/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

Proper thread with proper title.

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Other urls found in this thread:


is this on Netflix?

user, I...

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Third for vasya

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Episode 3 was hard to watch.

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Any link for the third episode?

Fuck yes it was. If it weren’t for the balls of steel miners, this would have been the single bleakest thing I’ve ever watched.

It's stupid, but they did save this episode from being pure suffering. But then
>Vasily dying slowly
>Kids being conscripted into being liquidators
>Zinc coffins
So pretty much everything not involving Legasov and Shcherbina was suffering.

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Do they ever show Akimov face gone? Would be really interesting.

I want to moisturize her face with my cum

coal miners lad

Yes. Coal miners with balls of steel.

ANYONE HAVE AN FULL BODY SHOT OF THE BURNS? asking for a friend thanks in advance and reading my blog post

how was last nights episode?

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Really fucking good.

couldn't they have found a qt so i could actually care about her?

thanks user, should I re-watch last weeks episode first or can I go right into the current episode?

the TRUE story of chernobyl.

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So what are the weaknesses of the pressurized water reactors? like the one near me

Killing them would be merciful. In fact, I feel that not killing them (or people in similar worse-than-death situations) should be a crime.

Depends. If you have Alzheimer's, then it's probably a good idea.

/pol/ tier BBC

I re-watched, but I don’t think it’s necessary to enjoy it. Brace yourself, though.

/r/ ing

I'm hitting 40 this year so....

I posted this in the first bread but... I live deep in the woods, been here for 14 years. Nothing really scares me anymore. But this show completely freaks me out.

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So apparently all the added drama with the divers is just bullshit. All of them survived the event and two are still alive today.

They keep up the pretense in the podcast.

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>Brace yourself, though.
for what? you some kind of fag? what's bad about this episode the fire fighters makeup?

Bloatmaxx miners you'll have brace yourself from not 'mirin too hard.

The whole show is kinda bullshit but still fun. In real life Dyatlov was well aware about core destruction. It was on the gauges. No water flow, no pressure, control rods stuck. He didn't know about scale, but he knew that it was pretty bad. After walking around 4th block and seeing destruction firsthand he ordered to disable emergency pumps, because they were useless, communications were nonexistent. This series partly based on "Chernobyl Notebook" which contains a lot of fiction, and not on real evidences. Dyatlov was a professional, but this series made him fanatic. Almost every single event here is a lie or just an echo of the truth.

I rewatched them for pleasure but also wanted to confirm that Dyatlov recognized graphite when he stepped out of the control room.

oh okay that makes sense

Was this really funded by the CIA or is it just a meme? It sounds plausible and the CIA has been known to fund kino before like Animal Farm.

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That scene doesn't make sense to me. How could the ONLY rubble in the area be graphite? Out of all that building that blew its roof off, the only thing laying on the ground there is graphite? I mean you'd have to look for it a bit in reality.

They've taken a lot of beats from the Zero Hour documentary. Including a few whole shots, like the ones from the 911 call.

I think it was also shot at Ignalina, so even some of the sets are the same.


Is that 629 fucking microsieverts.

When you grow enough brain to acquire the capacity for abstracts and empathy and apply them to the historical nature of the subject matter, you let us know, champ.

who else wants a high budget goiania accident movie/series next?
we have had too few good radiation kinos since threads.

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It was funded by the CBT.

Just saw the first episode and it looks amazing. Loved all the actor's performances so far.
Also, all the russian names sound really cool to me for some reason

you forgot that we got to see all the victims (as Yea Forums predicted) in full pizza-mode

needs a commendation

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would we have scenes like these if it wasn't funded by the CIA?

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>only 2 episodes left

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>tfw these kino threads will die once the show ends

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I want shots of the KGB director. I know there’s got to be some.

than it's an oscar movie

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i think i saw graphite outside of the core.

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Don't worry user, I'm sure Starship Troopers remake will deliver.


