>some people never change
>you don't always get what you want
>democracy is a joke
>the world is unfair
This show reflects real life more than any other I've seen. If you want a happy cliche ending where the hero wins? Go watch Disney.
>some people never change
>you don't always get what you want
>democracy is a joke
>the world is unfair
This show reflects real life more than any other I've seen. If you want a happy cliche ending where the hero wins? Go watch Disney.
Other urls found in this thread:
the heroes do win you autist
If I want a happy cliche ending I'll watch GoT
well, I liked it too but to be honest, I only watched the show when season 8 was about to start, because of the hype so I didnt invest years in waiting for a resolve so there is that.
>This show reflects real life more than any other I've seen
watch The Sopranos you faggot zoomer fuck
did you binge all 8 seasons?
Maybe, but I can't stand mafia/crime shows
for the first four seasons I even lost good hours of sleep just to see what happens next. after that, I slept rather well.
You have no taste and are a child
In fact, it’s bran who railed daenerys. He’d warg into jon and make him do it
>If you want a happy cliche ending where the hero wins? Go watch Disney.
Or rather, Read the Bible (King James Version)
>democracy bad!
Millennial detected
Obviously ironic lol.
The good guys since the beginning won big and control westeros. The elected leader is a supernatural entity which takes away completely the humanity of the situation.
Of course the all seeing wizard would make a good ruler. If you bring it down to real life instances what does this mean?
That privacy and anonymity are the reason societies fall? We should be monitored by an all knowing godlike being in order to live in prosperity? It's fucking magic, absolutely ridiculous.
>you don't like what I like
>you're a child!!!
>for the first four seasons I even lost good hours of sleep
book material ran out after season 4. coincidence?
You shouldn't judge something purely based off subject matter. That is what is childlike.
I didn't say it's bad though, I haven't seen it. I only stated my personal preference which is subjective.
I thought the ending was the most logical choice, although I dislike Sansa since she seems to be following Dany's footsteps. I also don't agree with OP, but Bran was the best choice for Westeros.
no coincidence, Im sure. the show is still good after that, but less captivating. you see things coming, some boring stories are dragged on for too long, some things stop making sense which ruins the whole immersion thing and etc.
>best for westeros
Hallucinating cripple who can’t get it up
Says it all about westeros.
>Maybe, but I can't stand mafia/crime shows
because I don't find stories about gangs/criminals/drugs interesting. i usually dislike all the characters and motives behind what they do
>because I don't find stories about gangs/criminals/drugs interesting.
>i usually dislike all the characters and motives behind what they do
That's your reason. Which is incredibly simplistic and childlike.
What are some genres you usually gravitate too? I'm guessing fantasy and sci-fi.
>fathering offspring that may or may not be the next Goffrey/Cersei/Bolton/Mad King=Dany/etc.
>can't question that power
yeah I'd rather have an impotent cripple than what Westeros has ever had before him. hell, Varys would have been the best king.
Say that again in a few years when the artificial intelligence of google, facebook and amazon merge into hyper-skynet! Go ahead then and say how being ruled by an all seeing, all knowing immortal godking is "magic".
The Hitler Daenerys shit is good to great, everything else goes into the TRASH
call me a child if it makes you feel better. in the end it's all because I don't watch shows that YOU like. I couldn't care less
>i usually dislike all the characters and motives behind what they do
This is the reason I called you childlike, is because your reasoning is childlike.
I don't like criminals and gangs, I hate when they are glorified by people and media. I have very good reasons for this.
Well I feel bad that you can't separate fiction from reality boyo.
Retarded millenial
all good fiction is based on reality. i have never met a likable gangster in my entire life, that makes shows like the sopranos pure fantasy in my eyes
Seen BB?
>i have never met a likable gangster in my entire life
This again, is retarded childlike reasoning.
how so? give me your reasoning
What was his rape policy?
people are allowed to watch
You thinking something is pure fantasy because you never have personally met them.
It's a ridiculous statement. It's flat earther logic as well.
People who don't pay taxes will have their female relatives get raped
AND people are allowed to watch
Do you understand subjectivity user? You can try to rationalize why you like or dislike something but in the end you don't have much control over what resonates with you and what doesn't
you can always explain why, or at least someone who is capable of explaining how they feel can.
Your reasoning behind not liking something is because you have never personally met a good gangster.
