What is this acting style called?
What is this acting style called?
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*holds up spork*
"the stroke"
"please let me jerk you off with my eyebrows"
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
Is she playing a mentally challenged person?
Women acted goofy back then to please the people around them.
>back then
Hey, little kid, don't comment on things you haven't watched. Be white, OK? It's not hard.
What is this acting style called?
we in the biz call it "going into business for yourself"
>the closet gay biz
>when Emilia rapidly turns her head and the other woman leans back quickly
ya zeethe bitch lmfaooooooo
cute style
I haven't seen this pasta in a long while
Doubling down with gay slang.
gain height
seek sunlight
take a shower
hit the weights
have sex
get a clue
So what's the story behind this cringy shit
come visit sometime if you really want to see it more often
Be white. That's all I have to say to own you, ape. :^)
this nigga finna boilin
>ooga booga
My family owned your family. :^)
"the animatronic"
I want to lick her eyebrows
Yeah, no thanks
The stealing-your-heart method
i want to scalp her and wear her eyebrows on my eyebrows
Can't fucking believe this faggot killed himself in the end because of his slut ex that cucked him with his best friend
"she cute"
lmao those eyebrow movements. Like caterpillars breakdancing
Might as well.
Is she supposed to be going mad here and losing her sanity??Because it just looks like someone just showed her 2girls1cup and is about to smash the screen
Her eyebrows looks like someone going crazy with the smudge effect in Photoshop.
How about you turn into this you obese hamplanet baboon??
imagine the smell
I love it how the guy recoils back the moment she looks at him kek
>the guy
Shut up incel
lol spot on
Where is this from? Riverdale is like this but the entire time.
>Shut up incel
How can any other britslags compete?
Anyone seen Dom Hemingway? She's actually really good in that, very understated. She just really needs directors to tell her to tone it down.
>all his memes are from after 2016
Wonder why that might be.
>the teenager knows he's been found out
It's been 84 years...
>still seething
my sides
go away newfag
Hysterical stupidity
Goddammit, she's so fucking awful. I can't believe you people would eat her shit.
i can smell it
You try too hard
It's similar to Japan style
>the guy
>w-w-why are you using new m-memes i-i-incel!!!!!!
its because d/d never taught her how to act but emote.
its their main thing, they think having their actors make faces is good acting. hence why you emilia never improve her acting for 8 years. but she got good at emoting. why do you think there is so little dialogue in the show, its because d/d want them to make faces, NOT act.
Can I get some context? Like a YouTube link or something? It looks like she's deliberately being bad, like she's receiving a repulsive gift but is trying to seem excited.
the skibbady bop bop da sca dooby dee doo
desu she nailed the awkwardness of having to open presents in front of people
I'm in love with this woman
Actors with ugly faces have to act more with their face. It's not that they're ugly, their face just doesn't look good at rest.
Some peope just aren't made to be shot up close.
you realize that her character was meant to act like that, right
Nah, fuck off, she was one of the few good things in the trainwreck that was S8.
Tell me about Emilia, why does she wiggle her eyebrows?
You're goddamn right I would do anything for that
I can't tell if she's a QT or a wrinkly uggo
a qtie
Involuntary parody
I played in the band for a lot of high school-age musicals, and consider myself something of an expert in terrible acting. Overuse of eyebrows to convey emotion is the most glaring sign of bad acting, physically. And whenever people do that in everyday life, it usually means they're lying to you, faking a reaction, or something similar.
>source: myass.txt
God I'm sick of seeing this white haired lady everyfuckingwhere
>Can't fucking believe this faggot killed himself in the end because of his slut ex that cucked him with his best friend
This was honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen
i dont make fun of other peoples acting. if you ever done it before. its pretty hard to do and its even harder to be good at it
This sounds like a Idles song
Emilia was way cuter than his thot ex too