should pitbulls be legal?
Should pitbulls be legal?
Nope. They were a mistake. Don't buy them, don't adopt them. Certainly don't breed more.
all dog ownership should be banned as cruel. Most dogs live miserable lives of boredom and solitary confinement while their owners work all day. Dogs are not playtoys they are complex social animals who need a purpose in life. Pitbulls were bred for dog-fighting which is illegal so they should all be gassed and the breed banned.
Yes we need more evolutionary pressures to kill off stupid kids.
naaaaaaaawww he jus playin
he like playin
looks like the jogger should have ran
He couldn't at least tried to fight back?
He looks white
Is he ok?
yeah bro just falcon punch 4 pitbulls bro
Um, sweetie, my pit baby is a sweet perfect angel and would never hurt a fly. He is best friends with our infant child and is so gentle and sweet we let him sleep in his crib!
I’ve heard your supposed to split their front legs like a wishbone if possible. Or carry O.C. spray if its an option in your area
better than being eaten alive
why didn't he just take the eagles?
Imagine not carrying a gun
I feel sorry for you
*car honks*
*kills baby*
If you can break their neck. Let them bought your arm and you axe chop their neck while you pull up on your arm.
If you get knocked to the ground you done for.
fighting one is hard enough. this fucker had no chance against four, unless he climbed up a tree or something.
He was being incredibly stupid. They didn't even bring him down he tripped on them.
Instead of noticing a pitbulls charge he literally tries to pet them and fall over screaming and trying to cover his face.
Jesus Christ I had a Pitbull charge you are they are light, literally kicked the Dog in it's face and it lifted off the ground and squealed away. Screaming also helps A TON if you see a dog charging you, scream at it and charge at it.
Most cases the dog just runs, had about 3 dogs who charged just run. Only two out of the four dog attacks I experienced were pitbulls, the other was a german shepard and a black lab.
You've never been attacked by a dog.
They dig their teeth right through the muscle straight into the bone. The pain is so intense it's debilitating.
You can try to fight back but it won't last too long.
t. attacked by a german shepard.
Why do liberals defend pibbuls so much? Is it because if they admit some breeds of dogs are inherently more violent and mentally unstable than others that same logic can be applied to people?
Dogs were domesticated to live along side humans. The existence of some of these breeds is cruel though like pugs and bulldogs.
I would kill all dogs in this webm
Kick them so hard their ribs pierce their heart
Rip arms off
Grab by legs and spin them away
Choke them out
Fall on them causing them to die
Knee them causing death
absolute bullshit, one is easy as fuck if you are an adult male. People are just pussies and aren't agressive to animals.
They will 100% run away if you kick them in the face, they never put up a fight. In the end people are fucking afraid of hurting the animal jfc.
If an animal attacks you just unload on them, don't fucking squirm like this motherfucker. I get fucking pissed If I see fucking dogs, fuck em.
They are illegal in my country.
>t. NEVER been attacked by a dog
Go outside incel
Why do dogs keep jumping you?
police have put bullets in pitbulls and they still kept going
Dogs were a mistake.
>Is it because if they admit some breeds of dogs are inherently more violent and mentally unstable than others that same logic can be applied to people?
You're an idiot, son
>absolute bullshit, one is easy as fuck if you are an adult male. People are just pussies and aren't agressive to animals.
They will 100% run away if you kick them in the face, they never put up a fight. In the end people are fucking afraid of hurting the animal jfc.
If an animal attacks you just unload on them, don't fucking squirm like this motherfucker. I get fucking pissed If I see fucking dogs, fuck em.
No dogs should be.
A dog is a wolf pumped full of söy.
You can'r run away from a dog, user.
I've tried and all I got was it pouncing at my legs and leaving a horrible scar on my calf before kicking it on the snout.
I never have been touched. Screamed at three and kicked the other in the face.
One I kicked in the face was when I was walking to sev and it rushed me at night. Let out a "Waough" and stumbled and ran back to it's fence.
Also they don't bark at you, they just charge you and growl.
based mailmanon
I'm a pet owner and I agree with this. If the dog isn't working alongside its master it shouldn't exist.