Which is ridiculous and childlike.
It's fine if you don't like something, but don't try and act like your personal reasons why isn't childlike.
I like that Jon gets to fuck off up north, it's where he seemed happiest throughout the whole series. I also like that looking at it retroactively you realise that the Starks were the heros of the show in general. I like that KL got burned. Honestly the people of that city were complete shit and were always framed in a terrible light every time to populace of the city was important to the story. I felt like Dany was handled well as a tragic character, her death made me sad.
Honestly I liked the way the story plays out. I just wish the character interaction and dialogue had more substance and that actions and decisions the characters made were still rooted in logic and came with appropriate consequences. The story progressed in a decent way but everything that moved it along felt contrived and hollow.
I disagree and you sound like a fuckwit to be honest
what? how is that in any way an argument lol?
You share the same logic with children and flat earthers.
Putting that cunt Sansa on the throne was the only thing they did wrong. Throughout the entire series she did nothing that made her deserving of the throne.
>Go watch Disney.
S8 is Disney-tier pretty much.
It subverted expectations in the most retarded way possible TLJ-style and every living person got their happy ending.
again, the question whether you like something is entirely subjective and not subject to logic
flat earthers are making factual claims which cannot be subjective
stop with your fallacy
>she went through hell and helped get winterfell back
>she's loved by her people
>the north is loyal to the starks
i agree dany's death was genuinely sad. she was so naive in the end
b-b-but the queen of Yea Forums...
But it is a happy cliched ending?
It liked it. I hope the book has better resolution for the White Walkers though
>which takes away completely the humanity of the situation.
This supernatural entity rigged things to make its family and the old gods rule Westeros, and showed a lot of emotion in the final episode.
>the question whether you like something is entirely subjective and not subject to logic
Bullshit, if it wasn't subject to logic it would be ungrounded nonsense. Everything has a reason for being, an explanation, which you even provided.
Yours was that you personally have never met a good gangster. Which is why you think the Sopranos is bad (which you never watched as previously stated).
Because all good fiction is based on reality right? A factual statement according to you.
Similar to flat earthers who think the world is flat based of their own personal observations. You think gangster content is bad because you never met a good gangster.
Which again, is childlike logic and reasoning.
yes it all comes down to my personal preference, which is based on my experience with gangsters and criminals, which you cannot accept
the flat earth comparison is fallacious because it's not a matter of preference or experience.
stop comparing entertainment preference show to science, it doesn't make you look smart
Ending makes no sense.
perhaps sesame street is more suited for you
What? I am just stating your opinion is childlike, you are the one that won't accept it.
Flat Earthers have no ground with anything, it's all their opinions based of preference and experience. It's what happens when you have a purely subjective opinion without using logic.
Penetrating your asshole would be even better, you little faggot.
it's not an opinion though. how can i have an opinion of something i havent seen
i have a PREFERENCE based on my experiences and shows of the same genre that i have seen
you're like a fucking parrot
I don't know how do you? You said that all good fiction is based of reality no? What did you say about gangsters again and subject matters with the gangster life?
You seem to be really salty about calling your opinion childish. Probably should actually find out how to properly analyze and describe why you don't like something (which usually entails observing the content) rather have ridiculous childish reasons as to why.
>Six Kingdoms
>Elective monarchy
>This show reflects real life more than any other I've seen.
Imagine being this indoctrinated and preaching to others about 'the misery of real world'
The underlying message of the show, as with so many modern hollywood productions, is really that resistance is futile. And as long as the powers that be can condition the potentially idealistic people to accept that hypothesis, any threat to their depredations and tyranny is rendered impotent. If resistance is futile, the people simply have to accept how things are and try to stay out of the way of ruling elite without challenging the status quo.
Despite impressive production values, on a philosophical level, Game of Thrones has no redeeming features. At best an impressionable mind might come away with a hedonist mindset. At worst, he will come away with ever deeper cynicism towards everything worth preserving and fighting for and proceeds to post at an anonymous online imageboard about how pathetic it is to think otherwise.
Stop consuming modern media.
i just came from Yea Forums and this is the most autistic exchange i've seen all day
The finale was good, but you have a child's understanding of why.
The most autistic exchange that you have seen so far.
Ikr I have been dealing with childish opinions all day man.
