Hey, Tuesday. Pig N' A Poke. I'll probably be samefagging and bumping this thread alone edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Look Sammy what are those?
Failed digits, I suppose
Fuck you, Sammeh. These are the real digits
Official rankings (without splitting seasons in half or separating disappointing finales)
>God tier
Great tier
Good tier
6-7, 12-14
Decent tier
Shit tier
Have you accepted your next comfy show, yet, Supernatural bros? Grimm is also having a spinoff. Let's be friends and watch together.
so what happened to this series after all the angels fell from heaven? I stopped watching because it was in a downward spiral for years and I just couldn't be bothered anymore.
the acting is just such shit, though
Will the final season be ultimate kino?
I stopped watching after Sam left Dean in purgatory and then got pissy when he returned and bitched at him for having a vampire bro, it was so painfully OOC I couldn't handle it. How bad did it get since then?
if you don't mind the spoilers
>Dean became a demon
>the Darkness, an ancient amoral force pre-dating God, was released she births herself into the world and is a qt she is God's elderly sister
>during the fight against the Darkness, Lucifer was released so he could help fight he sorta makes it up with God
>after the fight, God leaves with the Darkness and this triggers Lucifer again
>Lucifer wants to prove he's a better father than God so Lucifer hops on the president and impregnates a woman
>his son is an archnephilim and has the potential to outpeak Lucifer's power
>this triggers different organizations and key players to control or kill Lucifer's son
>even alternate universes are alerted to the arc nephilim's power
>God becomes the final big bad or so it seems
seasons 8-9 are shit due to OOC, retcons and rehashed arcs but it peaks again around season 11 see
it wasn't that bad
Man, Scoobynatural was kino. It deserved an Emmy
I'm re-watching the show. On season 2 and already tired of the "what's wrong?" "nuthin." and then "okay, here's what's wrong." "I see. We kewl?" and then "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THE WHOLE TRUTH!" "Okay, here's what's really actually wrong." "I see, thank you brother." bullshit. Which episodes should I skip?
none, you lazy fuck. Do a proper rewatch before the final season airs
Checked and confirmed
Okay I will suffer for the Winchesters.
Honestly if Rosalee wasn’t such a qt, I’d have dropped Grimm by now. Tons of potential and the formula is there but it never seems to deliver consistently in terms of writing/plot/monsters. Whichus weird because Greenwalt made such a good job in Angel. I like Nick’s fight scenes though so I’ll give it that.
i'm on episode 18 of the season that just aired lads. finishing the rest this weekend. hard to believe it's all over after next season. i was in highschool when i started this show
I don't mind spoilers at all. it sounds pretty interesting actually. how did you like it?
I see. thanks for the advice. maybe I'll look into it again
Haven't watched since the British Men of Letters season. What is the current season leading up too in the finale? I understand Lucifer is dead and they've fucked things beyond repair somehow.
Now that's a show I'll gladly rewatch every now and then
>how did you like it?
as someone who also dropped and HATED the show just after the point where you stopped watching, I genuinely enjoyed seasons 10 onwards but season 11 is when the significant improvement begins. I have enjoyed all the seasons since then. The brothers stopped keeping too many secrets too long around that season and it allowed the story to breathe and explore other dynamics. The new monsters are interesting and there is effort on set pieces again, at least more than seasons 8-9
we just finished season 14 so there's just the final season left. If you finished the British Men of Letters season (12), you have 13 and 14 left.
season 11 was kino
>tfw when no quirky gf to explore Oz with
>those virgin shoes
it's early season 1, they haven't sported nice boots yet unlike
Doing a second watch the wife's first watch, while also watching the newest episodes when they came out was confusing as heck.
Nice. How is the wife finding them? My fiancee stopped around season 6 and started to consider only season 5 as canon, however she did watch Scoobynatural. Dunno how she'll react with the last season though, I told her I need to watch it live. And we'll be married and living together by then so we shall see
>it's a Dean is just like me episode
Only his chad levels are high enough to nullify his quirks that would have otherwise been cringe
Sam better get a fucking haircut in s15.
He’s lose his strength
I was hoping in season 14 that he'd get a permanent beard
That was just a grieving beard. I’m surprised but relieved he didn’t sport a man bun
>tfw I don't have the Toni Bevell webm here
>tfw I can't post pics because I'm range banned again
that is objectively true ranking, based user
will join the thread once I'm done watching porn
that sucks but at least you aren't fully banned
checked and kekked
i hated season where sam had no soul. but might be because i saw all previous seasons in couple of days and i was just burned out.
that sounds really promising actually. glad to hear that a person in the same situation could get back into it. thank you!
Is Adam Milligan still in hell?
I stopped watching the season heaven's most adorable angel got ganked. I heard that the show has been taken over by a Wesley Crusher type who is literally the son of Satan?
