Doomed world -edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I miss him...
1st for fuck Blackfyre's
Robin Arryn is the greatest chad in Westeros.
I drew this
where the fuck is northeros?
reminder that this was only 25-30 minutes in, then the rest of the episode was just happy and funny times for all
Cutest psycho!
Wrong pic, OP
So which season did all the colours leave Planetos?
*Becomes King*
pssh nothing personal, Bittersteel
>"B-but The Hound had an infection! If he didnt he would have destroyed Brienne!"
>*casually ignores Brienne literally just walked 20 miles and up a mountain without rest before the fight*
Fucking Sandorfags
>we persisted
How it should've ended.
>Tyrion gives the exact same speech about best story but details Jon's life and his true parentage. Council all agree.
>Jon is brought to the dragonpit believing he is to be executed but is declared King.
>He denies it all over again, but it forced by the threat of war to fix the realm and basically become a slave to westeros presiding over it.
>Backfires on Tyrion who is forced to become hand.
>Similar shitty council scene.
>Jon enters with a magna carta of sorts, giving lords certain rights and the rights of the small folk.
>Council fucks off and Tyrion speaks about returning the north to the seven kingdoms through a political marriage but if he goes ahead with it or not is left open to interpretation of the viewers.
>Same montage but of Jon on a new throne, Sansa, Arya, and Tormund leading the free folk back North with Ghost and Drogon returning to kings landing.
Whoever thought it was a good idea for Bran to be King and an elective monarchy should be shot.
It's true, the thread of prophecy really was severed.
This general is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.
>walking has the same impact on your CNS as an illness and lack of food
Get a dragon you fat fuck.
List your best candidates for king and council
King: at first there should be no king and council should rebuild a country, bran could be good as regent but his claim is minuscule.
Best candidate according to faith: Jon Snow,
Best candidate according to laws: Jendrey Baratheon
Best candidate according to common sense: Anyone with enough power, appropriate religion for 6 kingdoms and education: aka Robert Arren
Hand of the king: someone loyal to new crown and with enough knowledge aka: Davos Seaworth
Master of wisperers: at first there is no need for one, eventually Bran Stark
Master of war: Bronn, as only fit tactitian
Master of ships: Yara Greyjoy
Head of kingsguard: arguably Brianna Tarth, considering her loyalty to house Stark she must be watched tho
Master of Laws: i have no candidates in mind, probably someone from riverlands
Grand meister: any grand meister, except Sam, considering his lack of experience.
Member of Dorne: you probably guessed it
>Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
>spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered,
>a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
>Ride now, riiide now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
>Death! Deaaath! Deaaaaaath!
>Forth Eorlingas!
>[Dothraki Ululating]
I've never seen an episode of this show or read the books but I've enjoyed posting in these threads with all of you for the past few years.
How can one man be so rad?
I miss her
If Westeros is already west, can there be anything more western?
>completely out of stamina
>Im not feeling the best and a bit hungry
Shittier the season, better are the memes, this rule never disapoints
*schlop* Aye *schlop*
Seriously though, fuck Brann and fuck D&D. What is even the point of Brann's story line anymore? He's literally possessed by an elder God, but that doesn't seem to bother anyone at all. Becoming the three eyed raven served no point, other than him becoming an autistic king.
she was too pure for this world
sage all /got/ threads, shows over fags
Bran should've died when the NK was killed.
is she talking about Jon's?
Are there any good rage videos on the finale?
Reminder that Evil King Bran will be canon in the books but done way better and make it clearer that he really was playing 4D chess all along
>possessed by an elder god
>elder god
The only good ending would have been
>Maybe we should give the niggers a vote too!
reminder of what we could've had
and the women!
you mean bloodraven warging bran
Why does Dany believe Jon is a Targ without evidence?
she nailed the Viserys face
The night king should've been the final villain.
I completely forgot he even existed while watching episode 4-6
With Jon at this side.
>Jon, let's build a better world!
>do people get a choice?
>no. It's hard for them to see this better world as it was never done before.
She deserved it. Mad queen.
>let's keep the old system that crushes and traumatize the people.
>do people get a choice?
>lol no. They are on the same level as dogs.
Happy ending!
Jon is shit, and the starks deserved far worse for being hypocritical pieces of shit that have single digit IQ.