Anyways. I have no more time to dabble with your childish masquerade. I have more important things to due, as I have to prepare a fine charcuterie board for today's brunch.
Using the finest cuts of Prosciutto, Cappicolo, Sopprasata, and Soprano Salambi.
I have wasted too much time today, squabbling with the lessers on this god forsaken site. I must away.
Remember, if you don't want to appear childish. Don't hold childish opinions like yours, perform in depth analysis and use logic and rhetoric in order to form a complex verbose opinion.
What was even the point of this fucker becoming the Three Eyed Raven?
>What was even the point of this fucker becoming the Three Eyed Raven?
To be the Avatar of the Old Gods and retake all of Westeros for them.
to kill littlefinger
3ER was responsible for literally every major event in the series. Is the God of the CoTF. CoTF made the others to fight the first men. Over time others became sentient and realized how fucking evil 3ER was. Made a pact with the first men to ward off 3ER and contain him in the north as long as the living continued to give their first born children (male) to the others as good faith.
Time went on and Targaryens became the new threat to the realm. Everyone died/forgot about the pact with the others except a few outliers.
The others sense/see(with visions) that 3ER is making a move selecting a highborn first man with incredible potential. Decide that shit needs to stop. Brandon accidentally reaches out to the others, gets marked (which was not forseen by 3ER) and creates a temporary time hole that the others can take advantage of.
The others try to kill 3ER but are too late. It escapes and makes its way to westeros. Decides to say fuck that shit and finally break the pact to go south of the wall.
3ER successfully alters the past and present to bend core characters as its champion against the others. Successfully makes them fight against their own interest and successfully wins against its sentient creation.
The others were the only thing stopped 3ER from getting what he wanted (absolute power)
3ER is chosen to become the ruler over the men who once wanted to destroy it. It successfully made a mockery of each and every one of their ancestors.
This is the darkest ending I could have ever hoped for. I'm very satisfied.
bran the broken aka incel
sansa the rape victim
wew kikey
whenever I see degeneracy I just see eigenstates with the same eigenenergies
>This show reflects real life more than any other I've seen
Yes, we've all lived through middle school angst OP
I don't know that I accept that 3ER is evil, but thanks user.
I don't think it's just "the others" and tthe 3ER though. I think there are many gods and that the Lord of Light got cucked, hard.
>Outrage that someone would criticize democracy
Trans-boomer detected
Your ip is from Russia, what a surprise
>Jon must leave
>Everyone that wants Jon to leave has also left
>democracy is a joke
based retard op
Heh I did the same thing, never seen it before, binged Season 1 to 8x5 and only was really among the people for the final episode.
>I think there are many gods and that the Lord of Light got cucked, hard.
True. With how abysmal D&D did it's hard to know what the hell is the truth. Part of me thinks LoL and 3ER may be the same thing, part of me thinks two completely different entities. No idea about the drowned God but there is something going on with Euron.
Half of it is Reddit spaceing what do you expect.
I think the point of the "plot hole" where the red woman was so confused is to depict the lord of light failing. God's can fail.
The very awkwardness of it was to depict that the seeming inevitability of a god's plan suddenly cucked. That is what it looks like.
I think that is the same reason some prophecies fail.
Also why we spent an entire season 6 watching the old religion of westeros be destroyed.
Also, Tyrion knows he's dealing with a god, and almost seems terrified.
One of the biggest tells.
I think if some autists hard analyzed the show we could find the actions of the gods depicted throughout. Their hands involved in everything.
And I think that Stephen King saw this and that's why he kept saying it was so great.
This whole season has been a disaster but I don't know how they could have made the last episode any better with the hole they dug themselves into from the previous episodes. I thought it wrapped it up quite nicely. Unironically.
But this is Disney's ending.
Everyone gets what they want.
My friend was pissed that Bran became King because he wanted more political machinations and wars and backstabbing to happen after the series ends, but what's the point of that if you don't get to see it? The series is over, so I'm glad Westeros gets a wise king to rule them for the next sixty years or so.
>This is the darkest ending I could have ever hoped for. I'm very satisfied.
I'm not. You're simply going by assumptions, not facts. Nothing ever implied Bran is a master manipulator bent on world domination.
Nice fanfic tho
No it didn't, they actively decided to shit on book 4 and not adapt it and only adapted small parts of book 5.
