Gets to live in the closest thing to a sky castle

>gets to live in the closest thing to a sky castle
>gets to watch dissenters fly
>gets to suck on tits and grow strong from the milkies
>looks like a chad now on top of it
its not fair

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wrong picture?

I'd go through his moon's gate if you know what I mean


That jaw is weak af. He's not unattractive but he's more pretty than handsome in a masculine way.

Shouldn't he want to murder Sansa and rape the North for what she did to Littlefinger? Did D&D kind of forgot about this part too?

He's a snooty foppish noble now.
It's fucking great.

Are we witnessing the next Neville Longbottom here?

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t. fat neckbeard. he's a chad, deal with it ya beta

He looks like a fucking poofter

At least he's understandable and good looking. The faggot above doesn't look good at all and I want to slap him across his jewnosed face

Someone post his ugly Instagram pics

Anyone else think it was weird how he sat 10 feet across from the kids who killed his beloved Uncle Petr without so much as a fair trial and he never said anything or displayed any resentment towards them?

He kind of forgot about his uncle Petyr

lfmao he just had his teeth done, fucking br*tbong genes

shhh just turn your brain off

What about Davos chilling on the council next to the guy knighted for setting the wildfire ablaze.


Lmao fucking amerimutts.

He looks much better than he did in his first appearance as a sickly child but that hair reminds me of the second Mask movie.

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And him being best buddies with Tyrion, who's literally responsible for the death of his son.

So, turns out that the extended breastfeeding craze had a point.

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His son was a Stannis supporter and Stannis was evil.

Will he be the antagonist of the new game of thrones? What's his endgame?

I bet she's single and childless. cool wine aunts are disgusting.

based wine aunt

That dude was in fairy land for the entire show he doesn't give a fuck he's just like sweet thanks for the bird and then the fat bald smug Arryn bro tells him later that he was le bad man and he'd be like ok give me an icecream cone and we'll call it settled. I'm pissed we didn't see any of the Stark girls married off I feel like the female audience would eat that shit up if it was done well. In all reality tho Robin is gonna be tappin dat Sansa pussy after all.

I bet if any words came out of his mouth he'd reveal himself as a total sperg. God save him if the girls saw him wielding a sword. Would be cool if he had gotten better tho.

He became a total chad and can spend the rest of his days fucking thots.
He's a feudal ruler and does as he pleases with his subjects. That alone makes him a chad.

Nick Dean ass lookin nigga

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how can a boy be grown?

Aren't they cousins?

Wine aunt logic. Don't mind or you'll get a head ache.

British-Brazilian looks like a Jew

So i never knew about this guy and i thought, do people really think he became a chad because i think he's still ugly, he's just all done up by hollywood standards. Then i thought maybe it was your picture that was bad, so i looked him up on google images and this comes up.

This motherfucker is ugly as fuck. He's just rich and grown up. Robin Arryn's actor is way better looking and that's saying something since he's not perfect by any means.

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Ol' Bronzor was there when Littlefinger admitted to everything. Robin was probably happy to hear the guy who killed his mom was dead and he was in charge of the Vale now.

>This motherfucker is ugly as fuck. He's just rich and grown up.

Cope harder, incel.

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He's autistic and I don't mean assburgers, straight up autistic. He's not really there

giv low bodyfat wine aunt pls

you mean the uncle that killed his mother you fucking idiot?

Dude had to get weaned off titty milk because his beloved Uncle Petr killed his mom.

I hate twitter but this is a good tweet

yeah but this is a song of ice and incest so it’s fine

Thinking about it isn't it weird that this kid had to suck on a stranger's tits for television? That's kind of fucked up if i'm being honest.

You wish. If you think that guy is a chad you're the fucking incel with no sense of reality.

>Lord Baelish counted on the rigors of physical training and the perils of combat training and horsemanship to make short work of the sickly lad.
>Lord Baelish counted wrong.

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>you think that guy is a chad
Nah, that guy is definitely a cameroon. Or a namibia at best.

On whose word, they had a trial, he was declared innocent.

Sansa helped the murderer get away with it

Nah, he’s a pretty cool guy.

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He looks like a faggot

How good a shot does he have of marrying Sansa? That's what I'd want if I were him.