So G R R Martin has a blog and talks about the ending
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Fat fuck, it doesnt matter what he says, Dany will go mad and Jon will kill her. Those major thing will happen regardless, sure maybe KL gets destroyed in a fight with fAegon and Dany, but end result is still the same. Stupid fat cunt finish your books you fat gypsy cunt.
>And I’m writing. Winter is coming, I told you, long ago… and so it is. THE WINDS OF WINTER is very late, I know, I know, but it will be done. I won’t say when, I’ve tried that before, only to burn you all and jinx myself… but I will finish it, and then will come A DREAM OF SPRING.
But YOU DREAM, Martin. Your simplicity LONG ended when you took HBO as your mistress, and thickened your holdings with ROYALTIES and SIDE PROJECTS.
Because you've fallen in love with all the things that stop you from FINISHING THE BOOKS!
GRRM is a fucking hack faggot ass bitch who made millions of HBO dollars, he wont do shit. He has 5 years of diabetes and obesity ridden life left in him, he'll enjoy his last years on earth as much as possible before dying of a heart attack. Who the hell would want to spend their last years working?
> I’ll write it. You read it. Then everyone can... argue about it on the internet.
The man child knows his audience
Based alexanderposter
Is that the same George "HBO paid me millions to keep my mouth shut, so suck on it" Martin?
>The end will be the same
RIP asoiaf
Now that series is ended and we know the final of the books, who fucking cares this obese that has not had respect for its original readers?
A man who wants to leave a good legacy?
This is how things go:
>Be band
>Make awesome music when you are broke
>get famous and rich
>passion is gone because life is good, nothing to inspire you anymore more
>new music sucks
>be game company
>5 fucking NERD betas in your m8s house
>make awesome games
>get rich
>company expands and gets heug
>hire non-game people to do things in the company
>they influence product
>games start to suck ass
>How will it all end? I hear people asking. The same ending as the show? Different?
>Well… yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes.
that's a very rare pepe
based as fuck
is yes
i know that this ending would give me lots of joy if I was reading it , properly written as he intended
the show didn't do it justice and it fell flat
but what's worse knowing how it ends from shitty tv series also ruined all the fun I could have had from reading the last 2 books
I feel robbed
Most likely GRRM will invent another hundred POV characters to make the books different from the show.
So no GRRM then. He has written himself into a corner and he knows that whatever he can come up with will be a massive letdown, so the only way for him to come out on top is to purposefully die before finishing so that he'll always be remembered as the author who tragically died before finishing his masterpiece. He knows full well that if he writes something, it'll be a fart in the wind and the only thing anyone will remember is the HBO adaptation, and he won't have that.
Fat fuck
Hey buddy, get back to writing.
What a fat fuck
>Too fat to get up from your fatmobile
>Belly so large it hides penis, hookers can't find it
What else is he going to do?
lol the website is down.
>And I’m writing. Winter is coming, I told you, long ago… and so it is.
>THE WINDS OF WINTER is very late, I know, I know,
>but it will be done.
>I won’t say when,
fat cunt
everyone exited by the possibility of a Winds release date but the fat hack let everybody take a bite of a big fat nothing burger. no indication of it being even close to being finished lmao.
Three years ago:
>Believe me, it gave me no pleasure to type those words. You're disappointed, and you're not alone. My editors and publishers are disappointed, HBO is disappointed, my agents and foreign publishers and translators are disappointed... but no one could possibly be more disappointed than me. For months now I have wanted nothing so much as to be able to say, "I have completed and delivered THE WINDS OF WINTER" on or before the last day of 2015.
But the book's not done.
>And me? I’m still here, and I’m still busy. As a producer, I’ve got five shows in development at HBO (some having nothing whatsoever to do with the world of Westeros), two at Hulu, one on the History Channel. I’m involved with a number of feature projects, some based upon my own stories and books, some on material created by others. There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced. I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan. And then there’s Meow Wolf…
ohnononononono AHAHHAHAHAHAHA
>Here it is, the first of January. The book is not done, not delivered. No words can change that. I tried, I promise you. I failed. I blew the Halloween deadline, and I've now blown the end of the year deadline. And that almost certainly means that no, THE WINDS OF WINTER will not be published before the sixth season of GAME OF THRONES premieres in April
Classic WoW is going to come out twice before his last book.