It's just a fairy tale ending with Tyrion for some reason terrified by the passive autist Bran, and the Starks and Old God followers ruling all of Westeros.
For some reason the dragon decided to melt a throne.
For some reason Bran the pure good autist decided to allow Kings Landing to burn.
>For some reason Bran the pure good autist decided to allow Kings Landing to burn.
Because he UP TO THAT POINT didn't meddle in human affairs anymore. He's a literal autist, just handing out cryptic messages to people.
>For some reason the dragon decided to melt a throne.
Because the dragon saw a "sword" stuck in her mother's womb.
It's fucking dumb and you're giving D&D too much credit.
Are you paid to prevent people from spoiling the spinoffs or the book?
aren't millenials ultra pro-democracy?
everyone has the same rights and that shit
>she went through hell and helped get winterfell back
No she didn't, she was recued from KL by LF, then got married to Ramsay and rescued by Theon, then she went after Jon who had to do all the heavy lifting and then they all got saved by the knights of the Vale provided by LF, the only thing she did was getting recued over and over and feeding ramsay to his dogs after being defeated by jon. She's a stupid politician and the only reason she is where she is is her family name and the plot being retarded in her favor, nothing she did was politically savvy in the slightest.
Some see.
Some see after shown.
Some never see even after shown.
Everyone complains about the writing on the show but his utterance after being offered the crown perfectly sums up the truth that I have exposed.
"Why do you think I came all this way?"
If that doesn't convey to you that he masterfully orchestrated everything to that point then I don't think anything will. Everyone jumps on the D&D hate train (myself included to a degree.) But I know brilliance when I see it, I think D&D did abysmal these last three seasons for hour rushed the show has become but I think they still had glimmers of brilliance.
This tops them all. This is what the entire show culminated to. The ultimate evil getting what it wanted without a single person (beside maybe Tyrion) understanding what happened.
Enjoy hating the ending, I for one loved it.
>I for one loved it.
Of course you did, you're doing all these mental gymnastics to love it.
The best part of the ending was Jon's part and all the unsullied sailing to their death in Naath, the island known to kill from disease any foreigner that lands there for more than an hour. Poor grey worm, Missandei was low key trying to kill him and he didn't notice.
Also, the Arthur Dayne page in the books changing the handwriting after Robet's rebellion was a very good detail.
> If you want a happy cliche ending where the hero wins? Go watch Disney.
oh my god guy guys my ending of my favourite tv show sucked but................
becuase it was different it means its so good and realistic right guys right!!! based... sooo based baby
More like I'm capable of understanding the subtlety without it needing to have some wicked flash back or some stupid shit spelling it all out.
Please, name an inconsistency with the truth I have laid out. Everything I have laid out can be backed by the show or book.
Once again another cringe normie show which fails to top the Sopranos in any way shape or form
I enjoyed GoT and its up there but I don't think any show will ever top the king.
>Please, name an inconsistency with the truth I have laid out.
The Three Eyed Crow never cared about human affairs or the pursuit of power. Never did Bran when he was Bran Stark.
>Believing the ultimate deceiver
Yes user, clearly 3ER never cared about human affairs or the pursuit of power. He just forced visions/whispers on to Jojen to coerce Brandon into trekking north of the wall for a another lie (to try and get his legs back) only to be groomed as a vessel for the 3ER.
Brandon totally would have gone north if he was told the truth by the 3ER, silly me.
False pretenses right from the beginning.
Tell me again why I should believe a single word the 3ER has to say about his own motives?
>Tell me again why I should believe a single word the 3ER has to say about his own motives?
Because both the source material and the horrible tv show never hinted at the Three Eyed Crow seeking to rule Westeros.
You can love the ending all you want, just don't be a retard about it.
The Rolling Throne > The Iron Throne
prove me wrong.
>never hinted at the Three Eyed Crow seeking to rule Westeros.
Why do you think I came all the way down here? Am I chopped liver?
Not the guy you're arguing with, but I literally found this while googling the 3ER
>A face took shape within the hearth. Stannis? she thought, for just a moment . . . but no, these were not his features.
>A wooden face, corpse white. Was this the enemy?
>A thousand red eyes floated in the rising flames.
>He sees me. Beside him, a boy with a wolf's face threw back his head and howled.
Apparently it's Melisandre's vision when she was in Castle Black
The story got cornered the moment Arya got the kill so early and effortlessly.
