Are there any movie death scenes that have scarred your mind, or at least made you extremely uncomfortable?
Are there any movie death scenes that have scarred your mind, or at least made you extremely uncomfortable?
no, because i'm not a pussy
I remember the Spanish dude getting his skull crushed on GoT pretty fucked up
Yes you are
The dad getting his face smashed in with a bottle in Pan's Labyrinth
I'm not white
I already knew that when you felt the need to defend your poor self-esteem by coming into some random thread to claim you aren't a pussy.
Non-whites are famously the biggest pussies of all
Look at any video of a white guy doing something awesome and the comments are nigger pussies saying "ONLY WHITE BOIS ARE THIS CRAZY"
>white guy jumps into a shallow swimming pool
>niggers blow their fucking tops
The drowning scene in The Grey. The sheer terror coupled with Liam Neeson's desperation and the fact the bloke is only inches from air really got to me.
massacre scene in movies make me physically ill
The evil hobo scene in Mulholland Drive is still creeping me out after all these years.
Yeah fuck that scene.
This bothered me when I was a kid but now I'm older and I realise the one getting stabbed is a Jew it makes me cheer on the German stabber and want it to be more brutal.
Based and without a doubt redpilled
based and redpilled but unironically
Mentally ill and psychopathic.
Apparently you're still a kid.
No. After watching my mother die all movie deaths seem false and empty.
Should've replied to my post when I posted it, I gave you ample warning.
There's some scene in Antichrist that makes me super uncomfortable. Ironically, it's not even the girl cutting off her clit or smashing the guy's balls to make him ejaculate blood, it was something way more tame.
I don't even remember the scene that well, just that you get an extreme close up of a dead or dying bird with ants crawling all over it and the combination of cinematography and music just incredibly disturbed me. That whole movie though is designed to make you uncomfortable as possible.
Nah, liveleak ruined the "visceral impact" of movie deaths. Fates worse than death still get me though, like the Incredible Shrinking Man.
What are some movies with fates worse than death that you'd recommend?
I remember watching either a movie or a show as a kid where some young woman (femme fatale) was fucking some old fart. The woman was fucking his brains out as she scratched his hairy chest when, suddenly, the shot shows the wall with the 2 shadows fucking and the woman pierces the man's chest with her leg.
It came out of fucking nowhere and was pretty gruesome. I don't know the movie or the show it was from, if someone knows about it, please post the name.
Not Trolling. Jews are a worse pest to the world than any murder
That's why I carry a survival straw
shit ive been planning on watching that movie for a few days now, are there any jumpscares? i wanna watch it alone in the dark but i hate cheap scares like that
Meme answer: The Human Centipede.
Good answer: 1408.
From what I remember, there's only like one or two jumps scares, but they serve a purpose and aren't just used for some cheap effect. Mostly, the entire movie is very atmospheric with a slow but steady psychological horror build.
There are a couple of moments that are so absolutely WTF that they completely remove you from the film and make you laugh, but overall it's incredibly disturbing.
Frank in Hellraiser, or the Human Centipede (not a guaranteed death) but I guess horror movies are cheating. IDK man it's been years since I actually watched movies. They're out there
>Strangely, the bedroom has no windows.
Underrated movie.
The skinny-dipping scene in Dante’s Peanut k. I’m 26 and I’m still scared of hot springs
came here to post this
Guy explodes in a decompression chamber at the beginning of a James Bond film.
As a child sneakily watched horror movie where man walking in a tunnel got decapitated at the end of it by another wield probably umbrella sword. Still don't even know how it's named, but recall this scene.
Fuck now I remember that. I worked so hard to block that shit out.
Pretty much all of episode 3 of Chernobyl.
Is it that bad? Im watching The Terror atm gonna watch Chernobyl soon, cant really handle horrific shit very well.
By episode 3, many of the surviving plant workers and first-responders are in a hospital literally melting. The poor fuckers are going full-on translucent.
The space suit drown on Life ...i can't handle drowning scenes
The scene in Come and See where they rush out of the empty village to try and find the inhabitants and the girl looks over her shoulder as they run away
The library scene in the latest John Wick was really uncomfortable, and there's even no gore involved.
The movie is shit, but the end of Megan is Missing is pretty fucked up.
>Girl's friend goes missing.
>Gets sent pictures of her friend being tortured.
>Eventually gets kidnapped by the same guy herself.
