>"I'm not that big but I can fit inside you." How did you get to this point?
"I'm not that big but I can fit inside you." How did you get to this point?
Other urls found in this thread:
How embarrassing, for him. Lol!
so if you're on the internet and there is a 12 year old telling you to go fuck her (actually 30 year old woman) what laws did you break exactly?
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
But I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow
can someone link this? can't find the video
Solicitation, for starters.
Solicitation is a crime weather there is a subsequent crime it not. Even if the person he was talking to wasnt the minor he thought It was he still made plans with somebody to arrange sex with a minor. He got a cp charge too though.
>"You thought it, and now you must be punished"
>going to what you believe to be a childs home to fuck them is only thinking about it
unironically kys pedo
not to mention he had his autism knife
it's not a child
How do you feel about the lady who got busted hiring a hitman to kill her husband in a sting?
women are emotional wrecks who can't handle basic thoughts
if they go so far as to mention something there's a 99% chance they're going to be guilty of it
we should have different laws for each sex now that we've had this much medical research proving how inferior women's brains truly are
>12 yo
>not a child
no, it isnt. but you think it is and you go there to fuck it. what arent you getting here?
It's good that he was caught. He was probably going to really rape the child he thought he was meeting. I don't mean statutory rape either.
>Even if the person he was talking to wasnt the minor he thought It was
american laws
if he was going to rape her he would have took the knife out and told her ass to go to the bedroom as soon as he came in.
If you ask an undercover cop to buy meth but there isn't any actual meth you're still soliciting. If you ask an undercover cop for sex for money but theres no actual prostitute or sex you're still soliciting. If you ask an undercover cop to kill your husband but there's no actual hitman you're still soliciting. If you ask an undercover cop to come over to have sex with a 12 year old but there is no actual 12 year old you're still soliciting.
Got it pedo?
have sex
i'd say the same to you but im worried you'd fuck a baby
why would a "child" be at home alone?
I don't see how these 'stings' help people. It only criminalises people who have been baited, and forever marks them. Instead they should be putting them in some 'rehab' clinic, unless they are a repeat offender
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
i wonder why none of them ever took a swing at chris
i mean theyre going to jail forever anyway
how tf should i know? what does that have to do with you having sex with kids?
true interrogation kino
who said they are meant to help people? they are meant to get pedos off the street and entertain us at the same time
>instantly becomes blubbering mess
>criminal justice should only be for entertainment and punishment
I wonder why the US has such high crime rates prisons overflowing when people like this vote
they're not kids 14 is old enough to decide if you want a dick in you or not
Maybe with other 14 year olds, but not with grown men who are clearly unstable.
what the fuck shes 30?, she looked smol af
The way you parsed that isn't even close to what he said
>Yea Forums celebrates Gunn getting fired for dead baby jokes on Twitter, apparently this makes him a pedo
>Yea Forums also wrings their hands over pedos getting busted by TCAP
Hilarious shit
None. The show is entrapment which is why it's off the air and Hansen is broke.
True Yea Forums is pro little girls. All these fags celebrating Gunn getting fired, discussing pedogate, making tcap threads, etc are post 2016 homos.
Well well, looks like /pol/ is full of women hating pedophiles.
This shit is literally entrapment. I remember back on the original show they got someone arrested on a roleplay forum where the whole point was to roleplay that you into young/old fetish. That guy never thought he was actually going to meet a real 13 year old. He thought he'd meet some 30 year old bitch with daddy issues and a weird fetish. All the charges were dropped, but he was still shamed on national television.
>Two words
The difference between actual stings and this nonsense is that inappropriate drug sting, they can't just say "hey want to buy some meth? C'mon! I'm not a cop! I really totally sell meth! Please buy meth from me! I thought we were friends!" They have to be able to prove that the potential offender was not coerced into soliciting by the plant.
you may not realize this yet but intent is a pretty big part of law
Every fucking thread the same dumb ass question. You fucks need to fall down in some puddles and do the world a favor.