If the Night King had gone straight to King's Landing we could have had an ending where important characters die doing heroic deeds instead of murdering each other for no fucking reason.
Once the Night King was out of the picture the only way they could fill the rest of the season was bickering and in-fighting. They had to invent a villain.
The show was fucked because Arya had to become a Mary Sue.
Yout post reeks of ideology that hasn't been thought possible. Holy shit, how can one delude himself so much, mental.
> one line from bran confirms your ER fanfic that turns an underutilised plot thread into the driving force behind the entire series
cope harder, my dude
Because both the source material and the horrible tv show never hinted at the Three Eyed Crow seeking to rule Westeros.
>You can love the ending all you want, just don't be a retard about it.
Are you just unable to read how the book/show laid that out perfectly?
No wonder most TV exposition is entirely verbal. You are literally too stupid to understand something unless it is told to you verbally.
I asked for inconsistencies and you haven't provided any, the one you tried to use was easily defended against. The 3ER was a deceiver from the very first time Brandon had visions of him.
>Because both the source material and the horrible tv show never hinted at the Three Eyed Crow seeking to rule Westeros.
Why do you think I came all this way?
Do you believe that the creators who beat us over the head with THE BELLS and the winterfell crypts being safe are actually only pretending to suck, and they're really telling a secret story underneath?
That one line confirms the entire show's progression. Did you want him to monologue or something? Maybe Le epic evil music?
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm still waiting for inconsistencies to be pointed out.
>Do you believe that the creators who beat us over the head with THE BELLS and the winterfell crypts being safe are actually only pretending to suck, and they're really telling a secret story underneath?
Yes. I do. The broad strokes are still George, filler is all them.
That's the problem, it's shit sandwich with gold flakes.
Doesn't mean the gold flakes aren't there.
Your argument is unhinged man. How does Bran's line support the idea that the the 3ER altered the past and present to make characters fight against their own interest and defeat the others?
If it was a plot point they were aware of, why do you think they treated it so differently to the others? This season almost ended up with characters just saying their motivations into the camera, except for this time?
It's also a reference to some of other GRRM works, which had plenty of mindrape and eugenics in warfare, after all he is a sci-fi writer and this is his only "fantasy" series. Who do you think built the now destroyed bunkers of Harrenhal and Storm's End? Sure as fuck weren't targ-fucking-shits.
Bloodraven/wierwood net manipulating events to get Bran to become 3er isn't fanfic though. It's not a stretch to assume that him being king isnt in their interest.
*is in their interest
>Bran was literally jizzing in his pants constantly because of how much I DUN WAN EET sounds like something a rape victim would say
>"This came out of nowhere"
>This is your brain on showfag
Get preston'd scrublords
I wonder what political shitstorms we would get after Brans reign
Is any of that suggested in the text outside of Hodor and Bran's visions?
Because I think you know what comes next
He is responsible for changing a normal boy into Hodor.
He is responsible for the whispers the mad king hears.
He is responsible for Jojen's whispers and visions
He is responsible for Bran's visions
He may be responsible for the magic fuckery of the LoL (can't decide if its a a separate entity or not.)
There are several times in the books where whispers are heard by characters at different point in time. Later in the books its demonstrated that people in the past hear Brandon as a whisper when he tries communicating with them.
It's pretty damn blatant.
>No noh it enz
So that didn't make it into the show?
Do you believe that show Euron is wearing his plate armour under his clothes and hanging onto the dragon horn just in case?
You might not have, but in reality gangsters like Al Capone and Pablo Escobar are usually charismatic and well liked.
get a life
>climate alarmism is a lie
>feminists are stupid
>Brexit means Brexit
I liked it.
Better question did they castrated John Snow ?
To make sure he cant have kid.
>everyone buttmad that dragonlady killed MUH 20MILLION peasants
>literally no one upset that allseeing wizard did jack shit to stop it and elect him king
fucking brainlets
requesting "the rape, sansa" animation
thanks bros
>and elect him king
They don't actually know everything about him. Only Tyrion does.
Bronn is his master of coin and you see him as a wise king? lmao
>Maybe Le epic evil music?
There was a bit of le epic evil music at the very moment he accepted the kingship and stared evilly at Tyrion.
It's dark because the 3 eyed raven is evil, which you completely made up.
