Did she just tell normies to Have Sex?
Did she just tell normies to Have Sex?
Fat face
How dare you peasants call heap of shit a turd? We worked so hard to push it out.
Pretty much this.
>make shit show
>get called out on it
>stop disrespecting us we worked hard
If you didn't please the people watching it, you obviously didn't work hard enough.
most people are blaming just Dabid
based /our slag/
Those don't sign online petitions buddy, it's just incels
well the hundreds of people worked on the show and let all that shit happen
>It's disrespectful to the people that worked on the show.
Good, if they did a good job we wouldn't be bothering with a petition now would we?
>If you didn't please the people watching it, you obviously didn't work hard enough.
Of course she would say that. Her character won the show. If they rewrite it, there's no way she wins shit.
Nail on the head
>sit down, normies
>normies to Have Sex?
no, its not the incels who were let down by the white male writers its the leftie SJWs who are the easiest group in the universe to trigger.
>ended up on a tiny cove
that's the secret passage for the Red Keep
And shit like pic related is disrespectful to the people that paid for HBO and you hope the season 8 dvds.
Also these actors, set designer, etc. are not even what the petition is for, its specifically singles out the shit writing. Fuck, most people don't even care that it isn't a happy ending, they care that its a shit ending.
Like instead of a battle to the death with Grey Worm, I guess we are to believe he sent ravens out, formed a council of people he doesn't know and agreed to a sentence of taking the black even though I'm fairly certain he has no god damn clue what that even means.
huh thats an interesting perspective. thanks user
I never want to hear about game of thrones again. Take your high fantasy LOTR D&D shit and throw it in the trash. Seriously, FUCK YOU
join us at /rbmk/ user
>disrespectful to the hundreds of people that worked on the show
It’s literally only two people that everyone is mad at. Everyone else did adequate-to-great with their part.
Just be glad it's finally over, why remake just season 8 when it really went to shit after season 5?
>disrespectful to the hundreds of people who worked on the show
You had a year and a half to make 6 fucking episodes and it still managed to look like rushed garbage with amateur film mistakes scattered throughout the episodes. I genuinely hope everyone who worked on this shit show never finds work again.
Tbf normies need to have sex too. And by that, I mean stop banging fat feminists and bragging about it.
I think leaving Starbucks cups on the set is also pretty disrespectful to the source material.
sophie please help me have sex
>ince*s are prompted to develop healthy, normal relationships with women that would allow them to get out of the vicious circle of misogyny and self-hatred propelled by their insecurity, echo chambers and grooming by opportunist provocateurs trying to make a quick buck by blaming women on everything
>inc*ls reduce it to "lol just have sex"
classic in*els to be honest
Why do you faggots watch this show? Are you wearing your trillbys and fedoras while the epic dragons kill people?
No she is sensible and realized the petition is retarded. And she's not wrong at all. The season sucked but "remaking" it cuz 'u mad' isnt reasonable, its fucking stupid
Shut up, incel.
>working hard
>still shit
not mutually exclusive
Nah, she's butthurt people are criticizing her shitty show
What's the comparison to people who hated season 8 and those who liked it. I feel like those who hated it are just the ones being louder about it right now. I cant really guage who actually liked this shit comparatively
Nobody is expecting them to remake it. It's just to let them know they suck
Why does everyone expect Tyrion to be a mega genius who is always right. Even when the writing was good he wasn't always correct with his judgements. Theres being wise and being clairvoyant
Probably because littlefinger, varys and tyrion were all made out to be retarded as the series dragged on and the writing became poor
>Theres being wise
that's the thing. he always brought some insight whenever he spoke. but since season 6 he has not said anything of value
>Gets paid
>Still mad
This. No one wants to actually watch another re-hashed season of this garbage. This campaign is just a middle finger to the creators for wasting everyone's time after so many years.
I think plenty of people on production worked hard. There are still well done shit within season 8. There is still good set design costumes, make up, etc. I'm sure hundreds of people worked hard. No one is even mad at them though lol
If they worked EXTRA hard though someone would have caught the 2 water bottles and coffee cup that show up though kek
Making all the actors act out their retarded script is far more disrespectful.
It is disrespectful. Go make your own show, you stupid fat fucks.
>Nobody is expecting them to remake it
With how dumb hardcore normie GoT fans are I somehow doubt that
Was Vary's ever really smart? He had some nice bangs with Littlefinger but he feels kind of useless. Maybe I'm forgetting some really important shit he did.
also his death seems completely unnecessary. Good god they fucked that character
This is all they have left, they pissed off all the normies and no fans are left to defend them
You can't criticized the kikes who wrote the shitshow, that's antisemitic
>Jons actor said the same shit
honestly, they didnt even read it since the petition is mad about "incompetent writers" and not the whole crew
t. David
Varys was one of the smarter individuals on the show. Littlefinger, him and Tyrion for sure. They are all insanely dumbed down. They had no idea what to do with Baelish so they killed him off a and had him act completely out of character. Tyrion is just there to pretend to be smart but serve to make Dany mad. Varys has been fucked for multiple seasons now
the petition is a waste of time, and the normie outrage is pathetic seeing as they couldn't tell what good writing was if it hit them in the face. If they could, then they would have been mad over the past three seasons at least.
