honk edition
honk edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for core-chan
Show for redditor effeminates.
Here's the book I was posting from. Voices from Chernobyl. web.archive.org
did you laugh at the joke?
Nice art
I bet you didn't do very well in your science classes.
>Not /3.6/
Who's in charge here?
so clearly the firemen and technicians would have suffered really bad burning and high mortality, but the real soupy, 90% skin melt off cases we see here are exaggerated right? seems that japanese dude is a rare case of bearing the full brunt of a radioactive accident, and even he survived a few weeks.
Reactor Yea Forums is cute. It was a shame that the other reactors bullied her.
I bet you didn't touch a titty until you were 21.
These thread title wars need to stop, it is bringing down the quality of these threads. Although i guess that is the purpose of those dissidents.
Long live /RBMK/
Look at the poll faggot
>90% skin melt off cases we see here are exaggerated right
You can look up the real images on Google. No, not really.
watch it smoothskin
>Reactor Yea Forums
OH FUCK I never noticed this
And on top of that
>spends all day doing nothing and sitting in her house
>dirty af, never looks after herself
>anti-social, no one hangs out with her
Truly the most NEET of reactors
man that is so horrifying . The prosthetics and art directors deserve awards for this
The only people who had the really horrible deaths were.
1. Some of the reactor workers who got massive doses.
2. firefighters on the roof right after the explosion when all sorts of nasty short lived isotopes were all over the place.
>90% skin melt off cases we see here are exaggerated, right?
...sorry, user. They're not.
I am very much like the elephant foot, people don't wanna be near me and since I've cooled down I settled in the basement.
This is why I don't play the games even though I have them downloaded.
based OP
Fucking russian subhumans should've been left to slowly rot.
what do you mean? we have 2 more episodes until the series finale. thats two weeks to determine the best name for the general.
>merely pretending
These men work in the dark, they see everything.
Are those white nike shoes authentic?
around ghouls, never relax
They all died like that, acute radiation poisoning is so fucked up you literally die a different person because your DNA is obliterated
Im black. Is it true that all white people have little tiny dicks like the miners in the last episode? I was shocked.
When the soldier showed up and said "It's the miners!", I was expecting to see people suffering symptoms of radiation poisoning, not the Chernobyl nude colony.
you fucking pussy
Actually you die the same person because you have no new cells generated to become a different person.
Anyone have pictures to post of this shit for real? Did Misha die or just lose his hand?
he's a grower, not a shower.
Didn't beleive it was him. Only his voice gave him away. He got old :(
Coal miners did have a strange privilege in the USSR.
I think it was a combination of the essential nature of their job and the fact that it was generally skilled, undesirable work in remote locations, so they were hard to replace. Dissidents couldn't exactly be shot and carted away, so they enjoyed a bit more leniency than most.
The writers seem to have cranked that up for the crew chief, but I'll allow it. It makes good tv.
Two engineers took around 30,000 Roentgen in their faces, and the firefighters where close to the core and walked and touched graphite on the ground (between 10 and 15.000 Roentgen)
It kills your bone marrow so a fatal dose you your hand is as bad as anywhere else in your body
literal niggerfaggot lmao. keep staring
Whites are already being genocided. You don't have to make fun of us too!
i recognized him instantly
absolutely based motherfucker
based webmposter
>tfw no soviet miner bf
Reminder that this is the redditor fag who wants to fit in thread
Don't know about Misha but...
One the guys who survived described how his skin slipped off his leg like a sock when he simply stood up. Yuvchenko (the door guy), who was relatively unaffected, went through this:
>There is seemingly trivial reddening of the skin at first, but, again after a period of calm, the skin develops weeping ulcerations over layers of dead tissue. Yuvchenko recalls pulling back the sheets, and there being a cloud of black dust - his dead skin. A slime of gamma and beta-emitting nuclides had covered all surfaces in the plant after the explosion, and where his body had touched the door - his left shoulder, hip and calf - their deadly radiation had gnawed away at his flesh, causing the death of tissue deep in his arm. It became grossly swollen and his skin turned violet black.
>Yuvchenko spent a year in hospital and a further two in rehab.
idk man there were some big juicy cocks in that shot
The Soviets didn't take photos because the intention at the time was to cover it up or downplay it. Most of what we know about the firefighters' deaths comes from Lyudmila's account and the investigators that interviewed the plant engineers (played by Khomyuk in the show).
