Here's your Witcher, bro
Here's your Witcher, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
for me, it's ciri
The main baddie - Vilgefortz is confirmed to be a shitskin.
Triss is kinda hawt doe
Fat Triss hmmmm
What a waste of money. It's like paying to get cancer.
>mfw most of the cast is the same race, and thus isn't racially diverse
white people think they have a culture?
ayy lmao
Based Netflix. Fuck white people.
ayylmaos are the best
Stop this shit you fags I'm not even some Aryan white and I'm sick of your fucking politics amking everything ugly and degenerate.
Here's your Witcher writers, bro
Nailed it
She's so fucking dark-skinned.
Damn, this series is gon' be a disaster.
I ahte them sjw scum so godddamn much!
Wait, so no Wild Hunt?
yennefer is jewish in the books, the other witches too, so casting black or brown actors seems very appropiate
The story takes place long before the Witcher games. Geralt is a bit over 100 years old by the time of Witcher 1.
I wish she were white but instead all we got is black.
I blame communist m0sl3m Jew Obama (who is no longer the president of the United States) for this.
These kind of people would be hanged in medieval Europe, stop appropriating my culture you fag kurwas!
There are no jews in Witcher as it is a fantasy world and setting.
>yennefer is jewish
How dare you?
What did she do to you?
>the only two chad looking males are fags.
>Geralt is a bit over 100 years old by the time of Witcher 1.
Is the pre games lore superior to game lore or at least up to par?
>There are no jews in Witcher
And who's fault is that?
All basedfags, and not a single woman. How ‘diverse’.
>chad looking
Where can I find the nigeria looking ones?
i read the books, she is 100% jewish
So, Slavs are not exotic enough for American audience?
>not a single woman
Psst, user.
Actually, all these people you see there... They're all women. Do you understand?
>Slavs are not exotic enough for American audience?
Slavs are not exotic enough for American audience PERIOD
In (((alt-right))) eyes we are subhuman and in (((liberal))) eyes we are racist and anti semitic.
Yes is the answer to you question.
kill yourself kike
Based white Chad Cavill gonna be dabbing on pooinloos.
slavs are like whites who act like blacks, almost worse really.
>slavs are like whites
But they ain't.
unlike jews, slavs are white
>butthurt slavskin detected
Is that the Marco Polo guy who loves getting pegged?
>repulsive kike subhuman detected
Eh, her face is kind of bloated, and she's about a year or two from the wall.
Jews are whiter than Poles, unless they're Polish Jews.
Are you an sjw? Because you sound like you don't like white people.
that is the dumbest thing i ever heard, even for a jew
True, they aren't, slavs don't castrate their children for Facebook likes, and don't suck black dicks so hard that the melanin comes off of them.
the actual main story of the Witcher games is the least interesting thing there is about it.
Are you a jew? Because you sound like you don't like white people.
>butthurt russkie being racist and shit because I was being racist and shit
vilgefortz absolutely demolishes geralt in the books, so obviously they cast a shitskin to play him
>Are you a jew?
I'm a white person, unlike you.
Looks like kino to me.
fringilla always get me with that nose and the stair at you face lol, do Netflix even care the quality of their product?
Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass for me.
oh sweetie, just go back to fucking goats
That one is probably fitting all things considered - he looks very much Vilgefortz type.
>Trump-supporting non-white shitskins with inferiority complex complain about non-white shitskins being cast in a major TV production
this thread
The Witcher novels were written by a Polish guy, and the games were developed by a Polish studio that never had any forced SJW content.
This is essentially just Hollywood Jews "flexing" on the goyim by filling our modern folk tales with ugly niggers. Look into the recent conflict between Jews and the Polish government over the demand for "Holocaust" reparations; that's a possible motive.
You keep calling other people "jews"...
I guess that's probably because you yourself are a fucking kike.
What? There are you monkey, all the way down to stereotypical names, two lawyers come to mind.
There's no such thing as a Jew.
