So how will Jon act in the books? Will he be this much of a retard when it comes to Dany or is there hope?
So how will Jon act in the books? Will he be this much of a retard when it comes to Dany or is there hope?
retard here. was the show different than the books or did Martin tell them how it would end?
>Will he be this much of a retard
Only if Benioff finishes the books.
He’s dead
Op again, I’ve always assumed that when Jon and Dany get together in the books, that book Jon won’t give a flying fuck about her being his aunt, and she might be even more turned on by it
He's dead in the books.
This desu
Why do people believe GRRM will bring him back? The whole resurrection thing looks like something straight out of D&D asses.[/spoier]
It's got all the basic plot points but I imagine a lot of the details and the methods of getting there will be different. For example I'm guessing when Dany invades Westeros Griff will be on the throne instead of Cersei. Cersei will probably be killed by Jaime after she blows up the Sept of Baelor. I'm curious what's going to happen to Stannis in the books considering how badly D&D sabotaged him in the show. In the books he looks all but guaranteed to kick the shit out of Ramsay.
Jon Snow is arguably the most important character in the series. The whole reason D&D were allowed to make the show was because they knew who Jon's parents were. GRRM said the endings will be mostly the same and considering how much of the last few seasons revolved around Jon Snow it's obvious he's going to come back, not to mention all the foreshadowing in the books about him coming back. The man is literally the Song of Ice and Fire.
The basic stuff is probably accurate:
>The WWs never reach King's Landing
>Bran becomes king
>Dany has a villainous turn in the end, Jon kills her
>The throne is destroyed
I have no clue how this wasn't spoiled for me a long time ago. How did he die?
Martin said many times that the ending will be the same but different. Since in the books there are many more characters, the butterfly effect will modify the story but at the end I understand that the "nigh tking" (no such a thing in the book) will be defeated, and Daenerys will burn Kingslanding.
I disagree with the first two. I think the Walkers will reach King's Landing or at least the South, and I refuse to believe GRRM is actually going to make Bran king. I expect it will be Young Griff but since D&D didn't put him in the show they had to use someone else.
Not sure it would the same Jon like in the show though. Resurrected Beric from the books is much different, barely the man he was. In the show, he's mentions this, but acts just fine and Jon has become basically a superhero.
Jon gets stabbed to death "For the watch" in the books but hasn't been revived, yet, if ever.
Do “white walkers” even exist in the books? Pretty sure it’s show-only.
Yeah, in the books they're called the Others but generally the same idea and role, although the Others apparently very good looking unlike the old ice men in show, and they're are probably going to be a little more fleshed out and humanized then the totally evil monsters in the show. I wonder if the origin of them being made as weapons by the Children of the Forest will be the same.
In that case, will they even be beaten in the same way? There isn’t so much of a clear “leader”.
Yeah but theyre called ‘the others’, they aren’t husks with wrinkled skin either, they’re pale and beautiful
They were armour that reflects/refracts light so they blend in
And their blades make sound and are paper thin
As far as we know there’s no night king either, the Others are probably just a different species
>if ever
His last word was ‘ghost’, so there’s like a 90% chance he warged into his dog.
I never read the books. Was the him being a Targ shit in it? Because that's straight retarded.
GRRM pretty much confirmed it in his latest blog entry when he said "When they pitched the show to me, I asked them who Jon Snow's mother is. They were right."
This is why I think the whole origin as creations of the Children of the Forest and the Night King himself were just made by D&D to give them an easy way to get rid of them since they don't give a fuck about the more magical aspect of the books. In the books I it will probably involve something more complicated, maybe a pact made with the White Walkers like the one the First Men had with the Children, or like Craster had with the Others.
In the books he's not a manlet so bam totally different personality and character right there
I’ve always felt like Book Jon “thundercock” Snow was gonna have rampant sex with Dany all the time
same as the show
There's little reason to except the Others will reach KL. The vision of the snowy throne room is show-only, and as it turns out that was a fakeout (it was ash). They'll probably get as far as the Trident:
>That night she dreamt she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper’s rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent.
Aegon will definitely be king and war with Dany, but Bran becoming KitN and possibly of Westeros seems reasonable. Leadership/kingship is as much a part of his story as Jon's and Dany's
Aren't they all like 12 in the books? And it's medieval times. I seriously how they're morons, not very realistic otherwise
Martin probably said “Jon will go back to the wall and bran will be king” meanwhile jon will probably turn down the crown and say they should vote instead
Why do people think Young Griff's going to be some extremely important and relevant character? To me understanding, he just comes out nowhere with Varys saying he's the son of Rhaegar despite no one else being able to verify this. Seems more likely to me that he's just a means to an end given that he wasn't part of the story since the beginning and is likely just a pretender.
Kevan believes it though.
>he doesn’t realise Varys is a blackfyre secretly gaslighting Dany so he can put a fellow blackfyre bastard on the throne
Young Griff is unironically the missing ingredient that made Danys plotline feel trash in the show.
Didn't George say he's dead and will stay like so in the books?
The three heads of the dragon are Dany, Jon and Tyrion, that's a fact because they are the characters with the highest number of chapters, and it means Jon will be resurrected. I'd like to see Dany liberate Volantis, but the thing is she'll probably use Victarion to transport her troops to Westeros. She will probably kill fAegon and that would mark the beginning of her going crazy arc (Mad Dany is canon). Other stuff we can infer from the show is that Cercei will blow the Sept of Baelor, Sam will cure Jon Connington, Davos will rescue Rickon from Skagos but Rickon will die nonetheless, Stannis will die after the Bolton army crushes him (yet to see what will happen with Manderly), Arya will kill the Freys, Jon will ride a dragon, Dany will lose one dragon at least.
Young Griff = fAegon = will get rekt by a dragon probably.
Same as in the show, and he possibly get resurrected by burning Shireen but its not certain.
Yeah and in the show they said the same when he died.
Stannis voluntarily burning shireen is canon, D&D said so
i would imagine that this was GRRMs plan but maybe he drops it and changes everything just to have a different ending from the show.
any other stuff that we can infer happening in the books based on the show?
>Bran when he realizes Jon constantly saying "EYE DUN WUNNIT" is exactly the thing you'd hear during a rape
Stannis is in the field while Shireen is in Castle Black in the books. (together with her crazy mother and Melly).
Because when you look at the plot of the show after season 5 you realize that everything would make more sense if he was in the show. The only reason Cersei becomes queen despite it making no sense at all is because Griff isn't there to be King instead. The only reason Dany gets all those ridiculous losses in season 7 is because it's the only way to make Cersei a threat, were as Griff with the support of most of the 7 Kingdoms and the Golden Company would be already a good challenge. Even Dany's descent into madness works because she spent her whole life trying to get back to Westeros and take the throne only for some random, supposedly long lost brother to show up out of nowhere and take it right before she gets there, and the people probably like him a lot more anyway. Shit who wouldn't be a little crazy after something like that.