>90% skin melt off cases we see here are exaggerated right?
No, they are not. You can google real images of ARS victims. Protip: it's even worse (e.g. there is a reason we never saw Akimov, the producers decided it would be too gory)
>the casting and music
Those are my favorite aspects of this kino but good good everything is so good and well done. I can't believe the producer for this was also responsible for the liked of rocketman and those hangover sequals
The top pic isn't him
There is some speculation that Yuvchenko only escaped bone marrow damage due to the amount of muscle and fat on his body - he was a sportsman who had gone to seed.
Essentially, he was the only plant worker tough enough to tank it.
The shoulder wound only fully healed after 9 years. She said that he still gets rashes and shit after 20 years. Went through a thorough medical checkup every year.
>turns on airplane mode
>turns off airplane mode
>votes again
>turns on airplane mode
>turns off airplane mode
>votes again
>turns on airplane mode
>turns off airplane mode
>votes again
He is not the only dude from the plant to have survived, though. Dyatlov died 10 years after the accident, for example.
>there is a conspiracy to prevent /chrnbl/ from winnning
jeez you really are autistic aren't you
you know, anons call one another autistic as a joke, but with you its the real deal isn't it?
cont from last thread (not the same user)
>In Kiev they gave me an apartment. It was in a large building, where they put everyone from the atomic station. It’s a big apartment, with two rooms, the kind Vasya and I had dreamed of. And I was going crazy in it!
>I found a husband eventually. I told him everything—the whole truth—that I have one love, for my whole life. I told him everything. We’d meet, but I’d never invite him to my home, that’s where Vasya was.
>I worked in a candy shop. I’d be making cake, and tears would be rolling down my cheeks. I’m not crying, but there are tears rolling down.
>I gave birth to a boy, Andrei. Andreika. My friends tried to stop me. “You can’t have a baby.” And the doctors tried to scare me: “Your body won’t be able to handle it.” Then, later—later they told me that he’d be missing an arm. His right arm. The instrument showed it. “Well, so what?” I thought. “I’ll teach him to write with his left
and.” But he came out fine. A beautiful boy. He’s in school now, he gets good grades. Now I have someone—I can live and breathe him. He’s the light in my life. He understands everything perfectly. “Mom, if I go visit grandma for two days, will you be able to breathe?” I won’t! I fear the day I’ll have to leave him. One day we’re walking down the street. And I feel that I’m falling. That’s when I had my first stroke. Right on the street. “Mom, do you need some water?” “No, just stand here next to me. Don’t go anywhere.” And I grabbed his arm. I don’t remember what happened next. I came to in the hospital. But I grabbed him so hard that the doctors were barely able to pry my fingers open. His arm was blue for a long time. Now we walk out of the house, he says, “Mommie, just don’t grab my arm. I won’t go anywhere.” He’s also sick: two weeks in school, two weeks at home with a doctor. That’s how we live.
Dyatlov survived through pure denial
Dyatlov stayed in the control room like a pussy and still died of radiation complications.
AFAIK Yuvchenko is still alive.
>[She stands up, goes over to the window.]
>There are many of us here. A whole street. That’s what it’s called—Chernobylskaya. These people worked at the station their whole lives. A lot of them still go there to work on a provisional basis, that’s how they work there now, no one lives there anymore. They have bad diseases, they’re invalids, but they don’t leave their jobs, they’re scared to even think of the reactor closing down. Who needs them now anywhere else? Often they die. In an instant. They just drop—someone will be walking, he falls down, goes to sleep, never wakes up. He was carrying flowers for his nurse and his heart stopped. They die, but no one’s really asked us. No one’s asked what we’ve been through. What we saw. No one wants to hear about death. About what scares them.
>But I was telling you about love. About my love.
There's a huge graveyard for contaminated machines in Chernobyl. In 90s when Ukraine had shitload of criminals, next to no government and the one it had was busy with corruption, some of these were stolen for scrap metal. And may have become someone's fridge or sink by now.
Are you sure, most articles I find include that picture.
Mind over matter!
just accept the fact that most people want /RBMK/
He couldn't have had his leg amputated without dying immediately. That hospital room is also way too messy to belong to Japan.