>Gets raped.
>Guy ends up sealing her in a barrel with the rotting corpse of her friend, and burying her alive.
Agree with this one. It doesn’t help that it’s very unexpected and very visceral.
You want an upvote, faggot?
Sadly any of the 1000 twilight zone/black mirror 'you are stuck forever' fates get to me.
The 'something's wrong with me...' death in Slither is unsettling too.
The little girl getting decapitated halfway through Hereditary sucked all of the air out of the theater, real-life kino
Too bad the movie itself is balls
>scarred your mind
>made you extremely uncomfortable
slightly uncomfortable
100% agree with this, it was just a surprisingly fucked up fate considering how Disney channel the rest of the movie was
What a sad life you must lead
That guy who killed his wife and 2 daughters and his neighbor has the doorbell cam show they never left the house while the cop is there with him. That got memed here and eventually someone shared how he actually killed his wife and daughters and how he suffocated the older one and the younger one asked if the same thing was going to happen to her. I’ve been liveleaking and gorethreading for a decade but in that moment I felt hurt inside. The one thing I hate are young children getting hurt/killed. My wife is a stay at home mom and my biggest fear when our kids were in their crib was my wife having an aneurism or something like that and dying and my kids just crying and confused wondering where mommy is until I get home from work. I know that’s weird but seriously when I read that shit on here like a month ago and couldn’t get it out of my head and just wished I could have protected them.
I generally dislike torture porn. Hostel comes to mind. Don't even get me started on shit like Guinea Pig. Like, whats the value in "films" like this? What to you get from violence for the sake of violence. It's literally zero plot
that was intense
the guy in Red Sonja who gets crushed by the rock as he dies screaming
also the cyclops in Krull who silently gets crushed by the crushing walls after he held them open for his friends to escape and because he was a cyclops he already had foreseen his death and knew exactly what was going to happen
Is that the movie where the grandma boils alive saving her grandkids? If so, that scene scarred me. I'm about to cry just thinking about it.
Anything drowning, being crushed or strangled gets to me, especially if you see someone's feet kicking franticly, idk why but those types of shots irk me like no other, would love to hear an explination for that. Anyway as far as specific scenes, drownings on military ships or submarines are the worst. There's one scene in Pearl Harbour where the americans are trying to cut open the hull of a ship to get some trapped me out but they can't get in there fast enough and all you see is their hands sticking out of the holes as they drown just a few inches from air. Navy deaths like that, being trapped in a steel room after a ship starts to sink with no way out as the water floods in and the power dies has got to be the number 1 nightmare fuel scene for me.
some reading for those interested.
also as far as crushing scenes, kinda a goofy movie but in graveyard shift, brad dourif's character, the exterminator, slips on some mud in an old grave and has his upper body and head crushed against a wall while he struggles to regain his footing, that's the sorta crushing death i hate most.
I forgot the name of the movie but it was about an American soldier that gets buried alive. That's literally what the whole movie is about.
Why must you remind me user.
buried with ryan reynolds? he was a civi truck driver but i guess working with the americans in iraq
Niggers are literaly fainting on circus attractions and cant handle pussy shit like rollercoaster
yes came to post this, still can't re watch it
Kaori's death in Akira disturbed me the first time I saw it.
>young me
Deep rising
>current me
Saw 3 limb twister
That was his retarded son. Dad was shot by Vidal.
i always imagine how the set and the special effect guys and all the team are around. this takes away the scary part.
what i can't stand is real life gore because i know the suffering is real. watching a guy getting skinned alive turns my stomach around.
ye, i think it's that one. I watched it a long time ago
It wasn't just the eye gouging either, it was the screams, the skull exploding and just how quick it went from good to oh shit.
Nothing really worries me in horror usually, the only one that sticks in my mind is the death scene from Hellraiser Inferno. The sounds were pretty horrific and he was torturing the old woman.
Ohhi Iran
yea, she helps push the boat to shore before the thing sinks and her lower half gets dissolved away - pretty badass way to go for granny
LOOPER - the guy who had his past self tortured and chopped-up, could see bits of himself disappearing as he raced to stop it.
That fucked me up even to this day. There's something totally disturbing about it.
Mr Kenny from RoboCop. My dad gave me RoboCop to watch when I was 7 years old. He mistakenly thought it was some kiddie superhero flick. And then the ED-209 scene happened and I had turn it off - utterly traumatised and crying.