>I completely forgot he even existed while watching episode 4-6
Melly was right. DANY GOOD, JON BAD
FUCK the North, FUCK the wildlings, FUCK the Nights Watch, and FUCK the Starks
>Becoming the three eyed raven served no point, other than him becoming an autistic king.
There was the beautiful rape, how can you forget it?
Honestly Dany's whole "It will be good because I know what is good" is a lot more believable when you take into consideration that bookDany will be around 17 or 18 by the time she dies, which makes sense. Teenagers are naive idealistic retards after all.
Also, does Jon even know what the fuck "break the wheel" means? Isn't Tyrion the only one who heard Dany's monologue on what it meant?
Gay image.
Starks were playing the long game, Dany was always impatient
So was there really a point to the army of the dead or Daenerys and her dragons?
>meanwhile cersei poisons the NK and wins the GoT
For same reason Varys and Tyrion know she will burn down KL, they are actors, its written in the script, show dropped good writing 4 seasons ago, now all you get is plot convenience and cheap tropes.
extremely bizarre decision by FROM
I know mizayaki is a fan of GoT, hopefully that means the books rather than the show
>So was there really a point to the army of the dead or Daenerys and her dragons?
It all served no purpose at all because D&D don't like the magic aspect of GOT
>Published by Bandai Namco
>After how they stranged every Dark Souls game
nah man. Bran was the most logical choice. the whole idea was breaking the wheel. both Dany and Jony would have just kept it going. the world wasn't ready for a democracy yet, but they did move away from traditional monarchies. in that sense everything the show set out to do it did. now once the people stop needing their past, people like Bran aren't necessary
I wonder what Miyazaki thought of the ending
Loras got absolutely butchered by D&D
he was to reveal Jon's true identity, which also did fuck all
He's also a hack writer, he probably liked it
Daily reminder that book he is supose to finish is Winds of winter, he is overweight 70years old dude, good luck waiting for Dream of spring if he ever finishes this one.
>fuck hodor
>fuck summer
>fuck meera
>and fuck theon
what was his problem?
Would would it have been like if Viserys, Dany, and Jon all grew up together?
Watch yourself, undead.
Did Raimi have a say on this?
It'd just be Dany getting tag teamed by them.
Viserys would have had to watch over two baby siblings while he was a teenager, doubling his burdens, doubling his stress. He probably would've gone insane quicker.
>Dark Souls story is good
Dude come on lmao.
>Season 5 onward
Reminder House Targaryen bloodline still lives on in:
* House Baratheon
* Whatever Free Folk children Jon produces
* House Velaryon
Dany was alive so it was good.
All the great houses are distant relatives of targs
They didn't break the wheel. They just put elective monarchy in its place. Now the wheel is just bigger and more corrupt. Lords who once tried to gain more wealth, status, power can now add becoming a king to their list of ambitions.
The new reality they've set forward is the kind of world little finger would suggest be in place of the old system. And he would thrive in it.
They didn't break the wheel. They just replaced the old wooden wheel with a sturdy spiked steel wheel twice its size.
guys who would win Dany with 3 drags and full dothraki and unsullied army backed by her conquered cities, or the forces of Mordor backed by Sauron with his ring.
Skirmishes and sabotage etc. are allowed.
Dany starts in the west of Middle-Earth and Sauron in Mordor in physical form. Both are able to raise more armies through conquered lands.
Events of the third age didn't happen.
Dany's dragons power's are on par with Smaug.
Neutral groups will never team up with Dany or Sauron but will defend their land.
Euron's fleet is neutral and will raid the seas
honestly, he has details locked away somewhere. If he dies, someone will finish it and much faster than him.
Memes were lit, even normies memed that season (pic related)
Not to mention the real Aegon Targaryen.
do dragons need baths? surely they need to wash themselves occasionally. otherwise i bet they stink horribly
also do they shit and piss?
Sauron ez mode, The Witch King and the Nazgul could probably solo
>DaS isn't good
It's not a masterpiece but it's still good
w-which one?
Which ending was better?
>He's literally possessed by an elder God
Imagine how massive Dragon Cock must be.
Targs are known for their incest, I wouldn't be surprised if Dany had some fun with her children.