That's fucking sad considering it was 15 years ago when it first came out.
Whooo, time to get fucking HYPED for that Wildcards show!
Fat fuck finish the books fat fuck
'member back in 2014 when George said he was going to drop all other commitments and even stop going to con's to finish Winds? I 'member.
>but I will finish it, and then will come A DREAM OF SPRING.
People don't live that long.
>but I will finish it, and then will come A DREAM OF SPRING
DoS will come in 15 years at this rate.
I hope he gets involved with the Valyria prequel show, to tell the would be subverters that Valyrians all look like Targaryens.
>How will it all end? I hear people asking. The same ending as the show? Different?
>There are characters who never made it onto the screen at all, and others who died in the show but still live in the books
S T A N N I S confirmed
Stannis will become the Night King in the books.
does he say what brans tax policy is
The Lords right to the first night is strictly enforced. For every newly wed any Lord rapes they get a tax reduction and Bran sits in his bedchamber for days on end watching the unending rapes.
>mood: melancholy
He hates the show ending
All foreign merchant ships will be subject to a 50% tariff unless their cargo also includes Wheelchair wheels. A similiar import tax is levied on returning domestic vessels unless they bring the King a tribute of exotic wheels.
isn't the night king one of the first men?
>How about this? I’ll write it. You read it.
>I’ll write it.
lmao this shit will never happen
There is no Night King in the books, just a legend of an old Stark and commander of the Night's Watch that fell for an Other woman.
>Can put out multiple blog pages per week
>Seemingly can't write 500 pages of his life's work within 15 years
>has the time to write 5 TV shows and a video game but not a book
Fuck you, George
How does a man who writes this
Putting aside the specifics of the situation, and taking a long-range look, I think history shows that we do better when we join together into larger political units that embrace diversity, rather than building walls and breaking into smaller units. Alexander's empire was better than the squabbling city-states of ancient Greece that preceded it (a pity he did not live long enough to make the union with Persia permanent, and twice a pity that his successors broke it all up into smaller countries to war on each other). The thirteen American colonies were wise to join together into one large country, despite their differences, than they would have been as thirteen small ones. The nations of Europe have been fighting each other for centuries; joining together into one great multi-national nation represents real progress.
Go on to support an elective monarchy? Is giving more power to nobles who see peasants as being on the level of dogs and hirses supposed to be a good thing? Is an even weaker king who can't pass laws to help the poor supposed to be good? What the fuvk was this dude thinking? Is this some American thing where democracy no matter what form is better than a strong government?
In the books the first Night King was said to be the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch who married a female Other (White Walker). He was defeated during the Long Night.
People think Stannis will fulfill this role. The theory goes (and I may not be remembering correctly) after he defeats the Boltons at Winterfell but at the cost of most of his men. The Northern lords will then betray him, Manderly revealing Rikon who was hidden away on Skaggos and crowning him king in the north.This coupled with news from the wall that Mel and his wife burnt Shireen will cause him to give up his claim on the throne and take the black to take the fight to the real enemies - the Others. Now being the great tactician that he is, he will likely be elected 1000th Lord Commander and will be leading the defense of the wall when the Others invade. It's obvious that the wall will fall, whether it is from a ice dragon, Bloodraven shenanigan or Euron tooting a magic trombone, and Stannis will likely die with it.
Now IMO this would be pure kino if he was raised by the Others to be their new Night's King.
Most likely Stannis will just get shot in the eye by an arrow during the battle of Winterfel. Expectations subverted George! :(
>milions of dolars
>website looks like its from mid 2000s
based and not buying into font end meme
>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
>btw dont ask me about where the missing books are and how they will differ from the show, how many children did Scarlet O'hara have? Eh who cares? *sharts*
Eat lots and lots of pizza.
your post is reddit as fuck
it's gone for me
George rr martin, this man speaks the truth
you have kept me waiting since the 9th grade and while you have earned and burned, went on dates with sibel kikelli(u lucky bastard)
we have all waited for your promise!
and it has not came.
>sibel kikelli
probably the only reason that stupid whore was on the series
Anymore of those?
You wish you had tits as nice as Sibel's you roastie.