>Arya will kill the Freys
Freys are in Winterfell (Bolton Bannermen).
Arya is far away at the point the books happen. Its entirely possible that they are dead already when she returns to westeros.
The whole making Frey-Pie was the idea of Manderley, not Aryas doing in the books.
>He still believes that bullshit\
Preston is right you know, right?
Beric is not "Barely" human anymore, he says every time he gets resurrected he loses a piece of himself. Jon will only have been resurrected once
Beric is dead
But in the book Young Griffs plan is to take the throne and use it as a chip to marry Dany. Perhaps she does not sharee poweeeeer
yes I know this but D&D still confirm that the fatman told them that Stannis burns Shireen
>Freys are in Winterfell (Bolton Bannermen).
wtf there were only 3 Freys in Winterfell and one of them is dead. And they were not Roose's bannermen, the Freys are Lords of the Riverlands.
But I do remember Manderly saying something about the pie.
I honestly think he will probably burn her after he wins at winterfell to gain favour when he marches on (f)Aegon
Did you guys read the new Arya chapter from Winds that had her fucking guys just to get to kill them and stuff? Why didn't they do that with Arya in the show? I would have lost my dick from the stroking.
Probably burns her after he loses to boltons in desperation, setting up the theme of characters going mad
No, burning his daughter would defeat the entire purpose of him taking the throne to begin with.
Too bad Varys has him murdered
i honestly think Stannis is to based to go mad
even being snowed in at the crofters village he tells the red god followers to "pray harder". I dont know exactly why he will give her to the flames, but I dont think he will do it for winterfell
his mother will be some fisherman's daughter just to fuck with the readers
GRRM will change everything
Tyrion betraying Dany (beware of the perfumed seneschal)
There were some leaks awhile back that he ordered Melisandre to do it to stop the WW from bringing the wall down
Him and Shansha are evil af
Considering one of the main plots is how death changes a person, Jon is probably gonna become a diferent character. Probably becomes cruel and "end justify the means" type of character. There's no way he stays the same like in the show
No, you fucking moron. Benioff only said something of "when George told us that Shireen gets burned, we couldn't believe it" or something. He never told that George specifically told them that Stannis would burn her. Stannis will not burn her because that is simply not who the character is. Plus, he can't burn her unless he has one of those teleporting devices the show has. Stannis is in the North trying to bait the Boltons while Shireen is at Castle Black.
to be honest that's the thing that makes me think fAegon is actually Aegon, that Varys tells Kevan about him before Kevan dies. why would he lie to him if Kevan was going to die? But then again i don't think he refers to him as a true Targ but only as someone suited to rule.
>Considering one of the main plots is how death changes a person, Jon is probably gonna become a diferent character. Probably becomes cruel and "end justify the means" type of character. There's no way he stays the same like in the show
this + this
The whole azor ahai plotline isnt resolved so we will see.
nah, fAegon is either blackfyre, which makes sense because golden company support, or random valyrian looking dude.
George is very vague on this, to the point that I believe he jerks the audience around as not to embarrass D&D and himself. He talks like how the ending would be similiar, yet he talks about how much different they would be. He is also visibly disappointed in how the show went.
So no, I don't think the endings would be very similiar except Dany comes in Westeros, the Others attack and Jon gets resurrected. That's the basic gist of what D&D probably got.
Could be a decoy. Make Dany focus so much on Aegon and his claim to the throne she loses sight of the actual guy/gal they're propping up
I have a feeling his and Aegon/Young Griff's roles will be mixed up a bit.
Maybe Dany kills Aegon along with King's Landing.
The fake dragon in a parade in book 2 infers he's an imposter
>the shit out of Ramsay.
Roose, showfag.
He already had ramsey in chains.
Does Varys know about Jon?
>he wont admit bran becomes king
>He already had ramsey in chains.
did he? I don't remember that. Last thing I remember is he was being BTFO by the winter and his army was dying and weak.
he stays ded
>mejicanito de mierda mexicaca
He will be revived via Lady Stoneheart transferring her immortality to him.
He will likely be Daenerys lover for a time.
They'll turn against each other and go to war, probably because of Daenerys sacking King's Landing and executing Young Griff, despite him being a beloved King that everybody likes.
He'll use his warg powers to take one of her dragons.
He'll win and kill her, possibly creating lightbringer in the process. Although I feel Lightbringer is unlikely to be an actual sword and is more likely to be a person.
I agree that Bran won't be king, but Young Griff has no chance of surviving.
>There's little reason to except the Others will reach KL. The vision of the snowy throne room is show-only, and as it turns out that was a fakeout (it was ash). They'll probably get as far as the Trident:
The problem with this is that in the books the Others are presented as a serious threat, a global extinction threat that makes the whole point of fighting for the throne, meaningless, which is probably the biggest plot point of the books. That these petty lords are squabbling over a damn throne while ignoring the much bigger threat from the North.
That's why I believe that if the books ever get finished, the Others will be the main threat (and not mad Dany, although she may become mad over the course of the war). And that Westeros will probably be absolutely devasted in order to defeat them or make peace with them. The Others are also not Sauron-type villains in the book, and what little we know of them points that they are an advanced race that has their own language, culture and technology.
He exists largely to act as a strong catalyst for Daenerys' already strong fall into madness to climax/continue.
>He will be revived via Lady Stoneheart transferring her immortality to him.
Val wilding treenigger magic
>He will likely be Daenerys lover for a time.
>They'll turn against each other and go to war, probably because of Daenerys sacking King's Landing and executing Young Griff, despite him being a beloved King that everybody likes.
>He'll use his warg powers to take one of her dragons.
Dreadful and stupid idea
>He'll win and kill her, possibly creating lightbringer in the process. Although I feel Lightbringer is unlikely to be an actual sword and is more likely to be a person.
Azor Ahai prophecy is a red herring
meh, it was all a play by Mr Imp making a Batman Gambit to become the de facto ruler of the 7... I mean 6 kingdoms. Muh poor little old me? I'm only a dwarf, I'm nobody. Yet HE makes Jon kill Dany, taking out the last 2 heir to the trone in one fell swoop, HE convinces people to make Bran the new King. Bran makes HIM his hand. HE make sure that one of his children might become King one day by abolishing families of rulers. HE can also use his smarts to get any new King out of the picture if he want to using political intrigue since there is no more muh family claim to the trone by anyone.