>>there is a conspiracy to prevent /chrnbl/ from winnning
is that what your retarded dumbass autistic mind inferred? not that faggots are doing that airplane mode faggotry to get /rbmk/ to get the most frivilous votes? you act as if it matters so much to you that you have to resort to not only making the pol but rigging the numbers
>implying an autist will accept reality
nah I'm afraid we're in for at least 10 more threads of name whining
disgraceful, really
Walk it off, Vasily. We're talking about an x-ray equivalent here, stop with the theatrics.
You have no idea, user.
>mfw vasily this episode
>implying anyone actually cares
So was she exposing herself to all the RADs baking off her husband because she was just that ignorant/in the dark, or was it just grief and denial?
>this is the equivalent of a chest x-ray
no way am I getting into one of those death traps
and boomers call vaccines evil???
Punchline could have used some work, but it was pretty good.
The face of delusion
She didn't care, she wanted to be with her husband
Where is my KGB edit!?
It was love-over-reason.
you obviously do since you're still replying and hopelessly trying to shill your shit name fag
Serious question where is all this anthropomorphized core art coming from? Is it a widespread thing or just one or two autists?
I think on some level she knew, but she couldn't bear not to be with him. She really did love him, and love makes you stupid sometimes.
He'll be fine, I've seen much worse.
This was a pretty rough episode. Would almost have been too much if not for the miners, which added some much needed levity.
she's a really attractive woman
of course
based potato genes
>says the guy who had to make a poll and then rig it so he could feel better about everything
lol this show ends in two weeks
you care way too much and thats the whole point of /chrnbl/ you retard xD
Both. She figured it couldn't be that bad if doctors and nurses were allowed there, and she also wanted to care for and comfort her husband.
one (maybe two) drawfags producing it
untold legions of incels consuming it
I think it's 3.
Fucking death itself. Fucking Christ.
Agreed Jesus Christ. I'm glad they didn't show Akimov now that I think about it
seepic related is you
sorry but I'm the user who made the poll not him
maybe its time to go to the infirmary son
you might be in shock
I didn't make the poll, retard. I just voted like a normal person.
Why so you hate democracy?
I was reading about Ouchi during the incident at Tokaimura and it says all 3 technicians noted a blue light from the radiation. When this reaction happens and shitloads of radiation comes out, is there a lot of physical force exerted or would you just see a really quick flash then keel over from the pain?
>Dyatlov stayed in the control room like a pussy and still died of radiation complications.
What? Opposite to the show real Dyatlov spent very little time in the control room because he was constantly running around the complex trying to understand, what exactly blew up. He even chatted with the first group of firefighters outside the building
They were newlyweds to boot, so they were really in love with each other at the time.
>Mr Hickey will be punished. As an xroy.
>She's leaving residue
>Like a slime girl
>An autist draw fag listened to my request
I'd post a pepe for you but some faggot was abusing my IP range.
Delusional. There are obviously four pieces
more like fucking death herself if you know what I'm sayin
He’ll bounce back. It’s a tough thing overcoming delusions that deep-seated.
>Dyatlov survived through pure denial
>You're delusional, 3.6 isn't fatal
>This man is only turning into a ghoul, I've seen worse
>Explain how I can die from radiation poisoning, you can't, SHAMEFUL
>Bring the caviar sandwich to the infirmary
Fair enough. Still, he made the comically wrong initial report, and died from radiation complications 9 years later.
>that spacing
>those posts being seconds apart
you arent very good at samefagging
its pretty obvious
I like that her hair is just fire.
oh fuck haha all I can think of is brap for fucks sake
There's no pain, that comes later
>tfw I got a half chub looking at all the dicks in this shot
>Comrade Khomyuk, I'm KGB
>samefagging within the 60-second limit
Yeah, okay retard.
If anything it’s worse because they couldn’t have the actors muscles fall off, in reality they would have looked like bloody starving skeletons
The chronology of the series already went past 1 May 1986, so I think they are gonna omit the fact that the 1st of May parade in Kiev (120 km from the power plant) wasn't cancelled. There was no information, no warnings, no evacuation.
In Ukraine this is considered one of the major events during the Chernobyl crisis.
>Members Only jacket
Will he whack the reactor?
are you still replying?
sorry sweaty but the people have spoken
/rbmk/ is the official name of the thread
something /chrnbl/ will never accomplish
You wouldn't feel anything. Maybe slightly warm. The force you would feel would just be the whole body going
>Oh fuck that is not good
If the KGB watches us, who watches the KGB?
can i please have that picture where the no graphite guy vomits on a desk?
youre using multiple devices
thats how you got all those votes in
you arent fooling anyone
especially me!
