>Emilia tattooed three flying dragons on her right wrist after completing the principal photography for Season 8 of Game of Thrones (2011). She did this to celebrate her decade long journey of playing the character of Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones (2011).
Emilia tattooed three flying dragons on her right wrist after completing the principal photography for Season 8 of Game...
Other urls found in this thread:
total roastie move
technically, they're wyverns...
But did she buy a hot dinner afterwards?
Women are the niggers of the world
She can just pretend end final season never happened like the rest of us.
>She did this to celebrate her decade long journey of playing the character of Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones (2011)
8 years you mean, retard
What a fucking child. Women never grow up.
we stan mommy emilia
A cute
How many cast members do you think actually regret their time?
More meaningful than 99.9% of tattoo's to be honest. Considering being cast as Daenerys is the most significant moment of her life and made her career.
Ah, Dany appreciation thread. Nice
You realize there is a long time of preproduction before the first season when she was cast and an extra year of filming this last one, right?
none they're all wealthy from it
Peter Dinklage comes off as really apathetic sometimes
Ian McShane
>"If only you knew how bad thing really are"
A cute. A cute I say
She put so much love and energy in her character, I understand why she did it.
The Avengers' cast also did something similar if I'm not mistaken.
Why are these actresses so much more attractive in the show than in person? It's baffling.
I mean, look at Clarke. Gross skin, bad hair, unflattering dress, caked makeup, disturbing expression.
Now look at denaerys. Complete opposite of all that.
It's not like this is some candid shots of the actress out shopping for groceries. She's at a premier red carpet event. She has the time, money, and motivation to prepare herself accordingly, and yet she emerges looking like a typical roasties.
Someone explain!
Her makes me want to spread my legs and bate my cock for hours until I spurt
Lightning, multiple takes for each shot, camera angles etc etc etc. And that might not be the most flattering picture of her
Fuck off with the emilia threads this board has become cancer recently
Stop deleting them and we can contain to one
>why do people look better in a multi-million dollar production than in irl
are you literally 2 years old?
Based and genocidepilled
little tattoos like those are cute those arm pieces that goth girls get are trashy
tv shows and movies have professional makeup artists, costume designers, hair stylists etc. preparing actors go in front of a camera to be filmed at the perfect angle with perfect lighting etc. you do the math faggot.
what career? Solo bombed
Way to end your acting career as a common criminal gang member.
It's the makeup they get for these events, Clarke looks fine in other videos and interviews but always looks 45 on the red carpet
Technically there's no such thing as a Dragon or a Wyvern as myth has no leg to stand on in terms of source material.
Fantasy creatures are whatever the particular author decides they are.
I've been here yesterday and jannies kept deleting our threads. Just let it happen and there will be no issue
technically, have sex
Literally nothing wrong with goth girls.
emilia is now the official queen of Yea Forums go back to your subreddit if you dont like it
>no such thing as a Dragon or a Wyvern
they look like crows from an atari game
Thats not goth you tard
>where is my boyfriend
I-im h-here
tattoos are disgusting
coloured tattoos are more disgusting
big coloured tattos are even more disguting
big multiple coloured tattos are even more disguting
>I mean, look at Clarke. Gross skin, bad hair, unflattering dress, caked makeup, disturbing expression.
What a fucking faggot
Are we just going to ignore this?
>gets a tattoo of her dragons after her character killed thousands of innocent people with them
What did she mean by this?
>color barf all over
>copycatting the LotR cast
Always a step behind lorelets, even irl
Seethe eternally
Literally nothing wrong with tattoos.
she did tattoos, she's officialy a whore now
>projecting this hard
>pic cleverly hides all flaws listed
>implying this creature is goth
Jesus Christ user...
Looks okay ok yakuza
>sees your benis
Goth, scene and emo is the exact same thing.
>sees your benis getting hard
Admit you just like sucking dicks fag
I'd tattoo my dick into her pussy if you catch my drift.
no one cares about your opinion, and no one ever will
Her face alone makes my cock twitch
Dragon mommy isn't impressed by your words, I'd say
Try going out and meeting real girls. Your brain has been destroyed by hollywood.
imagine actually putting wyverns on your body. she should have gotten dragon tats instead.