On the other hand, respect is earned, and the writers have done nothing to deserve respect over the past season.
based have sex poster.
Never thought I'd end up having the stark kids by the end of it all, but fuck all of them. They didn't deserve their endings
The sets and costumes were actually pretty bad this season
exactly, it went to shit pretty quickly from season 4. Maybe some normies kept hope that it'd become better, but I think most are just angry about Dany turning into hot angry auntie.
Hopefully arya, sansa and jon get dusted in the the next two final books. Having them all survive in the end is fucking retarded.
yea lets just all forget tryion and sansa are married cause it fits the ima stronk female agenda.the night king is gone. your little brother rules the 7 kingdoms u don't need to be independent country u stupid bitch. you could actually rule kings landing now with the imp if she had half a brain.
>get dusted
Go back, please
FUCK BRAN most of all. That fucking faggot did NOTHING the entire series, and I mean the whole run s1-s8. The most significant thing that crippled little shit ever did was go back in time and turn kid hodor into a fucking retard. He does NOTHING to stop the night king, just relies on his mary sue anime sister to kill him out of no where while sitting on his ass (as usual). He at one point says he doesn't want any leadership position because he's too autistic, but despite that he rocks up in kings landing and gets everyone to make him king (even people who don't even know who the fuck this sperg paraplegic is). And all that is after doing nothing to prevent Dany genociding an entire fucking city despite the fact he probably knew it would happen. The fucking spaghetti-legged faggot was perhaps the most pointless character in the entire series, who did nothing of any significance to the plot until, out of fucking nowhere, he gets made fucking king. I wish Karl Tanner fucking raped and killed the little shit when he had the chance.
She's not wrong, but it's a good meme so it can stay.
Take your own advice, plebbit.
Why does the roastie act like she's solely responsible? Everyone fucked up. Especially d&d and their nepotism hires like cogman.
I hope you actually try to be productive one day and make something for other people, then you'll realize how horribly retarded this opinion is.
God the people on this board are so fucking entitled.
Here's your (You)
Fat face and her friendo Ogro.
Suck my ass leftie
If they rewrite it just have dany win. Tyrion is executed and jon gets to live lavishly with his queen. His sisters despise him, Arya still fucks off and sansa can do whatever.
Still shit but a little bit better
>be paid vst somes of money to do a job
>do it badly
>people call you out on it
Fucking retard
>no the hard work doesnt count I didnt like it wahhh
Lol idiots man, just let them fling shut in their cage as they've been doing for years
that will still be shit, but will placate normies
the most disappointing part of the season was the long night, Dany's shit character development was par for the course when we look at characters in earlier seasons
Shortest season yet, multiple rushed filming errors (water bottle, coffee cup), weakest writing to date, and I'm still getting paid millions but fuck you 8 season GOT fans for asking for better. I'm betting she's a raging bitch in real life too.
i dont agree with that.
The season was shit in a technical way, bad filming and shit. But the script wasnt bad. I liked the idea of the retrospective about when is ok to slaughter population and when is not ok.
people doing pettition cos muh dragon queen is retarded as fuck.
> I liked the idea of the retrospective about when is ok to slaughter population and when is not ok.
except its obvious from the fact that its only mentioned once 5 mins before the final confrontation that they pulled it out of their ass and don't really care about exploring those ideas at all. The technical stuff was competent in comparison to the script, the script was the worst part, put the pipe down nigger
>my product is shit but I put effort into it wahhh
maybe she shouldn't have disrespect her audience
>healthy, normal relationships with women that would allow them to get out of the vicious circle of misogyny
tell that to the hordes of boomers getting divorce bamboozled lmfao
not even an incel, not even mad in the slightest, and yes the level of hate is unhealthy... but i'd say 70-80% of it is actually on point with reality
I'm this show sucks, maybe when you newfags get the fuck out of my board we can go back to normal Yea Forums things.
Like Avatar posting.
>implying you've ever done anything that has genuinely pleased anybody
Incel please.
The people who made that petition are upset because Dany became mad and died. Not because the writing was shit, not because none of the actions of any characters made any sense, not because things happened for no reason.
They want a remake where Dany becomes a good queen and rules fairly. In other words, morons.
have sex
kind of reminds of of the indian who pirated porn and told the girl to take three dicks next time
She should STFU.
I hope the petition will damage the reputation of the two faggots who purpotedly rushed a serie that wasnt theirs so they could go work for Disney faster.
you've never had a job lol
Holdover mysticism from Victorian times. Them little guys got magic powers and shiiet.
it went to shit after season 2
Fuck these actors and fuck Reddit for supporting them by saying they dindu nuthing