We got the script from Romans who got it from Greeks who got it from Phoenicians. None of these civilizations exist in the GoT universe
Wtf how does the Latin alphabet exist in Westeros?
You didn’t complain about this in Lord of the Rings, so how about you shut the fuck up for once?
don't worry arya will discover america in the spinoff
>Dany talking her sandnigger language
>my gf asks if she is speaking romanian or something
>no they made it up dumb cunt
>user how would they come up with a language?
what am I doing
Haveuis sexis {Latin}
please beat her
All those plot holes during this season and this is where you draw the line?
>everyone's speaking ENGLISH
>ice zombies
>Hurr durr why alphabet Hurr durr
The absolute state of GoT viewers
How do you even get that far in a relationship? You never talked?
Lord of the Rings is set in our world
haha what a funny story
>We got the Common Tongue from Andals who got it from the Rhoynar who got it from Lorathi. None of these civilizations exist in the IRL universe
9 years in omgHELP
didnt the guy invent a few languages because of autism
user, your reflection is not your girlfriend. Even if you wear a dress.
it does sound like they ripped off an eastern european language.
yeah but what are the taxes about the latin alphabet?
Romanian is Latin, not Eastern
protip: don't tie the knot with retards
they got it from the phonycians
1 gold dragon per 20 pages
why do you think the citadel exists, it's a tax haven rich nobles use to cheat the book tax
They've been writing like this since season 1. Why weren't you asking then fat boy.
are you dating my mom
>not being a Chad and looking at wikipedia articles about languages together
she deserves better desu
It's been on screen several times before. Close ups of Tywin writing in perfect script come to mind.
No, it was David Peterson. He autistically created Dothraki language, High and Low Valyrians based on few phrases from the books.
He noted Valar morgulis and Valar dohaeris as base for valyrian and also called Drakarys a terrible hindrance because Martin used latin word.
Both languages were created for TV show.
>not Eastern
What exactly do you mean by that? Romania is in eastern Europe, therefore it's an eastern euro language, There is a variety of language families in eastern Europe.
It is but The Hobbits nor any of the other characters spoke English. Ostensibly everything in the books was translated from the Red Book of Westmarch.
Formerly Game of Thrones
Maybe. Post mommy pics.
And stream it.
Fuck off normie