he didnt do anything wrong. not a single thing. he is the hero of the movie
He didnt do anything wrong. not a single thing. he is the hero of the movie
All true
>murders peaceful indigenous population because money
>not evil
>le bad guy is le good guy because he's a right wing retard and I'm a bitter lonely autist who LARPs as a right wing retard because I hate the world
crushing the enemies of your people is morally good.
Statistics say that right wingers are not only more likely to have sex, but also to be happier. Then again, you guys don't like statistics.
Wait, those filthy tree-hugging monkeys were supposed to be the good guys?
Lol sure they do. Go ahead, post the source. A Breitbart headline with the Bretbart logo cropped out or are we just going all in and posting MS Paint infographs comics now?
not forgetting that they are more tolerant, more charitable and generally the better people
Does Avatar take place in the Blade Runner world? Think about it, logically
Navi are literal demons who worship a female demon god who takes your soul if you’re near them when you die
Demons in classic mythology and religion always have blue skin, are taller than humans, and have pointed ears. Navi are literally demons.
Don’t forget that James Cameron once produced a tv show trying to deny the davinity or Christ. Avatar did so well at the box office because Cameron is in league with satan
His actions are all justified from an anthrocentric perspective, but that’s the real problem. He represents the same old divisive, xenophobic, Darwinistic philosophies that ended Earth up in the desperate state it’s in by their time. If the only solution Earth can come up with is to impose itself on other cultures, then it doesn’t deserve to endure.
Why don't you research them yourself, since the very mention makes you fly off the handle? You come across as bitter.
Quoritch isn't right-wing though, at least it isn't shown in the film. He is just a mercenary and kills na'vi for pay. That's bad from a moral standpoint, but I wouldn't call him evil: just indifferent and mercantile.
Plus he is shown as a good commander, capable and caring for his soldiers. His motivation is clear and understandable. Damn that was a decent character.
It could.
Holy shit, pandora is an off world colony and navi human hybrids were made by Wallace cooperation.
Doesn't fox own the rights to both?
Think so.
sounds like OP is an American
>prove me made up claim for me
Right of Conquest
The peaceful indigenous population is at fault here for not being able to effectively organize a armed rebellion until the arrival of a white man in their midst
Well by that logic, we deserved to lose, because we did.
But that doesn't mean their victory is final
For round 2 we bring the nukes
he ate a jujube
And what about when someone more powerful shows up and smacks our shit back to the Stone Age? Will they be “right?”
Yes, because everything is a competition for resources. Look at all history and try to deny it. If you have the strength to take something then you do it. The only reason someone wouldn't is because someone bigger tells them no since they've already made a claim to it.
The moral of the whole story is “find a better way.” Any solution that doesn’t take the best interests of all into account is the wrong answer.
It's a stupid answer then.
The moral of the story is that if you're given the job of negotiating, literally fuck up royal and when shit hits the fan because you didn't even attempt to do your job, defect to the enemy and turn their defeat into a victory.
Nigga i saw spaceships and beans and shiet
Should have said this
You haven’t seen the whole story yet. Admittedly, neither have I, but I can see what’s coming. It might just be something wonderful.
The movie wasn't made with a sequel in mind.
how is a tribal people living on another planet the "enemy", brainlet?
You don’t lay down that much world-building with no greater plans for it. That’s what the first movie did - laid all the groundwork with a simple, relatable narrative. The sequels will go philosophical in a big way.
Because the mind works that way, you even said it yourself when you said "tribal." Everyone does this, you put yourself with a certain tribe and you only look outward from then on. Everyone outside your tribe is met with hesitation and distrust.
Yes, but that’s our primitive monkey brains. Moving beyond tribe is the ultimate goal, or at least seeing the other “tribes” as having value and being worthy of respect and consideration. If we can’t do that, we better pray that someone out there has, or someday that bigger fish is going to swallow us whole.
>sci fi movie
>a whole planet is treated like a tiny country
tired of this trope
He lost against a bunch of indigenous blue monkeys... HE DID EVERYTHING WRONG!