I recognized Lord Commander Mormont pretty much instantly.
If you get absolutely nuked there is pain as some of the water in your skin boils. Then you get severe nausea - the longer the delay between exposure and vomiting, the more likely you are to survive.
Ouichi puked almost instantly - right into the vat full of fuel mix.
who else wanted to just grab the dumb bitch wife and throw her out of the room every time she ignored the safety measures?
Will Dyatlov get his caviar next episode?
yea ok ill see you in these thread where i will still post my memes that annoy you autismos :^)
Here you go
did the puke+fuel form vomitorium?
you gaaaayyyyy
cheers, user
Better version, mind the cup.
It's BILLIONS of extremely small particles (much much smaller than your pain receptors) piercing your body, you wouldn't feel anything. You'd just start decaying from the damage.
I don't know. Realistically it was sterilized almost instantly and probably reduced to charcoal from the heat.
I honestly can't decide if I like this version or the one with the chunks of smouldering graphite lying around more
Her baby was dead after first hospital scene anyways.
> the longer the delay between exposure and vomiting
Why? Care to elaborate?
I wont be here for next weeks episode I'm going on smoko, so just leave me alone.
Miners were first ones who protested near end of USSR life for salaries and such.
>If the KGB watches us, who watches the KGB?
Only the KGB can watch the KGB. It's a circle of accountability.
First I was like...
That's the best visual representation of radiation I've ever seen.
Slav here. Series is well made. My mother was about 500km away when the plant exploded and she claimed that the trees around her house withered and died within a two days. She also suffers from thyroid disease since that day.
Everything in that movie/series is 100% true and i might even say it's not enought.
what is he thinking about bros?
I don't know the specifics. Something about how the brain reacts to sudden massive cellular damage. Nausea is an initial symptom and the more severe it is the more severe the damage.
...but then I
How did they do that? I can't remember but is it particles ionizing whatever gas was in there?
since a lot of these guys who died of radiation were lost causes why didn't they just give them a peaceful death instead of having to deal with all the pain of their skins and organs decomposing?
like suffocation in sleep or something?
That’s not an amputation. The meat literally fell off the bone.
What oblast was your mum in?
Kek I never noticed the chunks lol
>now you look like the Minister of Coal
was better
...oh. oh, no.
>yfw red army reservist
>yfw ordered to liquidate the animals in the Zone
>yfw you have to shoot your own dog
the funeral scene was top tv
the time he threw a shoe over a pub
hippo oath
>all those sweaty, nasty, dirty and naked miners in chernobyl and I'm stuck here
My dad was serving in Soviet army then, he said not all liquidators got there by mobilization, nearly half volunteered.
It's a cloud chamber, that's actual radiation reacting with the gas
because there are no chunks
keked and checked
Mother of God.
this and also radiation sickness victims are very very very rare and thus present very good research into radiation sickness itself
It's water. Particles ionize it on their way, it gets to high energy and instantly boils, creating tiny line of steam bubbles.
This shit was so fucking great.
I used to think we'd hit rock bottom with /alita/. But that was before /got/ and this abomination came into being.
>and their skin darkened - first red, then purple, before finally it became a papery brown-black
>radiation turns you into a nigger
Victims of ARS were actually the inspiration behind the Ghoul race in Fallout.
Is that a lead crotchpiece?
>why didnt mister Ofcole bring enough bullets for all of them? Why did the apple miners threaten to beat them all up if they didnt all get one?
>tfw no reactor core gf
Holy fucking shit.
Don't like it? Leave.
Fun fact:
All miners from Tula got disability afterwards and pension too (1700 people in total).
They also worked only for 3 hours per shift, but in this time 1 person could fill up 90 mine carts.
ugh check your coal privilege
Lol, it is.
>Everything in that movie/series is 100% true and i might even say it's not enought.
If you believe that you know close to nothing about the subject. I'm a slav myself and I view this show as a well made drama. But in no way it is a 100% accurate series because it exaggerates many aspects of the reality for dramatic effect, not to mention some characters who behave like cartoon villians.
>3 hours of near-constant shoveling in 50 degree (well over 100 F) sweltering heat
can't you just chalk it up to the Soviet movement being so closely tied with labor?
why not add some non-graphite to the vomiting pic?