Eye of the Tiger
Yeah most of the regular posters here have dropped the show at some point between seasons 7-9. The reason and season just varies but a lot of us picked it back up. I think it's part of the tradition to get burned out after a while.
Season 11 onwards also started having subplots that are gradually explored and developed throughout different seasons (like the first five did) instead of the fractured and self-contained stories between seasons 6-10. So that also adds to the strength of this last several seasons.
>I'm a lesbian btw
yea I could tell from several threads from a couple months back
>I heard that the show has been taken over by a Wesley Crusher type who is literally the son of Satan?
Not taken over but he's a central character after the brothers
the brothers should sport full beards by the last season to make them more punished
dean without his manlet 3 inch heel difabrizio custom made elevator logger boots makes me uncomfortable
>manlet 3 inch heel difabrizio custom made elevator logger boots
this is oddly specific
posting Supernatural chicks
I wish someone would objectify me and use as a sex toy
Imagine if they linked Bela to the BMoL since she had the British accent anyway. As an early spy to the Winchesters. Or even as a one-liner on how they employed her earlier.
Lady Toni Bevell would but also would use you for her torture fetish
Season 6 was good in its own merit but a victim of placement. Season 4-5 was THAT good, any new arc after was bound to be eclipsed
>its a bumping with Amy so op doesnt have to go it alone episode
>Sam's mid 2000s outfit
Man, it's like watching History channel
Supernatural IS history now
Shit's ancient
based Amy poster pulling through last minute
that's a relief. thanks again for all your input on this!
This series died on 5th season. Demon Dean could have been something but they threw that away
>Demon Dean could have been something but they threw that away
we know it's you Crowley! Give it up and suck it up
>Supernatural IS history now
>longest North American fantasy series
>aired from mid 00's and will end in the 20's
I'd keep going but there's sadly so few amys to post from SPN
what few there are are VERY qt tho
Pretty sure someone said that they wrapped it up really quick because of episode 200. I wouldn't want a full season of Demon Dean but a few more episodes of it wouldn't have hurt.
it's a shame she never came back for another episode at least. Posting the only webm I have left at work
Co-worker was streaming the gifted the other day and she still looks good.
It's also nice that webm cuts off before it gets bad...
and Amy is free now... So maybe there's hope for a random appearance in the final season? You never know.
Why is Supernatural so comfykino?
Possibly the most consistent tv show in years.
Gonna be a real end of an era when it's gone. Not this GOT memery
She does. Amy aged like fine wine.
Consistently comfy maybe, not really consistently good. There's been some real shit seasons over the years.
>that webm cuts off before it gets bad
I have that webm at home kek
yeah, agreed. I know Supernatural has flaws but it basically checks all of my interests so it's my absolute favorite show even if it's not the best
I miss the Abaddon bong/braveheart poster(s)
>posting the best non-amy girl on the show
absolutely based
Checked. Would you screw Baby, user?
I'd do anything for her user. Anything... I'd treat her real good if you know what I mean
>rewatching superkino's most kino season
>getting annoyed at things that should bring you nostalgia
pleb gtfo here
why were jeans so wide and floppy 15 years ago?
I know it's bait, user, but it's disgusting nevertheless.
fashion trend. Same reason Dean's jackets used to be larger and now they fit his frame more
your wife will now sectretly want sam's gigantic cock inside her more than she wants you. no amount of cope will change that fact. you made a terrible mistake by showing her this series, user
sam's big penis confirmed here
>See SPN thread
>Comfy Amyposting took place
Based thread
they should both grow it already. I guess women don't like beards so the showrunners wont let them grow it
do you think they ever did?
jesus that's one veiny arm
digits confirm
cha*lie is a disgusting camel
100th reply for jense'n loli
well Lauren Cohan was jealous of JDM returning to the show and her new show was just cancelled so maybe she can come back for one episode to bang Dean
lies, my fiancee asked me to grow my beard
checking everything worth checking. 115333333 is next huge get, so bless this thread
bela died in season 3
it hurts that I will never achieve these levels of comfiness in life
>dying in Supernatural
>ever mattering
>season 14 ended with Chuck undoing several old cases and releasing souls from hell
>Bela somehow can't return as a demon or as a tormentel soul
really? Even Anna's actress Julie explicitly tweeted to the writers she's available to return for the final season. I think a lot of them would want to come back
good to see we have 26 posters today compared to the 11 posters we had yesterday. even if it's leafanon using proxys it's still less humiliating than yesterday
>even if it's leafanon using proxys it's still less humiliating than yesterday
how dare you expose me
they were most likely seen as cool shoes in 2005.
a lot of weird shit was seen as cool 15-20 years ago.
>2000-2005 was 20-15 years ago
Remember when the Archangel Gabriel fought in WWII for shits and giggles?