The insects scene from the Peter Jackson (I think) King Kong. The giant leech eating the guy headfirst is absolute nightmare fuel I can't even look for a clip on youtube.
recently snowpiercer had a few but grey especially.
yeah this sucked she deserved better.
The actor is chilean
Not spaniard
I'm glad that the asshole military character got what he deserved by the end
This scared the fk out of me as a kid
This is the only one I can think of. Pretty sure there was another one in Band of Brothers that got me pretty bad but i can't remember.
When the mutants burned alive the Dad in The Hills Have Eyes remake, it was so graphic and gratuitous, I could hear a feminist hog queef.
I forgot how dumb this movie is
Can't believe this wasn't mentioned yet, but everything in Martyrs. Although the most psychologically disturbing part for me was the ending, it gave me an existential crisis for a while after.
That's fucking retarded. Not only you wouldn't be able to tear apart a body like that, you would need like two horses at least, you also risk contaminating the meat with the feces inside the guts. Anyone who ever butchere large animals just cringe at this scene.
The worms from king kong make me feel nauseous so I would always pick something else to watch.
I expected some low key fap material, and the some scenes were not bad but the end is truly nasty.
guy getting pounded to death with a fire extinguisher in Noe's "irreversible"
Bunch of retards ITT who don't realise that moobies = not real
>inb4 butthurt cunts "reeee incel" "reeee why don't you just turn your brain off and enjoy things"
Rebecca Ferguson in Life gets jettisoned into deep space trapped in a life pod
It doesn't make actual scientific sense because she'd just stay in orbit really but canonically she's just shrieking hysterically into the endless void and nobody is ever coming to rescue her
in sphere where the woman gets stung to death by thousands of jellyfish. it’s the way she starts screaming and saying they’re stinging me through my suit. really fucked me up as a kid and to this day i find jelllyfish extremely unsettling.
Some deaths in Bone Tomahawk.
That guy getting his skull crushed in the new Halloween.
A cultist getting his head smashed by a monster stepping on him in The Void.
Don't watch Under the Skin
My nephew had just turned 2 when I did and it fucked me up for days
That fucking strangulation scene with the brother fucked me up worse that anything else ITT
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency
Charlies death in hereditary fucked me up for a good day. Especially the part where they overlay her severed head covered in ants of the side of the road with her mothers screams. Had to stay up for a couple of hours to get my mind off it. Less so but still gave me a spook was when the mother sawed her own head off and the subsequent shot of her headless body floating up into th treehouse.
Bug pit
also, a similar head-bashing-in scene in Irreversible.
>Fates worse than death
like the "Help me!" fly with a human head in the original The Fly. gives me the creeps every time.
Quint's death from Jaws fucked me up first time I saw it. Sure he was a crazy asshole, but I was a young kid at the time and all I saw was a man whose friend failed to save him and then get chomped by a great white while screaming for his life and spitting out blood in panic before being dragged under the waves forever.
the land before time
The first leprechaun movie. The leprechaun takes the form of this hot chick whom this nerd is attracted to. She/leprechaun lures him into the garage and takes her top off showing her tits to him and asks him to put his face in them. Cuts to what's actually happening is the leprechaun is holding a running lawnmower blades up and the kid unknowingly puts his face into it.
That and Childs Play 3 where Chucky pretends to be a kid trapped in the back of a garbage truck, the truck driver hops in the back to rescue the kid and Chucky turns the compactor on.
The howling babies in The Grifter.
the head smash from starry eyes
The bad guy getting eaten and regurgitated in 'Anaconda'
Fuck this movie was bad ass. Normally I hate super disturbing or tortue porn type movies but this just had a good blend of super natural and gory. Definitely fucked me up but I loved the movie.
oh my god NOBODY gives a shit, Pedro!
Chernobyl just gave me that feeling.
that is the one
jesus fukcing christ what a scene
shitpost harder boi
oh fuck you're right
it's maddening
>they actually went trough this
man, cant imagine a worse way to go
horror movies need to learn from this miniseries
The scene from that awful Dark Tower movie where Walter kills Roland's dad by telling him to 'stop breathing' disturbed me. I guess it's the fact that Roland had to watch his dad die and there was nothing he could do to save him.
pure, unrefined dread
This shit gave me the spooks
The fucked up bear that sounds like people crying in the latest Natalie Portman science fiction movie.