The show creator talked about it in one of the podcasts. My guess is that it was cut for time, but they were aware of it at least.
You die a white/red ghoul though, after your entire body becomes blisters
how many of them died of radiation space dust
was breathing radiation dust even considerably worse than breathing coal particles???
We have this ultrachad that showed up during the meeting and will be coming to the plant soon.
Denial is a hell of drug.
Slavs are the cartoons of the world though.
This show is good unlike shitty alita and pathetic waifu retards.
>If you believe that you know close to nothing about the subject
Sure sure
>behave like cartoon villians
Watch yourself
Now I'm waiting for the inevitable argument in allcaps Cyrillic as two Slavs go at it
wait did i miss this scene
when does this happen
trailer probably
Gotta look out for number 1.
>there is no truth
that's what Legasov says at the beginning
Shit, he's onto us !
It will happen later when Dyatlov won't he asking for caviar and butter sandwiches.
I do not think anybody was following this info. But many people died before 40.
>not knowing what a bubble chamber is
And you call this the technology board.
Worst unemployment line ever.
Seeing dirty dicks of hot sweaty bears and then human jelly buried in zinc coffins the following day gave me strange sensations.
oh damn that was dyatlov?? i need to stop watching this show while shitposting
the concept of love is not familiar with incel.
I've been sunburned badly all over my body and the pain of it is agonizing. It makes it hard to move.
It's as close to radiation sickness as I'd like to be thanks.
Sweet God. You can see(what’s left of) his muscle working and moving *through* the skin.
A bullet to the head will be mercy. Give them a gun and they will do it themselves.
it's from next week
>having to lie on top of a hysterical man who's become a walking source of dangerous radiation
Fucking hell, that's enough to make me reconsider my ideas of becoming a doctor.
If their hands still work.
Chernobyl zone of exclusion, Belarus sector. 2019.
My memes have grown up so fast, proud of you son.
They're pretty open on how it's not true and where they exaggerate for dramatic purposes or outright concoct characters that didn't actually exist. It's indeed well made series but it's not 100% true nor are they trying to claim otherwise.
here's your waste bro
reminder to read A Slow Death - 83 Days of Radiation Sickness if you wanna know how you die from accute radiation poisoning
Do you really think that a party official will say something like "Explain to me how a nuclear reactor works or I'll order to throw you out of the helicopter" to a fellow party member and a scientist? It's just goofy
Not gonna go that far. I personally like the show very much but I don't want people to think it's 100% accurate
I’m no incel. I would want my wife thinking about the welfare of our unborn child. That’s the main reason I think that love and grief aside, it was actual ignorance coupled with denial that had her ignoring all the warnings. I’d want my wife assuring me that our child would live on, preferably through a pane of leaded glass.
She does call him by his name after he says the food is shit.
>muh dick
Every time I see Ouichi on here I have to remind myself that they put him into a drug-induced coma before the second week was over. He slept through most of it.
A small, inadequate mercy.
>I’m no incel
sounds exactly like something an incel would say
i bet youre a nazi as well
Go to sleep bobbie
>Do you really think that a party official will say something like "Explain to me how a nuclear reactor works or I'll order to throw you out of the helicopter" to a fellow party member and a scientist?
Didn’t the nips keep him alive for far longer than he wanted?
>mfw i realise these poor bastards' bodies were basically decomposing while they were still alive
>Do you really think that a party official will say something like "Explain to me how a nuclear reactor works or I'll order to throw you out of the helicopter" to a fellow party member and a scientist? It's just goofy
>same country where the person who was the first to stop clapping to Stalin got gulag'd
Wait was your dad at Spicy Reactor?
>muh brainwashing
If this show doesn't win a makeup Emmy then the Emmys will have no further relevance. This man is completely unrecognizable
from the book it seems like the doctor overseeing everything actually does it because the therapies at some time seemed like they made sense and gave him a chance to recover, also he seems like a good person. still it was a fight that should have never been fought, and never should be if a person gets a poisoning that severe.
That isn't Ouchi apparently.
ARS kills you in like 2 weeks with little treatment, he survived 90
She didn't think the radiations would kill her baby, she thought it would make her sick for a while but that's all.
People didn't know the full extent of radiation poisoning, except doctors who were trained for that in case of a nuclear war.
