Autists seems to have this meme that Phantom Menace is a bad movie. Yet they cannot give a single argument to back that up.
The truth is that PM is a good movie.
Autists seems to have this meme that Phantom Menace is a bad movie. Yet they cannot give a single argument to back that up.
The truth is that PM is a good movie.
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, for a kids movie is actually good
Fuck Gungans and Fuck Jedi.
All of the characters are either incredibly boring or annoying
Take out the gunga. Stuff and it’s pretty based. The anti-cheese edit is solid and cuts that shit out by adding an alien dub over Jar Jar whenever he is integral to the plot, which isn’t often. Better than the new shit.
But Mike Stoklasa's friends can't describe the characters
At a minimum it's better than TLJ so it's not a bad movie
Trade Federation did nothing wrong.
>Autists seems to have this meme that Phantom Menace is a bad movie. Yet i have ignored every single argument to back that up.
>Yet they cannot give a single argument to back that up.
"So, Jay, what did you think of Shitty Bait: The Movie"
Take out jar jar and it's a high 6 low 7.
I really enjoyed the anti-cheese edit of Attack of the Clones, but I can't find any of them online anymore. Where are they?
TPM has a really great and expansive setting and for the most part looks great, I would say even the plot is pretty decent. Where it fails is the stunted dialogue and wooden acting, and the tonal rollercoaster of its overblown ending. You could also say the pod racing went on too long, but it looks and sounds great so whatever. The odd effects shot is a bit wonky too but overall I think Phantom Menace gets an unnecessarily bad rep, all of the vitriol for the prequels should be focused entirely on Attack of the Clones
Roger roger
RLM have the entertainment tastes of literal 4 year olds, so if they didn’t like it I’ll probably check it out. Reminder that Jay and Mike are pseuds who watch exclusively cartoons and ‘splosionfest blockbusters. Jay tried to watch 3 Billboards the day of the Academy Awards so he could LARP like he’s part of real movie discussions and hated it because it was too slow for him and there weren’t enough quips - he’s liked literally every Marvel movie and NuWars movie though. Reddit Letter Media are actually kind of useful for knowing what’s going to be gratingly lowbrow and appealing to the lowest common denominator, so I guess I’ll give Phantom Menace a try if it doesn’t have those qualities
Literally the morning of the Academy Awards our perpetual child Jay decides to put on his big boy pants and watch the Golden Globes Best Picture Winner so he could pretend to his manchild audience - who only watch schlock - that he has something worth saying later in the evening when it’s up for 7 Awards
He naturally hated it in a characteristically inarticulate and vacuous way. Too slow and serious for him. Huge fan of Black Panther, though
Ahahaha it’s real
fuck you losers, half of the appeal of star wars has always been the cheese. i bet you niggers eat cheese free pizza and burgers without cheese too, like some kind of autistic little kid retard. cheese is delicious. nice hot gooey cheese ties a whole meal/movie together. the cheese is the glue that binds it all together. it surrounds us. penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together.
if you are "anti-cheese" i dont know how you can even like the original trilogy. luke is a top tier all american cheese kind of guy. 'aww but i was going to go to toshi station to pick up some power converters!'
without cheese, star wars would just be fall apart.
>You could also say the pod racing went on too long
you have been confirmed for LITERAL FAGGOT TIER
you're saying you really haven't seen the phantom menace? wow
watch it my man
Looks Kino
you should change the file names before samefagging this hard
Does a better job than the sequels, god episode 9 is gonna be such a fucking disappointment
What are you on about, Redditor?
They are floating around somewhere on Mega last I checked. The dude has some video on youtube that gives a veiled explanation of how and where to access them.
You do you Bruh.
The final lightsaber battle is definitely kino
The rest of the movie is okay/good, it just gets shit on because of the dated CGI and OT man children couldn’t stand new characters
yousa issa brainlet
>bad cgi that doesn’t hold up (like everything from then)
>Jar Jar
>Ani was too young and the child actor wasn’t good (not his fault).
>Blockading an entire planet is is the planet NOT self sufficient? What exactly is a blockade doing to hurt Naboo outside of economic stress?
>Above point repeated, it really is dumb.
>Kenobi and Quigon should have just been one character to cut down on the number of characters...since there’s a bit of an issue with WHO exactly the main protagonist is supposed to be.
>We don’t see Ani for the first quarter or third of the film...which is the initial movie in a trilogy about HIM.
The movie isn’t horrendous. It isn’t Wiseau‘s The Room, but it isn’t a good movie either. It should have been better given the talent and money thrown at it. George is a great idea man, and a passionate individual. But he needs to be behind the scenes pushing concept, not script or direction.
Still, I love the pod racing scene and the fight scene at the end makes the whole thing worthwhile. Ewan was perfect casting and Hershlag was gorgeous. There’s lots to love as well.
What did he mean by this?
but it had the best OST
do americans really watch movies and ask themselves "who is the main protagonist supposed to be?"
>Kenobi and Quigon should have just been one character
how the fuck would this even work kek
dual personality
It's a good movie with stilted dialogue and questionable editing.
This movie is stupid as hell. It is completely worthless in terms of what it brings to star wars.
Only two things of significance occur in this film: Sheev becomes chancellor and Anakin joins the Jedi. Did this even really need to be a movie? Neither of these two things are important in the grand scheme of star wars. We simply didn't need to see these things happen in some stupid conflict 10 years before the clone wars. Episode One should have been about the break out of the clone wars.
Anakin and Obiwon should have already been in the master/apprentice relationship at the very beginning of the trilogy. We don't need a retarded virgin birth storyline or medichlorians. Sheev could become chancellor during the Clone War. Anakin could meet and fall in love with Padme right in this first movie too.
