Yea Forums has become Yea Forums-lite and it's only getting worse. This board desperately needs thread unique IDs and/or flags to help cut down on the rampant amount of shitposting that is going on.
How do we fix this board
So you made those threads as an excuse to make a meta thread? And you did it all for free? Are you a janny in disguise?
the plot thickens
cringe and bluepilled
have sex
>*Schlop* *Schlop*
Schlop* *Schlop*
>Schlop* *Schlop*
Schlop* *Schlop*
I rest my case.
This board is dead.
>complaining about the best threads on this shitty board right now
yeah we sure have to keep this board safe for got and joe rogan threads
someone get this hothead outta here
sneed seed and feed
chuck fuck and suck
sneed feed
for you?
please have sex
thats pretty based
>How do we fix
Yea Forums has been Yea Forums&/pol/ with a theme for a long time. Most people have given up
why yes, my fellow redditor, we also need mandatory usernames so we can distinguish anons from each other
seems based to me, unlike literall milion got threads
all the good threads get no replies and die
make more threads dogposter
I must have missed the part where dogs having a pint was considered a "theme". This board has devolved into full blown shitposting and nobody seems to give a fuck..
If you think it's bad, just wait.
Take a look at 8tv if you want to see the future of cancer
damn get rekt
based user
Exile all the pedophiles and incels
Every other board is Yea Forumslite. Its just chan culture.
Knocking GoT threads out of the catalog is BASED and will always be BASED
>"Kino for this feel"
>"recommend me movies based on pic related"
>OP posts random twitter screencap.
Meanwhile the actual "television & film" discussion threads that are not GoT & capeshit get archived in 20 minutes.
this. fuck obnoxious meta fags
Yea Forums was always god awful but I haven't seen a proper Cannes discussion in like 3 years now so I think we're done here.
I made a thread shitting on the English Patient last night. I got some mild traction, but one autist was adamant it's a good movie without ever explaining why. The problem with Yea Forums is that it lumps movies in with television. Yes, they already tried splitting the two and then gave up after a couple days. Mods and jannies are fags. But anyway, my point is that hardly anyone actually wants to discuss stuff aside from flavor of the week bullshit. Too many shitposting morons in this clown world looking for reactions with their low tier trolling.
>and/or flags to help cut down on the rampant amount of shitposting that is going on.
And the transition to /pol/ will be complete.
It's always a race to the bottom. All the conversations start to coalesce around capeshit or stale memes. It's impossible to have a conversation that doesn't revolve around shitposting. Truly sad.
Corny post
Whatever. We’re having fun.
Fuck you The English Patient is a good movie
Ignore the threads faggot, they'll go away eventually
IDs would just give the newfags another way to shitpost (((((((ironically))))))
i would guess at least half of the shitposters are just shills
burn them all
Jannies don't allow meta threads
all me
This board is still 100x better than my main boards than have been overrun by normie newfags
went there, opened a sticky about the "state of the board". the complaints in there made it seem like it's all personality fagging. i doubt that can happen here, the userbase is too large but i have seen it happen on smaller boards like /bant/
Are you upset that we can no longer have any comfy Simpsons threads, OP?
The only reason Yea Forums seems worse is because the memes themselves are fucking trash now. Bane was always unfunny and only became funny through longevity. Sneed is the cancerous aftermath of that logic: utterly forced and never funny. But even then, Sneed is maybe the only meme on Yea Forums at the moment.
whoah, how did you figure out that I was you from the future?
now space time will be destroyed due to this paradox.
Checked. I don't mind stale memes if they don't take away from discussion. I like some bantz or fun posting. But anytime I witness legitimate discussion these days, it's so foreign and mind boggling to newfags that I think they consider it a form of meta post ironic shit posting. If it were somehow possible to retain anonymity while being able to track unique IDs, things could improve. That's beyond this site though.
>This board desperately needs thread unique IDs and/or flags to help cut down on the rampant amount of shitposting that is going on.
have you seen /pol/?
both game of thrones and avengers are over for good, its okay
people who take memes this seriously should be fucking shot. get a fucking grip on reality and realise that no one cares about throwaway jokes on 4channel as much as you do. get a life and stop caring about what somewhat smart retards on Yea Forums spam to keep themselves amused.
Bane posting was a joke referencing the absurdity of Nolan's writing. Autists partook of it sincerely and maintained it's relevance until it collided with reality in the ultimate plane crash with no survivors. Sneed is an unfunny firewall meant to ward off Simpsons discussion. It's devoid of humor. Two entirely different things.
formerly alive
who are you quoting?
Literally what do you think Yea Forums is for you enormous fucking newfag?
go chuck yourself