This guy is right
This was 50 years before. Stalin's personality cult was condemned by the Soviets themselves officially right after his death. It's like saying
>same country with human slavery some years ago
oh fuck off, that one user was full of shit screeching how that's not ouchi but it is
>tell a lie many times and faggots will actually believe it
A. Hitler
Feedwater. I've seen worse.
Ouchi was in a plastic covering though.
No, he served as fighter aircraft technician in Afghanistan so he couldn't go there even if he volunteered.
Would you want to be alive for those 90 days?
t. Amerishart
Hey guys how's it hanging?
Off the bone.
Ohhhh i haven’t heard that side of it before. Every time the story is told on here it has a sinister undertone lol
Do you have a source for that being ouchi?
Well, the system was so comically corrupt that a referendum on whether or not to stay in the USSR was APPROVED by almost all of the republics, and then the politburo tried the overthrow Gorbachev anyway.
I wouldn't put it past them.
Definitely not, apparently he was begging for death but I can't remember how far in that was
Unlikely since Legasov was a party man.
t. Commie apologist
How's Soviet rule working out for ya
I mean of I was stick in Afghan as a Soviet soldier I would volunteer to shovel graphite and refuse back into a reactor. But still you dad mist have stories about Afghan land.
a round of applause for the victory of /RBMK/
You're not pregnant, are you /RBMK/?
I'm Polish and a libertarian, amerishart
It's actually called Television & Film but whatev.
Japan has had a few distastes. Probably shouldn't be using nuclear energy till they get their shit sorted.
Are we gonna see robot "Fedya"?
>We're going to have a baby.
No, you don't.
>implying being in the party makes you immune to threats
That's not how autocracies work, user. The threats are constant. There is online man who is never threatened by those above him, and he is STILL threatened by those below.
That is what Stalin built - a constant, unending power struggle.
Fuck. I'm completely lost. I thought I'm on /g/. I apologize.
absolutely based.
So how did spending 50 years as a Soviet puppet state work out for ya
>Hey guys that area is highly radioactive basically we might be sending you to die
>No decontamination and people touching them when they emerge
I don't mind some creative license but you should be consistent with your own logic.
Ok but how did that nurse ask “you’re not pregnant are you?” And expect her to answer honestly
And they all lived. Somehow.
Reminder you can get the book for free (pdf version) on library genesis.
I bet he was born after USSR collapse.
what chunks ?
It basically made him a libertarian zealot instead of a commie zealot. The polar opposite in some sense. There are lot of them in East Europe.
RBMK is the superior thread, we need to defend our threads from GOT Reddit infiltration.
I've heard some were given the choice between a few weeks (or even less depending on absorbed dose) in Chernobyl or Afghanistan for up to a year.
Did the KGB couple got irradiated ?
What do you think?
When did I ever defend soviets?
I called you an amerishart (rightly so) after you thought that the fantasy of the completely made up scene was something believable. Hint: It's not.
This was in the glasnost / perestroika era. Even under Khrushchev this wouldn't have happened.
Those kinds of scenes are made for amerisharts like you who cannot focus on the screen without "big boom boom words" being said for too long.
By the way, Moscow officials took a plane to Kiev and drove to CNPP.
another user, that picture is indeed not him. you can look it up 100% not him
Next week since they were teasing the liquidator in the trailers.
yes, they drank from the unwashed glasses
this is what i wanted but failed to capture in excitment today morning
It's all down to exposure time. Firefighters were there for 5+ hours while the divers were probably done in less than an hour or two.
They also were very skilful and evaded all spots with high radiation.
ye, but I read that judging from the way he hangs and all, its actually a chernobyl victim
The show overhyped it too, in real life it wasn't meant to be a suicide mission and the water was already mostly drained
KGB Deputy Director of Fucking with Scientists Division
Yeah. They had Geiger counters, wetsuits (better than nothing) and a "no picking up spicy rocks" policy.
He 100% was a communist party member. You can look it up
Yes, that is true. My dad knew guys from infantry regiments who chose to stay in Afghanistan and got killed by bullets.
Yeah just like most articles claim the divers all died weeks after their mission, which was debunked.
Read the book about Ouchi, he's never lost a limb.
wtf you mean they didn't all instantly melt? first the divers... now this... bros I just don't know what to believe anymore
Sad. You think they knew what they were up to or they just follow the orders ?