What's the thread source for that one?
nazgul are very vulnerable to fire though and fell beasts are no match for full grown dragons
>implying Jon won't wander the North and impregnate many highborn ladies like some norse god
Even though s8 was shit, the episode where they go and catch a wight is easily the worst one
Why would it matter? The ending was written by Dumb and Dumber anyways. FROM probably likes Martin's books and right now it's a good marketing strategy to reveal that they're co-operating when people want more.
chances are the world of GoT is a globe and arya will just sail to the eastern part of easteros
got uironically
>Random mega trees
>Random God Drakes
>Random shadow people
>Random turbo souls from random fire
>Suddenly shadow people Gods
Yes, very good. The first 2 minutes of the game ruin everything else.
Would he be a good king?
the last one
DaS story and setting was pretty good
sekiro's is fucking awful though
have sex
man 8 years passed since Dance of the dragons, obviosly he has wraped himself up in the massive plot that includes massive amount of characters and he has no idea how to tie it all up without using cheap copout hack writing that he is so strongly against "WHATS ARAGORN TAX POLICY HMM?? IM A GENOUS WRITER GRRM"
Cant wait to ask him what was Brans tax policy.
>hurrrr why does this combat focused game has a vague story hurrrrr
Why be good when you can be RAD?
have rape
when he left the cave, he spent several hours in wargstate seeing the flashbacks of all of history, the old Three Eyed Raven was essentially giving him all of his memories in a very quick download. In the process this killed Bran's personality and replaced him with the old Three Eyed Raven.
now an ancient eternal being lives in the consciousness of a cripple boy
Why wasn't there a behind the scenes for the final episode? I want to know what Dabid has to say for himself.
the three eyed crow is probably the collective consciousness of all the greenseers who live on in weirwood trees. Bloodraven's body was possessed by it and now Bran's is.
I honestly didn't even realize it was edmure until he started talking.
Grrm is heavily influenced by lovecraft and Mizayaki made the best lovecraft games in recent memory, I don't think it's bizarre at all
Dark Souls barely has a fucking story. The only info on the wiki comes from fucking FLAVOR TEXT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS. Don't make me fucking laugh.
Miyazaki is a fucking hack writer.
That's the 8 minutes that was cut before it was aired.
Also thew new throne is made out of wierwood and resembles the throne at the vale.
Or she'll die, gods hoping.
He'd be the kindest, wisest and most beloved king to ever set foot in the halls of Red Keep.
can someone post the woke drogon pic
you cant be this delusional
didn't he say he would want it all burned rather than finished.
>huurrrr why is videogame not movie hurrrrr
Jon read the script . Dany was right though, the wheel keeps turning and the peasants are fucked
By all accounts he's a caring lord and a capable administrator; he's just a shit military commander which isn't handy when you come to power at the outbreak of a civil war.
Brutus killed Julius Caesar which, by the way, I should remind you that HE WAS A CONSUL OF ROME!!!
Yeah, because there are no video games with good stories, right?
Is that what you're going with?
They always used to put in on youtube though.
Hello zoomer my young friend
Uncle have sex
Link, please? I really don't know which one you're referring.
That scene felt like D&D kicking us while we were down. Sure, Edmure wouldn't be the ideal candidat, but he does the logical thing: Taking his chance and making a claim based on logic and adding his experience. Other lords should follow his example and the best candidate would be picked after much needed discussion.
BUT NO, we get a 'sit the fuck down' and they pick a new king in 5 minutes time based on a war prisoners story about stories.
It's symbolism, D&D shoving our theories down our throat and telling us to sit down and don't try to bring logic in their generic fantasy story
There are tons of video games as heavy on the gameplay as Dark Souls, with good writing.
interesting point. but consider that they're taking steps to change the system. that's how it went in our past as well, and while we have crappy leaders now, at least we have rights.
all I'm saying is that, considering the alternatives (i.e. another Targaryen and his kids potentially becoming the next Goffrey), electing kings is a step in the right direction. yeah, they are going to be corrupt, but it's starting to mirror our own history. and considering that you get to sit there in peace and quiet, write messages online with complete freedom, I think they're going to be just fine. but it is true that at first they're going to have to deal with a lot of shit.
good point about the wheel though. maybe the wheel's broken in the sense that nobody inherits the throne. but you are right that the wheel's just different now, but as a counterpoint I will tell you that every new elect has the potential of breaking it.
