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Is it easier to look muscular if you're a manlet?
yes. when you have monkey arms doing a simple curl is like 3 times harder. squats and deadlifts require more movement and longer arcs and are more dangerous. It's worth it though, there is nothing like being the tallest guy in the room. people are scared to look me in the eye lmao
I wonder how you'll look when you're 55
Yes, they don't even have to eat as much.
pretty sure the photo on the right is stretched out
Man, you just know young Tom was raped to shit by Hollywood producers.
You wish you'd look this good at 55.
of course muscle mass will look bigger on shorter bones
wow ok why do I want to fuck 18 year old Cruise in the pussy he doesn't have?
You'll never live his life, OP. You jealous nerd lmao.
he went from twink to unit,
fucking legend
I'll be long dead by then
kek whenever I see tall freaks like you I always think about kicking them in the back of the knees. I know I'm not the only one who thinks like this
smashed & SLAMMED
Young Tom's face looks way different. Did he have a ton of work done?
Yep, less space between muscle attachments means stronger looking muscles. Sorry you can’t know
Face looks better now tho
what can you do to stop your bones getting wider?
and he looks good buy what do you call abs that are like all over there like that?
Your face changes shape when you mature and age. Mine has changed so much between 18 and 28. It became angular, strong jaw and slightly longer, whereas I was round faced and looked like a kid. Tom looks like he went through something similar
>imagine being so afraid you think about hurting people for no reason other than your fear and insecurity
but you won't
cause you're a manlet
you'd do it, his one knee would buckle then straighten out and he'd turn around and look at you
from that point your life is in the hands of this tall man and whether he acts on your violent act is entirely up to him
you no longer have a say in whether your tiny insecure childlike body will continue to exist in this world
that's why manlets are pathetic
dreams of being something but too cowardly and too weak to even act on it, and if they did, they'd suffer the consequences of being a tiny boy
my body is very similar to young Toms. fuck, what happened to his torso?
you both deserve to fucking hang
>implying half of this shithole is alive by that time
lanklet wished they could be praised like movie star manlets.
Face it, unless you're a basketball american you're as big a joke as any manlet, which is even more embarrassing since more is expected from a lanklet, given more advantages and still can't outdo the manlet.
think of doing stunts all your life and having to recover and it being to painful to workout. Also that but it must be easy to just start not doing anything with all that money.
I want to put my penis on the one on the left
that's the one main advantage those midgets have
>given more advantages and still can't outdo the manlet.
outdo in what? cruz got where he was by sleeping with execs when he was young to get the roles
where do you think the whole tom cruz in the closet meme came from, manlet? enjoy sucking and fucking your way to the top cause being a faggot is the only thing manlets are good at
Of coursh.
is this supposed to look bad? i don't get it.
he looks fit/ripped as fuck for his age
The 18 year old photo is fake. Tom has always been kinda door/fridge mode look at the top gun volleyball scene. He has relatively wide hips with pecs that go downwards
tell me where you work is there a single manlet in your same position?
Yes? Wow embarassing, your peers and expect more out of you, you're earning the same wage but have to spend more to eat just to survive, etc. yet you're not incharge of diddly or praised for any superior skill.
Stay angry lanklet, we both know you ain't ripped, nor will you ever get there.
Imagine hating a successful person just cause they are shorter than you.
Sounds more entitled than a welfare queen
I work with 0 manlets so try another fantasy to create to win your fictitious argument
>kinda door/fridge mode look
Door mode is goat aesthetics
Yeah he had his teeth fixed early on. His teeth looked pretty fucked in The Outsiders.
What was going through Tom Cruise's head during this scene?
His physique is impressive for his age.
the opposite of this
Yes, it it. But fridge mode isn't goat aesthetics, ffs
watch out guys, we have a bad ass here.
actually impressive posture. can't even do a plank for 2 minutes with my spaghetti arms and chest
solemn admiration
That's not bad for a 55 y/o
Did not claim he looked like a goat, just that his physique isn't really anything to be mocked.
Tom is pure. Especially when it comes to stunts.
Try doing a 1minute plank, now.
Agreed. Got you confused with the user who posted that pic in the first place
it's not that hard to do even for a toned/skinny woman and emily blunt can do it for real, though for multiple and prolonged takes she probably needed wires.
barely did it. but i can't stay calm like blunt. when i do a plank i am jittering like a vibrator lmao
I’ll shoot you dead you tall freak
guy who is working on his body with what he's given>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chan faggot who tries to be tough shit because he is a coping loser relying on pure genetic luck of a trait.
I'm not even a manlet, I'm probably taller than you
90% chance this post is Warwick
why are manlets so violent?
You most likely have that assburger creeper eyes which scares normies off, doubt it has anything with being a lanklet.
You still did it. Good job.
Do it again, this time instead of 1minute, do it while counting 10 breaths.
shorter temper
Punished Cruise would beat the shit out of Twink Cruise with his old man strength.
lanklet cope
God I want her to sit on my face after a workout.