What Hitler did was putting 6 million perfectly white people into a gas chamber.
>Westcucks ruin Slavchad-made media after taking it over
>chad looking
where did you come from? They dont even remotely fit that criteria. They are just average
white people vote Hillary
degenerate shitskins w/ an inferiority complex vote Trump
das a fakt
yes. not even non whites want to see whites replaced on screen
Polaks are subhuman.
>never had any forced SJW content.
Well, a little bit in Witcher 3.
How does it feel to have lower testosterone levels than your women, white person?
they moment they're pictured together, the "you just know" posters will run rampant
fine. get worked, hilary voters
kvetch harder
Doubt it.
So because a lawyer has a Jewish name it means the world of Witcher has Torah books, synagogues, Jewish traditions?
how DARE you try to supplant Whites, you other whites!
Los goblinos
Jews aren't white. Even Ashkenazi Jews are closer-related to Arabs and Turks than North Europeans.
>Jews aren't white.
Of course they aren't. That would take losing 20 IQ points on the average across the board.
Chart doesn't show that at all dumb cunt, they group with southern Italians because as genetic studies show the founding female population of Ashkenazi Jews were southern Italian women and Semitic men, almost 60% of Ashkenazi autosomal dna is European
so they used black actors to play jews from the books, it seems very accurate to me
jews are niggers, nobody with a brain thinks otherwise
this i hate niggers so god damn much
He gets cucked by a mirror trick at the end
The fuck are you talking about? at best he looks like some ofieri merchant
Does he? Because I remember him being described as looking like a mercenary rather than a sorcerer. Dude annihilated Geralt using a fucking stick.
why are they all so ugly though
We already know that this show is dead on arrival, but people will hate watch it.
here's a link to the official research report:
Why do you leftist kikes always get triggered by DNA? Are you just retarded NPCs who aren't capable of real critical thought?
Haplogroups are scientific designations for common phenotypes in a given area. This is how sites like Ancestry and 23&Me get their info. Ashkenazi DNA is officially decoded by geneticists, and the Israeli government literally uses DNA tests as part of a requirement for immigration.
Nice shift in pilpul tactics. Weren't you claiming that Jews were whiter than Poles ITT, or was that a different kvetching hooknose?
I'll pass. The genre is fantasy, and no one's fantasy contains gentlemen and gentlewomen of partial or complete sub-Saharan African descent.
Ashkenazis still have a ton of overlap with Mesopotamians and North Semitics (Mizrahis, Arabs, etc.); a shitload more than Slavs, Germanics, or Anglos; so quit claiming that you're "white".
I already know how they all sound, and exactly what beliefs nad mannerisms they have.
you coulda cast a cute redhead and Amy Lee as yen. and you go and pull this....
i would have preferred a black geralt over what you did to our girls
She's cute in a Anya Taylor-Joy kind of way.
>I'm a white person
>Ashkenazis still have a ton of overlap with Mesopotamians and North Semitics
No they don't, the picture you posted shows that, there isn't a single Ashkenazi cluster in the Semitic/Levantine groups, just because they don't group with northern Europeans doesn't mean they're not European, they group with southern Italians
I don't get Africans.
I have nothing against them, but why do they always look kind of lost and confused? Like, "Why am I in these northern lands, wearing clothes?"
What exactly is considered as white? Jews and Slavs are not white apparently
oy vey, so the jews are not real jews?
you filthy antisemite, 6 million people turn in their graves right now
No your a little bit off. By the end of the third game i cant remember exactly but hes 93-97 and yen is 100 in the first books hes in his mid 80’s
>all of them are unironically literal who's
Why are they doing this? Just to fail?
jews are asian/african, how can they be white
guys guess what im white and you're not hahahaha
Oh man, show never even stood a chance
why did they do it bros
>What exactly is considered as white?
Only Jews & niggers ask this, and it's usually a bad faith rhetorical question.