'Humans are so bad that the only person who can rule them is an intelligent AI'
I guess you can call that a good ending if you're a nihilist.
The whole night king episode was a load of shit.
What came after was much better in the general way the plot progressed, although pretty predictable (danerys loses her mind, realizes nobody wants her on the throne, goes full autist and nukes a city, gets murdered by snow, bran is king, tyrion is hand, snow goes north) but the script writing was fucking atrocious.
I also found the costume design to be fucking irritating, ugly and a far cry from the core game of thrones aesthetic.
The CotF have a 8000 year grudge against humanity
*Actually it was right after Tyrion said aye that he stared evilly at Tyrion and there was le epic evil music for a moment.
Literally no one is upset and proclaim him king because he foresaw what needed to be done to ensure that it happened.
He is a literal God.
Tyrion lobbied to have her killed for this reason, so supporting Bran is retarded from his POV; Bran could have yielded a peaceful resolution and saved Varys and Jaime. and Bran told everyone he knew he was coming there to be king. How could they NOT infer that, brainlet?
>so supporting Bran is retarded
Tyrion has accepted that he cannot stop Bran. Tyrion is terrified of Bran.
>lets elect the guy who said nothing and let everyone die to be king
Writing did nothing to convey that sentiment, brainlet.
>muh headcanon
just stop
>So that didn't make it into the show?
In subtle ways I think it did. He doesn't actually communicate with him with whispers I don't think, I think its a physic thing. It would make sense we wouldn't hear him outside the only time we watched him go back in time and did it. To an onlooker it would just seem like the character hear something.
I unironically think he whispered to Danny to burn it all down to ensure his victory. That's why her face looks so confused when she hears the bells and why she originally looks like she is going to just kill Cersei until the sudden change in heart.
>How could they NOT infer that, brainlet?
No one knows he is a master manipulator with selfish intentions except Tyrion.
He literally said in front of everyone he knew he came there to be elected, brainlet
>He literally said in front of everyone he knew he came there to be elected, brainlet
They are not interpreting that as "I made all these things happen" but as "Bran wanted to be king".
>Do you believe that show Euron is wearing his plate armour under his clothes and hanging onto the dragon horn just in case?
I think his story ends up petering out somehow unexpectedly. They did a piss poor job on his but they still kind of hint to his clairvoyant abilities. Ultimately I think the 3ER will make sure he fails. He was originally supposed to take Brandon's position.
>I think his story ends up petering out somehow unexpectedly.
It may be that in this series, plot armor is the work of the gods.
He said that because he can see the future and he has seen he becomes king
Oh, so they’re all absolute brainlets like you? Good writing then
>Oh, so they’re all absolute brainlets like you? Good writing then
They are not literally watching a fucking TV show seeing everything as we see it, brainlet.
Yeah dumbass. So with a word he could’ve stopped all the death they’re buttmad about and didn’t, and they should know it
>So with a word he could’ve stopped all the death
That's not what the Three Eyed Crow does you immeasurable idiot.
They literally made it apparent to everyone that he knows everything you absolute mong
>He could see the future
>Somehow conveniently becomes king AFTER countless thousands die for no reason.
>Yeah dumbass. So with a word he could’ve stopped all the death they’re buttmad about and didn’t, and they should know it
Nobody is actually butthurt about the burning of King's Landing.
Bran the Broken ending as well as Jon being the new Mance Rayder is the most GRRM thing ever. Go back and read that first Bran chapter that was the first chapter he wrote and read the early Tyrion and Jon chapters. It’s all set up right there.
Actually caring about a Simpsons-level imitation of Lord of the Rings.
it's like how Dr. Strange had himself killed in Avengers because he knew it would cause the best timeline to exist.
>They literally made it apparent to everyone that he knows everything you absolute mong
Maybe they, like 99.99999% of the audience didn't figure it out yet.
He can't change the future you retard, just see it. God damn it you're stupid.
Yeah, for him and his family, and it should be plainly apparent to everyone but they act like they have no idea. It’s shit writing. That’s the problem you mental gymnast little child
>best timeline to exist
For who?
Look, we know for a fact the CoTF created the "night king" (representation of the others.) That means they wanted the first men dead. It looks to me that the CoTF are subservient to the 3ER. Why would they be holed up with him under a random hill? Why would the 3ER want humanity dead at one point and now want to rule over them?