> this would have been the single bleakest thing I’ve ever watched

Try Threads next time, faggot.

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Cock and ball torture?

holy fuck how retarded are zoomers? this is unbelievable. This past year I've heard more and more people essentially asking "how do a torrent?". Is this a meme? Are you shitposting?

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no you should force the mother to carry them to term or jail her for 99 years





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I’ve watched threads. This is neck-and-neck.

the coal miner leader looked like a chubby, 50 year old british owen benjamin.


>Trust but verify

Do russians really say this

>Trust but verify
>Trust, but verify (Russian: Дoвepяй, нo пpoвepяй; Doveryai, no proveryai) is a Russian proverb. The phrase became well known in English when used by President Ronald Reagan on multiple occasions in the context of nuclear disarmament.

>Jamie pull up those radiation readings
>Jesus those neutrons could tear you to shreds

The CHAD miner grower vs the Virgin scientist wave

>airplane mode intensifies

fuck reagan the traitor

Holy fuck tvtropes already has a shitload on the page

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Reminder that this is the discord tranny thread

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the fucking based miners, god I hope that entire story is true.

working fucking naked, what a fucking crew.

>no option for /chair noble/

can it be /PБMK/?

>joey diaz interrupts with a BS story of the time he stole some control rods and caused 3 mile island to happen

>She talks to two of her neighbours and their infant daughter who can't sleep with all the sirens and are watching the plant burn miles away as the fire is an unusual colour. Lyudmilla later runs in to the father in the hospital, both he and his baby with badly burned skin and in a great deal of pain. He pleads for the relatively unscathed Lyudmilla to take his baby away with her.

Wtf so just the dust did this to them or what

Pretty sure that's just fake bullshit.

with Yea Forums together live, there is always someone streaming i think


why didn't those 3 diver guys at the start get any kind of sickness like the guys in the control room in ep 1?
The geiger counter was going crazy in all that water

>cмиpиcь c этим
it would be more accurate

water doesn't conduct radioactivity that well or some shit

The whole bridge of death thing is unverified, likely an urban legend.

Just a misstep in the fake shit this series adds in. In reality the water had been pumped out beforehand.

why does the OP degrade in quality every time I wake up
fucking australians fucking everything up


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>turns on airplane mode
>turns off airplane mode
>votes again
>turns on airplane mode
>turns off airplane mode
>votes again
>turns on airplane mode
>turns off airplane mode
>votes again

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FUCK dyaltov
FUCK fomin
FUCK the day shift
FUCK niggers

thank, i only used bing tranlslate

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not gonna lie, her going and doing the exact opposite of what they told her kinda pissed me off.

phoneposters should be instant bans tbqh


No. Reddit normies brought their politics and their love for netflix here. They don't know basic internet shit.

>/rbmk/ - 66%
>/cancer/ - 14%
yikes and ouf

>the single bleakest thing I’ve ever watched.
In other words 'historically accurate USSR'.

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Even Reddit used to be able to torrent.

I wouldn't know that.

>if you touch him you will get cancer, your son will be born malformed and you both will die the most painful of deaths


the fuck was her problem?

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even the beds authentic af.

Best general
That is all

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In the podcast, they claim it was because she was in loooooove

She represents the unbridled human spirit tragically unwilling to succumb to fatal circumstance.

blessed post

she's a dumbass

Still better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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it sounded like a challenge
"you're gonna die if you touch him"
>touches him
>only her baby dies
Checkmate, science doctor faggot nerds!

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what happened to the guy in the op pic?
have we seen him since?

she's a woman who doesn't think logically and acts on emotion endangering not only herself but others, undermining the fruits of our labor.

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>if you touch him you will get cancer, your son will be born malformed and you both will die the most painful of deaths

Except that noone told her that. They just told her 'don't go there for more than 30 minutes'.
Besides, she lived in the Soviet Union, she was used to the fact that almost everything any authority says is a lie.

she is a woman

if u weren't an incel you'd know

Just a cozy 80s holiday on the soviet beach. Nothing bad to see here lads!