Tyrion played everyone like a fiddle.
The best thing about it? he didn't do it on purpose. He's THAT good. He schemes are a mystery even to himself!
He did, and ramsey in the books is really not that important.
It also makes more sense for stannis, a battle hardend commander losing to roose bolton who also has earned his stripes in battle vs ramsey bolton a bastard who only recently was taken in by his father and before that was a simple farmhand.
gendry exists faggit
didn't his last chapter end in something like "and then it all went to black" aka he passed out?
Gendry is completely irrelevant in the books.
>having any semblance of hope in the books after the last 3 seasons
One thing i really like in the show is that they dropped the Lady Stoneheart plot line.
GRRM said that he won't finish writing the series. His next book is the last one.
Young Griff is definitely fake. But there are multiple people who could very well be the REAL Aegon, such as the Darkstar. George even mentioned him as a character of interest in his recent blog post.
Even outside of The real Aegon you have Jon, who is obviously a Targ, and you also have either Tyrion (most likely) or Jaime/Cersei (less likely) being real Targs too.
>tyrion targ theory
I am pretty sure he dropped that a long time ago if he even had it in mind
It's Theon the one he has in chains, not Ramsay.
Azor Ahai and the Lightbringer are two different prophecies, despite being connected.
The Azor Ahai prophecy isn't a red herring. Every prophecy comes true in the books, even retarded Patchface shit. The subversion is always that the prophecies are generally abstract in how they come to fruition. There is a 0% chance that Azor Ahai ends up being "lol, it's just a fairy tale, it never happens".
At this point, I think he might come back in a "incomplete" way, being closer to Coldhands than actually being Jon Snow. He will probably remain on the North, and the fight for the Throne will be between Dany and Young Griff. In the end, his lineage will mean nothing just like in the show.
>Patchface's shit
>Retarded shit
you take that back
Three heads of the dragon. Jon, Daenerys and real Aegon OR Tyrion/Jaime. The fact that Aerys loved Tywin's wife, that Tyrion has Targaryan features and that Tywin literally says "You're no son of mine" when Tyrion kills him makes it likely to be Tyrion.
oh god don't even say things like that
>fatman dies
>estate nominates D&D to finish the books in their debut novels
Wasn't Darkstar just an attempt to make another popular character like the Hound or Euron that Martin admitted failed and so he wrote him off?
I mean, I like it a lot, but he's a legit retard that just spouts SEEMINGLY randoms hit.
even if Aegon is fake he's still likely a Blackfyre and still has some claim
wouldn't mind him ending as King desu, a non-Targ king ending just seems boring
The lemon tree thing implies Daenerys is fake so I wouldn't be surprised if Aegon is real but it doesn't mean shit because Daenerys has dragons and rekts him.
Young Griff will win KL's from Cersei, Dany will see that the small folk love him and then burn the city, then Bran will be king.
Tyrion not being Tywin's son would be the worst reveal I could imagine, worse than anything DnD did. The entire concept of their relationship is that Tyrion is his ideal son and heir but he refuses to see it because of his deformity and blaming him for the death of his wife.
The phrophecie goes as far as ashai, they even talk there about the long night if i remember correct.
So yeah, and recently GRRM told that beric is a wight but not of ice, but of fire.
So that opens up a whole new leven of shit.
It's hard to understand what he is going for with the character considering how little he has done or been mentioned thus far. But the groundwork for him being the real Aegon is there if George wanted to do it.
He's the spitting image of a character like Rhaegar in terms of looks. He's from a "lesser/unknown" branch of the Dayne family (The Targs and Daynes were extremely close, Arthur was Rhaegar's best friend.). It also seems like a George kind of thing to do. The real Aegon looking just like Rhaegar and having the skill to match him, yet being a complete cunt of a human being.
I'm 100% on Brann becoming ruler with the whole Brann the broken story being used to sell his claim to the common people. Gurm loves the idea of second hand stories that get more and more fantastical as they are retold to the point where future maesters will question if it ever really happened like with the age of legends stuff.
I agree, I would be perfectly happy with him coming out on top. I just think there's almost no chance it will happen.
I don't buy Daenerys being fake, it would take too much of an asspull to explain how she was able to birth dragons, control them, survive being immolated that one time and such, as well as her features. You'd also have to explain who she actually is.
How will Young Griff get KL with his shit army? They are the Golden Company but they are not too many. If anything he can get Storm's End, but I doubt it too. He probably won't get Dorne either because he only wants to marry Dany so that alliance will probably not happen, and Jon Connington can't marry the Dornish princess either because he's dying of greyscale.
Which is a basis for why it may be Jaime/Cersei instead.
>Tywin literally says "You're no son of mine" when Tyrion kills him makes it likely to be Tyrion.
The point is that Tyrion is his only competent son but he despises him irrationally.
3 heads of te dragon is a retarded theory.
As I see it, Tywin hates him because he is the son of Aerys who raped his wife, not because of his deformity.
>3 heads of te dragon is a retarded theory
It's not a theory, it's a prophecy.
My personal theory, we know he captures Storm's End and probably most of the Stormlands early in the next book. I believe he'll win over the Reach by riding to help Oldtown against Euron's tentacle fucking. He already has Dorne helping him out to a degree, and after Cersei blows up the Sept and kill the High Sparrow everyone will turn on her and probably welcome Griff as the rightful King, or at least the best option they have. By the time Dany gets there at least 4 kingdoms and possibly more will be on his side against Dany. A much bigger threat against her than Cersei was in the show.
>You'd also have to explain who she actually is.
Some Targaryen bastard Viserys bought to pass as his sister and marry her.
>People actually like Young Griff
What the fuck? Having someone appear out of nowhere at the eleventh hour claiming to be king is terrible writing.
Tyrion is still a whoremonger which is something Tywin despised about his own father.
What will happen to Euron?
I hope he does some tide turning magical shit.
Go back to Yea Forums bookfag
Daenerys is Azor Ahai. Drogo was Nissa nissa. The dragons are lightbringer. Jon is one of the dragon's heads. The last head appeared already but no one suspects he/she is a targaryen.
He's not going to challenge Daenerys for the throne. He's going to take it before she does. Then he's going to rule under the pretense of being the real Aegon, a claim that trumps Daenerys. Daenerys will have to face the (untrue) fact that Aegon has a more legitimate claim than her and it will send her even further into madness as her entire crusade is no longer righteous.
I love the idea of him but the execution could have been better. I also wouldn't call A Dance with Dragons the eleventh hour, it's more like the halfway point considering how big these next two books are supposed to be.
Maybe when the series was going to be 3 books, not anymore.