She shoulda got them on her ankle. Ankle tattoos are so sexy. Also she should get toe-rings.
Also she should release some kind of sex-tape with the actress who played Missandrei or whatever her fucking name is the bitch who got her head cut off I don't fucking watch this shit
Literally fuck her. I would probably be a great boyfriend if I wasn't a fucking loser that can't get with women to save his life.
say this again outside the internet, looking directly in my face
>ywn serve Dany-Emilia and conquer the world by her side
literally no difference between a wyvern and a dragon
name a place bitch DO IT
Good post guy
yep, I'd do the same desu. imagine being in the center of such a massive worldwide cultural movement (for better or worse). I'd honestly be dropping red pills for everyone to go full fascist tbqh desu.
they're wyverns because they have two legs. many such cases of this mistake being made.
Unfortunately I dont have much in my life. I wonder when I'll be able to leave all this behind, and it always seems so far in the future, and so far away of a destination
um sweetie, dragons have arms, wyverns only have wings where their arms should be
Don't go my queen..
wrong career move
i'm gonna miss this goofy bitch ngl
they looks more like bats
Exactly. EXACTLY
There is nothing wrong with (good) tattoos.
>those look like bats to him
Hey, what's the zipcode on Skull Island?
lol why did they show her feet?
>big dumb colourful tattoos
Tattoos should be small. If they aren’t small, they should at least be well made, and tattoos should always be in grayscale.
Other trash like Terminator.
So technically they are minotaurs?
They cute
>Oh'm bluddy bri'ish innit
literally the exact opposite is true
>tattoos should always be in grayscale
Depends how big it is and what it's of. If you get a lot of something done and the whole thing is grayscale it's almost impossible to distinguish what anything is.
Why is Yea Forums unironically all incel about tattoos?
>Has a tattoo of a bumblebee on her left pinky finger. She did this to celebrate her joyous experience of working in the movie Me Before You.
Apparently she has a habit of getting them
What happened to her cheekbones? Why did they get so big?
they're ugly and trashy
What's the difference?
Fair enough. But the color scheme should at least be consistent throughout. Maybe 1 color or 2 that work well together. It shouldn’t be a rainbow mess.
your body is a temple
tattoos are a defilement
>She's looking the best she ever has on the show in a scene right before performing genocide.
What did the directors mean by this?
>no leg
I see you.
Why is it a temple?
How is harmless ink defilement?
Should we never eat anything unhealthy ever or do anything that could endanger us then and live in fear?
Physically, dragons have 4 legs and 2 wings. Wyverns have 2 legs and 2 wings.
I believe dragons are also portrayed as more intelligent than wyverns.
I can never look at her the same again after finding out shes 1/8 poo
They’re dumb. They think tattoos are an automatic sign that a person is impulsive , which is true in many cases, but not all. Judging people on a case by case basis is difficult, so lazy people just like to make blanket assumptions even if they may be wrong. There are plenty of people with intricate, interesting tattoos that are well thought out and have been planned for years. There are also people that get R.I.P. Brian tattoos. These aren’t the same types of people.
normies think tattoos make them "unique" and "interesting". They get tattoos to make up for a subpar shallow personality
also most tattoos are just really, really stupid.
imagine having to wear a piece of clothing that you cant change for the rest of your life
Because when people are anonymous and don't have to care about sparing people's feelings almost everybody agrees that tattoos almost (as in 99.99% of the time) always look like shit
A wyverns is a type of dragon, like a square is a type of rectangle.
future single mom to an african boy that realizes hes a girl at age 3
Incels on Yea Forums are contrarians as fuck. Presuming a moral high ground even if most of the time they're immoral worthless pieces of shit that get offended by everything normal and functioning people does.
>They’re dumb. They think tattoos are an automatic sign that a person is impulsive
Next sentence
>Judging people on a case by case basis is difficult, so lazy people just like to make blanket assumptions even if they may be wrong
>another yaas kween pajeeta thread
The shows over. Go home.
