Which one is going to take the throne from GoT?
Netflix's Witcher vs Amazon's LOTR
Neither, both are shit and normies are bored with fantasy.
Neither. Both are pathetic attempts to copy GoT that will fail.
>Netflix adaptation
Pick one
Hopefully they both get cancelled before making any cultural impact.
but did Drogon melt the throne?
Seeing as the Witcher is already a lost cause, despite having Henry Cavill who I think is a good choice, they haven't announced the casting for LotR yet so that could win with that alone. I don't hold out much hope.
>Netflix's Witcher
who cares? they are gonna be full of niggers anyway
Unfortunately Witcher is lost.
It'll be "In the name of the king"-tier shit.
Just look at production\casting pictures as well as previous works of the writers.
Im actually seething, such potential, squandered.
But oh well, i'll see the franchise run to the ground, it'll be fun atleast.
Witcher will be good..Netflix has good production like house of cards, 13 Reasons Why, The Umbrella Academy.
Neither, the Wheel of Time series might though.
BBC's His Dark Material is gonna take the throne bros.
Obscure enough book series that most normies don't know about them, at least compared to Witcher and LOTR.
Do they make these nonsensical casting choices just to spite pol even if it hurts their product?
They don't care about /pol/ at all. And it's not nonsensical from a marketing perspective.
The witcher is gonna be shit
They only care about normies, and normies lap this kind of stuff up.
They need to adapt Rothfuss or Sanderson next if they want a "hit".
Why do you care?
Polish "people" aren't even white.
None. This season of GoT has shown how "normies" are starting to call out bullshit when they dont like something. Meaning no new tv series will have the chance to "will popular opinion", before it gets torn down by wannabe cinephiles on twitter.
GoT was small until season 3, you people forget that. Then the cult following turned into mainstream public appeal, so even though arguably the quality of GoT has been consistently shit since probably S2, noone dared to disagree with the groupthink mentality.
So if LOTR comes out, it will get torn apart by people who either disagree with forced "diversity" and by the ones pushing it, if there isnt "diversity".
Same with the Witcher. The gamers will hate it, /pol/ will hate it and the normies wont like it.
Fantasy as a tv genre is done.
Kill yourself, shitskin.
Thank god the final season of got pretty much killed fantasy as a mainstream fad so they're both flop.
Both will be horrible.
I don't think it's a malevolent force out to ruin good works... it's just a culture of inclusivity and 'shortcuts' to an interesting character without having to write them that way run amok.
The reason why black male and white female is so popular in movies is that it adds a dynamic layer to their relationship. If it was just a white guy and a white woman, there's no added backstory the audience will wonder about and as a result the characters are more flat and boring, unless the writers aren't lazy. A black man adds a layer of mystery and interest to the general audience. If you're racist you won't feel it.
The reason why the opposite white male and black female is less popular is that it also adds a dynamic layer to the relationship, but a less comfortable one with connotations to colonization and slavery.
How much more must ((They)) take from me?
I don't think it's out to ruin good works either per se but rather in some cases to attempt to distort perceptions of population dynamics and history. In films and TV that takes place in premodern Europe these days, there seems to be almost a requirement to add in people whose phenotypical traits have no place in that era/location but do in the modern version of it. I think that at least in some cases this is a deliberate attempt to deconstruct what people think the past is in order to impose inclusivity and multiculturalism on all works be they grounded in our reality in which we know multiculturism and ethnically diverse societies have not been the historical norm or in fantasy universes (like the witcher for example) in which both logic and the source material both dictate that societies would be mostly homogenous.
can dragon fire melt steel beams?
Witcher was dead on arrival the second they made half the cast niggers
Are you fucking serious dude? lmao
witcher is guaranteed to be awful
there's like a 5-10% chance the lotr series will be decent
have you seen outlaw king? there's a scene where the shot hovers over a few niggers just to rub it in your face
they do shit like this out of spite
Normies dont care about racebent casting. You guys are delusional.
this is what still surprises me with the last kingdom, started life on the bbc then moved to netflix, yet it is 100% whiteys doing whitey things. true it is set in the 8th century so maybe including blacks would be more difficult, but I still would't have put it past them.