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>what happened to the guy in the op pic?
RIP ;_;7
i mean fucking akimov didn't have a goddamn face and he just had a run in with the feedwater, he didn't stare directly into reactor-chan's anus

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based veteran party man

>The quiet heroism of the common man

Despite Communism, or because of it?

this is why i don't lay in the sun, no need for radiation poisoning

I think pic relates was from a youtube vid where a madman actually was able to track down a tiny piece of graphite

can you explain that meme with a clown.

Well I guess HBO had to stick in nudity somehow

The guy was still an asshole to his men. He actually ass in deep shit with the party for being such a dick to his workers. The reason he kept the test going was because he couldn’t risk another failure to his boss. Who was also up for a promotion at the time

Yeah. I wish they'd just do no nudity. I generally watch kino on one screen and then pov blowjob videos on another anyways, so whenever I get bored I and look over and see dick sucking

Remember that the government officials' first response has always been "You don't need to know, just do it, maybe POSSIBLY if you're lucky we might pay your family a couple bucks afterwards." and everyone tells them to basically fuck off.
Both the Plant Workers and Miners only volunteered once they actually broke protocol and explained the situation to them in full, along with how many people would die and why they specifically are needed.

how I feel every summer when the sun comes out of nowhere

blind love (literally)


But what happened to Iodine-QT?

someone should watch the episode 4 preview :^)

if that is what really happened then why not show it?


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/3.6/ frogposter autist BTFO


I think this is from here. This girl is insane and has some
Good vids up of the exclusion zone. The one where she find these contaminated clothes from the hospital and its so radioactive all her alarms are going off is kino

last scene should be the miners running a train on Kholmyuk when they find out she made them dig all that shit for nothing

she brought it home with her? what the fuck

tfw no biohazard gf

how would another country and its people other than the USSR handle it?

They haven't even interacted with her

The face of delusion right here.

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i saw dyatlov but not that guy

He is delusional, get him to the infirmary

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ask Japan

here is how it really happened

He has taken the honk pill

They should make a show about the Goiânia accident next:

>She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother. Dust from the powder fell on the sandwich she was consuming; she eventually absorbed 1.0 GBq and received a total dose of 6.0 Gy, more than a fatal dose even with treatment.


this man is delusional

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>Now you look like the minister of coal
Fucking Chad miners, man.

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Shes an insane nuclear scientist of some sort. She probably knows exactly what the risks are. She has a shit ton of vids even inside the power plant

>tfw don't know the real reason for the accident
was it ever found out why the reactor exploded when he pressed the emergency button? did the radiation sickness make him delusional?

i actually crave some /hiroshima/ or /fukushima/ kino after this

It was unironically mostly Dyatlov's fault for rushing the tests they were doing

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do you have the video itself? without the commentary?

That KGB man was fucking great.

She might know the risk but that still seems retarded as a layman. I mean there is another video of her eating fruit off a tree here. I know Pripyat isn't exactly horrible anymore but still, why would you do that?

not great but not terrible

for the youtube views bro

>implying they would film naked homosex on camera

Did you notice that the KGB chief didn't blink the whole time?

You get the sense that some of these guys made it far in the party ranks because they could avoid drawing attention to themselves.

>Dyatlov telling Watson to bring him a sandwich
absolute madman

There is a really long answer to this that you can find on YouTube, but the jist is that the reactor was poorly designed and unstable at low power. They had steam pockets forming and temperatures were rising where their sensors wouldn't pick up. When they all the sudden wanted to raise the power up super fast they lifted too many control rods and the water started to boil off anymore, when they noticed their gauges going crazy they lowered all the control rods at once. The problem was that the RBMK control rods are graphite tipped, which is a moderator rather than a control, and so the reaction actually spikes when those first dip in. Boom, a steam explosion.

radiation thot is a bit fucked in the head

Views? When I searched her in jewtube the 2nd result was her channel name and dead. So her irradiating herself for the lols may just be a thing.

