Do americans really do this?

Do americans really do this?

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Yes and it’s fucking annoying
It’s almost worse than clapping when the plane lands which luckily I haven’t seen anyone do in years

If you have ever applauded something in a theater you are scum on this earth.
I dont care what was happening in the movie, you are acting like a fucking child when you applaud a movie DURING THE FUCKING MOVIE.
If you are going to do that shit wait for the fucking movie to end.

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fuck you
i go to the cinema to have fun, if you want people to be quiet then stay in your house, incel.

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>i go to the cinema to have fun
I know you are probably baiting but there are people that actually think like this and it makes me sad.

I’m coming to the conclusion the majority of Americans are brain damaged

you don't go to the cinema to watch movies with people you absolute subhuman you go to watch the latest releases

they meant black

Are Americans even humans?

Do yuropoors unironically sit completely silent for 2 hours? You guys are fucking autistic.

Yes. Americans clap for everything.

Its really only ""young"" wh*te people and trendy minorities in cahoots with them. Prove me wrong, you cant.

Spend a lot of time thinking about what Americans do, do you?

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I’m reading the Hunchback of Notre Dame and they specifically say that always clapping for stupid puns is a part of French culture.
I blame them and I will hear no further slanderous accusations about America.

>clapping when the movie ends
The memes write themselves

People in my country are so quite during any movie or show or whatever, so much so that if anyone laugh too loud or too weirdly they'd get scowled at hard and got shush at immediately until they quite down.
I still couldn't picture any able-bodied adult who'd actually do this IRL, surely the mutts are the weird one here right?

yeah clapping during plays when the actors are present you mongoloid

>Something good happens
*jumps up yelling and spilling my drink and popcorn all over the people sat around me*
>Something bad happens
*jumps up angrily yelling and throws my drink and food at the screen*
If any of you virgins have an issue with me doing this then feel free to ask me not to.

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Must be a coastal thing. The only time I've seen an audience applaud in a theater was after a play.

I was in a theater for Endgame, and no one made a peep throughout the movie, except a fat slob laughed at fat Thor

i clapped when i finished a book once.

same, here you'll get annoyed looks if you make any weird noises

That makes a lot more sense though, especially if the weather was rough.

>Be American
>Get cardiac arrest
>Police put you in jail for unlawful arrest

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>talks about Americans reacting to a movie
>posts a pic of a talk show audience

Anyone else suspect this started with capeshit like the Avengers? I remember no clapping in Avatar, Harry Potter and Star Wars when I saw them in theaters. It seems like a phenomenon that retarded older millennials invented.

no they were clapping at dumb puns that the students were yelling out.
all I’m saying is that we inherited it from you fags.

based and americanpilled

Do all you faggots live in mongrel infested cities or something? Have never once witnessed this.

>Be American
>Too fat to clap
>Move up and down so your folds slap your body


>t. nigger

>implying americans can read

Landing a plane in ideal conditions in the daytime is one thing, but I've been on planes that have seemingly hit an air pocket and dropped like 500 feet in seconds in a storm and get tossed around like you're in a washing machine. Then you can clap because that shit is fucking scary knowing you're in a metal tube 35,000 feet up and two people and a computer are your lifelines while you're strapped into a seat with zero input.


Who are you clapping for, retard? The people performing can't hear you.

This fucking board does this. What do you think burgerboy?

thank you
t. American

>be american
>die in planecrash with no survivors

yeah but whoever yelled those was present, dimwit, that's the point

american here. This was basically the last half of endgame

Do Americans seriously clap at the movies?

>Find this

Why the fuck

My cinema is quiet as well which I an forever grateful for but they're not quite as strict as you're theatre, if something funny in a movie happens people will generally laugh heavily if they want to

Anti-circumcision retards are the weakest race.

Holy fucking shit. It's worst than I could've ever imagined.
This puts them on a lower level than a chink for me. I never knew poopyskin were so uncivilized.

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based and redpilled

i hate assholes at the theatre who think its supposed to be some silent sombre atmosphere

if you didnt want to listen to me play shake senora on my steel drums for two hours you shouldve left when you walked in and saw me setting them up you bitter retards

>Anyone else suspect this started with capeshit like the Avengers?
Not from the usa but all the clapping in theaters that i witnessed only happened in marvel films
>in the first avengers after the opening scene
>in infinity war when black panther shows up(wtf) and when powered up thor shows up with groot and rocket in wakanda

Not just that. When I saw Avengers a few years ago people were clapping after the trailers too. I'm not making that up.

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that bald eagle stuck in a lecture hall getting clapped at by people chanting 'USA' before it hits a window is one of the funniest things i've ever seen

fucking americans man

dude I'm French and I went to see Endgame and people clapped several times (though most of the audience was shitskins)


>point how retarted they are
>haha, you must be JEALOUS!

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i used to be a beta who always tried to makes less noise as possible, i even tried to eat popcorn ONLY in the loud parts to avoid being "annoying", but i realized how retarded it was.
bro, i want to eat popcorn whenever i want, i paid for it, there isn't any rule in the cinama that says "you can't eat popcorn in quiet parts, you can't clap, etc"
i want to have fun and i'm gonna have fun
fuck these retards who believe people should be quiet
the last time i went to the theatre i ate popcorn and clapped whenever i wanted, i even texted a friend at some point, and no one complained, i'm gonna keep doing it.

>you can't prove a negative so stop trying to approve anything
Morons actually thinks this is profound.

Yes, blacks and women

Not once in my life have I ever heard people clap or cheer at a movie. The closest thing to it is when I went on a Senior trip thing back in high school and the niggers went ballistic. I take that back. People clapped at the start of The Phantom Menace. Poor fucks.

no, only in faggot cities or during huge blockbusters

Never saw one of those faggy film festivals?

I was visiting my brother in Sweden many years ago. We watched Fast and the Furious in the movies. I remember the part Vin Diesel made a comeback. The crowd went nuts. Clapping was the least of it

American here. I refused to clap at the end of a symphony. It was one of the Zelda symphonies. I didn't know what to expect going in. My brother surprised me when he asked me to go, he bought the tickets already, so I was pretty much tagging along. But I'm a huge fan of Zelda, so I was hoping to hear some of my favorite songs in orchestra. But they didn't play any of my favorites. I was feeling let down.

In the end, everyone stood and clapped. I just sat patiently. It felt like the they were clapping forever, I started to get self conscious. But you can't suddenly decide you're going to clap a whole minute after everyone else. So I waited it out, for what felt like an hour.

Jews, muslims, and beauty product firms get the wall, mate.

Do brits really do this?

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Living life on the edge I see

Imagine unironically cheering at a screen.

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German Boomer here.
The only time I've ever seen someone cheer in a cinema was at the end of Rocky.

I fucking hate americans so much, they ruin E V E R Y T H I N G
and they give all the power to da j00s

english - i've only experienced it at the end of return of the king.
the only other ending 'reaction' i've seen was for inception, lots of groaning and somebody said 'NO' with great despair. it was fun.


>I used to be a beta

Look at this faggot. So scared of his Orwellian government he wont type jew.

Last time I got banned for typing the word Jew, meh why should I care anymore