Why would the night king suddenly want to kill them instead of just going south of the wall where there are far more things to kill?
Something isn't right here.
ties up a lot of loose ends.
>Yeah, for him and his family, and it should be plainly apparent to everyone but they act like they have no idea. It’s shit writing. That’s the problem you mental gymnast little child
They assume he is the simple good-guy autist narrative that the entire audience fell for.
What a retarded, nonsensical trope and you’re an absolute little spergy mong for even thinking that makes any sense whatsoever, especially within the context of this show
That's my point. He wanted to become king. All those deaths were purposeful.
Look in a mirror tard.
That retarded normies who can barely follow a plot fell for*
>reflects real life
>literally ridiculous fantasy setting
Sure thing, user.
>He can't change the future you retard,
he can change the future by FUCKING DOING SOMETHING
he can mikd control people, and he said in the episode that he can even warg into a fucking dragon, what else do you want
he could have ended it all at any point, he didn't for a reason
i agree with the other poster, 3 eyed raven is obviously evil and bran will be the big bad in the sequel
Honestly, this. The way we got there might have been badly written, but in the end this was exactly how things should have turned out - a compromise where neither the good guys nor the bad guys win. Cersei and the Night King are defeated and killed, but Dany dies too and John Snow gets sent to the Wall. Not great, but not stupidly grimdark either.
I honestly like the scene with Tyrion and the chairs. And I don't think the comparison to the end of LotR: Return of the King (which I've seen some people make) is an insult. It may feel it ends with redundant scenes dragging on unnecessarily, but I think that it's important to establish that once the main saga is over and all the heroes are dead, life still goes on for the side characters that get left behind. Given that GoT has spent all these years trying to be a more realistic take on the fantasy genre than LotR, I would have been very disappointed if they hadn't done that.
The only part I didn't like was that the North seceded and Sansa became a Queen. It makes no sense - if ever there was a time the North would accept staying in the kingdoms, it would be when a Stark got the throne. And it begs the question - wouldn't that inevitably lead to Dorne and the Iron Islands wanting to secede as well? I have this horrible feeling that D&D only included it because they if given the choice they'd have stuck with their feminist instincts and given the throne to Dany - but because the story demanded that they kill Dany and give the throne to a white male, they decided on making Sansa a queen as a consolation prize.
>That retarded normies who can barely follow a plot fell for*
That is the point. And the characters in the show are not focused on that stuff. It's not that they're dumb, it's just that it's not something they would think too much about.
And going forward, he can tell whatever "stories" about who he is that he wants.
I assume you are saying this because you believe what Blood Raven said (that the book cannot be rewritten, that the ink is drying.)
Why on earth would you bother believing him? He has deceived time and time again. Shit the whole preposition Bran gets to come and see him is that he think's he's going to give him his legs back.
I think "the ink is drying" is about changing the past. The future can be changed by anyone.
But if you know the past you can figure out the future.
Why do people who liked the finale have this weird sort of superiority complex? All over I'm seeing this sort of
>WELL I LIKED because unlike you lot I'm not a complainer! Don't let them bully us into not liking it!
>the context of the show
What context? The one in which he never influences the future? he sees the future and acts accordingly, how is this so hard to comprehend for you?
>That's my point. He wanted to become king. All those deaths were purposeful.
Of course they were, because HE HAD SEEN WHAT HAPPENS, That's why he's a literal sperg now, because he can see everything that was is and will be, life is forever dull to him.
i liked the final outcome
i hated how they got there, how rushed it was and how everything after dany dies was quips and fanservice
they fucked it up and the only redeeming quality were the main plot points that george came up with 25 years ago
>and will be,
I think it is everything but the future that he can see. Otherwise it's pretty pointless. He can predict the future and influence it but not see it.
Dorne and the Iron Isles go independent.
The North Anchlusses the Riverlands.
And the Vale gets raped by Mountain Clans until the end of time.
Yep. Bran spends the first two books lamenting how he doesn't want to be Prince, and he ends up a King. It's perfect.
>Tyrion ashamed for having his best friend incinerated
>Tyrion absolutely blasted that peasants are all dead, lannister army all dead, sister and brother dead due to Daenerys
>So fucking upset and concerned he convinces Jon to gut her
>Aware that wheelchair autist can see the future
>In fact, wheelchair autist expresses to him and the entire fucking counsel that he came there because he knew that he would fucking be elected king
>Everyone ignores the fact that everything could’ve been prevented and Tyrion lobbies like nothing happened
Tyrion is terrified of him and also wants to curry favor and get himself unimprisoned.