>tfw there is a pitbull that gets loose in my alley sometimes I see when I take the garbage out and each time he gets closer and closer and last time he started walking up my driveway as I retreated into the garage and closed the garage door
any tips for murdering it?
How are dogs even legal?
It's basically a conditioned human slave for when he's bored. It atleast had some purpose back in the day, while today they are literally just living suffering toys for humans.
That's not a counter-argument.
did he die? also those might not be pitbulls, they could be argentinian dogos or something similar. image is too small to be able to tell clearly
People should have to get a fairly easily attainable permit to own one --no more than one pit per household though. Only permitted breeders should be able to own pitbulls that haven't been fixed. Same with rottweilers. That would probably solve +90% of pitbull attacks. There would still be the occasional child mauling with "parents" who are stupid enough to keep kids around them.
i agree but
>should all be gassed
it's not their fault they exist
Blocks of cheese with thumbtacks in it.
Kek watch some videos on YT of cops gunning down shitbulls. Usually one goes down and then his buddies whimpers away like pussies
become a furry and rape him in the night
did he died
How are cats even legal?
It's basically a conditioned human slave for when he's bored. It never had any purpose back in the day, while today they are literally just living suffering toys for human that scream feed me every few hours.
I live in a lower class neighborhood, this is also from across about 10 years. It isn't common.
Bullshit. Screamed at one and it ran, and the other I kicked in it's face.
German Shepard was the only dog that didn't run from a scream but from a rush. Only landed a hit on one dog and it was a pitbull. The rest ran away.
Dogs aren't scary, you are stronger then them. People are just afraid. No idea why people just scream and lay down, fucking stupid.
I really want to see you fend off even one pitt
Leftist here, I inherently distrust black people due to bad experiences with them but I know they're not all like that and you can usually tell their type almost immediately. Never had problems with older black people or black women, for example. It's always young men who look like niggers.
I don't see the comparison with pitbulls, a breed that should be banned.
Leave sausage stuffed with rat poison around, carry a gun or blunt object. You'd be doing your neighborhood a favor. Don't leave the body on your property, never admit wrongdoing.
>Dogs were domesticated to live along side humans.
Yes but for 10-12 hours of most days their human isn't around. It's just the dog wandering around a house or backyard alone.
Not at all, humans are the slaves of cats.
Bait or fucking quadruple idiot
How to fix Yea Forums suggestion: OPs are not allowed to use webms.
A cat can't kill you if it's mad nor does it ruin the ambience of a neighborhood when it's bored. Apples to oranges.
tomatoes or dark chocolate are fatal to dogs and can be easily mixed with your trash or left next to it without raising suspicion
Why did the dude just abandon that guy? What was his plan with the car?
Why can't these fucking morons just keep their killing machines indoors or on a leash if outdoors?
Dogs get free food and lots of love. They don't suffer in most cases
I'm not sure if Cats are even domesticated. They are resilient creatures and mine pretty much decimated the small wildlife in the area besides a skunk family.
Skunks are also pretty scary, like there was a baby skunk in my backyard and it was silent. It prickled itself up and it looked like an alien cactus in the corner of my eye.
>Not at all, humans are the slaves of cats
Yes of course
More brutal dog webms please
>It never had any purpose back in the day
Gee, I wonder who is behind this post.
They replace children for childless women and soi couples. Also lol @ anyone who keeps dogs in the house. Dogs should be in the yard.
You in burgerland or other guns zone?
Otherwise, consider a high OC pepper spray. NOT tear gas based though. Tear gas only works if it causes pain. You need something that causes an automatic bodily response in the dog.
This is a larp
>That would probably solve +90% of pitbull attacks.
Maybe pitbull attacks but not dog attacks. A lot of people that get the tough dogs like pit bulls and rottweilers treat them poorly because they want a tough guard dog with no clue how to actually train the dog. Then all they get is a dog with behavior problems. So sure, pit bull attacks will go down but the jackass that kicks his dog to toughen it up will just get a different breed and those random dog attacks will still end up happening.
Just my opinion though. I grew up with a loving and gentle Chow and many other dogs and the Chow was always the most laid back and kind of all the dogs. Shocked as hell to find out Chows are essentially the pit bulls of China.
do you have a gun? just shoot it if it's in your driveway
If the owner can't keep such a dangerous breed in their property then that's on them. Imagine if some kids were running around in the area and set it off and it mauled one of them? Better it dies than a potential innocent.