"It'll be fine, It's just the roof"

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It's only 3.6

>Dyatlov was a professional
There’s a difference between bending procedures in order to get shit done and blatantly not following them.

lol dumb whore

Kinda ironic considering the obvious answer to rise in a party is to be noticed. But i guess the ssr had different principles

Do you taste metal?

You got the sense that he fucking knew everything without saying anything

thanks for the sum up, user

Because he fucking did probably. He just is so good at reading people that he allows the people he talks to, to talk first so he can get a grasp on them and what they are like. The party guy even said the reason he agreed to letting her go was because kgb kun knew scientist man was to db to have ulterior motives

>turbine should be at 700-1000MWh for safety test
>Decide to run it at 200MWh
>reactor running too slow and jolts to stop
>blame those below you and tell them to remove control rods
>reactor now uncontrollable and rising power at incredibly high speed
>tell them to put rods back in
>tips of graphite make it worse
>KABOOM again
What was Dyatlov thinking?

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Lads post your rarest fucking /RBMK/

You think they'll show this in the show? I kind of hope so.

OP why did the Deputy Chairman see the general named as /RBMK/ and not /3.6/?

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No problem. I think they'll cover it in the trial scenes in later episodes. I hope they do anyways. One of my criticisms of this show is that I think it takes a bit too long to answer the common questions if you've never read anything about Chernobyl before. Without having read a book on it a few years ago I think I'd be a bit lost. Yes, you can go read Wikipedia but a lot of people watch TV to just unwind and don't really want to feel like they have to do that.

Don't have sex

>What was Dyatlov thinking?
He wasn't

With this state of tissues, his teeth should have fell off

This isn't that unique, people who work in industrial applications often bend the rules to get things done faster. He didn't know the limitations of the reactor. Not saying he was right to do that, but, this shit can happen anywhere.

teeth are rooted to the bones

nigga you ever seen how they pull a tooth? that shit is the last to go


>im already in deep shit, if i dont do this test right i could be fired or demoted.

Also it should go without saying but being canned in the SU also meant you get you ass shipped off to go knows where where your new job is. The workers of chernobyl had lives almost 1st world tier due to how prestigious being a nuclear plant operator was

Closed Beta Test?
Cock & Ball Torture?

did they bus in some quality pussy for them to fuck? why do they not go over this in the series?

obviously cock and ball torture

they were moved to a resort
listen to the podcast

Im sure they will. They are actually going through the effort to show how a 25 year old operator was considered a senior. If they are going over the fact that the operators were way to young I'm sure they will show why dyatlov was under so much pressure not to fuck up

Bending the rules would be conducting the test at 600MW not 200 or 250.

Go to sleep bob

Look at the ages of the physicists and engineers that worked on the manhattan project you mong.

Should I watch this show? I have anxiety and it really kicks in whenever people talk about radiation and cancer and shit like that. I get really lightheaded and have to lay down.

For the glory of the workers of the world!
*chugs vodka*

Dude go work in an industrial application for a while, people are fucking morons and they get complacent and bend rules WAY beyond what is possible. The only way to save ourselves from morons is to put in safe guards that humans can't override. We can say we have safe reactors here in the West but there is always a way to fuck them up.

probably not then.

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probably not. I had to get an x-ray last week and the show made me nervous about it lol


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Nigger the genuine problem with the night shift was that they were inexperienced and way to young. The demand for personal was so great that the entire area had one of the youngest populations in the entire soviet union. Why would the show have a scene to show Dr. mary sues suprise at the SENIOR operators age if it was not a problem you.

