GoT was a flash in the pan.
Harry Potter is forever.
GoT was a flash in the pan
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>over 700,000 fanfictions
I've lost count how many times I've rewatched the films and reread the books.
Not the same with Fantastic Beasts sadly, saw them at the cinema but never felt like rewatching them, and very much doubt I'll bother to see the next one.
Can you please stop writing dumb things Rowling
Harry Potter 9 with Radcliffe and the gang is so inevitable
Forever, huh? Pity it doesn't stop, seeing as Rowling's probably inches from writing up extensive lore on how Grindelwald and Dumbledore used the Cruciatus curse in their BDSM.
It's a blessing Rowling only became like that AFTER HP was finished. It's a miracle the series is as good as it is, imagine HP written by present day Rowling
>Harry Potter is forever.
You mean JK Rowling's Wizarding World. Harry Potter's over but they're going to be milking this franchise for a very long time.
What's next once FB is over?
>It's a miracle the series is as good as it is
I would argue the series isn't actually "good" and JK just accidentally created characters people like.
Waiting room for "the dullest franchise" copypasta
The definition of comfy. I don't even think it's that good, but for some reason I really enjoy watching it.
>In the next decade, max, we'll have to live in a world where the HP remakes are made
>Hermione will be black
>Harry will be Indian/Pakistani
>Race changes everywhere
>Sirius and Remus will fuck
>Voldemort will literally quote Hitler
no one even remembers HP anymore
>>Voldemort will literally quote Hitler
I think it's more likely that he'll be saying things like
>We are going to make the wizarding world great again
>We're gonna build a ward and the mudbloods are gonna pay for it
>Achtually, his grandfather's name was Piddle, but they changed it to Riddle when they moved to Scottland
>imagine HP written by present day Rowling
I can't because it wouldn't be popular.
>Hogwarts used to have Designated Shitting Corridors
I don't mind.
Will they ever address the fact that the strongest spell in the universe is just a gun that only works against people you hate making it useless for self defense?
She's always been a genuinely bad writer, prose-wise, and her actual stories and plots aren't all that good. What she managed to do, however, was create memorable characters and a world that felt magical/alive/desirable. She should get some props for those things, but the idea that the books themselves, or their plots, were good at all is a sham.
It's not the strongest spell, it's just illegal because the frame of mind you need to cast it proves you're a nasty piece of work, there's loads of far more destructive spells that could wipe out entire towns with a flick of your wand
You gotta be overage to post in here
>1998 was 31 years ago
Hairy Pooter is fucking trash. All the kids who grew up with it are now dysfunctional retards.
The point is, imagine how utterly terrible the books would've been if Rowling'd always been the way she is these days. It never would've been the hit it was, hell, she'd never sell a book.
What I'm saying is we're lucky she only turned into this after HP. I can deal with retrospective bullshit, don't give a shit. But if she wrote them like that from the start, I doubt the name "Harry Potter" would mean anything to anyone in 2019.
I think you meant to say Harry Potter is forever the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
this is the only reason I came to this thread
Gets me every time
Twitter memes are so soulless.
you're slowing in your old age, based "No!" poster
If it weren't for ROTK, DHP2 would definitely be the high bar for live action fantasy finales
As if. The finale of DHp2 is awful. I'm not sure if the magic ever looked worse than that, especially the Harry/Voldemort fight in the end. The best magic fight in the series is probably the one in Order of the Phoenix, in the Ministry.
>The best magic fight in the series is probably the one in Order of the Phoenix, in the Ministry
And even that didn't come close to how good it was in the book. I'll forever be bitter how much they butchered OotP, not just that fight, but the entire ministry section, and everything else they either rushed or changed for no reason.
Agreed. They fucked up 5 and 6 a ton. Coincidentally, those were the best books.
Personally I stopped caring for the movies after Harry's patronus ended up being waves of white light instead of a deer in Prisoner of Azkaban.
I have no fucking idea why they changed that. It doesn't make sense.
my nigga have you not been paying attention to the Fantastic Beasts series?
Those movies are so bad they've tanked the future of the franchise
I've hated harry potter since I was a little kid, we were all starstruck by LOTR as all young boys should be., everyone who liked harry potter was a fag and still is to this day.
You say this yet you came back for game of thrones just like you came to Yea Forums for star wars 7, zach
inb4 the Methods of Rationality fag shows up to shill that awful fanfiction. I'm here to show you GOOD fanfiction
To be fair it was still a stag, it was just lame how it emitted waves of light at the Dementors, instead of charging through them with force like I imagined it in my head.
That hasn't stopped other franchises. The thing is the fanbase is just too big, and they'll keep going even if it's shit. No way is it stopping with Fantastic Beasts no matter how big it flops. They'll just come up with something new and present it as a clean slate and people will pay money for it.
>Those movies are so bad they've tanked the future of the franchise
It's a blessing, honestly.
>Not shilling the Draco Trilogy
So are modern Yea Forums memes.
Why didn't Harry make Neville's life a living hell?
It could have added an interesting dynamic to the books, if Harry just mercilessly bullied Longbottom outside of the eyes and ears of everyone else, feeling wrathful of all the years Dudley did the same to him. He'd whisper to Neville in the dead of night, whilst the portly boy was under a body-binding curse, and force him to do all sorts of grovelling, pitiful acts in front of the rest of the school. Perhaps Ron could have gotten in on it too some time around Book 3, when he could have caught Harry dragging Neville off to "be a man and face his fears" in a room full of boggarts Harry had meticulously collected and concealed since the first lesson with Remus for the sole purpose of emotionally torturing Neville.
It could have been his dark secret.