I think Jon will survive in Ghost for a while (the only real point of the Varaymr prologue) until Melisandre gets enough visions to be convinced that he is Azor Ahai, not Stannis.
Melisandre will burn Shireen at the Wall, where she says her power is at it's strongest, to revive him. Then he will be free of his Night's Watch oath, he'll fuck off south with the Wildlings.
I think Stannis will die but I'm not sure how. I can't imagine he is defeated at Winterfell. He's one of the bigger wildcards because, as much as he's my favourite alongside Jaime and book-Jon, he has no chance of 'winning' but also doesn't seem to have any obvious way of losing at present.
The GC is 10,000 strong and they actually have elephants unlike the show. Also once Arianne Martel confirms Young Griff looks to be legit and sleeps with him they'll likely back his claim since their plan to put Myrcella on the Throne was fucked up by Darkstar.
>Cersei will probably be killed by Jaime after she blows up the Sept of Baelor.
As if this stupid shit will happen in the books. Aegon will invade King's Landing and take the throne.
gendrys the true heir and hopefully martin is smart enough to correct the fuckup that happened in the show
He's foreshadowed since at least book 2, maybe even book 1. ADWD is legitimately a middle point for the series. Originally it was going to be a 3 book series. A Game of Thrones (Stark vs Lannister), a Dance with Dragons (Daenerys conquering Westeros) and the Winds of Winter (The Others invading Westeros).
probably. i can see (F)Aegon winning and being a genuinely good and liked by everyone king and then female Adolf and her dragons show up and burn everything to ashes.
Fat fuck will never finish another book in this series. His feet are probably rotting off his body by now.
He is just going to release trash and keep stringing people along until the diabetes finally shuts him down for good.
There two books left to develop him brainlet. Plus I like either case where Varys actually saved Rhaegar's son or just found a Blackfyre from the maternal line that he raises with Illyrio to make the perfect king of the smallfolk.
>we know he captures Storm's End and probably most of the Stormlands early in the next book
>I believe he'll win over the Reach by riding to help Oldtown against Euron's tentacle fucking.
Won't get Reach support before Margaery's trial, and I don't think Cercei will blow Margaery up if it would mean the Tyrell stopping backing her.
I really don't see him taking the throne
Elephants would do nothing in a siege and Storms' End is one of the hardest fortresses to take in the Seven Kingdoms. And he won't marry Arianne Martel, he is saving himself for Dany.
>true heir
The real answer is that it doesn't matter because GurM is going to die under the weight of his thousand side projects and never finish the story
What do you even mean?
Jon is being revived through Lady Stoneheart, it's the main reason Beric and her exist as characters, so that when he is ressurected it doesn't come off as an out-of-nowhere asspull that people can magically be brought back from the dead all of a sudden because we need our main character back. It also plays into how unfairly she treated Jon and how much she wrongfully hated him. Something is going to happen to make her have a change of heart (lol, get it) and give up her life so that Job can be brought back.
>gendrys the true heir
Who's gonna kill Robert Strong? Could Rolly Duck manage it? That'd be a good reason to make him LC of the new Kingsguard, killing zombie Mountain.
>not even his most important bastard
he's a nobody, Edric is the one that would matter but he doesn't.
Dany legitimized him, dumb anime poster.
>Jon is being revived through Lady Stoneheart
LS is in the riverlands and Jon is already dead in the wall.
wich chapter retard
There's a 0% chance the Tyrells are all getting blown up like that autistic show shit. That was just the show writers realising the Tyrells aren't important to the end-game and needing to quickly write them out so they stopped taking up screen time.
I'm saying Dorne will join Griff even if he doesn't marry Arianne because he's their last excuse to fuck Lannister shit up. Their Myrcella plan was ruined by Darkstar so now Aegon is the only claim they can push.
>Who's gonna kill Robert Strong?
The Hound, of course. Cleganebowl is canon.
That gurm might have had that in mind when he planned the series to be 3 books long but not anymore.
Since the whole plot with Tywin that idea is out of the table.
He's not going to be immediately revived.
The Hound. Robert Strong will be Cersei's champion in her trial by combat. The Hound will be the church's.
All Tyrells but Olenna and fucked up Loras I'd say.
Loras is only pretending to be fucked up. The cripple also exists and isn't at King's Landing. The second brother probably isn't either, I can't even remember.
Chapter suck my balls faggot
I'm pretty sure preview chapters of Winds of Winter have stated Griff and the golden Company have taken Storm's End. Also Cersei is very, very stupid. Really it's not like she had anything lose at this point anyway. Also Tyrion already planted the seeds of him realizing how stupid his idea of marrying Dany is and he will probably give up on it and just go with a more realistic and useful marriage prospect.
Their romance should have been "We're the only family each other have left" than "jesus you're hot jon snow"
>bastards don't have a claim on a title
They don't
The Myrcella plan wasn't Dorne's plan, it was Arianne's plan only, and it wasn't ruined by Darkstar but by Areo on Doran's orders. In fact, Doran has been waiting for a good opportunity because he knows he can't fight both the Lannis and the Reach (+ stormlands). Maybe he will join Griff but only after his son's bones are returned to him and only if Griff has enough strength.
Not him, but they do when there are no legitimate heirs. Which is the case with Storm's End if the truth is ever accepted that none of Roberts children with Cersei are his.
Oh fuck, I completely forgot about Quentyn being burnt the shit. What even happened? What's the theory about him not actually being dead too? I'm on the verge of remembering.
>He's not going to be immediately revived.
Look at how fucked up LS is and she only spent 3 days dead. I can't see Jon staying dead much longer and less when they are already burning the dead in the wall because they are converting into wights.
>GurM is going to die under the weight of his thousand side projects
He's gonna die under the weight of his weight
GRRM said many years before Jon’s resurrection episode that in his first meeting with D&D, he asked them if they knew who Jon’s mother was and they guessed correctly, which was part of his reason for allowing them to do the project. killing off the actual Aegon prior to learning that Griff is a fraud makes no fucking sense.
>Tyrion already planted the seeds of him realizing how stupid his idea of marrying Dany is and he will probably give up on it and just go with a more realistic and useful marriage prospect.
Tyrion told him Dany would reject him if he didn't had anything to offer. He is going to Westeros to take some land just to have something to make Dany consider marrying him.
Perhaps Mellisandre will preserve his body in some weird-ass fire magic way because she's come to realize he's the one she's been looking for.
Robert had a million bastards though.
If his legitimacy comes from Dany then he can't fucking claim he's the heir to the throne based on a lineage that usurped Dany's family can he?
why is book speculation so kino?
Do you think years from now, assuming grrm finishes the books, HBO would remake GoT again to follow the books 100%? I can see it being something people would be intersted in watching.