Name me 5.
Well, Stannis is not dead, so this pic makes little sense
Based Stannis bro.
That's what he meant, he was looking at Grey Worm.
Dragon Age Origins
Persona 5
The Witcher 3
Deus Ex
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Let me tell you to stop greentexting and nitpicking each game before you even start and waste your time, you asked for games with good writing and I provided them. I can post many more, that won't change the fact that Dark Souls has no fucking story.
Based Sandra
What about Undertale?
it's literally in the OP post dumbass
Dark souls doesn't have a good story but it is really well presented. You slowly piecing together history and lore from scraps is v good. Also you could quite easily argue it has much better gameplay than all of those games
The establishing of human rights would've made a lot more sense rather jumping straight into a faux democracy. Something like our Magna Carta Libertatum / the Great Charter of the Liberties. Established by King John of our history makes more sense in taking steps in the right direction.
I'm just salty given how shit the series ended. To me it was the worse episode of the entire series.
I didn't plan on greentexting any of your shit games. I just wanted to laugh. And I am.
Hodor deserved better, poor Hodor.
Sounds like you got btfo'd.
>heavy on the gameplay
>Dragon Age Origins
>Persona 5
>The Witcher 3
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
And you don't have a point or an argument. As expected.
I completely disagree. You can say the story is "good", but the presentation is completely lackluster.
daily reminder the three eyed crow was playing the game all along
>don't post an argument
Based retard.
Shit opinions don't btfo out anyone.
What's our opinion on dark Bran?
This is what what was supposed to happen but they just had to have le super smart jwe boi be king cause he like knew it would happen amirite???!
Polite reminder that anyone who pronounces Aegon as egg-on is a faggot, regardless of any actual grammatical or language basis it should be ee-gon.
That is all.
Nice, now the game will be twice as depressing as dark souls
>heavy on gameplay means nothing but button mashing
Okay grandpa
better than show Bran
"I just wanted to laugh" isn't an argument.
God what a fucking retard you are.
Go keep jerking off to "OH MY GOD THEY AREN'T TELLING ME SHIT IT'S SO DEEP" "story" of dark shits.
You asked for games with good writing and tons of gameplay and he provided.
Play a Soulsborne game other than DS2
Bran had to do something important I guess
all excellent points and I definitely agree, although I'm not too familiar with King John's history, I'll have to read up on it. I too found s8 largely disappointing. I get being salty, no harm in that.
Goodbye, my queen
I would have built your new world and broken the wheel with you
I did, they are all the same shit in terms of storytelling.
Miyazaki is a hack WRITER.
god king autismbot is /ourguy/
He isn't that ugly, why do you guys bully him so much?
>dark souls is just button mashing
He has a wildling harem retard
They are bullying him because he's autistic
>Unsullied niggers sent to die in Naath from butterfly disease
>Dothraki brown-turkish subhumans 2/3 wiped out, utterly leaderless, weakened and broken into small, irrelevant, frail factions, sent back to Essos
>Golden Company aka essos immigrant mercenaries utterly genocided
>incel white boy ruling the 7 kingdoms
>All council members are white
>Jon Snow sent to recolonize the Lands of Always Winter with 100% blonde and ginger white people
>First Men Kingdom, aka THE NORTH (who is 100% native westerosi) independent from the indo-european immigrants aka Andals
>ruled by the palest ginger in the north
>Edmure still alive and told to sit the fuck down and stfu (direct jab at soi audience)
>Jamie Lannister arc of redemption completed, impregnated Bryenne too, a virgin knight
>Lena Headey paid another million $ to pretend she is dead for 20 seconds
>Arya rebuilds Stark ships and sets sail to discover new worlds and make contact with them on behalf of the North (Columbus meets America)
>Bank of Braavos money lenders utterly fucking bankrupt, all debtors are dead
>ME SUNDAE executed as the uppity nig bitch she was
>soibois, feminists, leftists, SJWs on suicide watch
>Disney's ratings and shares getting slightly BTFO
D&D were /ourguys/ all along
>fromsfot hater is a witcher fag
>persona 5
now that the dust has settled i'm glad we've reached a consensus
He gave me 2.
>Let me tell you to stop greentexting and nitpicking each game before you even start and waste your time, you asked for games with good writing and I provided them.