>tattoos are just really, really stupid.
NOW you tell me!
Actually quite cool design, big fan of minimalism, not a big fan of danys over bite laugh tho damn
>meet a girl with tattoos
>she's fucked up in the head
>meet a girl without tattoos
>she has a career and good parents
there is literally everything wrong with tattoo girls
>she has a career
>Why are these actresses so much more attractive in the show than in person? It's baffling.
What the fuck are you talking about? People are PAID so that actors/actresses in movies/tv shows look more appealing than what they do in real life. This is common knowledge.
If you wanna get that technical.... there’s three kinds of dragons:
Drake = 4-legged winged dragon
Wyvern = 2-legged winged dragon
Wyrm = no legs dragon/small legs dragon like Shenron, may or may not have wings
m-mom too?
>has to spend an extra 10 minutes in makeup to cover her tatoos every day she's on set now
how can s8 dany be co hot and cute while the actress that portrays her is total trash irl?
Unironically a kino tattoo.
Dragons or Worms have four legs and wings on their back.
Drakes or Wyverns have two hind legs and winged arms like a bat.
This has been fact for over a thousand years as part of European noble heraldry.
she might as well have gotten HBO branded on her ass
People here for years have said that tattoos are ugly and a sign of bad judgement, that’s literally the only argument you can have against tattoos.
I had an argument like this with my dad once, he got pissed and said "OK then for me elves are fat bald guys with square ears who burp and destroy forests."
Dragons existed
>she has a career and good parents
It's hard to get laid with those girls, it's not worth the effort.
Technically, any mythical serpent can be a dragon.
Wrong: Draco from Dragonheart: drake
Drogon from GoT: wyvern
Shenron from DBZ: wyrm
That’s fine. Sounds like a shit story but they would still be elves.
yeah nah I like it
not QUITE as kino as it might have been however
is this one of those sucklebusses /x/ is always talking about?
those are perfectly white and aligned chompers
Fuck me. Is GoT really that old? When did it get popular then? I think I only heard about it a few years ago.
because tattoos age real well when people get old, retards all of them. Whoever gets a tattoo are the biggest fucking brainlets I've ever seen.
It was always popular, just not in its current "biggest thing ever" level of popularity.
>Is GoT really that old
Implying the dragons don't represent Jamal, Derrayvon and Jeyquan
kys redditcuck
My orcs are really sloths. And they just Crawl around and don’t do anything orc-like. Subverted!
>incel about tattoos
What does that even mean?
>myth has no leg to stand on in terms of source material
Myths are literally source materials, you brainlet.
Do you want to try that again?
She also had a Targ phonecase when she was in the hospital for her brain damage
i want to marry her
Yes but you're saying that both of those opinions are always wrong while in the next breath saying that generalising people is dumb. You're argument is so shit that you both contradict and invalidate yourself in two consecutive sentences.
>you never will be that Teddy Bear
why even live bros?
Why do onion people do this? same with having dogs and cats in small apartments instead of raising kids or putting cow rings on their noses.
I just don't get it.
It's a mythological creatue I can call it what I wants
>why are those people on 4channel saying bad things about me?
>posts an edgethot
>ywn lay down on that bed with her
>ywn cuddle her and tell everything is gonna be ok
We're at the point where even mallgoths don't seem so bad relatively. Would unironically rather have a mallgoth gf who likes Korn than some edgethot who listens to meme rap.
this is the type of girl who ends up on facialabuse
She's closer to those scene girls from the last decade.
>literally no difference between those three girls
>give them three labels anyway
Not surprised considering you shitheads have come up with a bazillion music sub-genres for no reason.
what is the fucking point of this thread?
what's the fucking point of all /got/ threads?
What's the point of this board?
What's the point of existence?
Is Yass taking a big white dick? That's kinda what it looks like.
>omg its such a cool shot i love it its amazing my wife's bf told me its great too
>Women are the niggers of the world
Name one (1) sport or musical genre they contributed to.