>turning nilfgaard into shitskins
Why are we acting like we didn't know this would happen 100%
Hey I'm white (Adygei) literally second one far left
>tfw twitter is going to be up in arms about blacks being the villains once again
At least Geralt isn't black.
As I said, they're the product of southern Italian women mixing with Semitic men and then inbreeding, by Rabbinical law they're not real Jews because the women weren't ethnically Jewish
Honestly you could argue the casting is sorta accurate, but i pictured him like a more sinister rugged looking jaime lannister. So mercenary is kinda ccurste actually
>annihilated with a stick
Its a magic staff, more importantly vilg uses some crazy illusion spells that basically cause geralt to bot accurately perceive the world around him. In the fight scene he says something like 3 times he parrys him and goes to strike and it shouldve been an open strike un opposed but defying the laws of physics he manages to block geralts blows somehow with ease. Literal god mode enemy.
Fucking kill me already holy shit. Literally a honk universe we're living in.
It can be done right if the shitskins live in actual different continents/countries. LOTR and Game of Thrones did it right.
It becomes uncanny SJW shit when you have thousands of niggers milling-about in the white nations. Maybe there could an exception for a few major port cities, but that's it. What the writers have done to the Witcher is just blackwashing established white characters.
the black one looks like a literal monkey WTF DO THEY DO THIS JUST TO PISS US OFF?!?!
As long as there is Ciri cunny I'm okay with the koons.
This world is fucking rancid now.
have sex
Yeah, sure, Vilg was surely a shitskin. I mean, Vilg was from fucking Kovir & Poviss - the northest part of the Northern Kingdoms. I'm sure it was full of zerrikanese shitskins.
They literally just feel compelled to put niggers in everything due to their programming.
No Mexicans yet again dropped
I think the three actresses are cute
But this isn't The Witcher
I see this in every office environment now a day. T..thanks janitor. Sometimes cleaning shit is far better than ti deal with these 'people'
Goddamn stupid shit, you can literally see that the source material has no brown people in the main roles. This shit is so egregious that it's not even mildly amusing anymore.
I feel bad for Sapkowski, he has failed on almost all business decisions in his life.
think ill just stick with the books and games.
I unironically think that they did this type of shit just to pissed us off tbqh.
Kinda glad that we at least have the game full of qt3.14 before all this happens, what a shitfest.
If they really had to shoehorn-in nonwhites, due to the producers demanding appeal to a wider audience, they could at least create new characters for the nonwhite roles; like some foreign mercenaries or diplomats. That's too much creativity for these NPC writers though.
> DNA is pseudoscience
I'm thinking we need a world war-scale conflict to fix the faggotry of this and future generations. It's all so tiresome.
he is fine
i thought it would be some minor characters not fucking triss and yennefer
>cavill attaching himself to this
What the fuck was he thinking
cheese and rice
someone post the yennefer leaks where she inst even wearing black and white
this retarded woman fucked up hard
Too Many Cucks
Netflix is cancer
>All of these retards believing the fake image
>casual tonguing
yeah, no reason why normal people suppressed the gays for so long
honestly I feel sorry for gay people who can behave themselves, they get fucked over by gross weirdos like this
Why do millennials ruin everything by being woke?
>they could at least create new characters for the nonwhite roles; like some foreign mercenaries or diplomats.
This would be a way better option tbqh. They could even have Geralt be like "You're all the same on the inside, a monster." or what ever the fuck he'd say.
What they ended up deciding upon is just disrespectful to the country of origin imho.
Mafia 3 is better than the 2nd one
You were naive friend
You know they wanted ethnic Ciri too, right? They were caught red-handed and had to scramble to get a blonde girl in the end to avoid a huge shitstorm
I know it's not accurate but that Yen looks fucking delicious
Who the fuck is Dara?
Are you a nignog? If not then surely you must be baiting.
