since waifufag threads are allowed now. post your favorite Ariel roles and scenes
/awg/ - ariel winter general
bump for modern family
alex dunphy is mai waifu
Disgusting whore.
I don't know what's worse to me- the fact that she can't squat to depth on a fucking smith machine or the fact that she probably posted this to IG and got a zillion likes.
she has breast surgery to reduce the size of her natural DD. That's just spitting in the face of god
what?! what a dumb fucking cunt
have da sex
Don't forget the towel
this incel doesn't know how big breast cause back problems
She ruined herself by getting fat, then instead of losing weight to make her boobs smaller naturally, she got a shitty reduction job.
Now if/when she loses weight, her boobs will be all kinds of fucked up
Not if you exercise regularly
>m-muh back problems
easily solvable problem with back exercise
Are gyms still gay cruising spots?
This, all you gotta do is build a decent core. Do some squatz and maybe some deadlifts and you're golden
gyms are 100% gay just look at /fit/
>tits chopped
not interested anymore
They've traditionally always been gay, but I didn't know if they'd been taken over by metrosexuals yet.
gyms are basically hubs for selfies now, so yeah
>since waifufag threads are allowed now.
Then we need a /cel/ board.
tell that to the emila clark general fags
is this what you tell yourself so that you dont feel bad about being a fat slob
You know how I know you grew up fatherless?
Wouldn't know. Haven't been to a gym since I built a home gym.
no, tell me!
Settling down with someone?
I work out at home and I fell trees for a living. I'd recommend it to any non-poof men seeking to rid themselves of their nonce sensibilities (e. g. not you)
You go to the gym.
You should look up a recent pic of her
Getting married next year. Turns out, women are far easier to attract without floppy man tits. Who knew?
Will I be pleasantly surprised?
I really can't keep up with all this shit. The T is a bit too much, they should just go back to LGB.
please continue
What? That's it.
elaborate on your theory
I know what you mean, and they all make excuses for being lazy slobs. The real reason is probably the same mental illness that makes them that way to begin with. Healthy at every size, right?
Anyone has *that* webm?
Vanity is a homosexual trait in men. I mean, I don't think that is a controversial position to take.
Is America so bad now that you're either a vain homosexual or fat?
I don't know, you tell me.
your theory is that men that grow up fatherless become overly vain, which results in them going to the gym?
i think the fact that you see regular exercise as vanity says more about you than your armchair psychology does about gymgoers
>your theory is that men that grow up fatherless become overly vain
Not directly. They become homosexuals, who assume feminine traits, such as vanity. By the way, if you think you need a gym for regular exercise I think the first thing you need to "lift" is the wanted ads.
feet too wide, knees caving in
there's a reason this fat bitch gave up lol
>Not directly. They become homosexuals, who assume feminine traits, such as vanity.
do you have anything to back this up?
>By the way, if you think you need a gym for regular exercise I think the first thing you need to "lift" is the wanted ads.
of course you dont, but its obviously a very convenient way to get regular exercise. again, you seeing it as anything more than that highlights your own misconceptions, not traits in others
>do you have anything to back this up?
Me own thinkin.
>but its obviously a very convenient way to get regular exercise
How is it convenient to pay someone to let you use some space possibly miles down the road?
> you seeing it as anything more than that highlights your own misconceptions, not traits in others
Then please explain why gyms have been traditionally the realm, almost exclusively, of homosexuals?
not everyone has the space or money to build a home gym obviously. how is it not convenient to go to one location that has all the equipment/facilities you could possibly need? that's the definition of convenient
and i suppose that last part is also your "own thinkin" so theres no point discussing fantasy
How much equipment do you need? Just go for a run and do some push ups or something. Maybe wrestle an animal.
>just be a rail thin basedpowerbottom like me
big yikes
Bench and a bar and 4 45 lbs, 2 35 lbs, and 2 10 lbs weights.
This isn't about vanity, you homo.
Dropped her after she dropped bust size