Unlegitimized Bastards don't have a claim over trueborn family members like Stannis or Renly. Otherwise Stannis would be trying to place Edric on the throne.
He's heir through Robert AND his Targaryean great grandmother, it's why Robert was put on the throne in the first place, because his line is part Targ.
The oldest one has the best claim. I don't even remember who it is, Edric maybe? As someone else said, Stannis is still alive. But I doubt he's surviving the series. It would be nice if Shireen ended up getting it.
No, because GRRM will never finish the books.
Sons, even bastards, have a greater claim to the throne than brothers.
he wanted to steal a dragon, the idiot. Obviously failed and was burnt to a crisp. Took three days to die. He wasn't recognizable iirc, but his two friends were held prisoners and got mad when Barristan told them Quentyn was dead. Also the dragons made their lairs in two of the pyramids of Meeren and half the city wants them dead. Meanwhile, Dany is being taken to Vaes Dothrak.
The actors will be too old but not old enough to be replaced without backlash. Maybe in like 20-30 years.
That's a pretty weak claim, a lot of families have Targs in their bloodline. The main reason Robert was put on the throne was because he had an army backing him and he was the only real choice.
The throne was gained legitimately by conquest, and he is Bobby's true heir.
it would make more sense for her to just revive him. I know LS has to die soon somehow but I guess Jaime and Brienne will do it.
They are gonna make a movie series when grrm finishes :)
What was the theory about him actually still being alive? Something to do with one of his friends no-selling his death and the other being known to be an amazing actor or something? Which leads to possible implications that he actually got a dragon or something?
Depends on how badly the spin offs damage the brand.
Mia Stone is the oldest, but she's a girl. Maybe Edric, yes. But who cares anyway about laws of succession, people supported Renly instead of Stannis and didn't care.
Jon is 100% dead and all of Jon's scenes with Daenerys are actually Aegon's. Meaning one thing: Aegon is LEGIT and Vary's end game will be bringing an end to monarchy by having Aegon be a hero to the small folk by dismantling it.
Brilliant ending actually. I think Aegon will want to seek out Daenerys like he intends too but realizes along the way she's batshit insane and will repeat every mistake every other Targ made and kill her.
I haven't read those theories but there is absolutely no chance that he got a dragon, both Viserys and Rhaegal are seen by Barristan Selmy and all of Meereen several times after the incident, and Drogon is supposedly close to Dany in the Dothraki Sea.
doubt it, in the books he's doing all he can as lord commander (even if he's being retarded) to support the NW but also his family
Okay, then who is the mummer's dragon being paraded around?
Fuck off blackfyreshit
So, how does Cersei gets into the throne in the book? My gut feeling that every scene with Cersei will be an Aegon's one.
He is dead in the books. Dany romances Young Griff instead
>So how will Jon act in the books? Will he be this much of a retard when it comes to Dany or is there hope?
I think there is hope.
It's coming back to me somewhat. Of his two friends one is basically emotionless about his friend apparently dying and the other one, who is known for being a great actor, is going extremely over-the-top with how sad he is about it. I just can't remember the part of what is likely to actually have happened to him if he's not dead.
Aegon (fAegon) won't get the throne or be very relevant guys, a character that appeared in the middle of the series can't win the whole thing.
Who will kill Sansa? She's not of of the five.
GRRM confirmed that Stannis himself will burn Shireen iirc. That means he needs to survive for a while longer, even if he loses against the Boltons.
I've seen speculation that Theon will be used to resurrect Jon. When Stannis executes him in front of a weirwood, Bran and Bloodraven will somehow transfer that power to Melisandre/Jon.
And so was Tywin. Tywin is a hypocrite.
Honestly, any of the Lannisters being secret Targs would be hackery to me.
If Tywin knew Tyrion was Aerys’s bastard, he’d have him killed IMMEDIATELY after the war ended. There is no logical reason for him to keep up the charade. He earnestly despised Tyrion, and if Robert found out Tywin was covering that up, he’d have them both killed.
He's been foreshadowed the entire time, very heavily. He'll likely get the throne but not for long.
Also iirc the Battle of the Bastards or something similar is confirmed to happen in the books, since GRRM's notes mentioned a future battle between the Stark wolves and the Bolton dogs.
>So, how does Cersei gets into the throne in the book?
My guess would be Robert Strong wins the trial by combat against The Hound and then becomes Queen Regent. The Faith will complain that Robert Strong is an abomination and not human and that the trial is invalid, and then she will kill the High Sparrow and all the little Sparrows including Lancel.
Won't die or death by poison. She will likely be the one to get Little Finger killed also.
I'm thinking Stannis burns Shireen then takes the black and forces his remaining soldiers to do so as penance for burning his daughter and possibly killing the people who rebelled against Jon. They elect him as the new Lord Commander and this is how he gets the castles he was after at the start of ADWD.
Aegon will dismantle the monarchy system. That way he'll be remembered better by history rather than as a tyrant who likes to set things on fire like all Targs were, this was Varys end game all along with him and what he means by "good for the realm", or something along those lines. Getting rid of the monarchy system would be the best thing for Westeros.
If Tywin legitimately believed that he was Aerys' son he would've killed Tyrion. The only thing that has kept Tyrion alive is that Tywin knew that he was his son.
That still works into it. Daenerys wants power.
this can be interpret like
>when Hollywood nobodies asked me to allowed them to adapt make book I ask them the most popular fan theory just to make sure they red the books and are their fans. It says nothing about truthfullnes of R+L=J
>He's been foreshadowed the entire time, very heavily.
Nah, it only has been said how he died, nothing else
It would also destroy their arcs.
The last targ must be somewhere else.
Imagine the stain for the House Lannister if it was known that Aerys raped his beloved wife and he did nothing.
Right about what
what about the prophecy though?
is Jaime really going to be Cersei's executioner?
>did nothing
He sacked King's Landing and his son murdered Aerys. Even then, he could've just had Tyrion killed discreetly.
R+L=J is canon as fuck dude
>Mummer's Dragon
>Varys' main purpose as a character, his master stroke
>The history and importance of the Blackfyres
>The history and importance of the Golden Company
>"Power lies where men believe it resides"
These are all things that exist primarily to foreshadow and develop him and there is more.
>Aegon will dismantle the monarchy system.
And replace it by what? Democracy? That would be retarded, it's a medieval fantasy.
>GRRM confirmed that Stannis himself will burn Shireen iirc
Sauce? Last I’d heard all we knew was that Shireen is getting burned, not that Stannis does it himself. Logistically it makes little sense given that he’s about to engage the Bolton’s and Shireen and Melisandre are back at the Wall. Most people think Melisandre or Selyse will do it against Staniss’s wishes.