Both will be monstrous fuckups
help me I need a Lamborghini
Both will shit on the source materials and fail horribly, and neither diehard fans nor normalfags will watch them
>Normies dont care
Of course they don't. It's the people in charge of production who do. Why do you think Fingilla Vigo was cast as a black woman? Diversity is a requirement of many modern works of entertainment in an effort to destroy the idea of racial and ethnic homogenity. If there weren't black people in it then people would cry out as to why there weren't as if in a fantasy universe that takes place in lands based on medieval Poland and Germany there should be.
>hey, here is this thing that seems to mostly have a white male nerd fanbase
>lest make 90% of the cast niggers
>"hey why is no one watching this"
>LoTR: there are the movies, they are perfect
>Witcher: short stories are good but series is complete and utter shit the author himself regrets writing
I don't even need to go into the production of the shows
Non Both Full of niggers.
There's no chance of the Netflix adaptation to be good.
I still have a slim hope in my heart that the Amazing LOTR show will be good, but that's because I still have love for the original LOTR trilogy.
Don't watch and don't post about either of them. They want to troll you for free advertising see
They get free viral marketing campaigns every time they trigger poltards, did you faggots learn nothing from (((gamergate)))
>They get free viral marketing campaigns every time they trigger poltards
yeah, they don't really though.
There is a fatigue in the genre, if they're smart they would shelve this for a few years and hopefully come up with something better.
Do you really believe they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on deliberately bad casting, just for a bit of marketing on a taiwanese basket weaving enthusiasts forum?
No. they are just pushing political agenda for their (((masters)))
At least there are no women...
This is one of the few times where "have sex" literally applies.
It's not just Yea Forums you dumb fucks, they KNOW that these ((woke)) adaptations piss you off and they want you to kvetch about it all over the internet which is why they are so egregious with their casting and shit like this They know exactly what they are doing. Pay it no attention and starve the beast. They're still going to write articles about the evil racist alt-right reaction to the castings and so forth but just pay it no mind. No one respects these outlets anymore anyway.
I thought Wheel of Time was already chockful with female empowerment? What the fuck?
either you bitch about it online and the media and lefty cunts pat themselves on the back and post about how they "shut down the racists"
or you don't post about it on the internet and they do the same thing anyway.
literally doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter why they do it, if we don't call it bullshit they will think it's "okay". Only then they will win.
They do, actually. White cucks love to talk about pushing diversity, but when it comes to watching these "diversified" stories, they back out and don't watch it. Because liberals, subconsciously, dislike niggers. It's part of their DNA and you can't change that. The Witcher would be a 100% flop and LOTR, if it goes the same route, too.
got became popular in the first place because it subverted typical fantasy bullshit
witcher embraces it and lotr practically created it
what a cunt
Why would someone go on record to tell lies? Everyone knew she was going to do it.
No, posting about it online gives it advertising. Period. Fat college girls write blogs about it and then suddenly the original art (yeah yeah I know it's vidya) gets drowned out in hashtag activism.
The only winning move is to not play at all, let them go woke and go broke. Normies will end up hating it and tuning out because these things are terribly written anyway and black people don't give a fuck about fantasy unless they get to complain about how racist it is on twitter.
Sneaky Pete
The Witcher novels are terrible, Sapkowski is good only as a short stories author. The IP is famous only because of the video games, which the showrunners will almost certainly ignore. Guaranteed trainwreck.
The lord of the rings show will be an original story set before the war of ring, so it's fanfic garbage.
I except to go out of their way to fuck up the original setting just to subvert expectations and shit.
Make King Conan happen already, you mexican maidfucker!
the best parts of the books are Time of Contempt and Baptism of Fire though.
Everything leading to Thanedd, Thanedd and then after Thanedd with Geralt and his hanse or whatever they called the group.
Pretty sure he really wants to but it's the story of a powerful old white man so I doubt any studio wants to touch it with a pole.