>You didn't argue!
You're really fucking stupid. I gave you what you wanted, and here you are getting pissed because I did.
I didn't say that.
"HURR I CAN'T TOUCH A BUTTON NOW, THIS IS NOT GAME RIGHT NOW" is what your post boils down to, it takes hours and hours to complete the games I named even if you skip all the dialogue and the cutscenes
>He gave me 2.
You're being vague on purpose cause you know you're wrong.
I said Dark Souls has no story and you asked me for 5 games and I humoured you.
You haven't countered anything about Dark Souls being a lackluster game in terms of storytelling and Miyazaki being a hack writer. This is about writing not gameplay.
that he was forced to live with you silver lining faggot, he was used like an old sock and as a scapegoat and exiled so that he could never claim his birthright.
He used to be a pedo icon here around S1
t. Ironborn scum
Plz play a Fromsoftware game
So, has anyone tried going outside of westeros in lore?
I have finished dark souls 3, played 1 and 2 halfway through, and also finished Sekiro.
Gylbert Farwynd
Which Deus Ex
Yes, plenty. Euron for example.
>I didn't say that.
>nothing but button mashing
How do we ensure she gets the emmy this time
Nice argument shitter.
The first one(2000) obviously
no one came back.
Why is old age a dunk
I thought "It's like you're not reading my posts", but it seems you just aren't understanding them, it's great.
Spinoff series about the empire of dawn and the bloodstone emperor when? Also cast Jackie Chan in the leading role for maximum comfy and keks.
what happened to casterly rock?
>There are tons of video games as heavy on the gameplay as Dark Souls, with good writing.
>Gameplay and good writing
>No this is only about writing now!
outrage on social media
Because we're not dealing with 8 bits and severely limited chip/disc spaces anymore, games have no excuse to throw story out of the window and be a pure gameplay, Pacman clone or something.
You're literally arguing MY TASTE>YOUR TASTE because you're too fucking dense to know Dark Souls has a better story than all the games you listed.
The best way would've been an absolute monarchy so the king could pass reforms without Lords bitching or waging war. Inheritance means it's more stable, literally what id is the point of Lords who automatically inherit their lands and titles voting except to give lords even more power now. The King doesn't even have his own men, he's at the complete mercy of the people who elected him who he has to appease
Daily reminder that Stannis died for this shit.
>Implying HBO and the books editor dindt already sent ninjas to photo/download/copy all his notes
"heavy on the gameplay" doesn't say anything about how good the gameplay is, and I'm not critiquing the gameplay.
gods what a stupid name
There's not much to tell
Some say that we trace our rights as citizens back to King John and the Magna Carta. He essentially got the ball moving in the right direction that would eventually lead to democracy.
makes more sense for him to become the master of whisperers, and his role of jons parentage revelation is given purpose with jon becoming king.
And Jon / Aegon becoming King with the three eyed raven parallels the last Aegon who was king with the three eyed raven serving as his master of whisperers.
Council should've been King Jon, Sam as Maester, Brienne Kingsguard, Bran Master of whisperers, Davos master of ships, Bronn master of war, and a master of coin as some Dornish faggot to appropriately return them into the fold.
mauler should have one soon his ep 4 vid is great
This shot is brilliant and should be shown in any film study class
>moving goalposts
I'm still waiting for you to defend Dark Souls' story.
Dark Souls has no story.
You can write the entire script to a Dark Souls game within a day, there's like 3 pages of dialogue total tops.
>I thought "It's like you're not reading my posts", but it seems you just aren't understanding them, it's great.
do you speak the common tongue or are you esl?
seriously what went wrong?
>Literally RUINED how can they be SO FUCKING RETARDED this show has gone to SHIT
why are redditers like this
Azor Jonsanerys
>muh grammar
Wow, great arguments, keep them coming!
>story = lots of dialogue
You don't need "lots". You just need a "decent amount".
Dark Souls has fucking nothing.