>Robert Strong wins the trial by combat against The Hound and then becomes Queen Regent
Expectations subverted
Willas and Garlan are going to be BTFO by Euron, they're as good as dead.
personaly, I took fAeagon just as a substitution for Danny invasion, because she is still stuck in Slaver´s bay. Fuck, you can even consider him substitution for R+L=J revalation.
>be Danny
>kill a last relative who tried to take your throne
>another fucking one apears and this one dont even has the look
mark my word R+L=J is albatros on ASOIAF neck.
Yes, but it's implied to be a mercy killing. Something fucked up will happen to Cersei, but it won't outright kill her. Jaime most likely to strangle her, Tyrion also possible even though George beats you over the head with it to make you think it won't be him. Could also be some other vague interpretation where someone else relevant does it but I can't remember any of the theories about who else it could be. It's been a long time.
I'm thinking Robert Strong does win the combat but something triggers him and he doesn't stop killing. He goes so out of control that he possibly winds up killing Tommen who is either watching in secret somewhere or just there to piss off Cersei and make her loose her cool as a scare tactic by the Tyrells knowing how over protective she is of him.
>>Mummer's Dragon
that signifies that he is fake or that Dany has to be wary of him or kill him. Varys is the mummer.
>>Varys' main purpose as a character, his master stroke
Varys helped Daenerys (and Viserys) too, I would say more than he has helped Aegon.
That would mean he is a Blackfyre and therefore has a lesser claim
tied to the Blackfyres
>>"Power lies where men believe it resides"
and "red or black, a dragon is still a dragon"
He won't, Varys doesn't even want to dismantle monarchy. He tells Keven Lannister while killing him that Young Griff will be a King that sympathizes and knows how smallfolk live. Essentially saying he'll rule better than Tommen.
Varys basically raised a new Aegon the Unlikeky.
Nah. I'm sure it's the other way around. Aegon is the one who end ups ruling King's Landing. Notice the sudden spike in competence that Cersei has as Queen. And a fight between to Targs is completely fitting.
That's a shame. They're cool characters that could have been interesting if they were developed more. I'm most interested about what Loras is going to do from Dragonstone though. That shit is unpredictable as what the point of the Darkstar is going to be.
Jon will probably stop being a POV after he resurrects because 1. GRRM doesn't want POVs of kings 2. Catelyn didn't go back to being a POV after becoming Stoneheart
>Notice the sudden spike in competence that Cersei has as Queen.
what? when?
He is a Blackfyre. Why are you trying to dismantle my argument as if I'm saying Aegon is real?
Why would Ned be so incredibly averse to telling Jon who his mother was if it was some random tavern wench or the very dead Ashara Dayne? The reason he can’t tell him is that Robert would have him killed if he found out. It’s the biggest non-secret in all of pop culture.
He said he doesn't like characters who know too much being POVs which makes sense for the likes of Bran not to be a POV anymore in Winds.
to all people saying Dany acted out of character in the show to massacre the people of KL then what event would lead Jon to feel he needed to murder her in the books?
Martin already said the fate of the main characters will be exactly the same
>very dead Ashara Dayne
She aint dead bruh. She's the big tittied bitch on the raft or whatever that shit was.
I'll be glad to see them gone. The Tyrells are too perfect as a house. They're like the Lannisters with all the wealth and power but none of the internal conflict.
Daenerys is the Blackfyre, Barristan will work out this somehow in his Winds storyline and it will come to some sort of ironic tragedy for him.
She keeps winning against Dany.
Isn't Loras Tyrell dead in the books via morningstar to the chest?
God, we can only hope. Bran chapters are the absolute worst. Almost as bad as Sansa chapters. Unlikely though, considering he's one of the main 5 characters. We'll probably be dealing with his shitty chapters until the end.
Septa Lemure? I like it. But how is she relevant enough to be saved though?
I thought Septa Lemore was just Tyene's mother.
Sansa chapters are very comfy.
The comfiest along with Arianne.
I thought loras got raped by hot oil during a siege.
you know this is the reason why you Jonfags are insufferable. He always has to have an exception.
>he rise from dead, so now he can take Iron throne for himself without breaking oath, despite every other charatece suffering terrible
consequence for breaking an oath.
the biggest story relevance. Jon is just glorified Wall PVO who until fith book get saved either by Ghost or Stark name.
And whe he finally took control he got stabed by his own man.
What? When? She lost Casterly Rock (prob Jaime's doing though), her army took a big hit in the battle of the Goldroad which she lost, Euron beat Dany when he killed Rhaegal but that's it.
Nah. He goes to retake Dragonstone from Stannis. A report comes in to King's Landing that "Loras successfully took Dragonstone, but he was horribly burnt by oil while scaling the walls and is in critical condition". But it's played up to the point where it's very obvious he's taken Dragonstone and is just pretending to be wounded. He's biding his time and preparing for something. Also of note is that Dragonstone is known as the launching pad for successful invasions of Westeros.
dumb slut can't come up with a good plan to save her life.
She spends the first six season being the stupidest Lannister in the show and then once she blows up the Sparrows almost everything she does ends up working and being successful until Dany sacks King's Landing. The only disappointments she has is the Loot Train attack and the Golden Company not bring elephants with them.
Perhaps she went into exile to protect Jon's identity. Pretended to commit suicide so nobody could ever come asking/forcing her to confirm that Jon isn't her son.
It was Doran testing and playing with her.
Now she has a real mission unlike his stupid brother whom based Doran sent to get killed.
>everything she does ends up working and being successful
she does nothing other than get the Golden Company, really.
Littlefinger is a blackfyre agent. He and Varys have been working together from the start.
>based Doran
>Imagine thinking anyone in D*rne is even remotely based
worst kingdom, fuck the Rhoynar
Jon is her son and brandon's but is legitimate thus ned cannot say anything.
Lyanna's kid is dany.
Butthurt pale faggot.
it wasn't supposed to be her son anyway, Ned never said who the mother was.
Here is a hard truth.
The only reason people like Jon now is because of how unintentionally incompetent and flawed they made him in the show.
Book Jon is a massive Mary-Sue. He's the secret legitimate son of Rhaegar, the chosen one, the youngest lord commander, he's given house Mormont's Valyrian steel sword and he's going to be revived and technically free of his oath. As a character he has no real flaws, his only faults are in how he's perceived and are ultimately out of his control.
what the actual fuck
If Varys and Illyrio backed Aegon all along, what was the point of Viserys and Dany? Why were they sent off with the Dothraki and 3 priceless dragon eggs?