>True Yea Forums is pro little girls
oh yeah? make a thread with that in the op and see what happens
I see what you're saying but I don't think that's an accurate comparison. These guys are in a chat room specifically for minors, and they're always the ones who initiate sexual conversation. I think it's reasonable to assume that if somebody is in a teen chatroom their intention is to chat with teens. Then they drive over to a house they think has a child home alone with usually the written intent to have sex with a minor. I just dont find the argumnt they were coerced to be convincing.
Good job in devising an experiment that will prove that mods are newfags
>he's on Yea Forums 24 hours
>and they're always the ones who initiate sexual conversation
False, watch old Predator episodes. There are a few where the decoy initiate first and let it snowball from there.
Can someone explain to me why these guys just dont try to fuck a 16 year old (or whatever age is legal in their country/state)?
I mean, is there really that much of a difference between a 12 and a 16 year old? Their both retards (like all women, young or old), so why take the risk by doing something illegal?
paedo defence force working at full capacity I see
good, they should do that more often
Someone post the guy who fell for it multiple times
because they are pedophiles
but there is like no difference except one is legal and the other is not
why do something illegal then?
Have you ever heard of puberty?
so if I were to get a group of 12 year old girls, and a group of 16 year old girls, you would notice no difference
jog on
only slightly, but some 12 year olds have bigger tits than some 16 year olds and vise versa
anyways these guys are dumb fucks and they deserve all bad shit that happens to them
i came to Yea Forums in hopes a thread like this existed and i am satisfied.
>literally the only thing that matters is tit size
At least fucking say something about perkiness instead of just pure size
WTF is his problem?
>Yea Forums is one person
Good job finding those inconsistencies! With your immediate insight and reasoning ability you should do humanity a favor and finally solve the "is oxygen good for you" debate by putting a noose around your neck and t•i•g•h•t•e•n•i•n•g
im easily satisfied, i like big boobs and i cannot lie
>i like big boobs on 12 year olds
what was she thinking at this very moment?
"Is that a big iron on your hip or are you happy to see me?"
"I hate faggots who emphasize words by using 'very' even if it doesn't fit at all"
The Virgin Cry Baby
The Chad Pizza Eater
probably hedging her bets about whether or not he will cry
Seems like he didn't lose weight in jail.
i didnt say that m8
i said i like big boobs, but i wait untill theyre legal (16 in my country/state)
thats why these guys are so retarded, they should just find a 16yr old that looks like a 12 yr old lmao
>Failed out of high school
>"I want to be a cop"
Yikes, the memes are real.
I wonder if his parents threw him out of their basement yet
>this lard ass really thought I would hug him
>post 2016 homos
more like building a good cover. it's like the people on here who jack it to CP whenever it's posted then report it after they're done to maintain deniability
imagine the smell
Was probably riding on high in this moment, like the bait is qt as fuck and for a few brief moments he was sure he was going to pound that tight pussy.
>no girl will ever look at you like this unless it's a set up.
how can you let yourself go this far?
depression and no motivation to better yourself. He says it himself in the video.
I'm fully convinced the guy is a psychopath.
And he was just trying to get some sympathy from them.
>I was trying to be just like you!!
>But I failed and became your enemy, please don't send me to jail! I was a good guy, just like you!
Yeah but he's also going through the "bargaining" phase of grief where he's essentially saying "I want to be on your side"
But yeah i can it.
You're thinking of sociopathy, not psychopathy
same difference
Howdy Vinny
his house looks exactly how you think it would look.
What does he mean "but?" Was the implication that his dick is so small he thought he wouldn't even touch the walls?
Fucking pathetic, dude.
Eat shit, Vince.
Because they're losers
>chat with qt online
>she invites me to her house
>chat for a few minutes before convicted to jail
See you later virgins
>Was the implication that his dick is so small he thought he wouldn't even touch the walls?
No, it wasn't
You may be mentally challenged for even jumping to that conclusion
this guy gets it.
from the first result when I googled the difference: healthyplace.com
Psychopathy can be thought of as a more severe form of sociopathy with more symptoms. Therefore, all psychopaths are sociopaths but sociopaths are not necessarily psychopaths.