I remember.
has anybody else noticed that sam has been getting anorexic in later seasons? he was buff chad in early seasons but he is visibly skinnier starting rom season 10-11
it's mostly his legs tho. maybe he just stopped doing the leg day
the atrocidad on the left looks like he has a rich dad
I am not attracted to rats, rodents or squirrels
Sorry bro. This chick looks like a rodent
Jared had depression and was suicidal a few years back. Jensen is a bro irl to Jared and helped the dude get out of depression
two sets of 77 confirm char*ie as worst girl*
>Jensen is a bro irl to Jared and helped the dude get out of depression
>mfw no chad friend to get me out of depression
nah, she's a camel
the guy on the right looks like he sells weed to tired moms at Wiggles concerts
I was suicidal more than a year ago and my best friend helped me out of it. Now I'm trying to repay the favor to him. If I catch you on these threads, you can vent out if you like. Dunno how much it could help but hey it's something, I guess
Why is god so powerless in this series
Why does god allow lucifer and the demons to do bad things?
Why did god allow sam and dean suffer so much?
It always feels like god has no power over anything
I keep hearing good things about season 11, but I hated 12 and 14 and they're in the good tier, so I wonder if its just meme rankings. 1-5 was such a magical time for television. Probably the last good monster show.
>It always feels like god has no power over anything
it sounds like you haven't seen the finale of season 14
because god is like
>dude lmao it's all like a tv show for me
So he doesnt care what happens? He just lets whatever happens, happens?
He doesnt care if people suffer?
yepp, that's chuck
>I hated 12 and 14 and they're in the good tier
12 is good for the MOTWs (American Nightmare, Lily Sunder has Some Regrets, Memory Remains, Twigs & Twine & Tasha Bane, Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox). I liked the BMoL. It was cheesy but it gave us Toni Bevell and Ketch, as well as drawn out gunfights and brawls that the show has been lacking for so long. Hunter culture and the return of the Colt and Yellow Eyed demons was a great call back to season 2. Lucifer jumping vessels and the idol-worship as the new religion was kino.
14 had a weak start admittedly, but since midseason "Nihilism", it was a string of solid episodes and continued to link Dabb-Singer era with Kripke era
no. he has created infinite worlds, he likes to play with them, when some world gets destroyed he just makes a new one. sam and dean are his favourites he likes to fuck with them because it's entertaining
He's letting it play out, it's like an entertaining experiment to him.
can't wait to see how Death-Archnephilim-Entity tag team works out and if Amara will join Chuck
As a string of seasons, 11-14 is pretty coherent and more even in quality than 6-10
This is making me very uncomfortable
reminder that this is and always will be canon
guys if we hurry we can get 115299999
anybody have THAT photo of this actress??
That’s the alpha shapeshifter’s son, dumb BLACKED fag
may the get be summoned by amara's tits
>alone trying to get it again
Season 11 is one of the best PEAKS
if get Supernatural will have a very satisfying and enjoyable finale
shit ending confirmed, thanks for jinxing it user
this is also acceptable
Do not fret lads. We are guaranteed peace
any good tumblr salt over meaningless shit? I'm bored
Look up Jensen’s recent statement about the show primarily being about Sam and Dean
why are you freaks attracted to underage girls?
Seasons 7,8&9 were rough. But we just watched Fan Fiction, and that went well.
>anyone wanting Sam's penis of death
That ain't happening.
Checked. I wish I can drag her to watch the rest of the seasons but I could probably convince her to watch season 11 at best
Based Jensen saving season 15 and the show
Never force the gets, lad. If it happens, it happens
I want FUCKING dubs!!
You will sit down and eat pizza.
Good for him, I hope he ends up being a great writer
>Hey. Tuesday. Feed in a Seed.
I’m just happy he’s very active and hands on. I’m sure he wouldn’t want the last season to tarnish what is most likely his biggest acting legacy
Formerly Chuck’s
Would be cool to see him writing for a spin-off. He could even make guest appearances on occasion as a hunter that helps out.
Of course only if he wants to. I'd rather him do something he wants to do instead of doing something because a few fans would like it.
I’m one of those who always clamor for spinoffs but with the way season 14 sets up Chuck as the ultimate big bad, any concurrent conflict from a spinoff with Supernatural 15 would not have any stakes unless it contributes directly from the main show
I hope the show leaves a legacy by inspiring or being referenced by future occult shows. I’m already seeing it in a handful fee
>tfw my home wifi is still fucked up and cant post webms
>GoT fags shitting themselves over the Kelly C + dragon wings shot
>Supernatural had Castiel’s entrance a decade ago
Fucking based Jensen Fucking Ackles
can't wait for destiel salt already
I guess thread’s dead. At least we reached 100+ posts and 30+ posters this time
I was going to make my own thread but I'll ask here instead. Does this show jump the shark at any pointt? I watched until maybe season 6-7 years ago and then stopped. I recently just started rewatching the first season and its super comfy, but I remember reading/hearing that they go overboard with the God/Devil/Lucifer plot, is that true? Like Sam is the anti-christ and Dean is God or something. It really puts me off but the first season is just so damn comfy that I really wanna watch the whole thing, is there still comfy monster hunting episodes in the later seasons? How does that work when the main characters are literally God/Satan/whatever?