>Jon Arryn is a better Hand than Tyrion Lannister
>Stannis Baratheon is a better Master of Ships than Davos Seaworth
>Petyr Baelish is a far FAR better Master of Coin than fucking Bronn [And that massive debt to the Iron Bank still exists btw]
>Jaime Lannister is a better Lord Commander than Brienne of Tarth
>Sam is a Grand Maester despite it requiring years upon years to acquire a single link in your maester's chain - let along become Grand Maester
I mean I guess Bran would be a better king than Robert - but in every other aspect the country is in a worse state than when it began
I miss Azorposting...
god d&d are fucking hacks
baised jaime poster i'm having a blast
It's A-Gon you PLEB
Shit like this is just icing on the cake
Azor Hot Pie
>story= needing decent amount of dialogue
Azor Legend
It's AYYY-gon you retard
I didn't come back to feel.
>greentexting >"your opinion" is argument
Feel free to make your own opinion known any time instead of using the Yea Forums equivalent of "no u"
HP had a good ending, what are you saying? The Chosen One killed the evil wizard like the prophecy, instead of Luna backstabbing Voldy
That would be what an actual compromise candidate would look like, but the show is genre shlock so instead Gandalf in angel form is king.
>t. Tywin Shittister
Is that motherfucking Howland Sneed?
I liked the character interactions even tho the setup was fucking braindamaged.
well someone has to
You know what subverting expectations means Dabid? It means that those in charge of the script get critized by every clever little twat sitting on their fat asses.
But if they start subverting their own expectations, that’s the end. For them and the clever little twats not knowing what subversion is.
This is not the end. Not for us. Not if you lot watch the show and keep getting subverted.
And then we move on and you get to destroy Star Wars and we get to wish that fat jew basterd had finished the job.
>not the faking their deaths ending
/got/ migration to Yea Forums when?
Where is the proper punctuation and capitalization in your post? Are you ESL or retarded? :^)
trips confirm this is the true ending
You don't even deserve the (You) that this will give (You) but since I'm feeling nice, I'll explain why you're a retard. It has a story, it is not lackluster, and Miyazaki isn't a hack. I'm sorry if the game doesn't use enough crayons and exposition characters to explain the entire story to you, but given who the character you play as is supposed to be an immersive character. You start in an asylum, near hollowed, nearly forgotten who you are, and you escape into a land as alien to your character as it is to the player. The world is dying, men going mad at every corner, even in the world's twilight it's filled with selfish characters trying to screw other people over for their own gain until the very last minute, or trying to find their own way to salvation, which often look alike in the end. As your character goes through hostile land, he learns more and more about it, as do you, slowly piecing together everything. It's unique, creative and ingenious storytelling methods for a game where the main character, like most of the non player characters, are alone. Even the fucking respawn mechanic is explained by the story, and you're so brainless you call it lackluster? No two characters are alike, but in the end they're all the same when it comes to their fate and their intentions. Nearly every boss is a tragic character at the end of their story, which is fitting as both you and your character don't know which of the two endings is the right thing to do either.
this is the best thing to come out of season 8
Reminder that he taught Bran that chaos was a ladder.
>Yea Forums
You mean /vg/, and we may actually be allowed there if we get a videogame
who was Bran "warging" when the night king came for him?
Just as I expected, you are blinded by your fanboyism. The story "threads" in the game are barely connected and highly speculated by fans, you are just masturbating on "OMG SO DEEP", looking at a retarded unfinished painting and considering it as some sort of high art.
Miyazaki is a hack.
that isn't explained
Ramsay Bolton, he had to watch it one last time.
Your post reads like the "You have to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" copypasta.
>muh grammar
Wow, great arguments, keep them coming!
imagine /ggot/ a man can dream
replace music with this
jon looks so gay with those photoshopped blue eyes
Azor Theon
queen of da norf is my pick
fuck those suvvern cunts
>he doesn't understand the irony of not using proper punctuation himself while critiquing my grammar while not addressing my argument AND then doing the exact same thing again
How can man who once said this
>Putting aside the specifics of the situation, and taking a long-range look, I think history shows that we do better when we join together into larger political units that embrace diversity, rather than building walls and breaking into smaller units. Alexander's empire was better than the squabbling city-states of ancient Greece that preceded it (a pity he did not live long enough to make the union with Persia permanent, and twice a pity that his successors broke it all up into smaller countries to war on each other). The thirteen American colonies were wise to join together into one large country, despite their differences, than they would have been as thirteen small ones. The nations of Europe have been fighting each other for centuries; joining together into one great multi-national nation represents real progress.
