Why the hell are setting of western fantasy movies and TV shows so fucking bland and uninspired compared to anime and video games?
Why is it always the same fucking medieval crap or urban fantasy with sexy vampires?
Is creativity completely dead?
Why the hell are setting of western fantasy movies and TV shows so fucking bland and uninspired compared to anime and video games?
Why is it always the same fucking medieval crap or urban fantasy with sexy vampires?
Is creativity completely dead?
What good settings have there been from recent games?
I don't watch anime so don't know anything about them.
>Nier Automata
>Assassin's Creed Origins
>Death Stranding
>Metro Exodus
>FarCry Primal
And much more.
I don't think any of those are fantasy
we like more grounded settings than over-the-top anime nonsense
Is this bait? Death Stranding isn't even out yet, and it's going to be a walking sim you Kojimadrone faggot.
Because it’s cis and straight who are limited by nature when it comes to creativity.
Can we stop putting people with vanilla sexuality in charge, please ?
Nier is. Before someone calls it sci-fi, the pods and androids are infused with magic drawn from a dragon and an angel from another dimension. And humanity is dead because particles from the angel's body infected humans and forced them to serve God or die, so people found a way to separate their souls from their bodies and go into hibernation while fake magical versions of their bodies stuck around, and then bad shit happened.
>boring faggot has an opinion
Go stick something in your asshole and shut the fuck up.
They are.
>weeb thinks anime is creative
Good one user almost got me there
normies hate fantasy unless it's a carbon copy of something they've been memed into believing is ok to like
Gays are less than 10% of the population and trannys are less han 0.5% of the population, not to mention that on top of that both categories of people are an abominations that should be wiped out. Why would any production company waste money shilling out boring fag crap to a small population of mentally I'll faggots?
>Yea Forumsedditor thinks anime and vydia are inspired and not bland
if you only knew the higher level of hackery and rehashing that goes on in anime you wouldn't say this, but i agree with your other inferences.
t.Yea Forumsutist
Ironically something like Ichigeki or Ankoukuden Cestvs or hell, fucking Mary The Virgin Witch manages to have more grounded and realistic medieval battles, tactics, combat, and behaviors.
>it's an isekai series
>it's an eva rip off
>it's cute girls doing cute things
>it's a shonen series with power levels and the main character gets really mad when his friends are in danger and he eats a shitload of food whenever possible
Anime is trash, real men read manga.
Anime has never been original and Japanese people are retarded
>its a "wow so deep deconstruction" series
People can’t make fantasy unless they actually live and think in fantasy worlds. That’s why Kirkbride was good, he’s an actual gnostic and probably legitimately believes the high elven religion is real. also Wojciech Has makes actual artistic ‘fantasy’ but that’s a little bit different from average fantasy escapist shit. Anyway that’s why you see so much gritty realism or modern tendencies of thought in the Western sphere, people don’t feel comfortable thinking in grandiose terms that are actually palpable and interesting and not delusions of grandeur narcissism.
Homophobia is the most telling signs of a closeted gay
Studies demonstrate quite clearly that transsexuals account for almost 55% of the populations, they are suppressed by patriarchal archaic gender role and a general sexual identity apathy in our society
>even fags hate gays
In united nigs of america it's actually over 10% HAHAHAHAHHA
Fucking japs have been using the same lazy drawing style for the past 20 years. Also most anime story lines are bland and stupid
Automata, as a sequel to the stage play YoRHA, is solidly philosophic scifi. Using the same argument you've made, DoD1 is porn because of the Manga.
Having robots does not make it sci-fi. It's futuristic fantasy.
You forgot to mention how the "virus" in automata is really just a curse-disease that was created by the gods to punish humanity. When humanity became an android race, the red eye disease evolved accordingly: It became a virus.
anime is not a drawing style, retard.
I'd always figured that was the case but was it confirmed somewhere?
This post is spot on and will probably be glossed over by everyone else ITT, but I appreciated it.
It's was confirmed during a conversation with Yoko Taro that took place in my head.
But really, I love the idea of it. And it added to your point about science/fantasy so I figured I'd mention it.
>anime is not a drawing style, retard
No one said that, read the post again slowly dumb weeb faggot.
It seems pretty obvious if you've played Drakengard. Emil even does the LA LA LA LA LA shit after he gets it.
>Based setting but cringe game
>liking prey
>not liking automata
your taste could not be worse if you tried
>No one said that
it was a retarded and incorrect inference either way, except for the parts about storyline.
please go and stay go, reddit refugee.
>tfw can only stand watching SoL and moeshit these days since anime has some of the most cliched obvious storytelling in the history of mankind so most "serious" shows are ruined because of it, wheres SoL anime kinda thrives on using cliches
Well not that I watch much anime in general anymore.
What was so special about Prey? Wasn't it just incredibly generic sci-fi with the occasional native american mumbo jumbo every once in a while?
He's talking about the dogshit uninspired sequel
Oh fuck, forgot that one even existed.
I was trying to forget it existed, and I had almost succeeded too.
i need muh ORCS and ELVES and DWARVES and KNIGHTS and CASTLES bro. and MAGIC. that's real fantasy. everything else is shit.