some way, she was a Chaotic Neutral all along who just decided to do an evil action rather than a good one this one time.
All this debate over what should have been a clear and unanimous answer shows the alignment system is retarded
>rules were meant to broken
Lawful good: Ned, Jon
Lawful neutral: Sansa, Dany, Tywin
Lawful evil: Joffrey, Cersei
Neutral good: Varys, Hodor, Jorah
True neural: Littlefinger, Bran
Neutral evil: show Euron
Chaotic good: Arya
Chaotic neutral: Thormund, Ygritte, the Hound
Chaotic evil: Ramsay, book Euron
It's pretty retarded indeed
Good vs evil is retarded enough, but chaotic vs lawful is so context and situation dependent that's absolutely pointless to describe a character
>not chaotic
Well that does describe her character to a T.
This is just utterly embarrassing. Half of them are misplaced and you've got at least a quarter of them with both categories wrong.
She's aligned with my heart
>How is Joffrey not lawful? He's literally the King.
>Littlefinger uses or disregards the system depending on his needs, he's not plain chaotic. He wants to climb inside the system, not destroy it and stay out of it.
>Yeah, I couldn't think of a better example, but young pre-faceless men Arya was good enough.
Lawful's not about making people follow your rules. It's about having your own rules that you follow.
Lawful good.
None of you fuckers read the books, have you?
I would say chaotic neutral
she want a kingdom, she does whatever to get it, she is not doing it for evil reasons, only selfish ones
Isn’t chaotic evil knowingly evil? In her mind what she’s doing is right
What’s his alignment?
>You can see Grey worm's horrible posture in the back
ramsay is chaotic evil
dany was more chaotic good before s08e05
True Neutral
How's she good after killing everyone in KL?
She's lawful neutral
Bzzt cersei is neutral evil straight up.
Exactly. Which is why s8e5 made no sense and her character was killed at that point.
how's she chaotic at all? she's pretty obviously lawful.
How is she lawful?
> Lawful characters tell the truth, keep their word, respect authority, honor tradition, and judge those who fall short of their duties.
Chaotic Neutral 100%
>tell the truth
she lies to a ton of fucking people along the way
>keep their word
tell that to king's landing's citizens
>respect authority
the only authority she respects is her own
>honor tradition
she actively goes against traditions. thats her whole fucking deal.
>judge those who fall short of their duties
yeah she certainly does judge them right before executing them. you fucking nailed it, user.
Selfish reasons are as evil as you can get. There's nothing more evil than stepping on everyone else just for yourself.
u focking wot
Chaotic stupid
The only lawful good character there is Ned
Explain me then user