Give the North independence and create an elective monarchy with the weakest king and council possible, the same kind that caused rampant corruption and war in the holy Roman empire? Is George's point that this really isn't a happy ending and that Dany was right?
How would an HBO adaptation of Bloodborne work out?
it would be /gotg/ if anything
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dark Souls. The story is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the lore will go over a typical player's head. There's also Chosen Undead's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dark Souls truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the Chosen Undead's existential catchphrase “...” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hidetaka Miyazaki's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. ? And yes by the way, I DO have a Dark Souls tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>He still thinks this is an argument.
You should've capitalized that "he" user.
Sorry I've never seen a GoT episode before but I just downloaded the last episode of S8 for my coworkers.
And this is a wyvern, yo.
I'm still waiting for you to defend Dark Souls' story, which was what my post was about.
Literally to the north of the throne
if they were to make it like twin peaks
story told from the perspective of micolash
She was a bitch, she deserved it...would God let alive Lincoln afer he declared war against his own brothers for a bunch of niggers? Yes it led the Ustaterlandia to become a great nation...but justice is justice
>Best girl gets Best Ending and Best Scene in the Finale
>Also killed Stannis
Stannisfags are eternally BTFO
In all seriousness, though, literally all you need to do to understand the story of Dark Sould is read item descriptions and pay attention. Since this apparently makes the illiterate faggots on this board angry and confused, it gets an undue reputation as being obscure and nonexistent.
Eddard Stark: dead
Catelyn Stark: dead
Daenerys Targaryen: dead
Tyrion Lannister
Jon Snow
Bran Stark
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Will: dead
Theon Greyjoy: dead
Davos Seaworth
Cressen: dead
Jaime Lannister: dead
Samwell Tarly
Chett: dead
Merrett Frey: dead
Cersei Lannister: dead
Brienne of Tarth
Aeron Greyjoy
Victarion Greyjoy
Arianne Martell
Asha Greyjoy
Areo Hotah: dead
Arys Oakheart: dead
Pate: dead
Quentyn Martell: dead
Barristan Selmy: dead
Jon Connington
Melisandre: dead
Varamyr: dead
Kevan Lannister: dead
So of the 31 PoV characters Martin's introduced to ASOIAF, 18 seem to be confirmed deaths. Only 11 if you exclude the Prologues and Epilogues. Also only 11 if you only include deaths that have happened in the books. Only 4 if you only include deaths that have happened in the books and excluding Prologues and Epilogues.
Is that who you think you've been talking to?
It is obscure and nonexistent.
Flavor text DOES NOT count as proper writing.
depends on which perspective you would take
right oops
Stop making me question my sexuality Jaime. You can't get away with petty tricks like this
>world building is not proper writing
>argument is literally "d-d-doesn't count"
Stop watching faggot eceleb videos, learn how to read, and stop bitching. Retard.
Look, I understand your passion about the game and I like the gameplay as well.
However, the lack of proper storytelling made me really irritated.
You can praise any other part of the game and I wouldn't care, but the story is practically nonexistent.
Sekiro does a better job of this, with the Sake conversations, you ACTUALLY LEARN SHIT ABOUT THE LORE AND IT'S ALSO HIDDEN.(You have to go find sake in hidden locations)
And you get tons of ACTUAL DIALOGUE with the characters.
Dark Souls 1 and 2 are the worst offenders. 3 tries harder, and Sekiro is much better
And stupid dialogue with slightly different options does? Fuck off, you don't get to decide that. I'm sorry you're too retarded to read fucking item descriptions.
Say what you want, I'm bad at explaining things but the game is unique, and definitely a story. There's underlying themes that are cyclical, just like the world you're living in. You and your character at the start have about the same amount of motivation to save the world, yet at the end both you and your character will come to know and love the world and it's inhabitants and want to do your best to save it, just like everyone else in the game with their good intentions, and by the third game you will end up fighting a partial reincarnation of your Dark Souls 1 character, guiding a slowly dying fire, sadly trying to keep it kindled, barely keeping the worn out, ash covered world clinging to life when it should have died long ago.
I genuinely feel this is bait. 1 had the strongest story of any from software game, even Sekiro.
>Stop watching faggot eceleb videos
I don't understand what any of that means. Am I getting old now?
>learn how to read
I know how to read thank you very much.