What if by the time Book 6 came around, Harry started regretting it after seeing others do the same thing to Luna Lovegood, and resolved to himself that it was time to make amends and apologise, but the damage had already been done and Neville was little more than a skittish shell of a human being who didn't even bother trying to take his NEWTS at Hogwarts? What if Harry eventually crumbled and told this all to Dumbledore in an hour long heart-heart as the headmaster lay tongue-tied and crippled of the cursed potions thirst as they retrieved the fake locket from the cave, and by the time they got back to Hogwarts, it had been utterly and completely ransacked by the deatheaters?
What if, in a fit of misplaced anger at seeing Ginny Weasley's steaming corpse, Harry called for peace with Voldemort by giving him Dumbledore, and instead waged an open war on Neville Longbottom? And what if upon skewering fatbottom through his bloated, tearful heart, Harry realised that he'd made a horrible set of choices based entirely upon the deeply rooted psychological issues he'd let run rampant as a result of his abusive relatives?
Could have made for an interesting story.
Malfoy? He was just the fall guy for this operation
What if Draco was a girl?
Did this guy seriously start balding at like 14?
That must suck.
what if harry potter had a twin brother
what if his twin was the boy who lived
what if harry got sorted into slytherin
what if harry's brother had a stupid name like JIM
what if sirius was gay for remus
rate myy fanfiction idea
I think it would be better if you named him something cool and original like... Hadrian, or something. Raised by the Dursley family while his twin, Dick Potter, stays with his not dead parents.
And make Sirius gay for Remus and Snape, and make Snape pregnant with both their children at the same time but never explain just how the birth occurs. Just people smiling and offering congratulations, no one questioning the gristly bits.
And make Harry's conveniently alive parents comically dumb and demonically tyrannical, and obsequiously subservient to Sheikh Dumbledore, god-ruler of the everlasting Hogwarts Caliphate of magical britain. UNTIL Harry's mother sees her fobbed off son for the first time in over a decade and the waterworks turn on, and the author then never updates this story.
I think it needs something more. Like, what if Harry remembers Griphook's name, so the Goblins treat him like Merlin incarnate and volunteer to destroy Voldemort for him.
Anyone who actually watched 8 Seasons of GoT is a moron.
Harry Potter is the best franchise EVER.
>Grindelwald and Dumbledore used the Cruciatus curse in their BDSM.
I'm pretty sure you just gave someone mad inspiration for a fanfic, you fucker.
nobody cares about your little kids show
>what if harry potter had a twin brother
>what if his twin was the boy who lived
That angle was already explored with Neville.
>what if harry got sorted into slytherin
Also touched upon, nothing would change.
>what if sirius was gay for remus
That's always been the case.
Now tell me more about this Jim idea.
>they actually had the fucking balls to make it seem as if Dumbledore was struggling to do his spells or anxious to deflect Voldermorts
That. THAT. Fucking that right there still makes me mad. He was beyond composed in the books, the very picture of 'no fucks given' and then in the movies he's borderline frantic? Naw son, fuck that.
They got any spells that could end all life on Earth with the press of a few buttons in a few minutes because that's what we've got irl.
*didn't think so
Fiendfyre, kids can cast it
>if Harry just mercilessly bullied Longbottom
I honestly can't even imagine such a thing. I dunno if that's just how JK wrote him or based on my own personal projections but Harry bullying anyone, let alone Longbottom, just doesn't make any fucking sense.
I could read a story where he genuinely starts off on the wrong foot, maybe, but it'd have to be for more reasons than his anger towards his whale of a cousin.
okay, so he's the chosen one. the boy who lived, and very famous. except his name is "jim potter" the uncoolest name of all time. his name is JIM POTTER. yeah, James and Lily sat down and came up with JIM POTTER as the name of their son.
Remember when spells connecting was super rare and the only reason it even happened between harry and voldy was because of their wands being brothers?
harry potter isn't for kids, lots of grown women like it
As much as fedora tippers love to tout how adult and mature ASOIAF is, with such deep sentences such as "The more she drank the more she shat" "Fat pink mast" "Dagger up his arse" "her cunt became the world" they will never be able to get over the fact Harry Potter (minus the epilogue) had a satisfying, well rounded, planned and executed, thematically coherent ending that was true to the characters, something GOTfags will NEVER be able to say for their shitty tv series that was garbage past season 4, and likely the books as well seeing as the fat man will never finish them.
Who the fuck doesn't like Kong: Skull Island?
Why can't you read actual works of art?
What about an innate, indelible disorder etched within Harry's mind as a result of Voldemort's Horcrux that manifests exclusively in the form of psychological urges to make Neville Longbottom's formative years at Hogwarts a living agony greater than even that of which his insane parents suffered?
This is a great image
All those really are plebeian of the highest order
why is Harry getting run over by a train in that cover
Empirical proof that women are collectively morons.
Art is pretty subjective my dude, but I will agree HP and ASOIAF are pretty pleb tier. I do more than enough reading though. Worry not, friend.
What makes these books pleb?
Blame Hollywood for wanting to inject fake jeopardy to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Things like that are the problem with film adaptations. Some scenes that are so amazing in the books are ruined because it's much more shocking to see Dumbledore shouting at Harry than having him always stay calm.
Dumbledore in the books is so great because the handful of moments where you see beyond the calm facade are genuinely amazing to see. But the films made Dumbledore angry and loud all the time, which ruins the whole thing.
He doesn't like them
Now that could work, maybe start with Neville and extend, small bullying acts that grow in intensity over the years?
pretty sure gen z doesn't give a shit about harry potter
j k rowling seemed like she forced out the last book in her sleep
Do you think Harry ever gave Professor Flitwick a good kick straight in the middle of his midge head?
Women stop maturing emotionally at 14.