Operating a nuclear reactor that could blow up in certain conditions =\= working onnuclear bombs and purposely designing a way to make uranium release all its energy in a damn microsecond.

you had the same amount of radiation as living on bananas for a week
Chernobyl is like having 600 gorillion chest x-rays

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It's Dr. Masha Shukov actually.

you're just a fucking pussy


>If only you knew how bad things really are

any headache or pain and i think fuck am i dying of radiation sickness

this poor chap at work just got the nickname "huge fucking vagina" or "hfv" ha ha imagine having that as your nickname haha loser

i'd knock you the fuck out irl though

does my chernobyl husbando survive?

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>being a super nerd and become a sr engineer at 25
>have a horrible death because of that
I am happy to being an brainlet idiot and still being in university at 39

i'm talking about me

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What would you do

He doesn't even make 5.

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i love how that shitty artifact by his eye transfers to like every variant

How much of a dose did the miners end up receiving?

i shouldn't be laugh this hard. sorry m8

i wonder if faceless akimov was filmed but cut because it was too much for test audiences

3.6. not great, not terrible.

I don't think enough to kill them in real life, I think overall they fared pretty well

Scurvy, among others, makes teeth fall off, and it's a connective tissue disease.

Pick one.

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>uncle sit do-
Why didn't he take a page out of chad miner's book? He would be sitting on the iron throne right now.

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Loved it

Why are they calling radiation poisoning cute?
There's nothing cute about it.

nah you'd be too busy crying about how anxious some fiction made you lmao

radiation poisoning you lose your ability to make new cells, or rather for the new ones to be put in the right place when you do, I think the teeth might stay in because even when the roots die they hold on for a while. Anything that is constantly using new cells, and have a lot of turnover of cells, like the lungs or intestines, go really fast.


when sansa smirks there i imagined her sitting on my face with heels hug into my balls. anyone else?

He was very opposed to Boris Yeltsin, and then somehow happened to mysteriously die of unkown causes about a month after Yeltsin became president.

Don't know but i think not showing was more spooky than anything they could show

They probably just had no way of doing makeup that would actually look accurate and like his face is missing and CGI probably looked too fake/cheesy.
Hard to portray a dude without a face when his actor clearly still has a face.

>My hands are a little dirty
>so am I
Jesus Christ!

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>Come back Mr. Hickey!

Heh I work for pretty much the largest civil/industrial engineering and construction firm on the earth so I’ve met all types. I’m not in nuclear directly so I’m not an expert by any means. My point was that the supervisor could assume a margin of safety put in by engineering for the test. So if it called for a 700-1000 power level, if you were say 10-15% outside of that it would be fine. I’d take that risk in the USSR with a deadline looming. Running a test 50%+ outside of guidelines is completely reckless and you’d be a fool to continue.

i'd cut your faggot throat

this show has the same energy as Shin Godzilla
A lot of technicalities, no clear hero. Just a government facing an enormous threat

>this suit cost 6 months salary

It was top kino

fucking lol okay kiddo sure you would
probably break down and throw a tantrum about how scawy and shawp knives are

the coal miners were the ones who started the major strikes in the USSR in 1989 or thereabouts, they definitively got them portrayed right

and that's a good thing

Opposed how? Did he tell him he needed to limit his daily vodka intake to no more than 40 liters?

Do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in france?

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i'd fuck your mother's dead hole while you wept

>Jessie Buckley
>not a qt

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What will you say, comrade?

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you're trying way too hard lmao

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Well, maybe, but in this scene his entire body looks like a lump of pus.

how did they get Daniel Craig for such a small role?

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I'd take your dumb faggot ass to school. Teach you the definition of irony.

then i'd pile drive you and break your fucking neck.

I get full chest CT scan and a chest x-ray every 6 months
that's like looking at a picture of a banana

>50 degrees
why the fuck would you dig a tunnel at such a steep angle?

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its a piece of the core. Bitch is crazy

Are you serious?