According to the Society for the Study of Psychopathy, psychopath traits include:
> Lack of guilt/remorse
> Lack of empathy
> Lack of deep emotional attachments
> Narcissism
> Superficial charm
> Dishonesty
> Manipulativeness
> Reckless risk-taking
I think he definitely falls in most of these.
At least if my hypothesis that he's lying to garner sympathy holds true.
Didn't know you had internet in jail, Vince.
What is he so smug about?
Vince already said his cock his small on camera, why would he be mad about others repeating it? Your tired joke doesn't work
>what in retardation
the free anal he's getting in jail.
she looks like Britney Spears
What was his endgame?
Didn't the lady cop praised the size of his cock during the interview?
pledge insanity the moment something went wrong.
For a brief fleeting moment of his miserable life, the fantasy was real. What's a few months in jail when your whole life is hell on earth.
what about role play between adults, like your wife dressing up in a school girl outfit or talking dirty daddy to you on the phone
>there was a towel right there coincidentally
You are insane if you do something like that
In that case you know for a fact that person isn't underage so not a crime.
>look for irl loli poon
>contact one over the internet
>know you can get in trouble for your actions
>act on them
Its like its illegal or something
This is entrapment and there is literally no argument against that fact.
>Police lying
>No sex or touching happens
>No actual girl
>the cop with the ghillie suit
really bro?
Because no one wants to fuck them.not any woman, much less a 16 yo
They have to try and justify their massive inflated budgets
which one is the rope guy? he looked legitimately desperate
Strange how conservatives never talk about this or the $700 billion military budget but providing healthcare for the people is a crazy thing.
>this is your brain on pedoism
Pedophilia is the purest, most sweetest love a human is capable of
>young girl talks to you on the internet
When has this ever never been a setup? Seriously? Its either a cop or some faggot wanting to post screenshots in their Facebook group. That's why I think these guys they catch are just retarded mentally.
I've had this discussion with a number of people, including ex-cons. It's *technically* not entrapment because the bait girl is never assertive and never invites the guy to her house until he invites himself over, so *technically* it was his fault for taking the bait. It still feels like bullshit though, I mean what are the chances these dudes would ever, EVER meet a little girl that wasn't a honeypot? Have you ever tried normal online dating, it's rare enough that you actually meet someone even when you're not a fat 40 year old mexican slob covered in pimples. There's a good chance that their appearances on TCAP was the first time in their lives they actually got to meet anyone from an online chat.
>That's why I think these guys they catch are just retarded mentally.
They are. It's pretty obvious the average IQ is about 80.
were you never home alone? what the fuck
She was wondering how small his dicklet was under his fupa.
It's not entrapment because only law enforcement can entrap(actual law) and the volunteers who do the setup aren't law enforcement. This has gone to court numerous times and they only got in trouble when that one guy killed himself when they went to his house to arrest him.
>possess cp
>possess a knife
>go to what you believe is a vulnerable child's house
that's the unspoken truth of these things. Who is the real victim, a child who doesn't exist or a guy who has been forced into a lifetime of isolation because of the liberation of thots?
>unspoken truth
>not pedo apologizism
>Another man, John Kennelly, came to the house appearing naked in the kitchen, and just 24 hours later, was again caught at a McDonald's trying to meet a 13-year-old boy. He was later arrested.“
Yeah, poor Pedos, forced into isolation :(
some, perhaps most, are vile predators yes. But what about the misunderstood neckbeards?
They're fault for rejecting the 2D pill.
And nothing of value was lost
good point.
The decoy never asks you to fuck them. They respond completely passively, only egging them on, "you can't do that over the internet..." etc
A cute! CUTE!
when girls do that its solicitation from their end u sperger
>I'm not that big but I can fit inside you."
>be American
>go to meet a teen girl you chatted with online
>turn up and girl isn’t real and it’s actually an entrapment sting by the media and police
>go to prison and get branded a pedo on nation television
bah gawd this is going to be a slobber knocker
So because she calls you daddy, it's incest?
because they're so pathetic they can't even manipulate anyone past puberty
In what way is making a completely objective statement of fact classed solicitation?
Hint: it's not
It's for the entertainment of the masses, that alone justifies it.