Did Tom Cruise fuck Zac Efron? Is "riding motorcycles" a new euphemism for buttsex?
When ever I see a midge like you I always think to myself "Kick? Or starve?"
I think I would choose starve for you
What a madman.
He fucked Zac Efron, didn't he?
I've actually gained a bit of weight as of late and would gladly welcome a bit of forced starvation.
Imagine seeing the midge off in the distance of the Gym, hiding in vain behind the weight rack, looking all frustrated with its little compact red face and stocky legs all tittering about. Imagine it suddenly running up to you and getting smaller and smaller as it draws nearer, until it's not even higher than your knees.
I don't know if I'd be able to stop myself crying from laughter. I'd probably let it wail on my shins with its pudgy little limbs for a bit and then just kick it off into the distant horizon like some snarling high-pitched football.
>fat manlet seething over 6ft+ giga-chads
cgi cars but I quite liked this scene
What? No, I am totally being serious.
that's called "barrel mode"
it happens when you reach 55, brainlet
>all those Renaults
what the fuck
Why does he let go of the handles when he lands?
Would probably do more damage if he held on to them while the bike tumbles.
Literally Jews.
I really wanted to cum in Emily's ass here
He called upon Xenu to trade his body points for some face points.
>kicking them in back of the knees
>not punching them
Don't lie, manlet
Almost anyone can do this move within a couple weeks of practice. It's no greater feat than a 55yr old sitting crosslegged..
It doesn't look out of control before he let's go though
yeah, believe there's "goldie locks" zone
between 5'6 and 6'4 if I were to guess
any shorter/taller and it'll leading into some significant inferiorities and defects
the priests got to him first
Why did he get so wide
Why are manlets so vicious?
goldie locks zone contains 99% of men?
face actually got hotter
looks derpy on left
Why are manlets so violent? Chill little fellas
He's probably been told by stuntmen that if you feel the bike go even just a little then let go of the bars.
I mean, his body still looks way better than like 99% of all people. There's a fair amount of musculature, not much, but doesn't look skelly. He has low body fat, like 10-12% if I had to guess. Most importantly, his genes. He has narrow hips and relatively broad shoulders. That's a fucking godsend. If you have wide hips you are pretty much fucked.
I'm pretty sure he has had extensive training doing stunts like that. And it's pretty much rule number 1 of doing stunts on bikes: Don't go down with the bike. You are much lighter than the bike, you'll lose your energy quickly and you are done. If you stay on the bike, it will lose energy very slowly and do more damage in case it decides to lose all its energy via your body.
The scene is in Paris but they probably thought fuck it just copy and paste these cars no one will notice.
Your ribcage expands with age. There is nothing you can do about it.
Contrary to common belief, the skeleton is not a fixed frame that doesn't change. It changes way more slowly than everything else in the body, but it does adapt to external forces. If you hit a bone repeatedly without breaking it, it will get stronger to withstand that kind of force. Also, there is a some interaction between musculature and bones. Building muscle literally changes your skeletal structure. It's particularly obvious in the face. If you always eat soft shit and never chew in your life, your facial bone structure will look like your face has melted, because there is no strong muscle to grow against. If you train your jaw musculature consistently, you can reverse this process partially. It's actually pretty amazing to see how much about your body you can shape.
happens if you train scientology
he's also a male model, not an action movie star. Those are standard model proportions, that most runway/photoshoot clothes are made to. Bulking up would make him less employable.
This is 100% an angry manlet
>Is a manlet
>Still uses roids
He just got fat that's all.
this is why nobody should ever trust manlets
The angle he lands at causes the bike to quickly jerk downwards, and I'm guessing he doesn't have the best grip with those gloves.
small man syndrome
Based cameraman, walking backwards in an open airplane and doesn't stumble.
Clavicle width and other stuffs plays a major role as well.
Most bodybuilding winners are between 5'9" and 6'0" afaik, Arnold was unusually tall.
>tfw 5'10" king of manlets with wide clavicles
Fuck off lanklet,we know youre gasligthing
I think young tom is shopped
he's almost 60. he looks great
they really had a second cameraman jump out of the plane to record the first cameraman recording tom?
The Virgin Tom vs the Chad Blunt
It's like GTA when every single car on the road is one of only two models that keep spawning.
take it easy there little guy. I'm pretty sure a woman could punt a manlet across a room
Cope more sub 6'0 genetic dump
i sense an upset skelly
He's 56? Holy fuck. I'm 22 and I can already tell I'm gonna look like death by 40.
>it’s a zoomers think they’ll stop aging at 20 episode
>meanwhile he's in much better shape than 80% of the 55 yo on this planet
I think both are shooped but OP’s pic is definitely young Tom’s face on some gay porn star’s body.
Was that the stunt where he broke his ankle?
>people are scared to look me in the eye lmao
>kicking them in the back of the knees
because that is as high as you can get
Did someone say JUST?
Lel there was this tall faggot back in school who thought he was hot shit. I kept surprise attacking him by leaping onto his back from behind and knocking him down. Fucked his back right up, faggot walks like an old man now.
