Kinos for this feel?
Kinos for this feel?
hahaha what the fuck is this shit?
Shoot up a school, Kevin
manlets eternally BTFO lmao
>tfw name is Kevin and am 5'8
manlets btfo
Asian's BTFO
kek, no I'm a spic, at least i wasn't THAT cursed.
>Usually 6 foot
>I expected under that
>But you're still too manlet
Cool fake email
Damn, don't worry manlets I'm 6'2 and think about suicide all the time (just not from being short lmao)
Oh nononono how tall was he
>Hi, it's me, Kevin!
Based manlet
This is like one of the most mature responses I've seen, if anyone would be upset by this then you're expecting too much and need to move the fuck on.
Nvm, my tiny brain skimmed it and missed the bit about his height lmao
If I remember the thread he was 149cm
Well, shit, ok, I mean come on
I'm thinking what a cunt for giving a guy shit for being 5'9 or something but that's borderline midget tier
>being a manlet
You don’t deserve to be happy OR to pass on your inferior genes.
whats it like being under 6ft as an adult?, do you feel like a kid?
It reads like a teacher talking down to one of her pupils about why he can't go to the dance with her.
>Oh... sorry Kev! Um... well, you see, there's a rule that teachers aren't allowed to go with their students you see? Maybe when you've grown up into a big, strong man you can ask someone like me, how about that? Why don't you ask someone from class instead?
Maybe he should take a shower and stop being entitled.
He already dicked you, roastie. Get rekt.
>perfect gentleman
Why is height always such a redpill?
If she wanted to actually be kind she would just say something like "I just didn't feel a spark/connection" and leave it at that. Instead she tells him exactly why he is physically unfit to date DESPITE being a great guy and says "it's not YOU it's MY hangup". Lmao. Imagine you met a girl in the same situation but she was much heavier than she appeared on screen and you pulled the same thing thinking you were being tactful.
Just say you don't feel a romantic connection and move on. The part about the other guy is just beyond pale and makes we question the validity of this screen cap.
When will they learn?
Women were also shorter back in the day, user.
Look, I know it's not nice to put so much importance on height but could you at least say something first? I'm a bit tall at 5'7 but I don't go around asking anyone their height or putting up stupid bitch messages like "if you're under 6 feet swipe left". Still, I had a date with a guy and... well, if you're 5 fucking 2 then you should at least say something because you are waaaaay below the fucking average. And his dick stinked too.
>you are going to make some woman very happy
This is the female equivalent of "I'm not attracted to you, but I want to end on a positive note so maybe someone else is?"
She probably just couldn't stop laughing as he walked in whatever place they had the date in. Or perhaps he came in beside an older woman, and his head kept bobbing up and down between the tables, so when climbed up onto the seat across from her, she probably just thought it was a cute, confused or mischievous young boy.
So imagine her face when a distinctively smurf-like high pitched yet adult voice emerged from his tiny face, "Hey, it's me!".
It's like that scene in south park with the midget, where he's trying to give that speech about overcoming the adversity placed upon him because of his condition, and Cartman just can't stop laughing, and the midget gets increasingly frustrated and angry.
It'd probably be infectious as well, all the other people around them, the waiters, even the chef and restaurant manager would have come out the kitchens and just broken out in hysterics. Imagine the midge reaching over for a roll of complimentary bread and falling on his chest as his tip-toeing legs skim the edge of his seat.
Just think about him actually having to navigate the dunes of the silk-dinner cloth, carefully balancing the telephone poll like knife in between his stumpy arms, as the cacophony of laughs shake like an earthquake around him. It'd be like an ant trying to precariously navigate the surface of a loud-speaker on full blast.
wow I hope kevin rapes her.
why would someone send this email? it wasnt enough to humiliate the poor guy publicly, but to also rub some salt in after the fact?
he's so short the ground looks like it's going up
based manlet probably fucked him raw and the bitch can't get enough.
Translation: I thought I could get with one of those tall Chads who mocked my cucked bf but they all left after fucking me and now I'm hitting the wall and need a provider
What kind of friends is that?
This is the kind of height where girls with fetishes for short men go crazy for
I don't speak normie, what does aha mean?
Female friends
>girls with fetishes for short men
I'm 6 foot and I sometimes see girls taller than me. It's scary.