>and stop bitching. Retard
Go fuck yourself, critiquing a game isn't "bitching".
In general on this blog you will not see Daenerys’s death but in the rare case that you do, such as in the edit I just posted, I will tag it as “daenerys death” and “daenerys death tw” to give people the option to blacklist the content. I understand being triggered by the scene completely as it is somewhat triggering for me as well, but I felt I needed to work through the feelings by creating an edit.
I'm not talking about how good the story is, that's what you're refusing to understand. I have a problem with the way the story is told.
You are bitching though, you make unfair accusations, get proven wrong, and act like you're the arbiter of what counts as good writing or storytelling. Dark Souls story is objectively better than all the shitty meme games you listed.
>my opinion>your opinion counts as being "proven wrong"
Yeah okay guy. Be retarded somewhere else please.
>Sekiro does a better job of this
>easily the most boring and uninspired from soft setting and lore.
>hunting down NPCs and hearing them lore dump is story
>hunting down items and reading their descriptions is not story
Quit trying to justify your own incompetency. You didnt know what was going on because you were an idiot who couldn't stop and read. Fuck off.
>critique: dark souls doesn't have a story
>counterpoint: read the items you big fucking idiot
Pleb status: filtered
>Learning about person A from an item description is better way of telling a story than Talking with person A
Fuck off.
In the way OF STORYTELLING. God, are you literally low IQ or something? I'm not saying the setting or lore or the story is better, I'm saying THE WAY OF telling the story is better
>fought in a war
>a war
It was The War
He was in the Battle of the fucking Somme along Lewis
He (probably) shot at (the general direction of) young Hitler
How about reading the items AND having more stuff on top of it? Is that impossible, Mr. Fanboy?
Like in Sekiro?
Pleb Status: Filtered
You can have what you have just said in any video game ever made. Not something special to Dark Souls, you have to understand you are just passionate about the game, for fucks sake.
>literally admitting that he couldn't read the items
God damn just look at the absolute state of this user's room temperature IQ
Also in Dark Souls practically the entirety of the game's story is dumped on you in dialogues with Crestfallen Warrior, various merchants, Frampt, Kaathe, Gwynevere, and fire keepers. You just have to not be retarded enough to skip past their dialogues.
does anybody have that varys and grey worm coughing pic
I said "how about doing both". That implies I have read the items, not the opposite. You are the one with room temperature IQ
artist forgot ulthos
>Also in Dark Souls practically the entirety of the game's story is dumped on you in dialogues with Crestfallen Warrior, various merchants, Frampt, Kaathe, Gwynevere, and fire keepers. You just have to not be retarded enough to skip past their dialogues.
Pick up a dictionary friend.
I have not skipped past any dialogues, hell I was FUCKING PSYCHED anytime ANYONE decided to talk in the game because it rarely ever fucking happens.
Are you just randomly trying to troll or do you seriously think there's anything wrong in my post?
Then you wouldn't be bitching about a nonexistent storyline because the merchants tell you all of it. Hell, just as an example, 90% of all lore pertaining to Lost Izalith is given to you verbally through Quelana, Fair Lady, and Eingyi. With every post you make you expose yourself harder. Now fuck off, dumbass.
>Some say that we trace our rights as citizens back to King John and the Magna Carta. He essentially got the ball moving in the right direction that would eventually lead to democracy.
thank you for the information. I'll read up more on it later, have to concentrate on other stuff rn.
They are incredibly vague and brief conversations, every time. Even in the wikipedia most information is credited to item descriptions for fucks sake.
I kinda wanted a scene where Ghost is playing with Drogon and Rhaegal.
You forgot a "." you stupid uneducated swine.
>getting all your lore from the wiki
I'll take this as an admission that you never bothered talking to the NPCs, and by extension as your concession.
2nd example: basically the entire storyline behind AotA is told verbally by Elizabeth, Dusk, Chester, and Hawkeye Gough. If you found these NPCs and spoke with them you have 0 excuse for not understanding the story
Ay-gon you fucking sex offender
I mentioned the wiki because there's LITERAL TRANSCRIPTIONS of every single bit of dialogue there, yet they still use item info citations for most info. That alone should tell you how vague the conversations are.
I didn't say I didn't understand the story. I did. But I wanted to see "more" of it, and the game keeps being vague and scarce with its dialogue.