>The crew said it was this house, right?
>be pedo
>try and fuck a child
>go to jail
>"wtf! this is bullshit!"
>Winks at the camera
This bitch must get off on this shit.
Can someone please link the video so I can laugh too?
It's like the 8th post, faggot.
Why won't newfags read the fucking threads before posting?
You can keep pretending conservatives are hypocrites and I'll pretend we don't use the "free market" excuse as a way to cut the gibs. Which go to you know who.
Imagine having to be the decoy in that scene...
>Be Normal attracted to opposite sex, Guy with Mustuche pretends to be opposite sex, go to jail
"did you ever try to diet?"
>But what about the misunderstood neckbeards?
They all post on Yea Forums
they know they're losers and are intimidated by 16 yos
I know it’s disgusting how people can cheer on this blatant entrapment is beyond me
>He walked free
Are there any new episodes coming soon bros? I need it
What? It looks comfy.
Imagine looking like this at 19. He looks older than me and I'm in my 30's
Why wouldn't he? He was only going to the beach
Who would win?
God you're pathetic.
>Michael Wilusz infiltrated and immediately began to patrol the stinghouse, in pursuit of his prey. He was distracted by the offer of some chocolate chip cookies, which allowed Chris Hansen to meet up with him for an interview in the kitchen. Wilusz, who was inquired over the quality of the cookie, verbally commented that they were "great, wow!" and also added in bonus points for being "home baked." He declined the offer to be given time to finish it however.
>netflix and HEY TEX HOW YA DOIN
The one that didn't go to jail
Who else /fa/ here?
Don't have sex.
>wearing your pants above your navel
Fucking why?
>be cop
>have a fat son
>not only fat, but a loser neet with no skills
>find out he got arrested for solicitation and cp
I wonder what his dad did when he found out.
Police funding is done at the state and local level and as a percent of total budget it is uniform across red and blue states/counties. Federally the Trump administration is trying to cut budgets to programs such as COPS Hiring (signed by democratic president Clinton through a Dem controlled house/senate) and the Justice Department overall (that also increased under Dem administrations).
Generally the police budgets aren't really touched by either party and as a percent of total budget has linearly decreased the in the last 50 years.
It is worth noting though that Dem majority cities spend the most on this:
>NYC 5b
>LA 1.5b
>Chicago 1.5b
>Houston 0.8b
>Baltimore, Detroit, Oakland, Atlanta, etc. 0.5-0.2b
Cities seem to have the most problem with crime while also being mostly democratic, although I wouldn't suggest the 2 are related with this data. This would just refute the "Republican police state" narrative.
Are there any more of these?
On the third night they crouched in the keep of old walls of slumped mud with the fires of the enemy not a mile distant on the desert. The judge sat with the Apache boy before the fire and it watched everything with dark berry eyes and some of the men played with it and made it laugh and they gave it jerky and it sat chewing and watching gravely the figures that passed above it. They covered it with a blanket and in the morning the judge was dandling it on one knee while the men saddled their horses. Toadvine saw him with the child as he passed with his saddle but when he came back ten minutes later leading his horse the child was dead and the judge had scalped it. Toadvine put the muzzle of his pistol against the great dome of the judge's head.
Goddamn you, Holden.
You either shoot or take that away. Do it now.
Toadvine put the pistol in his belt. The judge smiled and wiped the scalp on the leg of his trousers and rose and turned away. Another ten minutes and they were on the plain again in full flight from the Apaches.
Apparently the dad called the decoy and threatened them. Some user posted the audio a few days ago. Looking through my history for it.
i fucking love the amounts of seethe in these threads
I mean teenagers are so matured and slutty now shouldn't we lower the age of consent?
>(offender Also Had Child Pornography Images On His Cell Phone.)
I wonder if loli pics counts
Someone posted it on YT. It was some vackwoods russian site before.
The way the he removes his hat and glasses to begin his breakdown at 2:26 is fucking kino
When i was fat i always had my fupa hang. I thought it was retarted ro tuck it in.
>is there really that much of a difference between a 12 and a 16 year old
Yeah. A lot of changes occur during the few years between 12 and 16.