Do people here ACTUALLY want to marry/cuddle/whatnot Emilia or is it some meme I'm not aware of?
based and roastiepilled
Wyvrens have 2 legs to stand on. Dragons have 4.
Anyone have that pic of all the seasons Dany?
Yeah I'm sure this was keeping him from playing Othello on Broadway, headlining a television series or starring in Hobbit/Harry Potter movies.
>not knowing how to greentext
Kill yourself.
You know we have like the best dental services in the world,... Stick to your plastic tipex white teeth
Ah, I remember when these were everywere.
Such easy and upbeat girls.
Really fun to bang.
I think he knows this is the peak of his career and is disappointed with how the show turned out
What the fuck is going on with her eyebrows? Do they cgi them out of the show? If it’s simply a matter of trimming them up a bit, why doesn’t she do that all the time? They’re fucking horrifying
sexy neck
>being this new
>he doesn't want to marry literal perfection
Just like that, dead to me.
technically you're an incel
Shut it nerd
>trimming these eyebrows
what the fuck is wrong with you
Can't blame him. He played arguably the best character and they ruined him. Though to be fair, they pretty much ruined everyone and everything.
Sure, he'll keep getting work as Hollywood's current favorite dwarf, but, like you said, GoT is his zenith. And they killed it.
Because she's the most cute person of the earth
>imagine having to wear a piece of clothing that you cant change for the rest of your life
Maybe if you're autistic.
Would wife this chick, left arm has gut's sword and the behelt.
Fucking kino.
Based and wyvernpilled.
>but the eyebrows, have a will of their own
Hell yeah I do
And then you are banging her, see Roshi in her arm and lose your boner.
What kind of faggot would complain about her eyebrows, she's the whole package with the looks and the cute personality
What a complete fucking poser.
Same bro.
>Emilia tattooed
disgusting roastie
i'ts not actually that bad
Well it made her career so sure
Grow the fuck up
>tfw you have a rapidly expanding emilia folder and something else that's rapidly expanding
I love her bros
t. tattooed roastie
Like many of us
They are too pussy to get one.
Roller derby.
Must be why every other whore woman is covered in them.
based autist
all tats are trashy
jesus christ hacing tats done in that area hurts like hell
maybe she does have superpowers after all
Wow, what a delicious little porcelain feet. I wish I could smell, bite, kiss, lick, suck, touch, fuck and massage those little dragons.
she survived two aneurysms, she's immortal at this point
how do you know?
No one does.
It's just, over time, you learn to pretend dick jokes aren't funny.
People do not change after their teenage years unless they experience trauma.
so between two 60 year old women, you're going to nail the one without tattoos, right?
What a beautiful and symbolic shot, it should be studied in film schools forever.
The global phenomenon started in 2015. Show began in 2011. Books in 1996. The author began to write in 1991.
Imagine cumming on her face while she's doing this eyebrow thing
Imagine her eyebrows movements when she's cumming and moaning
Ink spreads out over time. Those are going to look like blurry blobs in 5-10 years.
Don't get super intricate small detail tattoos, kids.
>M for Masturbate
>P for Penis
>W for Wet
>X for Xenophobe
I love her
She's perfect
thanks FGO for teaching me this kind of stuff
Kalisi did nothing wrong.
Lets recap Cercis' husband usurped the throne killed all her family except one poofter brother,king baratian then proceeded to send spys and try to have her assassinated.
And to top it off when Kalise and Cerci meet it's to ask her for help against a common enemy that will kill them all.
What does Cerci do with this knowledge? Makes a fake promise to help endangering the whole world. When Calisis' side wins by luck against the white walkers. Calisi shows extreme restraint and gives Cerci a chace to surrender the city. What does Cerci do, cuts of her bffs' head in front of her and bet she won't do anything against the 10k human shields she has packed in the city,bluff called.
Kalisi is most generous and kind and merciful. John Snow is a cuck faggot who lets his little sisters lead him around by the nose.
>X for Xenophobe
wtf is she a racist?
she looks good everywhere
Why didn't you save her Yea Forums?
They took that smile away from you
Wight Supremacist
Except Cersei actually surrendered and the battle was already won before your Khaleesi mentally snapped.