>that hoverhand
They did but its more subtle than that
Their ideology is a rejection of norms, so the fact that they piss people off is justification and satisfaction to them, but not the "main" reason. Then they get to act incredulously after
no she dont. this is ruined
you're still a mudshit abdul
she really isnt
>DNA isn't real
the political party of science and reason, ladies and gentlemen
>Weren't you claiming that Jews were whiter than Poles ITT, or was that a different kvetching hooknose?
Imagine that on an anonymous forum there is more than one person responding, you americunt fatass.
There are at least 4 chads in there, not counting the manlet gays
it's not a hoverhand, it's a clenched fist with wrist resting on her shoulder
hardly much better than a hoverhand though. it's what you do if you have to put your hand on someone's shoulder like that but you don't feel comfortable with them
Jews are from the Ukraine tho, not the west.
they havent released a single picture of this show because they know everybody will hate
calling kurwafags subhumans is mostly a meme like calling french subhuman, calling finns mongolians, and germans being muslim. except the french are actually subhuman.
>we will never see the Witcher get a good series that is loved by fans, getting renewed for 10 seasons and eventually see Mark Strong play Gaunter
>cupcakes and champagne
So the Eternal Wine Aunt is the cause of this?
>not even cute negroes like Halle Berry or Zoe Saldana but ugly mutts and negroids
i'm referring to the guy in the middle hovering over that brown chick like an apache helicopter waiting to strike
this is a fucking trainwreck
>haha is just a meme folks
newfag /pol/acks are the worst, st least lurk your containment board more faggot
He fucks Ciri
you really have low standards
In one of the books there was a pic of him and he looked like Ares from the Hercules series, so that's how I pictured him.
Poor Polaks. Only good series to come out of their country and it's getting shit on by yanks
>not even American
I bet you're literally posting from Tel-Aviv.
>I feel bad for Sapkowski
Don't. Sapkowski is a massive cunt with shortest fuse in the world.
i dont browse pol cunt. if you take anything posted here seriously you need to reevaluate your life.
America really does just take everything and do it trashier and with more BLACK BVLLs
Is this the cleaning staff?
wine aunt ruined my favorite fantasy world
So, are they legitimately going with this balding man in a fancy wig and cheap contact look?
If you have ever been sexually or romantically attracted to a nigg you are beyond lost in mental state from all the jewish brainwash pozzing or are an actual mutt.
The wig is so obvious in that pic
I think it is another Hammil situation - he enthusiastically signed before anything else was known about production.
I'd love to watch it for my love of Witcher and Cavill, but the prevalence of progressives in any production mandates shit storytelling and shit characters regardless of quality of actors or source material, by the very definition of their ideology.
I'm white and I'm not baiting, the 3rd one is way more fun. The story is shit in both, however
Here's a vid to stir up you fucks memory that it's not just a shitskin cast that'll be terrible.
Yeah because Henry is the least of the show's problems lmao.
He didnt do his research, he didnt sign making sure they wouldnt fuck it up
Hammil is a retard, so maybe cavil is too
Your IQ is low enough to get citizenship as an mexican-american right away.
That retard thought it was a good idea
in a nutshell: Istredd was a mage Yen fucked to make Geralt angry
Dara is a big fucking question mark though
OMG it's Kevin Costner.
>tfw even the show the tudors was a different time
>be slav
>love the witcher as a kid
>read all the books
>love all the games
fast forward
>these subhumans are being paid to destroy a part of my culture
death to america and death to israel
>house is on fire
>complain that your husband left the toilet seat up
Thats what youre doing
Oh, dropped then.
>Yea Forums thinks TV writers are going to be ripped Chads
How delusional is this board? Seriously.
I always felt uncomfortable watching this video, I mean even Cavill looks like he doesn't wanna be there.
What kind of retarded fuck thought that it was a good idea to released this.
Why do they do it? Just why?
iirc the lead writer or whatever is some literal who who married some big shot on netflix
its probably her screaming action on there
subversion with the end goal of one global world government that rules over nonwhite / mixed hordes of consumerist sheep
Absolute kino series.
