Would you watch a Arya's adventures west of Westeros series?
Would you watch a Arya's adventures west of Westeros series?
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She looks pretty good here
for me to poop on
>west of Westeros
How will the new continent be named?
Yeah, but I won't like it.
She should have this hair for the entire series.
It's already been named, it's Essos.
That doesn't look like the goblino I know.
>Oy, fancy a game o' shags?
do you realize that this photo went through 4 hours of photoshop work?
Not if D&D have anything to do with it
>Are you that user that posted that I look like a goblin? Too bad, I considered fucking you, have a nice life
Essos isn't West of Westeros you massive retard.
Think for a fucking second.
She's qt as fuck here.
Game of legs
mUTt Land
West of westeros leads back to essos
She looks slavic, which is a plus.
>dornish education
Why is she such a pleb filter?
America was named in honor of Americo Vespuccio, so Aryarica
Arya is talking about what's in between the west and essos, retard. Everyfucking body knows about Essos. Fucking maesters have shitloads of books about it.
ninja pirate princess
having lots of sex
>sail west
>it ends up being GoTverse's Pacific Ocean equivalent
>there's just nothing but water
>die of scurvy
Ain't nothing between that just like your legs dum dum.
if they could make Arya into an interesting character again, yes.
I don't know how they'd do that though.
it would literally be cringey mary sue fanfic tier
she'll defeat entire bloodthirsty native tribes as a 45kg (99lbs) girl in the land of Americanos
I'd like to see her set sail for the grand line in search of one piece... oh wait wrong show.
I would honestly
I’d watch that
>Would you watch a Arya's ad
Is there even a story there? Won't she just rek everything in her path?
Maybe there's nudity.
>Ain't nothing between that
Duh, moron, that's the point of her voyage, you crippling mongoloid
why are her legs so sexy
ok, when she eventually lands in Asshai the dark magic of the land strips her of her power
we had such movie actually, it's called "Alexander"
Short women usually do.
I thought that was a big horn at first
Whatever their fucking spinoffs will be, we will watch it, of course.
It's not like we're above the pleb entertainment, as long as we remain aware of the jewish tricks
>there is such a dearth of attractive women in nu-media that she is now considered hot
Fuck no. She's boring as shit. Never understood why people even liked her.
The Dark Continent
No but I would watch Jon and Ygrittes adventures beyond the wall
No, I cheered for her to be the Stark reckoning. Having her go to another continent that will probably have her faceless training justify everything she does will be boring as fuck.
yeah it'll be fun
Depends. Will the writers fit Gendry and Nymeria for no reason?
No, but I am a fan of Ys so I like her ending.
she goes west then realize there no land and her ship is low on provisions and goes back after a month in sea. Then lives with her sister still larping as a beverly hill ninja at castle winterfell until she see freaks out seeing sansas new tax policy. Game of thrones 2 starts here.
It would be redhead porn all day long to Bran to see and it will be beautifull, like the rape of Sansa.
The ultimate goal of Bran was having a endless supply of hurtcore redhead porn.
She killed that fuckboy Walder.
I'm not a book reader but somebody in another thread said that in the books they mention people sailing West and never being heard from again and it sounds like it's really really far
I struggled to watch her at all post season 3 or 4
If she looked like on this photoshoped picture, yes
Its the hair. I still dont understand why the showrunners gave her a retarded hair in season 6 and 7
Hell no Im sick of this Mary Sue.
hime haircut fixes uglyness
>redditor calls an european non-mixed girl goblino
And people claim we are not overrun by retards. Lurk more faggot.
The point of her voyage is to make ca$h friend
Only if she has a 15 minute sex scene with Brienne in the first season finale.
I think there is some shenanigans going on wither face here. That said I'd wife her.
maisie is pretty you are all gay
>the chad ogre
>the virgin hobgoblin
How can she think these eye brows look good? I can guarantee she would look better without the drawn on eyebrows.
Dubs tell the truth.
Only elissa farman, an expert sailor and adventurer managed to go around the globe, the stark and ironborn attempts all failed miserably. The show its retarded, arya doesnt know shit about sailing, Elissa had to sell 3 fucking dragon eggs (back when dragons still existed but still costed a lot). To get a crew and to build an special ship, in the show arya with no money or rep as a sailor just says "fuck it".
she draws them on but they're naturally thick anyways
only one person managed to go west to east and its not a confirmed account.