Lol terrible shop. Tom always had a stubby manlet torso.
>almost 60 years old
How can wh*Te roasties ever compete?
Brendan has suffered enough.
Let him wallow in his peace down in the deepest stygian pit of the just abyss.
Calm down, Warwick. We're just joking. Do I have to post the pasta again?
He looked good in Eyes Wide Shut.
>t. 5'9" scientology fag
>it begins
Look at all the self-hating manlets negatively responding to your post. Does anyone actually think tall people would give a shit?
Summer is coming guys, do your cardio and crunches
Kk Warwick. I'm gonna fug ur daughter at the same time tho
Absolute unit
Tom Cruise obviously had a jaw implant.
immediately the manlet insecurity flares up
Almost every single tall guy I know is humble and nice as fuck,you must dress and look like a school shooter
I hope something like this happens to me,am 24 and been lifting for years and eating good but if I shave I look like a little boy,I also hate my beta bitch eyes
HGH is produced within the body for life. Hands are the most noticeable body part to increase in size, you won't grow any taller as your growth plates should have already closed. You aren't going to stay young forever, no matter what you do.
>ds3 created character
I've got a narrow waist. I'd be happy to have Dacascos body when I am his age. I dread the fridge door frame,
> t. Mewing obnoxious faggot
by diabetes
he looks fine
>people are scared to look me in the eye
Probably because you give off psychopath vibes
Arnold has unusually wide shoulders, which helped. Even now the dude has a 7 body type, which is called inverted triangle these days for some odd reason. In high school I had a really hard time keeping up with my teammates in the weight room and was feeling bad about it till the S&T coach pulled me aside and informed me that small guys have an easier time pushing weight and I was a full four inches taller than the next tallest guy and it would be rough pushing weight as far as I had to.
Why is car behind him so wide...really gets the noggin joggin....
"Good thing I'm gay"
Mewing is definitely true when you're younger, I used to be obsessed with chewing gum so I'd pretty much chew until my jaw was sore for hours a day. No one in my family has a defied jawline except me.
i always thought his stunts were easy but this actually looks quite dangerous
>Does anyone actually think tall people would give a shit
go on /fit/ and see for yourself lankfag
Lol no and it's astounding these morons have said otherwise with no one calling them out yet. You either have a bunch of people who are taller with dogshit muscle genetics coping or people who have never set foot in a gym for any significant period of time. It's genetics and it's one of those things that legitimately undermines your efforts in the gym, tall or short if you don't have the right genetics so it's understandable the cope would be legendary caliber. If anything it's probably just manlets more often go to the gym to compensate for their height and if they start to look good they keep going, while the ones that go and have bad insertions just quit and kill themselves.
What is mewing?
keep dreaming
By the time you're age you won't give two shits about what sort of frame you have
*their age
Dammit Warwick don’t sink to their level!
How do I into pecs? My pecs only look good from the side.
Eyes Wide Shut was filmed how many decades ago?
Bro science
>people are scared to look me in the eye
retarded incel im 6 '4 and smile and say hi to people and they always respond your faggot ass probably looks like a creep
His body center of gravity is straight, but the bike is on an angle. I don't think he expected it move fast.
talk for yourself, I try to stay on point with my physique
Too thin
I'm not sure the bike landed straight down either.
wew lad, what I wouldn't give to be 18 again
that's not the body of an 18 year old
>all these seething manlets
based and toweringpilled
He could have easily wore some fucking knee pads under his jeans and know would have nticed.
Its not like he was naked or weaing shorts during that chase scene
As others have pointed out, it's likely cumulative HGH as he's aged. However as an actor I wouldn't be surprised if he supplemented HGH early and above what a normal person could afford to stay youthful.
That looks terrible
who's the architectress for such big work?
Thank god I still have all my Thetans.
Based and redpilled.
Manlets always look like gymmaxxed incel beta makes just trying to overcompensate for their height lmao
there are two cameramen, one stayed in the plane, and there were probobly extra cameramen than jumped before everyone else did.
for highly technical shots like that they probobly use a lot of extra cameras just for liability purposes to record any accidents for review.
just like what happened here , there are multiple cameras to record the shot, sometimes for extra angles (wires are digitally removed later) you can cut to or just to record a single broken ankle from 3 different angles so the lawyers know who to yell at.
They did actually film him driving through traffic in Paris, there's plenty of videos of it. But he drives at like 25mph instead of 60.
>knee pads
Yeah no. Everyone would have noticed and it would cheapen the shot.
>he had his teeth fixed early on
yer wot m8?
As usual, OP sucks dicks.
he lost a lot of weight recently after 2 years of throat cancer.
"I wish I wasn't gay"
ahh you work in the gay porn industry, where you get bottomed by black dudes for your weak mind set.
18 year old boys can be some of the most beautiful beings on this Earth.
He just let go of the bike!
character motivations. his next line. contextualization and emphasis of the delivery.
>Kicks back of the knee
>Stubs little hobbit toe
>Gets Goomba stomped
Easy there pipsqueak