Pretty much this. I got invested in the franchise through the game. I'm very glad that the Hungarian translator did a fine job with the novels, they're actually quite well written and there're even some witty jokes in there; I know the English got fucked with a poor translation, so I get where you're coming from, and I admit the English translation had the most potential to reach a large number of people etc. Anyway, not like it matters. Hissrich's piss poor adaptation won't reach jack fucking shit; all it managed to do so far is alienate both the fans of the games and the novels too.
>I except to go out of their way to fuck up the original setting just to subvert expectations and shit.
The Orcs are actually just the victims of human and elf bigotry, and in their own society they are actually really nice guys. But the humans and elves keep hunting them down and killing all of the orc babies in their little orc cribs, thus causing a cycle of violence that forces the orcs to be warlike to defend themselves. They follow Sauron because he believes in equal rights for all sentient beings.
I hope the Amazon show turns out to be a Shadow of Mordor series.
Amazon's lotr will be watchable but probably still shit. It'll be the nu-wars to the hobbit/prequels. Netflix Witcher is going to be as bad as any Netflix show.
>Netflix Witcher vs Amazon LotR
Which series will have more niggers?
witcher, probably
LOTR is in the lead right now, but only because we don't know how niggerfied it will be
Netflix one is doomed, they made it to get into eastern euro markets and race bending fucked it. LOTR is gonna be shit too because it's fanfiction.
Does Idris Elba have a career aside from normies wanting him to be cast in white guy roles he never ends up p getting?
Tbf before he became a meme thanks to Sony and Amy Pascal he had a respectable career.
Netflix WILL NEVER have a series as big as game of thrones or even walking dead
Why? Because water cooler talk for a netflix show only last a week when it comes out.
He's actually a good actor. No hate at all.
But he's just such a meme at this point. He's like the one black actor white people are okay with taking white leading roles in action movies, and they never stfu about it.
I'm a turbo normie and I care. So do my normie frat bros. Fuck niggers and fuck kikes
Why don't they just release weekly like everyone else? Why do they insist on a proven wrong method?
The one with less SJW BS.
I hope you're all doing your part shitting on Netflix Witcher in front of your friends, family, extended circle of acquaintances etc. It isn't even that hard and pretty fun.
netflix is a lost cause there is too mush sjw bullshit there meanwhile in the amazon i only watch tom clancy's jack ryan its your typical white guy with morale compass agent but still they are pandering too not all muslim are bad.
so i dont really know
what a cunt
It's easier and more effective to not say anything. Don't generate any buzz ever, and if anyone ever asks if you're planning to watch you just say no. If you actively hate on something people will latch themselves on it just to spite you.
>now you remember netflix is ALSO making a 3D dragons dogma show
>now you remember that the guy that ruined castlevania is going to put testicle jokes on Devil may cry
>now you remember the same fuck will probably will get the rights for berserk
if lord of the rings has no niggers or only 1% niggers instead of 99% then they win
atleast we still have the hexer show
No way this is actually real.
Check IMDB, I didn't believe it at first either
Wheel of time.
>it's real
fuck netflix and fuck shills
Don't forget niggers.
while you're on imdb, you can also confirm that this is real as well.
Does Idris Elba even wants those roles? Outside of Dark Tower, he seem to choose to play original characters instead.
the nuggers
They're going to anglicize the witcher aren't they?
the real question is which one will make Yea Forums seethe harder
they africanized it
this is your brain on /pol/
>The reason why black male and white female is so popular in movies is that it adds a dynamic layer to their relationship
This is exactly how a racist thinks. "The fact that a couple has mixed skin colour inherently adds a background because all blacks are X and all whites are Y."
No, it doesnt, or at least it shouldnt. If people were truly colourblind, only the actions of the character should matter, not how they look. You are either implying that most normies hold racist stereotypes or you are projecting your own /pol/-type bullshit onto the masses.
Explain pls
Watchmen nigga
I'm really looking forward to the lotr show, but I'm more than worried
>following Aragorns early journeys, little source material, writers probably have extreme freedom in writing, will most likely make so much shit up
>already added a pseudo non canon area in the east (pic related)
>only reason they would add this, is because it will actually follow Aragorns journeys in the east
I'm kinda prepared for a lot of made up shit, but I'm still worried that they will butcher the given framework of Arda they have, more than Jackson did with the Hobbit