>Implying being a strong independent woman isn't good enough
Have sex
god no
she's the worse character in got along with her dumb sister
god i hate that stupid cape, whose idea was that
HHHHRNG those thighs, would impregnate and have goblin children with
her brother is king of the realm, her sister is queen of da norf, and she's recognized as hero, she wouldn't have a hard time getting money or a crew
It'll be pozzed as fuck. I guarantee you they'll have her fuck brown/black guys in her travels.
>She looks slavic
Didn't book Euron Greyjoy sail west and lived after it?
Shame best sailor in the world was killed by cripple.
Max int is 10 in fallout LOL
women have no idea what men like
Ey cabrón
Is it true that she had the hairiest pussy in the show?
>Impliying Brandon the shipwright and house Farwynd didn't settle there centuries before her.
it will be named Germany and season 9 will be about the fact that Germany is in the midst of an industrial revolution and they carpet bomb Westeros for the glory of the "Aryan" race
Umm, sweetie, it's not for you, k?
>Implying they failed
Also it is speculated that some ancesters of the Ironborn are different to the andals and first men and that they came from the west.
Book Euron talks a lot of shit, but he's yet to put his money where his mouth is.
nah. look at dany's eyebrows....she had the biggest muff
no one believes that
everything a woman does is for a man to notice her
>sails west
>falls of edge of the world
Yeah I'll watch this ugly goblin die. If the fucking ironborn never sailed west and returned then why the fuck would arya have any hope. Or this just some glorious way to commit suicide
>hair covers her weird head shape
>suddenly looks good
>white muff
I don't know how to feel about this
jesus they changed the proportions of her face completely in that pic
it barely looks like her
Wtf she looks good in this picture.
Only if hbo hires some competent writers.
nah bruv. look at her eyeborws. it ain't white
I'd watch anything with Arya in desu
It's obviously shopped, how sad for Arya to see this...
Westernmostos. Everything has to have an "os" on the end. Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos, Planetos and so on and so on.
Arya will become a Euron tier pirate
No. I'd sooner watch Reanimated Danny and her hordes of halal.
Will she bring stoneskin to the red men of the new world?
All Brits are goblins
reminder that she'll just reach yi-ti and become a concubine of some prince
Ulthos, cause it's the ultimate westernmost cont
I honestly would watch it. Nevermind dumb Arya's story arc, no ship has ever returned from sailing west of Westeros. In the lore, there are hints that black stone structures emitting magic (Seastone Chair, The Five Forts, Asshai) can be traced to people originating from a continent not yet explored to the west. For instance Yeen is surrounded by the jungle and is successfully keeping it at bay despite being unsettled for thousands of years. I really want to know what GRRM planned with it
lol no
As soon as she said her plan, I was like , 'Awwwww...I want to come'.
Exploration and adventure is my favourite genre.
look at her jaw, thats not her natural jaw. they toned it in post, giving her a good jaw hides her goblin features pretty well
She is literally good looking nigga. Look at the hundreds of other photos of her
I’d watch anything with this eye candy in it.
She has very English looking features, you see similar looking girls everywhere here
>all these anons sexualizing a bong goblin
oh no no no NO NO
That's the joke faggot, you do realize the world is a globe right?
yeah because everybody loved her adventures east of Westeros... oh wait
bongs look like fetal alcohol syndrome goblins. So it makes senss.
Thats not the issue redditor
And that has nothing to do with that, how dense are you? Goblino doesnt mean ugly, its about american mongrels with mexican heritage. You are an imbe ile that doesnt know the difference between calling someone a goblin and a fucking meme about race mixing and brown /pol/tards.
If Westeros is the equivalent of Britain, Eastern Essos of Eastern Asia, there might bot actually be a (North) America equivalent between them and the distance when going East-West would be the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and North America combined.
That isn't to say there aren't scattered islands just like in the Pacific or other lands further south, maybe Western extensions of Sothoryos.
no but i'd watch her in incase goblin porn
Only if she takes a young noble of House Farwynd with her when stopping at Lonely Light who becomes her bf
Why didn’t she ask Bran if anything was over there.
>Gendry had to pretend fuck that thing
no, not really