In no way conveyed during the show, in any way shape or form. You’re an absolute pathetic little retarded child for inserting your headcanon into something like this just to justify ass writing, that or just stupid as fuck. Either way, not talking to you any further.
the rape
>In no way conveyed during the show
It's pretty clear to me. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. People can judge Tyrion's interactions with Bran in the last episode themselves.
I think it was whispered to him to suggest Bran and everything clicked to him. It would explain the pause and it would explain how suddenly frightened he was. His face reminded me of Dany with the bells (I believe another whisper moment.)
Then you have shit taste, ending is disastrous one of the worst season in television history, and ep6 even worse than the shitty season already.
biggest complaints are about how rushed the season is, the major plot points are mostly ok
>If you want a happy cliche ending where the hero wins
That's exactly what this was though
Undiagnosed autism, seek treatment
So quick question. Was that snow that was all over kings landing or ash?
why can’t we have a coherent story reeeee
why are the details all fucking retarded tier writing like armies outside of walls reeee
I could give a shit about what happens in the story, so long as any of the build up and other happenings made sense.
The ash of stone buildings and dirt
The part where drogon was under a pile of ash really looked like snow
>Of course the all seeing wizard would make a good ruler. If you bring it down to real life instances what does this mean?
>That privacy and anonymity are the reason societies fall? We should be monitored by an all knowing godlike being in order to live in prosperity? It's fucking magic, absolutely ridiculous.
This. Bran is the Panopticon, and his success - whether the writers realized it themselves, or if they did it subconsciously - is a show of support for it. Thankfully, there may be hope, as it seems like no one is happy with this ending.
Read the shorty story
"'And Seven Times Never Kill Man!' "
(from GRRM)
the story explains the plan of the Three Eyed Crow TO exterminate the humans
I was glad that the duende and mr. Snow didn't got killed. It was too unreal to be honest.
Thanks user, thats the only thing I was having a hard time understanding. I knew he was evil and that he wanted to end mankind but no idea how.
I'll read this later tonight.
When people say Three Eyed Raven, do they mean Bloodraven or just whoever holds the title?
The main plot points aren't bad and they're probably what GRRM intends to happen for the most part. The issue is that the execution was so poor that none of the endings for any of the characters made sense.
I think if it's real, the Lord of Light is an egregore grown out of centuries of Valyrian blood sorcery.
Alternately, the Red Priests' miracles and visions are just bits of Valyrian sorcery passed down and they themselves are guided solely by ambition and garbled poetry.
The heroes win, except it's all the B tier male secondary protagonists
>fathering offspring that may or may not be the next Goffrey/Cersei/Bolton/Mad King=Dany/etc.
No. Literally all the lords that vote for king get power by sheer inheritance and name. An elected king is useless, can do nothing but appease the Lords, can't enforce anything and is subject to corruption by lords scheming and making alliances to vote friends or family in.
It's the worst thing you could go for. Best is an absolute monarchy to give a sense of unity and common goals
how are they ever going to get a stable kingdom with a wheelchair ridden guy who cant into heirs and who cannot even convince his own sister to stay loyal to the throne?
this shit will go down in flames again real soon
You understand the whole point of their new system of government is that the children of monarchs are the ones making the realm unstable? Just look at what happened to Westeros when Aegon the Conquerer died, his first son was a wishy washy pussy and his second was a maniacal tyrant.
>the heroes do win you autist
> Tiny guy who strangled his girlfriend to death is now Vice President
Jesus FUCKING christ why can't people like you just be grateful? First world problems at its finest.
Grateful about what?
It's a fucking product and their fucking job
Exactly! People praised the show for subversion but when they dont like the result suddenly its bad
Liking the last seasons is an accurate low IQ detector
>chooses the chad tywin over the virgin tyrion
Sibel did nothing wrong.
How do you know he is terrified?
why would anyone be grateful if they aren't satisfied
we are paying for this remember. well some of us anyway
>children of monarchs are the ones making the realm unstable?
And yet that's literally how each kingdom rules and has worked for thousands of years. The very Lords voting for Bran got there through that system and will continue using it themselves