That was the greatest season of television I've ever watched.
Holy shit
>he's never seen the wire season 4
Fucking based
Treasure it. Because it only goes downhill from right there.
no way near as good as true detective season 1.
Only plebs think that. It was actually shit.
Das Boot 5 episode miniseries shits on all of that
Cajunfag here, it's by far the most accurate representation of what parts of rural south Louisiana are like. Just about every small town and rural area has some of those isolated ancient quasi-hermit farmers and ramshackle family compounds scattered somewhere around. They really captured the combination of marshes and poisonous chemical plants/oil refinaries well. In some ways you feel more connected with nature, but nature degrades more every year and it's mixed in with the shit that gives us the nickname "Cancer Alley."
Season 2 is decent if you don't compare it to this masterpiece
it was shit and the writing was way up its ass. Watch deadwood, the wire and the sopranos
Who was he shooting at god >I like mowing my lawn what did he mean by this I'm just coming on your wife's hot bottom, Marty time is a fat pussy sheeeeeeeeeeeet Rustin "feels like the first time" Cohle
oh okay
I just watched S3 last week. Enjoyable but the conclusion was weak.
>That was the greatest season of television I've ever watched.
DO NOT WATCH SEASON 2! It will destroy the entire series for you. Stop while you're ahead.
So only watch s1,then? No s2?
>Love Deep South
>Watch almost anything that's set there
>Would love to move there, but I've already seen Deliverance and I've heard mixed reviews about going there if you aren't from there
>Look up available property anyway (I'm not sure where, it's somewhere with little to no taxes, Tennessee or Louisiana, one of the two iirc)
>See comfy little house for sale
>It's only something like $15k
>Enlarge image
>It's just off some beaten track and hidden in the treeline, just popping out a tiny bit
>Literally looks like Freddy Krueger's weekend place
Why doesn't the reality ever tally with the fantasy? :(
>So only watch s1,then? No s2?
Exactly, do NOT watch season 2. It's so bad you can't even watch it to laugh at it, it's so bad it makes you ill.
Check this out guy gets shot POINT BLANK in stomach with a shotgun, he shrugs it off. Next day he is fine. Later they say it was a bean-bag load. Umm, that -might- not kill you, but fuck at that range you'd be fucked up. Beyond plot armor.
t. boomer
Its even better when you realize that everything in the series is true. The child abuse, the ritualistic murders. Everything is true
I think you got that backwards. Plebs think it was just alright or too slow and boring.
Not OP but I'm still making my way through S2 of The Wire.
>love the deep south
>but not really
S2 is the weakest season. It's alright but I wouldn't watch it again.
S3 is better but the finale was a let down.
S1 is best.
Season 2 was amazing. Colin Farell and Vince Vaughn acted the shit out of those roles. The only tragedy of season 2 is that it is always compared to season 1 which is the best series ever
Just because I don't want to be gangraped by moonshiners or blacks doesn't mean I don't love the place, dawg. I mean I haven't been, but I know I would love it (except the humidity).
pizzagate is real
Season 3's major flaw is the dozens of flashbacks every episode. It makes it incoherent.
Season 1 is best on first watching but wears thin on re-watch.. Season 2 on the other hand gets better every time you watch it. I dropped Season 3 after the first episode, as I'm sure the rest of you did.
The last episode of S3 was literally everything wrong with modern TV concentrated.
Not him, it is.
Agreed. Strong acting and camera work but very poor plot
Also one guy just doing a massive plot dump for the viewer
The acting is fine but the writing is shit.
The plot itself wasn't even that bad but it was too predictable and the final episode basically
Not that much of an accomplishment since 99.9% of television is utter dogshit.