Qui Gon Jinn is a worthless character. Gungans are worthless. The droids are dinky and worthless, not cool like how storm troopers were. Naboo and the Trade Federation blockade/invasion is all stupid horseshit. Taxation of trade routes? A trade federation has a droid army and has the ability to launch planetary invasions? Why does anyone listen to Sheev in the first place? Why did he want that treaty signed? Why didn't they just force that dumb queen to sign it then? Why couldn't a Jedi order of hundreds of Jedi send more than just one and his Padawan? It's all stupid horseshit and you are unironically low IQ is you don't at least acknowledge why those thinking critically of episode one have valid complaints.
>Qui Gon Jinn is a worthless character.
Correct, but Liam is kino.
>Gungans are worthless.
Incorrect, they successfully held the lines for a long time against superior numbers until their surrender.
>We don't need a retarded virgin birth storyline or medichlorians
You are 100% correct there.
>you have to justify your taste
>people list 9000 reasons
>you get 9000 replies
I'm on to you, Kevin
it's fine but I'd make it way shorter. Tons of crap go on that are only meant to justify toys or something.
As a under 2 hours flick it would've worked fine.
Liam is kino, but he deserved a much better role in star wars than this. As for gungans, I guess they at least serve the plot sort of like the ewoks did.
Other stupid shit: Pod racing (completely unnecessary), Darth Maul (just there for a cool fight and no other reason), also the republic itself and the Jedi's(again, cause a republic of trillions of people and an order of hundreds of jedi can't even be fucked and only one jedi and Padawan care).
lmao just skimmed through your post and couldn't believe my eyes
fucking retard
not even worth taking seriously
>Other stupid shit: Pod racing (completely unnecessary)
I agree with you with everything else you just said, but the pod race isn't so bad in the original theatrical version, which has never made it past VHS and Laserdisc. Anyway, it's much shorter than the DVD and BR version it's better for it.
I don't get this either. out of all the films in the prequels, this one most feels like the originals. Lucas went full retard in AOTC and ROTS. Also Jarjar was a little annoying but he barely had any lines so it wasn't much of an issue for me. I have no idea why everyone freaks out about jarjar.
Kenobi is the master without a padawan throughout the film. Or give him a padawan that’s a redshirt throwaway character to die during the Maul fight. It isn’t hard to figure out, you just condense two roles into one and cut the fluff. Hell, the two roles are so unnecessary that Kenobi stays in the shop out of sight for half the movie while they are on Tatooine.
Ship, not shop
When I first saw this I could agree, but it has a sort of charm like an old movie from the 60's. I forgave that, as well as jarjar, because it just felt like it was an origin story and it would get better later. The problem with the prequels was that it never got better. it just got worse with every film
>I have no idea why everyone freaks out about jarjar.
I'm with you, but when he stepped in literal poop hardcore SW fans smelled death coming. Oh and the fart joke let us know that the respect the series once had evaporated along with it.
It was a complete and utter waste of a film. It shouldn't have even existed. If the prequels started at AotC then they would have been so much better
Uh, no.
>Qui Gon Jinn is a worthless character.
Qui Gon is the only person in star wars cinema so far that actually understands the balance in the force, and tried to stop the Jedi from fucking everything via the pendulum swing of repressing half of it for so long. Now it's swinging back the other way with Mary Sue.
Luke Skywalker starts to get it at the end of TLJ, and force Ghost Yoda implies that he kinda figured it out after death, but that's it.
It'll come back full circle in Ep9 RoS
TPM hate was a real thing back in the day. Everyone just wanted a 3-hour Jedi Wick movie and didn't get it.
TPM isn't perfect but compared to the Star Wars sequels they're a masterpiece.
Bring Back George.
This, keking at the retards who want muh serious star wars when all the movies until disney were super campy.
Qui Gon also invented force ghosting, he probably watched Luke jerking off into the blue milk
>Bring Back George.
They did for 9. He's in on the script and he directed some scenes.
take out the commentary and the pod race was rad af
jar jar binks
destroying mothership = every soldier dead
darth maul being a one dimensional one shot
The VHS and LD versions of TPM are original(Lucas added scenes in the pod race for the latter releases) and have a shorter, superior pod race sequence.
>darth maul being a one dimensional one shot
I thought he was going to go all the way through part III with the build up they gave him, so imagine my dismay when he died at the end of just the first film. Yeah, he's alive in Nu-Wars, but Solo is actually kino. And I hate TLJ and Rogue One.
Lip Service.
Build a time machine, go back in time, have George write and direct 7 though 9.
That's bringing back George.
Now here's what they did:
"Hey, George, how best do we salvage the mess that we made out of your franchise?"
"Uh... That option looks OK."
"AWESOME! Thanks, George."
That's called Executive Producer credit.
>Lip Service.
They brought him back to direct flashback scenes with Luke and Vader on Bespin and the Emperor's throne room tower on Death Star II. Retcon city.
My best guess is that Luke did indeed take Vader's deal and did intend to rule the galaxy with his father, but keeping the dark side "in balance" with his light side.
They even hired a younger actor to portray Luke so he can deliver new lines in those old scenes from TESB and RotJ.
>They brought him back
No they didn't, he has zero involvement and hasn't directed anything. He doesn't give a flying fuck about Disney shit. At best, he visits the sets sometimes and makes fun of them for using primitive technology and doing retro shit.
>Yet they cannot give a single argument to back that up.
Jar Jar Binks
Jake Lloyd's shitty acting
Do you need anything else?
>Jake Lloyd's shitty acting
infinitely better than daisy ridley
*stifles laughter* Sure, user.