Why the fuck is everyone tripping out so much about the knife. Half the people I know carry knifes on them at all times.
New Kino coming up
Maybe you hang around pedophiles user. Ever think of that?
look at that wingspan
Nobody gets it less than that guy
You're pathetic, he's right.
>assuming gender
Are they at the beach or on a ranch?
>dresses up like tombstone on 130mg of adderall a day and shows up at a strangers house to fuck a 12 year old after failing high school
Seriously how did he get to that point.
well, i AM shitposting on Yea Forums...
He can't keep getting away with it
We're all guys here
>"I wasn't gonna do nothin!"
How is it legal to actually show your face on Murrican television without your approval?
>thinks posting on Yea Forums counts as hanging out.
how do you know he didnt give approval?
You act as though they don't coerce the signature on the waiver at some point.
You're very funny user
correlation =/= causation
this song
The only person who says anything about "hanging out" is you, are you coping on something there?
But how stupid could they be to actually sign something like that?
well, their faces are going to be posted on the sex offender registry anyway. Maybe Chris pays them some good money for the approval.
As stupid as you have to be to end up walking into a blatant underage sex police sting.
If your stuck in a hole user, first step is to stop digging. Your plebet buzzwords might work with your pedo irl "friends" but not here.
>Imagine the smell...
It is not illegal for individuals or the media to show your face on public in America.
When you are filmed committing a crime, the film becomes evidence. Your consent is not required for evidence in criminal matters.
I heard a couple explanations from them. One says that because it's a "news" program, they don't have to get a waiver. They also mention it's because the house is someone else's private property, compounded with the fact he entered with the intent of committing a crime.
I think it's a regional thing. In the southwest, 90% of men and a lot of women carry a pocket knife. But coastal city fags think it's barbaric, then use their teeth to open stuff.
>though it
You realize everyone of them has been caught at the house they think they're meeting a fucking child at, right? For the purpose of fucking that child. How braindead are you?
I doubt most of these men are legit pedophiles, but instead they simply go for whatever they can get. They would all.gladly fuck a picrelated if they could. Underage.girls are simply easier for.them I guess
When you see real police stings, they are far more careful to let the perp make all the moves.
>that strawman
The topic on hand is about carrying knives but suddenly here you're talking about "hanging out", no really is there something you want to share with us?
turbo manlet
>Underage.girls are simply easier for.them I guess
except they arent, unless you count kidnapping/molesting
Majority of them think they're going to fuck a 12 year old, you dumb fuck.
the actress is a legit cutie
More pathetic than Vincent. Im sure you and him are kindred spirits.
It's not entrapment.
c'mon man don't fall for the obvious bait
I'm not surprised that this site attracts the dumbest people on the internet.
Also see
Probably because he could have used the knife on said child he thought he was going to fuck.
>Chris "steals money and writes bad checks" Hansen
Fits that you love to post here faggot. So are we hanging out because we're posting. What a total faggot you are.
You're the only hanging out here, I'm just waiting for more Chris's content.
They're still legit pedophiles if they go to a house intending to fuck a child. Just because they'd also fuck a hot adult woman doesn't somehow negate the fact that they'd fuck a 12 year old.
Bet you want to suck his cock you faggot. You are gayer than 9 guys blowing 10 guys.
I knew a girl who was 16 y-o and one day felt like losing her virginity. She went online and pretty much got the 1st man she talked to...
Underages are more naive and have less experience/standards. I don't fuck them myself but could understand why they might be easier (if you look decent, unlike that fat redneck)
16 isn't underage in some states though.
user....were you the guy she talked to online?
Lol at Hansen basically telling him to
>lose weight
Im the opposite of a pedo. usually only fuck middle aged women who cant get pregnant anymore
Did this guy kill himself? Not sure he'd have any reason to live after this.
he’s 19?
Would you fuck a 12 y-o yourself if she initiated it herself and you'd take that secret to your grave with nobody finding out? Be honest
No, just some girl I knew
You're next, you fat cunt. Once you're arrested, all the pieces will finally fall into place.
