my gf asked me to watch this show with her and I was pleasantly surprised - the writing is solid, they made the best with an obviously limited budget. I should have guessed though, as Peter Serafinowicz is great.
The Tick
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yeah first season twas kino, they kind of lost their way in season 2 and didn't introduce enough wacky characters, so yeah it got cancelled
I know. Season 3 is gonna be awesome!
the best shows always get cancelled. i was disappointed with the direction they went with the ticks character is s2. they made him way more grounded.
>didn't introduce enough wacky characters
this is just patently untrue
I forgot to go back and watch it after the break
>hey MY S/O decided we would...
Hey how about heading back to R*ddit buddy?
I actually kinda liked where season 2 was going, but it's true, the tick became more grounded and the show focused even more on Arthur and his family, I want to know more about the tick.
nice try shill
fuck off with your garbage
I love the hell out of it. The Terror is the fucking shit.
heh what's your problem mate? somehow "she asked me" became "decided to"
are you so bitter at your point in life, that you don't know how basic human interaction works anymore?
What does your gf look like?
The problem with the second season was the lack of a consistent antagonist made the plot lose focus and neither Dot nor Aurthur are interesting enough to be MCs. All the other elements were good:
>The shield parody and its various characters were good.
>Overkill and trannie dangerplane's backstory was good.
>Lobstercules and her babies was good.
>Superion having a mental breakdown and turning out to be some narcissistic criminal was good.
>Doctor guy was good, but rushed.
>Ms Lint's super hero thing was ok.
Everything was good, it just didn't fit together into a good story and the Authur/dot glue was shit.
I actually enjoyed this show and I hate most capeshit.
Those first ten words were completely irrelevant to the rest of the post.
yeah well summed up.
It's hard to see how anyone could fuck this up given how much good material already exists for this franchise.
I bet they didn't even use Chairface Chippendale's plot to use a giant laser to put his name on the moon, and the moon having "CHA" written on it for the rest of the show.
The rights on The Tick are a huge fucking mess. Can't use most cartoon characters in live action, and can't is many comic characters in any other medium.
worse than the animation or the previous tv series, still a worthy successor and better than others
>I want to know more about the tick
I think the point of the Tick is that there isn't anything more to know about him. He is intentionally one dimensional. He is nothing more than exactly what he seems on the surface, much to the confusion of anyone else who thinks there must be something more to him.
You can EASILY do chairface.
Live action character wears a chroma key mask, and they put in a shitty CGI chair, which they can then mocap and make it mimic facial expressions by warping the chair.
It doesn't even have to look good. The poor quality of the chair could be a joke in itself.
Hell, the jokes write themselves.
Have The Tick bust into a furniture upholstery place where Chairface is getting a "haircut" by having his upholstery replaced.
user didn't say they couldn't do it because of the animation, he said they couldn't do it because of rights.
When a studio gets the rights to The Tick, they pretty much just get the rights to The Tick and Arthur, and have to come up with their own new cast. It's why both live actions shows have different characters from each other, and from the cartoon.
The Tick is a nigh indestructible man with super-strength and sub-par intelligence and a jones for JUSTICE.
I just used the Netflix request form to ask them to pick up this show.
but isn't ben edlund involved in all the three shows? or do some rights with the TAS characters lie with fox?
I seriously don't get how people still don't understand that the tick is just supposed to be a parody of the one dimensional golden age super heroes who typically had a single line of backstory as their origin and were constantly spouting off hackneyed bullshit about good and evil.
They can use Chairface because he was introduced in the comics, before the cartoon was made. They just didn't get around to putting him in anything else other than the cartoon yet.
You maintain your copyrights on derivative works. Look at Fighting EX Layer, a game staffed entirely by Street Fighter EX characters with no Capcom involvement.
It was fantastic
What fucking bone heads decided to cancel this?
nice, I am an animator and artist, I should do some fanart to promote the series.
The same who forgot to advertise it.