Your meme kingdom will never accomplish shit other than getting incinerated in Euron's inevitable dragon rampage
They were just sent off to die and the eggs were a huge accident.
It's obvious
Would be fine with it, but unlikely. Little Finger wants true power, not power from the shadows like Varys. His master plan appears to be uniting the North/Vale/Riverlands into a single independent kingdom and using it as a base to conquer the rest.
He's the wrong age to be Brandon's and probabaly needs unless he banged her after harrenhal
She probably doesn’t
You have to remember that show and book Cersei are pretty different because Lena headey is dabid’s waifu
Her becoming queen makes no sense and is clearly there to replace faegon
It ruins the arc of dany’s descent to madness
Brandon bangs her before getting btfo by aerys.
Jon is premature thus stillborn rumors in selmy POV and jon looking smaller than robb, ned lies about age.
Varys and Illyrio Mopatis had been using Viserys as a patsy for Aegon. The idea was that they’d prop up Viserys and have him invade with the Dothraki, and the people would hate him for bringing a horde of rapping savages to tear apart the realm. Griff would then be able to step in and save them from Viserys and be welcomed as a savior and rightful king. Why Varys and Illyrio have such a hard on for the Blackfyre is unknown, but the best theory is that Illyrio’s dead wife Serra was a Blackfyre descendent who was sold into slavery and purchased as a whore.
It’s the only theory that makes any sense, given that Varys’s stated motivation of only wanting a stable realm for the small folk makes no damn sense given that Rhaegar was noble and Varys fucked him, Robert presided over one of the most peaceful and stable times in the history of the seven kingdoms and Varys fucked him, and Viserys was a known psychopath yet Varys supported him. Also, what the fuck would Illyrio stand to gain financially from any of this?
May be the other way around though, Mountain kills Hound and he is then killed by Arya
Let's see. She managed to keep herself in power in spite of being the most unpopular queen ever. She crushes the Tyrells and pay all the debt back to the Iron Throne. She destroys every single Dany's major ally one by one (except the North). She turns Casterly Rock into a trap and god thing too as the Gold mines are gone so this conquest is useless. She hires the most genius mad scientist in all of Westeros. She generously finance hundreds of anti-dragon ballistas. She successfully bought the Golden Company. She gets Euron and his ridiculous massive fleet at her side (not to mention how much of a big deal that would be in the book with Euron stealing a Dragon from Dany). She figures it out that she can preserve her forces by letting Dany and the rest get severely weakened by the White Walkers, with one dragon getting killed in the process. A 2nd dragon gets killed by Euron and only one is left.
They had more than one plan, in case the other failed. If they both succeeded then it wouldn't matter, they'd still win. Although I do find it hard to believe that Varys would approve of Viserys as king.
Viserys was supposed to marry Arianne Martell, securing Dorne on their side. Daenerys was sold off to give Viserys an army, nothing more than that. When all was ready Jon C would come back with the fake Aegon and Viserys would be coerced into bending the knee. The blackfyres would have the combined armies of the Golden Company, Dorne, and Khal Drogo. It was a sound plan.
>Also, what the fuck would Illyrio stand to gain financially from any of this?
he wants to be Hand or at least be in the council, he told Tyrion in Pentos.
Jon being Ned's bastard with Ashara is 1000x better than R+L=J chosen one bullshit. The whole point of Jon's arc was coming to terms with his bastardy and not letting it stop him from being a good man. Now that hack GRRM is gonna throw it away for some Prince that was Promised bullshit.
>given that Rhaegar was noble and Varys fucked him
He did? I don't remember that.
Regardless, you'd think if all he wanted was peace, he would be happy with Tommen and just try to get rid of Cersei. Although I suppose his plan has been put too far into motion by the time Tommen becomes king. Tommen is a strangely tragic character, he's got the makings of a truly great king, but he has no chance of surviving.
Not to mention I think people telling Jon "He looks more like a Stark" is kind of foreshadowing to his reveal of being Ned and Ashara's.
It's Brandon's
Ned gets cucked.
Ned secretly wished to rule like Jon does but felt bad about it, like Jon does.
>Little Finger wants true power
This is never really confirmed. No one knows what he wants. His job, in my eyes, is to isolate the West and the Reach, and leave them under a two front war once the blackfyres arrive from Dorne.
>It's Brandon's
there is literally no reason to not say its Brandon's then, instead of claiming its your child and destroying his relationship with Catelyn in the process.
The only possibilities are R+L=J and a molecular chance it could be N+A=J
He will complete his arc as Azor Ahai and complete his incarnation of the hero of 1000 faces.
I assumed he would die vanquising the others and leave behind a pregnant dany, but that seems a less likely scenario now
It would be cool. You are right that it is never really confirmed. However, the core concept of his character is coming from nothing and gaining everything. That is why I believe that he is less likely to be a co-conspirator with others on a mutual level.
go to bed Preston
>he doesn't know Euron is the final boss of the series not counting the Others
Retard. Starks are big on Honor and Family. I expect him to act no differently when he finds out Dany is his aunt.
We'll never know because ham fatty will never finish his books.
He isn't a Stark
That’s such a cock sucker move.
He doesn't appear out of nowhere. Varys' whole character rests on Young Griff and the perfect setup to take power he paved for him. He is an integral character, whether you like it or not.
He's already said in multiple interviews that he's not making random changes and fucking up all the foreshadowing/clues he's placed just because some people have figured out answers he hasn't given yet.
In ADWD we find out that Varys had been feeding Aerys false information about Rhaegar conspiring against him.
Tommen is a literal child he doesn't really have the makings of anything. he's described as a nice enough kid but that doesn't make him a good king.
>Varys' whole character rests on Young Griff
>He is an integral character
Nice arguments there, bro. Really convinced me.
Because the dude with the flaming sword has not resurected 10 times already.
Right. Perhaps he was expecting Rhaegar to defeat Robert at the Trident and then ultimately have Rhaegar being forced to fight Aerys due to the wedge created between them by Varys and such. Which would have likely ended in Aerys being killed and Rhaegar becoming king earlier. But all that got fucked up by Robert.
Then likely Young Griff is a Blackfyre, maybe Varys too.
Young griff is supposed to be the first born child of Rheagar, I don't know if he had the same name, but Jon should be the third child of Rheagar and Young griff's half brother.
I believe what happens with characters who were both in the books and TV would meet roughly same end with few exceptions (like the Hound, his story was never about Cleganebowl or Arya, her story wasn't a revenge one too, that's Lady Stoneheart, but I believe former will definitely die and latter will live).
But characters that exist only in the books might interfere here and there and instead of characters dying left and right for shock value and to get story to the wrap up, there'll be much more logical backing behind some of things that happened.