I haven't seen how exactly other than he "opposed the election of Boris Yeltsin.".
As a fairly high-level official they really don't let out much information about him, even Stellan Skarsgard said he's just going off the character in the script rather than the real guy because its so hard to find specific info about him.

He got stabbed in the eye

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Comrade Dyatlov... m-my panel isn't working.

>full chest ct-scan 6 monthly
that's pretty obscene unless you already have cancer, user

guess how I know you're underage

The problem was Dyatlov was an idiot and Formin wasn’t there to stop him. Not the age or experience of the operators. They followed all the directions precisely.

>t. studied the blade

I'm not going to lie because we're cool like that. I teared up a little at the burial of the lead coffins


My husbando doesn't have a face anymore ;__;

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When core chan still burns for you

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Why do rotted skeletons maintain their teeth then?

1 year since last activity, is she done for?

we need more ramseyposting, comrades.

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That's right bitch, step the fuck down before you get handled.

is /rbmk/ up to the standards of the KGB?

Director said about 25% of them died of radiation related sicknesses.

Director said that the increased injuries they were showing started to feel gratuitous and that the viewer could interpret their own scenario from the "no face" comment and how the other patients looked.

nsclc? lobectomy?

>/RBMK/ is so radioactive, posters are getting cancer from it

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Is this really dyatlov?
I don't see it

are you stupid

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Considering the fact when you type her channel in the 2nd hit is its name and dead, who knows..

its Daniel Craig filling in for the actor. they got him at short notice

>>r u stoopid

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He'll be fine, I've seen much worse.

Bad translation

She still posts on instagram as of last month

actually, I've been cancer free for a year by now
but they monitor you in case it returns

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Series is extremly well made. It makes me think that HBO had some side sponsor like USA goverment or any three letter agency.

Probably they want to make awarness what radiation can cause.

>Lets try these Chernobyl shades on

Hodemchuki are here?

Lets talk about the elephants leg

Srochniki with shavels

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it was also funded by British channel Sky

*grabs you by the throat*
Back. Off.

or its like HBO made billions of fucking dollars off GoT or something

Good for you, user. Hope you stay cancer free. My lil nephew had ALL, it sucks.

The problem was many undesirable factors user. None of these factors alone would have caused the reactor to blow that night but put together it created the perfect. worst case.

>performa test meant to the more experienced DAY SHIFT using the night shift because less stress on power grid
>test was not designed by a nuclear engineer
> dyatlov in charge who is already under pressure
> due to the soviet way speaking out against your seniors was incorrect even if you knew they were wrong
>flaws in reactor design that where not know due to the operators the reactor being a state secret
>running reactor outside of normal specifications
>turning off emergency safety systems
>removing almost all control rods

Would the bad reactor design or age/experience of operators of operators alone have blow the core? Probably not any of these factors alone would have. but together it did

>or any three letter agency.
I suppose they could get advice from them

where is our MS paint red square on faces hero at when we need them?

*cums on your balls*

so im watching the first episode right now , what the fuck was the blocks the firefighter Grabbed that burnt his hand ? is it pieces of the rods/reactor ?

>every single scene with the coalminers
man I love those guys

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>true story

It was part of the graphite moderator in the core. The hole you see in the center of it is where control or fuel rods slot into. It goes without saying it was insanely radioactive at that point

Great news user! My dad gets PET scans where they inject radioactive isotopes into him and then do a MRI (I think, maybe CT?) to see where he is most metabolically active. He has non hodgkins lymphoma.

it wasn't graphite, it is imposible

glad to know youre doing better friend

how about you watch second episode

Why were people calling Khomyuk a Mary Sue?


This man is delusional, he did not see graphite BECAUSE IT WAS NOT THERE

This user is delusional, take him to the infirmary

dont worry, its like a chest xray
so if you're overdue for a checkup

She was the only fictional character and was a combo of like 100 scientists

I'm standing in as an unpaid intern for my resume. let me know which faces need redding

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Downloading Cal of Pripyat right now, I wonder how many more sales they have gotten with HBO releasing this show

based KGB putting Mary Suekov in her place

Seriously guys. How and why did it blow up ?