Sam being the antichrist and Dean being God are exaggerations. Yes they have more cosmic and god tier beings but the stand alone monsters of the week never fully leave. Of course a lot of MOTW enthusiasts are turned off by the mytharc but eh it’s different strokes for different folks. Also a character in the show literally says pic related. Supernatural knows how to poke fun of itself and has tongue-in-cheek self commentary on how things get ridiculous. Especially with how season 14 ended.
He's absolutely right. I don't see why that should push anyone off. The worst thing to me is that Misha really encourages that Destiel shit; probably because he knows this is the most anyone will ever care for him. I feel like Jensen and Jared could move on but not Misha for some reason.
goodnight lads
They do have an episode literally titled Jump the Shark if that says anything
Misha seems like a genuinely nice guy except when he panders to the shippers (and his fans who literally skipped seasons 1-3, and, are threatening to drop the show and stop rewatching forever if Castiel is rendered irrelevant in the last season) to the extreme. He and Gamble were in talks to try to push destiel harder but thankfully Jensen blocked that attempt. I like Castiel and I think he’s a cool honorary Winchester but Sam and Dean are still a different league entirely.
Hello lads
>Is it really jumping the shark if you never come back down?
T. Chuck
If Jensen is this hands-on for the last season, I think I’ll he somewhat confident it’ll at least be decent. Jensen also hated the wirefight. He knows what works and how Dean would act
He is. Death gave Dean the choice to save him or Sam back in season 6 and Dean obviously chose Sam. Apparently Michael's mind is broken so Adam must be mush by now.
This thread is still up
pat yourselves on the back
Adam and Jesse Turner are pointless past the story they already told. People who keep asking for their return are dumb brainlets
Is the Crowley bong Mcleod poster back
I don't care so much about the Adam actor returning but I thought it would have been cool if Jack was somehow strong enough to pull real Michael out of the cage and heal him to face off alt Michael. That ended up taking a different turn with how they handled it though.
Is that Alfie the angel on the left?
>Crowley Photo op.jpg
Kevin is almost cupping his balls...
Based. What have you been up to you alcoholic wanker?
No idea
Watching Buffy and Angel also some gardening
He's an Asian boi
I'm just going to assume it is
Ah so you were the one who posted those tomatoes and told us to go to the gardening board. What you idolize Cain or Joshua now?
Nope and neither
Huh that’s odd. Where’s your braveheart friend?
You guys are still here
>Where’s your braveheart friend?
Dunno haven't spotted him in the threads but they haven't lasted very long lately
he was on season 11 last I heard
We havent had a proper thread since the finale and i couldnt enjoy that since i was on vacation and the next threads I made autos*ged
Really? He’s taking too long. I thought you guys reached 12 around the same time
how did i miss this thread today? i've been desperately searching for a supernatural thread for the last two weeks.
i'm going to read through the thread now. thanks to all of you based spn posters.
The boards been swamped recently but its finally starting to calm down, which means we can finally have our thread back
Yeah about fucking time. We had nothing but got threads for three stinking weeks
He's was on season 10 when I was on 12.
Going to finish the last episode of Buffy then go bed.
Chat about it next thread?
yea why can't we have some memes, seriously its been shit but its finally over and we can get back to comfy supernatural and deciding if Chuck has really done anything wrong
i have a lore question.
according to the show, the only reason why lucifer became evil is because when him and God imprisoned Amara and Lucifer had The Mark, which corrupts everyone that posses it. So Lucifer was never "evil" right? He was just influenced by The Mark, the God cast him away. This is just another reason why God was wrong and Lucifer may have been the best devoted archangel as the first born. I'd like to the series resolve this.
cool. i've missed this shit. fucking hell these got spam threads did ruin this board
Maybe, thats Luci's story, Chuck said he always had problems and was too arrogant
>last episode of Buffy
“Chosen”? It’s probably the least subtle feminism episode but overall still a good sendoff for the show. I’m heading to bed soon as well.
>next thread?
It still feels like a test from Chuck
Nope. Chuck said Lucifer always had problems. The mark just accentuated them. Also never could decide if I want that chick to bully me or if I want to bully her
Ah damn gotta go lads see you all next thread
>oh hey dean. you want me to go on a hunt? u-uh ok i guess
looks like everyone is bailing.
>tfw i just found the thread
I hope we get a Crowley cameo for the final season even though it might not make sense.
Didnt someone say that the show got cancelled because Jensen wanted out?