His whole arc doesn't rest on Young Griff, but Young Griff is the back-bone of his existence as a character. Without Young Griff you end up getting show Varys, who did nothing for years and had no reason to actually exist. Only to be quickly written out in the last episodes for reasons that book Varys would never do.
delete this before someone of importance reads it
I wish Young Griff was foreshadowed earlier in the books. Such a major character only to be abruptly dropped on you by the fifth book. Should've incorporated it into Varys/Illyrio conversation in AGOT.
His flaw in the books is that he always whines about how shit his life is without realizing how much better he had it than most of Westeros. When he arrives in Castle Black he's quickly smacked down by Benjen and Tyrion. He's also not nearly as good of a fighter in the books as he is in the show, and is easily baited by the Pink Letter into getting himself mutinied.
Yes. Rhaegar's primary heir, who he believed was the Azor Ahai and who 100% was not Jon, was named Aegon. Jon being called Aegon in the show is just a show thing, like how Gendry is every basard merged together. I doubt Jon has a true name. If he does, it's not Aegon.
GRRM has 2 books to develop him. I don't see the problem, except that one of those books, perhaps the two of them, may never see the light.
>rhaegars son
>same name as rhaegars close friend
>nah man he’s called something else
He’s called Jon probably
He definitely isn’t called Aegon regardless
The book hints at it being Aemon. Since Rhaegar knew Aemon and also Jon saying in a flashback as a child that he's "Aemon The dragonknight".
That’s actually part of the theory. People speculate that Serra (Illyrio’s dead wife) is Varys’s sister, and that they’re both Blackfyre descendants. The sorcerer who castrated Varys did so because there’s power in a king’s blood. Varys shaves his head to cover up his Valyrian platinum hair. I think there’s other evidence, but it’s been a while since I looked into it.
Literally the fucking opposite. He is a goody-two-shoes who has no bad qualities and is purely good in the show. in the books, he is a relatively complex character. His death for instance. Unlike the show, in the books it is entirely due to his actions and his arrogance in making thme.
The foundation for him becoming a great fighter is there, he's still young and is known to be constantly training. You are right about the pink letter though, I forgot about that. It's a flaw that is going to end up benefiting him though, getting him out of his vows.
Varys paved the way first for Viserys and then for Dany as much as for fAegon. He got them across the narrow sea, he is working with Ilyrio, he kept them safe, probably he worked with Illyrio to concrete a lot of meetings between Viserys and people that could help him (the beggar King), he arranged Dany's marriage to give Viserys an army. Then, when he knew of Dany and her dragons, he sent her Barristan Selmy, and then Tyrion AND YOUNG GRIFF, HE SENDS YOUNG GRIFF TO DANY, Illyrio sends her ships, etc.
Also you gave no arguments either, just statements. And how can a character that appears in only 6 or 7 chapters so far in the whole series be integral to the story.
That is because he is not a major character. He'll be like Quentyn, for a moment it looked like he was the key to everything and that he was going to be really important and even one of the heads of the dragon and a dragonrider, and in the next chapter he's fucking dead.
Ashara Dayne?
Varys is meant to be related to the Targ who drank wildfyre and thought he was a dragon then fucked off too Lys. If I recall both he and Varys are from there.
I'm curious though just how different Westeros would be if Robert lost at the battle of the Trident. What would the north be like, who would be sitting on the throne? Let's say in this timeline Jaime doesn't kill Aerys.
>And how can a character that appears in only 6 or 7 chapters so far in the whole series be integral to the story.
Because Daenerys needs a believable breaking point. Having someone whose claim she cannot possibly deny is less legitimate than hers beat her to conquering Westeros will finally break her.
Possible, but then there’d be no reason for him to conspire against Robert. There’s the issue of the Crown’s debt but apart from that the realm was stable under Robert. There’s also Balon’s uprising, but that can’t really be blamed on Robert.
Varys and Illyrio gave Viserys a foreign, savage, uncultured army. You think Varys is so dumb to not realize how they would be received once they got into Westeros? By giving him the army, if Viserys ever managed to invade, not only would he weaken the kingdoms, but regardless of whether he wins or loses, would pave the way for Young Griff to take over. Viserys failed, but it didn't matter in the end as the conditions were either way met and Aegon's way of taking the kingdoms, presenting himself as the savior is still intact.
Rhaegar would have been the greatest king of all time and the country would have entered a golden age. They also would have been extremely well prepared for the invasion of the others because Rhaegar was big into researching prophecies and foresaw what was coming.
That's probably the biggest point to Rhaegar as a character really. If he had just lived and become king everything would have been amazing. Literally too good for the world.
Why doesn't Victarion get a dragon? He has the horn. Quentyn probably too.
I have two big evidences for this theory.
>In the first book Ned Stark has a talk with Littlefinger when Ned tells his plan to seize power from Cersei. They are the only ones in the room, Ned doesn't tell anyone else. Later when Ned is imprisoned, he has a talk with Varys, where Varys shows him that he knows exactly what Ned and Littlefinger talked about in the room.
Who could have told Varys? Obviously, Littlefinger himself. I find it very unlikely Varys has people listening into conversations behind secret passages.
>Aegon and Jon C arrive to wage war with the golden company arrive at the same time Littlefinger is ready to user the armies of the vale and riverlands.
I mean, yes, I agree with you to that extent. He will probably be the reason or one of the reasons of Dany going mad. But at most he'll take Storms End, definitely not the Iron Throne. He'll probably die by her hand or be killed by Cercei prompting Dany to attack the city ruthlessly.
Not really. Rhaegar was foolish, naive, too much focused on the prophecy and quite literally depressed for most of his life. His reign may have gone two ways, depending on how the Dornish received him wedding Lyanna, among other things.
This reminds me. Who are most likely to be the two people talking in the catacombs (or where ever it was) in the first book. I can't even remember who is eavesdropping on them, I think it was Arya. I don't even remember what they were talking about to be honest.
The show understates the literal threat of the WWs, but I think you're understating the importance of the "game of thrones" to the overall story. In terms of theme, the Others are a threat because of the inability of the realm to set aside internal conflicts and unite face a common challenge. The problem isn't petty at all, it's the core of all conflict, and the "squabbling" comes down to the serious flaw in the human spirit that the whole series is concerned with.
They're the Ice to the Fire part of the Targaryens and the dragons, otherworldly existential threats in their own right. Like you mentioned, the Others seem to have their own form of civilization. They make extreme points with the game of thrones in the middle: the idea is that the petty squabbling brings out the worst in men, which at their most monstrous take on existential, horrific proportions. (From Tywin to Ramsay to Euron...)