Will there ever be a great Dune movie?

Will there ever be a great Dune movie?

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Slug People

Well fella you're in luck.

As it happens to be the Dune Kino is currently in the oven and it'll be done as soon as possible!

Yeah, it's coming out very soon

Great no, we're hoping for Not Shit on the next one


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I don't really think it lends itself well to movies.

The physics just doesn't work, and it's harder to accept when you see it.


"Making poetry with a camera - that's the essence of what I do."

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Well, I'll tell what is not going to be a great movie...

The next Dune movie made by Villeneue. Villeneue is a good director, but the cast is just... lame.

yes Lynch's dune is great. the sci-fi tv movies aren't terrible, for sci-fi tv movies

The old movie wasnt as bad as people made me believe


Lynch adaptation no matter what retarded normalfags say was great, Villeneuve’s seems like it’s a wild card we’ll see how the trailer looks

The Lady Jessica actress looks perpetually mad, I like it.

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He said great
Not another bland and soulless cashmaker

Lynch is based

Villeneuve sucks

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Honestly, I'm worried about it because of the actors. Fucking Aquaman?? Personally, I don't think that was his idea. I think it was part of the deal to get him the job, as he's been wanting to make Dune for over a decade. So, the studios said, Okay we'll give you Dune but you have to hire these people...


It would be brighter of him to reject the project at once

Here's another Villeneuuv quote

>"When you do casting in Hollywood, it's always the same question: 'Who is available?'"

the SciFi miniseries was pretty kino

Eventually CGI will be good enough and cheap enough to faithfully render the sandworms, space ships, massive battles etc. within budget and without compromising. Hopefully that time is this time. We’ll see. The other problem is so much of the novel takes place inside the characters’ heads.



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she's good
also she's my waifu, don't look at her eyes.



I mean... he's right.

>ywn get Alejandro Jodoraski kino

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>sit in cinema for 14 hours, no toilet break so you won't lose immersion