>making a dog illegal
Fuck off bootlicker
To escape?
>literally leaving him to die
Yeah I'll give you free food user and I'll play with you 2-3 hours a day and then I'll lock you in a room with nothing at all but some dry ground processed garbage in a bowl for 8 hours and that's it.
Oh and I'll chop your balls off as soon as I get you. Oh and I'll breed you in such a way that every living second is living hell where you struggle to breathe at all, but I find you cute that way and that's the only thing that matters.
Story on this? I hope the owner got charged.
Good idea
Arent some dogs bred for home defense? Pitbulls are fucking based
I bet none of these liveleak webms are even in America.
>those might not be pitbulls, they could be argentinian dogos
Doggos are literal murderers.
Gang killing or even more cowards.
Pitbulls don't go for specific parts, they mainly just bit for whatever they can grab. Also to note Chihuahas are aggressive little shits, they are small but they would be the same aggressiveness as pitbulls if they were big.
I had a swarm of puppies nip at my bootstraps as I was walking home one day, wrathful little shits.
Police put bullets into PEOPLE and they dont go down. That's a retarded argument
Uh user itd be pretty simple with a gun
95% of all dog owners should have their dogs taken away and ground into meat to serve in China. An animal that shits everywhere, barks all the time and occasionally kills a neighbor is a menace to society. Plus most people are irresponsible morons that can't care for anything more complicated than a goldfish. They can get therapy goldfish if they're so fucking emotional. You know I'm right.
I really can't conceive how a human can lose to a dog
just grab both its front paws and spread your arms real wide. you'll probably cripple it and cave in a few ribs.
That's exactly what all rabid dogs deserve.
dumb bitches not knowing how to control their pets
What does this mean, if it's an option?
Conceale means concealed fren.
They were bred to fight each other in backyards for money in Stockton.
I have never seen a good remedy for carrying a pistol while jogging.
Actually the gook panicked and wanted to ram the dogs with his car but was afraid of rolling over the old lady.
>implying huskies arent the real menace
How do people end up in these situations? Wtf?
>shoots it
nothing personnel
people are much bigger than pitbulls. you're as retarded as that user
That's what soi does to a man.
>just like in my movies!
I'd pay good money to set a pitbull lose on your ass, see how well you fare.
>has a car
>doesn't ram it into the pits
Why? They can't hurt him if he's inside so it's not like he's risking anything
yes, what shouldn't be legal is raising them to be agressive, most pitbull owners are to blame for the attacks cause they think it is cool to have an agressive dog and they train them to be like that
Some people should recognize the difference of a dog coming up to greet you and one going in for an attack
fucking lol
Why should I care if a dog is bored? I can do with my property as I please.
It's either that or not living I guess.
A few fair points raised there.
It is true that bad owners will likely just find another dog to mistreat. The big difference is that pit bulls seem to be more predisposed to completely incapacitate anything they attack.
He tried to use the car to scare them off or maybe run them over. Better than staying there to get mauled himself.
based husky fucking up the soi genetic failure plushies
what happened here?
A policed trained german shepherd vs the best backyard pitbull
Who wins?
A grown man beat a cougar, and we get these cowards losing to dogs. That isn't even the most efficient way, if you get downed it's harder as they just try and evade you and bite whatever part you put close to them.
If the mother fucker in OP just stood the fuck up he would have a considerably better chance.
Ban pitbulls and black people.
>Dogs were domesticated to live along side humans
back when they were bred with a purpose, like guarding sheep or finding pests, or hunting
How the fuck is he going to do that? They scattered when he moved it towards them and they were also really close to the guy on the road. He could have easily hit the guy by accident.
Chad huskie vs the virgin ratdog
>killing defenseless things smaller than it
Makes sense why so many /pol/lacks love Huskies.
the method I mentioned has never been shown in movies. you sound like a pussy
>the dog's tail is still wagging
Also yes after a certain age if a woman isn't married she gets a dog, guaranteed. They're so predictable.
I am also always mentally prepared to destroy the vile mongrels. I have recurring dreams where I break the skulls of aggressive dogs.