Yennefer is objectively cute even though it's not what the author envisioned
>I mean even Cavill looks like he doesn't wanna be there.
He probably doesn't. The show is going to be an absolute disaster and everyone knows it. A production company with some semblance of concern for their reputation would probably have canceled it but Netflix has zero standards and doesn't care if they're known for producing garbage. Hopefully this will be the last IP they're allowed to ruin when the whole thing is a total dumpster fire, but I doubt it since apparently people are willing to give them infinite money under the pretense that one day they'll make it all back.
the original witcher tv show will become good compared to this bullshit
JRM really wanted to give Henry a kiss then didn't he.
>cavill will have to play mommy and daddy with some 20 year old and a 14 year old
>bad costume designs all around (yennefer is wearing blue)
>fucked up on casting different races because everybody on this show is sort of related
yup this looks promising
sad they didn't care about matching game of thrones audience. Instead made another britnigger television series like merlin fuck it probably won't even be better then that.
I'll just pretend this fucking nigger infested PC/Globalism propaganda made for Amerimutts doesn't exist just like I pretended the shitty, terribly acted and directed tv series made by Poles didn't exist too.
i get that you can't cast perfectly and magically just get a bunch of people that all look exactly like the descriptions of the characters, but wouldn't it be neat if they even tried? just a little? just ONE character that matches the we get it, you're woke. black people can get work and use the same drinking fountains and shit now, we did it we made the progress. is it really that politically divisive to get actors that even slightly resemble the characters?
Triss is the hottest but that isnt saying much
shes ugly as fuck mate, yeneffer actres is the cutest of the three and shes a poo
>Mr. Cavill I came to practice our lines like you asked
niggers go make your own movies an down history, oh right you do, but without us (the master race) you can't do anything right. lmaoing at ur life tbqf sempai
you just know this dara lad will be ciris love interest
the only reason its being made is because the cast is nonwhite, that is literally the only reason, to subvert
if the cast was all white as intended it would get no funding, fucking retards, how blind do you have to be to still live in your made believe world these is no agenda
It's in the book, it only plays a minor role.
God I can't wait for Istredd to get btfo. That pompous elven mage demeanor reduced to a ranting, jealous, suicidal loser.
>the witcher: sjw edition
so, the witcher?
She's attractive in a slag way
>shitskins live in actual different continents/countries
They do in the witcher.
yes, in marco polo he kinda broke his brain when he fucked a prostitute that turned out to be his mother who he thought had died when his village was raided as a child, then killed her after the realisation from then on he likes to get rope bondaged and pegged by mommy types.
she looks like a tranny, let me guess youre either english or like western european
She has way too strong paki features. What the actual fuck were they thinking casting someone like this for Yen? She looks like the opposite of how i would envision Yen to look
i mean eastern
>seeing trannies everywhere
I forgot to put pic related
i like women who look like women not thicc eyebrowed bad hair manly females
Is it that bad Yea Forums?
The only casting I hate is the monkey looking woman here if I'm to be honest.
I don't even know who's what in the 3rd and 4th row, but that Renfri lass is looking pretty cute.
Bullshit. I don't believe for a second that is Triss.
I'm glad they just got an actual congo ape to play Fringila.
Okay, we get it. She's very fuckable. Good tits, got some ass too. Just don't look at the face from too up close I guess.
Is she a good actress? Hell no. Does she look like Triss? Hell no. Not even if they give her a wig, which I'm not even sure they'll do.
Normie here who’s only played Wild Hunt. Is this series supposed to be the early adventures of Geralt?
It honestly wouldn't surprise me since I'm really expecting this to be Netflix biggest flop yet. The writers clearly don't have any real connection or attachment to the story or characters and it's going to show.
how u want your Ciri, Henry?
So wait, Nenneke isn't even in the show? Or Velerad, King Foltest, Adda? So no striga storyline, huh? Or Temple of Melitele? Huh.