>she will never come home from a hard day slaughtering westerosi scum and nuzzle up in bed with you, her body still smelling of burnt flesh and dragon fire before wearily asking you to bend her over.
Just die in my sleep already
really wish she would have wore the purple /violet contacts
>jun snu with his shit colored hair eyes and completion
>hurrr dur I'm totally a targarian and not a 4 foot tall mexican
she looks like 15yo
Imagine looking into those eyes while the streets beyond the window are still filled with the pained screams of burning victims
uh noooo
They only rang the bells after they started fighting and were getting their ass kicked
I want to eyebrow fuck her
that's why she's so cute
So? You got anything to say about that, you virgin?
Yes. Even this tiny minimalistic tattoo is disguting, even in Emilia
What about seeding and feeding them?
Do you have more before-fame pics of her bruv?
Yes, she's based
So? That's surrender. Dany burned the city after the surrender. Also, she destroyed her own fucking home. That's mental illness right there.
You're a fucking baby if you think wrist tattoos hurt
Does anybody have a link to user's mashup?
fucking dropped
you tell me
t.have sex
>make my screams of sexual ecstacy drown out their screams of burning agony user
Maybe they're wyverns that sexually identify as dragons? Did you ever consider that, you insensitive fuck?
I think you awakened my dragon bro
There is no surrender after you behead the Dragon Queens bff. Did you watch season1-7 how was anyone "shocked" by this. I luv it and jun snu can burn in hell,that dirty fucking spic BASTARD!
Chronicling your life is the only acceptable reason to have a tattoo
t. non tattoo haver
she tattooing my name on her as my gf would also be fine
My heart is expanding.
I'm not saying I was shocked. I'm saying she's mentally ill just like her father and the show played the audience very well for making them cheer to a totalitarian figure, not unlike Stalin.
I didn't know St. George was actually a wyvern slayer
Post cute danys
>"Come with me user. Follow me, love me and together, we will rule the world!"
Wat do?
why is she so based?
You spelled every character's name wrong. Some wrong in different ways. Your opinions are valueless
/ecg/ when?
are bats wyverns?
Outta my way weterosi fucking shits
Not soon enough. But it drives jannies mad
she'd be a good hillary clinton tbqh
wrong. I'm 25 and I cringe at my 16 year old self.
Probably have to do it when the mutts are asleep ie in 12 hours or so.
would be so funny haha imagine if she makes you tattoo her name too lmao
You could definitely still call those orcs.
Let's burn some Yi Ti fucking shits my queen
Waifu threads
>Normal and not cancerous
/pol/ threads
>Completely normal and not cancerous as long as they start with "what are some kinos-"
The series finale of the show that ruled the airwaves of the entire last decade, and a day later there are multiple threads over multiple topics over the show's long run conclusions.
you deserve to be permabanned
Have sex.
Which do you prefer, thicc emilia or thin emilia?
drake has no wings
Happy Emilia.
she aight
Haha imagine if you photoshopped your own head in here and pretended emilia like to let you, haha that'd be weird right, haha
Any Emilia
What did she mean by this?
Well duh, he's just a mediocre singer.
>So? That's surrender
That's "trying to get scot free for the shit that you started and was enabling".
Dany did nothing wrong, and if you want to surrender, do it BEFORE the fight.
She's /ourgirl/
Based hebe user
>mfw bump limit
>to prepare
Yeah right, that's why her favorite X word is Xenophobia too, to prepare
Oh please, this board has been
since I started using it. Every board claims that it is now full of cancer. I won't pretend I've been here since 2009 or anything, but I have been on this site (not this specific board, like many, I cut my teeth as a Yea Forumstard) since 2013, and everything has always been fucking cancer. Apparently this website was good for about 2 months in 2009 or something and then it was alllll cancer. The funny thing is it's true, content is shit now, and it has been gradually going downhill. But whatever, I still come here for some reason. Can't say it's for companionship and reasonable conversation.
move stealth ecg
this site was never good
Someone should make something like this but with Dany context.
Not according to George Noory
please sit