No. I'm not throwing my morals out the window for fucking cunny my dude.
Why did he have a knife? And why does he toss it into the hat?
nah, im not into children with small titties
>going to fuck what he thinks is a 12 year old
>what if she says no?
I mean, maybe it's not what he brought it for, but that's probably how the police would see it.
Based and dead puppies pilled.
You can tell the TCAP guys know what they are doing, choosing the sexiest decoys. Pretty based.
Of course what kind of question is this?
Lots of people carry pocket knives though is the point he was making.
Yea Forumsnon, why don't you take a seat?
Actually ignore my comment, I just realized I'm not sure what a 12 y-o even looks like
>this many pedophiles ITT
neck urselves t b h my guy
>that one guy who came in with pizza and a marriage license
they didn't just think it, they acted on it. thankfully nobody got hurt
Wait, he came in with a fucking marriage license?
Imagine their casting process
>"I drive..."
jesus refn... was this really necessary?
it was some kind of marriage "contract" for her to sign so he could fuck her legally, which makes no sense.
Yeah, what's the problem here?
If I try to shoot someone but the gun jams, should I be arrested or not?
Master Shake never said that
If both parties consent, what's wrong with it?
Is it some kind of fucking islamic contract lol?
are YOU literally 12 to not understand the basic tenants of our society's legal system?
>full time Lyft driver
Not a 12yo, maybe a 16-17 yo, but only if legal.
he's in a private residence
basic tenants of our society's legal system make no sense
Thats what undergraduate college degrees buys you today.
>Are you her dad
Why do people think this is entrapment?
Most of the time the dumb idiots are the ones hitting on the decoys first, sending and asking for pictures firstand inviting themselves over for sex first. The guys who get caught by Chris are the dumbest of the dumb, they deserve to get ridicule for their stupidity.
imagine being this much american, so much american that you defend pedophiles
how fucking retarded do you have to be to think this the elocution of a 12 year old?
>Your honor, the contract clearly states I can fuck her even if she's only twelve!
>Sir, this was written with a pencil
Yea Forums is full of pedophiles
>maybe 16-17
picrelated is 15. And I guarantee you there are 15-16 y-o girls in bars/clubs with fake IDs
He thinks that if they were married it would be legal.
On a scale of 1 to 10? Pretty Goddamn.
Why not I sit on your face!
have any of the pedos they've caught been violent or had a weapon on them (not in their car)
>i was just kidding! haha i don't even know what a child looks like! haha....
if you've been on Yea Forums longer than 2 years you've seen it at one time or another. faggot
He's fucking retarded then. Does he think he's in fucking Saudi Arabia or something?
what a glorious trainwreck. I love how smug he is.
No. Mommyfags have officially taken over. FUCK pedos.
how do i find these girls?!
they live in the legal system?
Oh hell nah bitch, he's mine.
Judging by all the triggered pedos in this thread, I doubt it
I also don't get it. If you want to fuck a 14-year old, why not take a vacation and go to a country where it's legal? Failing that, why not do the best next thing and go to Asia where they look 14? Or, failing even that, why not start working for Nickelodeon or Disney?
How fucking stupid do you have to be to actually believe some 14-year old qt wants to get fucked by a 40-year old autistic virgin neckbeard she met online?
He sounds fully americanized and he looks Italian in the vid. Just as bad as i know.
>'Guys I can totally fuck her if she's twelve! She signed this marriage contract!'
Man I hope he gets BOOTY WARRIOR'D in jail.
my mommy and my daddy
Ask that to an FBI agent who sells you a package of powdered sugar when you wanted to buy cocaine.
>he offers Chris a piece of pizza
>AFTER he's spilled the beans about the sting
based & cool
chris... big guy...
Fuckin no. Children are pre sexual humans. Absolutely fucking no, disgusting. The fun is getting a full growed beautiful woman with huge tits to suck your pee pee. Seek professional help
>the predator's face after hearing that shitty line
>can I eat first?
fucking kek
>triggered pedos
How? Where?
if you are a US citizen it is illegal for you to have sex with any underage girl in the entire universe
this absolute mad lad made a compilation of all the pedos who died after he caught them
that pizza looked good af tbhqh family
>bringing a marriage contract
>it was some kind of marriage "contract" for her to sign so he could fuck her legally, which makes no sense.