>I'd shake your hand or even stand closer to say "good job" but... I like all of my flesh

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>No corechan in this entire thread
Disgraceful. Really.

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go read the Wikipedia article, it explains it

it did not because that is impossible

>be reactor 4-chan
>other reactors bully you for being a NEET all day
>all you want is a fren
>everyone that gets close to you dies horribly
Being reactor-chan is truly suffering

>miner scene
>you can leave your hat on starts playing
who the fuck though thatwas a good idea?

i'd love to know who this artist is, awesome stuff really

It’s not the first time in narrative storytelling that a group of people were portrayed as an individual which acted as their collaborative mind.
I get that it’s not true to history, but I just don’t see the fuss

>now you look like a minister of coal
based mormont

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How many left-faggots here still love communism?

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"It" being anything other than the reactor because it's impossible? Ask Akimov, he fucked everything up in the first place.

People like to bitch and moan about anything is the answer you're looking for

what's happening in this photo? it's the elephant's foot, right?

what was worse
death by radation and degradation while alive
or getting 30 lashes as a boy

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graphite can only be found inside the core
now tell me, how does an rbmk reactor explode?

No, they talk about it in Official Podcast. Didn't film it, didn't even make a costume because they thought it would change focus to cool costumework rather than tragedy of the story or some shit...

What is it called when you hate every form of government?

I don't know. But it has.

probably not that many because most people interested already have it
keep in mind that stalker is a 12 year old game

edgy 12 year old


>man dying of radiation burns cooler than you


the water (while radioactive) was a good radiation shielding
the fact they didn't breath in any dust or gaseous isotopes inside also helped

anarchism dumbass


all of the above

it's funny hearing the bongs talking it always reminds me of cpt. price and the sniper mission
>feefti thausent ppl uzd to liv 'ere, nao iz a goosttaun....

>all the men in the reactor controll room died horribly
>Dyatlov survived

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Who do you think has the largest balls?

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Its the most radioactive place IN THE WURLD

a few of them are still alive actually

being a bum

>wanting any harm to ever come to /ourguy/

fat man had small benis

he's a grower

He had to compromise with the based commander (same guy who into that hellhole to get a reading)


You're delusional

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It's short but somewhy this is one of my top scenes from the episode.

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>now you look like minster of coal
is there a more kino line?

finally fuck cher bullshit

in reality they were much more laidback tho.
all the posturing wasnt really needed, i also doubt in 86 coal miners were that dirty.

nothing basically.
real life chernobyl was a joke compared to the show, unless you are right there you just need to evacuate and dont breathe in dust and you are fine.

this is true but there is a big issue in deciding who decides who needs to die.
people protest the death penalty to this day using the argument "we cant risk killing a single innocent, we can never be sure", its the same here, it depends on the doctors to make a judgement to kill somebody, difficulty to legislate.

the first part is true, the show is way overdramatic, its great to look at , just keep in mind reality was way more quaint, aside from the ars guys.
the second part is not, dyatlov was a shitcunt, when you read up how the disaster happens its like they wanted it to happen, they did everything wrong, and dyatlow was in charge.

can be done but different theme, chernobyl is already stretching it with the dramatization, goiana is what 4 deaths?
more people die every day in china from roof tiles falling on them on the sidewalk.


black bear

good idea tavarish

they made it a point to show that normal people didnt know shit. that it was actually illegal to tell shit to anybody, that she should not even have been there.
in the show, in reality she was just dumb af.

no it fucking cant, i dont know what your work is, or if you even have one, but they fucked up like 6 different things, it would be like if policemen went around checking if their guns is full against their temple.

Miners were paid quite well in the USSR. They easily earnt as much as some mid-level manager at a factory.

he the chief, lower ranks eat after he's done eating


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