The actresses for Toruviel and Renfri should be Triss and Yen, respectively? Did they purposefully put the ugliest women for Geralt's love interests?
Is there anything worse than niggers, faggots and Jews?
I don't even know who those are but they're probably saving it for later seasons if there ever are any possibilities I supposed.
she cute
god I wish she would just rock up in her speceship and abduct me
>I don't even know who those are
Let me guess, you're one of those faggots who only played TW3. Get the fuck out of here.
Yeah, yeah. As soon as the show actually comes out you fags will all be making waifu threads about them. Happens every single time.
Geralt, you will bring Cirilla back to me and then youll marry Gorilla, we will speak of this no more
>tfw the games had better casting than the series
their world is a bit different, humans have more adaptive melanin levels. So when it's sunlight for most of the day, they turn black, but when it's night for most of the day, they turn white
>mocapped by a tranny
>looks infinitely better than anything in the OP
>you fags
its literally one dude spamming black women
it's gunna be great.
Hey, don't be like that, buddy.
I played the first and the second one as well if that helps.
>plaed the first and second
>doesnt know who king foltest is
none of them are remotely cute
That thicc bitch next to Hissrich has great tits on their pool party pics.
why do you mess things up on purpose, wine aunt? this is why nobody loves you.
It was years ago bro, I couldn't even remember what I had for breakfast and lunch. So asking for that is a bit much.
Yes, retard
They haven't announced the entire cast yet so it's entirely possible that Nenneke is in it, but I'm pretty sure Foltest has been cast.
did they cast emhyr
Nothing official no
literally who
it's just a book user, it can't hurt you
why would you say this and not post them?
you're all getting mad about a fake image, /pol/tards are dumb as fuck lmao
is this really the girl they cast for ciri?
there really is no reason to watch this now
I'm not watching that shit for the one attractive actress
>is this really the girl they cast for ciri?
slavs are niggers of white
>he took the time to format the quotes that way
>ITT: incel rage
>not the shop
one job
>/pol/tards are dumb as fuck lmao
>doesn't know how to quote posts
get out reddit
is the most purest rage
yeah, go shoot up a mosque or something. LMAO faggot
>only a cookie
These guys look just like the people who loved the games and read the books,
I think we'll be alright
But I know how to quote posts. It's much easier to do it that way than to click them all individually.
report you
Triss looks alright.
How u want your writers, bro?
stop spamming this
Based Henry living the dream.
I bet his nipples is not the only thing that's erected if you catch my drift.
we need to measure men for acceptable seratonin levels. Anything ":P" or above will be gassed.
Friendly reminder Geralt fucked Fringilla because she looked like yennefer
>guna be a redhaired nigger
she preti qt tbqh
Triss looks older than Geralt.
She should be the youngest witches.
fucking hate racists. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. They're sheep people
I found this on Google.
Is this the Yennefer actress? Can someone check it for me?
I'm too retarded, and I don't know how.
I read the books and they say youre a cocksucking faggot
I havent read the books or play the games , but why I feel this is going to suck?
pol is mad they cast non-whites that are whiter than them.
Looks like it's her.
But she loooked like a different person here so I don't know what the fuck happened.
have you even read the books? at castle schlomoschlurp he met king longnose and he told him to kill a monster named goygoy
its a netflix show, the odds are greatly in favour of it sucking than not
Claire cute and thicc
wonder who'll be playing yarpen, zoltan and bonhardt.
also >tissaia de vries
Didnt that Triss actor DIed?
>What the actual fuck were they thinking?
DiVeRsITy Is OuR sTrEnGtH
Peter Dinklage, Warwick Davis and Tom Hardy
>pre games lore
you mean the books, dip?
yea, they're pretty good. they're translated pretty well so it's not a bore to read, and the plot/interactions are all pretty good. just keep in mind the characters will range from a little changed to very different from the games, and there's a lot more talking, and about as much traveling.
they're solid fantasy, fun way to spend an afternoon reading