In several European countries it was legal to marry a child in a foreign country (read: muslim) and bring them back. Same is true for the US if the parents approve I think. So yeah, if you have a shitload of money you can legally buy a child to fuck (i.e., pedowood).
this is why I have trust issues
>he looks right into the camera
boy what an episode
Not that I'd ever go to gookland, but wouldn't this be well outside the US jurisdiction?
There's a Wired for Sex episode that used to air on TechTV where some adult virgin had sex with a 14 year old, he got caught and sent to prison.
I think Buzzfeed had a video where some comedians went to the bar and the bouncer and the bartender said something about giving non-alcoholic/fake beer to underage teens who were at the club.
The Wired for Sex guy who was sent to prison for fucking an underage girl was a clean shaven thin guy.
You think the whores and cops care about your passport?
based. I only bang women over 30 now
>go to gookland
>fuck a child
>come back and brag about fucking a child
>get arrested for it
I mean, if you plan on staying in gookland, you're probably fine.
>"we found a sex enhancement pill. The kind you call a doctor for if its been working for more than 4 hours"
KEK-asaurus. Chris Hanson still has it.
>Under the PROTECT Act of April 2003, it is a federal crime, prosecutable in the United States, for a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien, to engage in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign country with a person under the age of 18, whether or not the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident alien intended to engage in such illicit sexual conduct prior to going abroad.
pedo scum btfo
The absolute mad lad
Yes I know statutory rape exist but I'm speaking in a moral point of view.
>chris hansen dabbing on the bible
I love this fucking show. it never gets old
If you marry her it's fine:
>Laws regarding child marriage vary in the different states of the United States. Generally, children 16 and over may marry with parental consent [...] 17 states have no minimum age requirement. Between 2000 and 2015 there were at least 207,468 child marriages in the United States of which over 1,000 marriage licences were for children under 15, some as young as ten years old. - en.wikipedia.org
Is it wrong that I feel bad for the guy? He is just a 19-year-old trying to bag a supposed 14-year-old, which is legal in my country.
I also thought the other episode with the 28-year-old math teacher who liked to smoke weed, was nonsense. He didn't even had any openly sexual intentions.
>brought a gun
>duct tape
W-what was his plan bros?
Obviously, that's attempted murder. This is more like if you tried to shoot a virtual person in a videogame and the gun jammed.
Is this the only US law that applies oversea? Are there any others that effects US citizen?
I miss Del Harvey
all US laws apply everywhere to everyone
I think rather is not what you have or not have done, but the laws the governed our actions.
>all those "unknown causes"
those are just tools
Just Americans
>1,000 marriage licences were for children under 15, some as young as ten years old.
Because these catfishes don't pose as 16 year olds. These losers just take any pussy that comes to them and these TV people throw themselves at these guys, they would have never actually initiated with any girl. That's why it's retarded entrapment
This is actually quite interesting since several states have the aoc at 16 and 17. Does that mean that theoretically a 18 year old guy can be arrested for fucking his 17 year old girlfriend on holiday even if it's legal in their home state?
>you've probably changed their entire world sending that
Maybe it's just because I'm a barbaric britbonger but are Americans so scared of sex that they think a 12 year old seeing a picture of a dick is going to break them forever?
Surely the fact that cowboy roy was attempting to smash is a more importamt topic to focus on
>Children are pre sexual humans
l m a o
I'm checking out the Protect Act(en.wikipedia.org
You're a big guy
Worse, in some states, when you cum inside her and you both don't want the kid, you can't get rid of it.
>do you have pretty feet
Typical degenerate.
>chris putting pedobear next to all the dead pedo names
I love this guy
The US taxes your income earned abroad (over $100k or something).
Wtf is illicit sexual conduct? What about just regular sexual conduct?
well, yes and no. Protect act makes loli/shota 100% legal, unless "obscene", which is loosely defined as anything the local sheriff/judges don't like